George Whetstone

Part 1


a synoptic, alphabetical character list


A young gentleman and Cassandra's brother. Offstage, Promos' court condemns him to execution for committing adultery (specifically, fornication). When Cassandra comes to his prison window, he implores her to beg Promos for his life. After Promos offers to pardon him in exchange for sex with Cassandra, Andrugio begs his sister to submit. She eventually agrees. Promos betrays his vow and orders Andrugio executed, but the jailer takes pity on him and frees him, displaying the mangled head of another executed prisoner and claiming it to be Andrugio's. Andrugio flees in secret, anguished that Cassandra and Polina ignorantly mourn for him.


An under-bailiff. He helps Gripax and Rapax bring Lamia and Rosko to Phallax.


An minor officer of the peace, called a billman because he carries a weapon known as a brown bill. He helps Gripax and Rapax bring Lamia and Rosko to Phallax.


A servant under Rosko. Brings sweet water to Rosko while Grimball is being barbered.


A young gentlewoman and Andrugio's sister. Outside Andrugio's prison, she laments her brother's fate and the sorrow caused by lust. Andrugio hears her and implores her to beg Promos for his life. She meets Promos in the street and begs for her brother's life. Promos is so taken with her that he agrees to stay the execution for a day to allow her to plead her case. Cassandra appears before Promos and pleads for Andrugio, arguing that his sexual encounters with Polina were consensual and he can mend the fault by marrying her. Promos confesses his passion for Cassandra and agrees to pardon Andrugio if she will sleep with him. She is disgusted by the irony of his proposition-he refuses to pardon Andrugio's crime unless she and he commit the very same crime. She argues that if he really loves her, his conscience should compel him to release Andrugio. He replies that one favor deserves another. She refuses his proposition. He offers her wealth and favors. She refuses again. He offers to marry her. She refuses once more. He tells her that if she changes her mind, she should come to him by night dressed as a page. She tells Andrugio of her encounter. He urges her to accept Promos' proposition, but she argues that honor is worse than death, for death is inevitable but the retention of honor gives distinction. She fears slander, but eventually agrees to accept Promo's offer. She goes to Promos dressed as a page and they have sex. When the jailer brings her what she believes is Andrugio's severed head, she wails and rages at Promos' treachery. She vows to tell the King about Promos' sins.


Part of the party which leads the prisoners to execution. He goads the gypsy prisoner and is rebuked by the preacher.


A "ghost character." King of Hungary. Cassandra vows to take her story to the king at the end of the play and ask him for justice.


A maid in service to the prostitute Lamia. Delivers a short soliloquy praising Lamia's resourcefulness at seducing Phallax. Grimball tries to woo her, but she rejects him because he is penniless.


Boy servant to Andrugio. He fetches Cassandra after her audience with Promos and brings her to Andrugio.


A would be suitor to Dalia. He tries to woo Dalia, but she refuses to kiss him unless he produces money. He comes back with a full purse, but Rowke intercepts him. Rowke leads him to Rosko for barbering and, while his eyes are closed, Rowke steals his purse.


An informer for Phallax. He and his fellow Rapax tease each other constantly and acerbically. They arrest Lamia on suspicion of her prostitution and present her to Phallax.


One of the condemned prisoners. Recites a prayer for mercy with the other prisoners. The hangman expresses his pleasure at the opportunity to execute the gypsy and the catchpole goads him on the way to execution.


The First Hackster is one of the condemned prisoners and recites a prayer for mercy with the other prisoners. Implores onlookers to reform their faults lest they end up hanging. The Second Hackster is also a condemned prisoners and recites along with the First Hackster.


Hangs the prisoners that Promos orders executed. In a soliloquy, he expresses pleasure in his work. He expresses particular pleasure at the opportunity to hang a gypsy, for he characterizes the gypsies as despicable swindlers.


A "ghost character." One of Lamia's clients.


Andrugio's jailer. When Promos orders him to behead Andrugio and bring his head to Cassandra, the jailer disobeys. He spares Andrugio and brings the mangled, unrecognizable head of another, recently executed prisoner instead. He urges Andrugio to flee and keep hidden from everyone for his own safety.


