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Jody Brown
Linda Burnett
Walter Cannon
Sheila Cavanaugh
Robert Dunn
David Middleton

Aaron, Melissa
Abril Sánchez, Jorge
Alvarez-Faedo, María José
Barker, Roberta
Bayer, Mark
Bernstein, Constance
Blatherwick, Simon
Bossert, Mary Beth
Bourus, Terri
Bradley, Ryner
Brown, Jayson
Brown, Jody
Byrne, Tammy
Cannon, Walter
Caputo, Nicoletta
Castaldo, Annalisa
Chesnoiu, Monica
Clark, Al
Corporation of London
Corrigan, Brian Jay
Corrigan, Damaris M.
Corrigan, Mark David
Davis, James Kelly
de Ornellas, Kevin
Euridge, Gareth
Evett, David
Fernandez, David
Fitzmaurice, James
Forsyth, Jennifer
Fox, Barry
Gordon, Kit
Graham, Clare
Griffin, Julia
Griffith, Eva
Hampton-Reeves, Stuart
Hodges, C. Walter
Hopkins, Lisa
Johnston, Leslie Jane
Kahan, Jeffrey
Kalpin, Katie
Kaplan, David
Kathman, David
Kearns, Terrance
Kiefer, Fred
Kuchar, Gary
Lloyd, Bill
Locke, Vince
Logan, Sandra
Loomis, Catherine
Marti, Markus
Marty, Paulette
Maxfield, Aimee
McClintock. Michael
McDermott, Kristin
Mills, Virginia
Morley, Carol
Mueller, Anja
Mulder, Stacy S.
Munro, Lucy C.
Museum of London
Myers, Jeffrey
Nicholson, Bruce
Nicol, David
Pastoor, Charles
Pendergast, John
Petersen, Lene
Petersen, Marcus
Pettigrew, Todd H. J.
Prince, Kathryn
Ritchie, Fiona
Roberts, Diana R.
Rose Theatre Trust, The
Ryner, Bradley David
Rzepka, Adam
Schmuck, Stephan
Scott-Douglass, Amy
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
Simmons, J. Larry
Skeele, David
Smith, Melissa K.
Smith, Shawn
Sugden, Edward H.
Sullivan, Joseph
Willard, Tom


Bonita Jacobs, President University of North Georgia
Christopher Jespersen, Dean, University of North Georgia
Joyce Stavick, University of North Georgia
Susan Brock, The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
James Shaw, The Shakespeare Institute
Peter Holland, Director, The Shakespeare Institute
Hardy M. Cook, SHAKSPER Listserv
Victoria & Albert National Art Library Rare Books librarian and staff
The National Library of Wales Rare Books librarian and staff
Ralph Percy, 12th Duke of Northumberland
The British Library Rare Books librarian and staff
The Bodleian Library Rare Books librarian and staff
Deborah Prosser, University of North Georgia
Judy McHan, University of North Georgia
Robert Ehrhardt, University of North Georgia
Justin E. 'JET' Turner, University of North Georgia
Fran Teague, University of Georgia, Athens
Shannon Wilder, University of Georgia, Athens

conception, development, design, funding, and chief programming:

Brian Jay Corrigan
Professor, Renaissance Literature

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