A prostitute. Before learning of Promos' arrival, she describes (in a song and a soliloquy) her luxurious lifestyle-paid for by the impetuous youths and lascivious old men of Julio. Then Rosko arrives and tells Lamia of the court's sentence on Andrugio. She vows to live chastely, and tells Rosko to seek employment elsewhere. But Rosko convinces her to abandon her fresh vow of chastity in favor of another plan. He suggests that she seduce Phallax, for with his protection no one will dare turn her in. Rapax and Gripax arrest her and Rosko and bring them to Phallax. She insists she is innocent and chaste and Phallax attempts to seduce her. She invites him to her house for dinner.


Finds Lamia and tells her that a client named Hippolito is waiting at her house.


Mayor of the city of Julio. Openly submits to Promos' authority and presents him with the city's "sword of justice" in the opening scene.


A lawyer and principal officer to Promos. In opening scene, he reads aloud the king's patent making Promos his deputy in Julio. In a soliloquy, he admits that he is "neither learned, true, nor honest" and seeks bribes from wealthy lawbreakers who wish to avoid incarceration and public humiliation. When Promos reveals his passion for Cassandra, Phallax advises him to offer her Andrugio's pardon in exchange for sex. When his officers bring Lamia before him, having apprehended her on charges of prostitution, he is immediately attracted to her and arranges to visit her home.


A young gentlewoman betrothed to Andrugio. The court condemns her for fornicating with Andrugio and forces her to wear a blue gown-a badge of adultery. In a soliloquy, she laments her fate and Andrugio's death and vows to mourn him for the rest of her life.


Offers comfort to the prisoners as they go off to execution.


Corvinus' deputy in the city of Julio. He has just taken the post at the beginning of the play and announces that he will strictly enforce all laws and mete out harsh punishments to lawbreakers. His court condemns thirty lawbreakers to death, and he orders them executed quickly to serve as examples for the "swarms of unthrifts" plaguing Julio. Cassandra begs him to pardon Andrugio and he is so taken with her that he agrees to stay the execution for a day to allow her to plead her case. He tells Phallax about his newfound passion for Cassandra. At Phallax's suggestion, Promos promises Cassandra that he will pardon Andrugio if she sleeps with him. She refuses his proposition. He offers her wealth and favors. She refuses again. He offers to marry her. She refuses once more. He tells her that if she changes her mind, she should come to him by night dressed as a page. She does and they have sex. Afterward, in a soliloquy, he laments his vows to free Andrugio and marry Cassandra and decides to break them in order to save his reputation for fierce justice. He orders the jailer to execute Andrugio and bring his head to Cassandra.


An informer for Phallax. He and his fellow Gripax tease each other constantly and acerbically. They arrest Lamia on suspicion of her prostitution and present her to Phallax.


One of the condemned prisoners. Recites a prayer for mercy with the other prisoners. As he is led off to be hanged, he begs Jesus for salvation and states that he is condemned for stealing a purse containing only three half-pence.


Lamia's servant and pimp. Alerts Lamia to the court's sentence on Andrugio and urges her to abandon her business and "be quiet." She agrees, vows to live chastely, and tells Rosko to seek employment elsewhere. Rosko knows no one in this climate will take on a former prostitute's servant, so he quickly backpedals and entices her to abandon her fresh vow of chastity in favor of another plan. He suggests that she seduce Phallax, for with his protection no one will dare turn her in. He is arrested with Lamia, but Phallax frees the pair in hopes of seducing Lamia. When he fetches Phallax and escorts him to Lamia's house, he reveals that he has skill in barbering. He uses this skill to help Grimball primp for his rendezvous with Dalia, creating an opportunity for Rowke to steal Grimball's purse.


A companion to Rosko. He leads Grimball to Rosko for barbering and steals Grimball's purse while Rosko is cleaning his face.


Sheriff of the city of Julio. Openly submits to Promos' authority and presents him with the keys to the city in the opening scene.


One of the condemned prisoners. Recites a prayer for mercy with the other prisoners. As she is led off to be hanged, she advises women to "shun pride and sloth, the roots of every vice," for these are what led to her execution.