Rudd, A.? Richards, T.? Johnson, L.?
"Laurentius Barjona" on title page
probably intending "Laurence Johnson"



a synoptic, alphabetical character list


Alison and Custer Codrus, wife and husband, are long-time tenants of Philogonus. Alison was midwife at the birth of Philogonus' twins twenty-four years before the action in the play begins, and sent the oldest of the two infants, Eugonus, to live with his uncle, his mother's brother, in Apollonia. Since Philogonus' wife died one week after the twins were born, only Alison knows that Philogonus has a second son and what happened to him. Through gossip Alison eventually told her friends, Madge Caro and Isbell Busby, of Eugonus' existence, and just before the action in the play begins, Alison also told her quarrelsome husband, Codrus.


Philogonus' servant, Carcurgus, acts the part of a fool before his master while craftily egging on his master's son, Misogonus on in his wildness. Carcurgus warns Misogonus that his father is wise to his carousing and that Eupelas is coming to try to reform him. Later, Carcurgus learns that Misogonus has a twin brother, warns him about this rival, and disguises himself as a traveling physician to truck two old women who know of the twin's existence to keep the secret quiet. Philogonus fails to recognize Carcurgus' deviousness until after Misogonus' twin, Eugonus, is brought back as Philogonus' heir. Carcurgus' wickedness exposed, he is dismissed from Philogonus' service.


Family name of Custer and Alison.


Crito is nephew to Philogonus' deceased wife's brother, who brings up Eugonus, the son Philogonus does not know he has. Crito accompanies Eugonus from Apollonia, where he was raised, to Laurentum, where Philogonus and Misogonus live, and produces a letter confirming that Eugonus is Misogonus' long lost twin brother.


Custer Codrus, Alison's husband, is an impoverished tenant of Philogonus. Hoping for a hefty reward from Philogonus, Codrus informs Carcurgus and Philogonus that Misogonus has a twin brother. He also informs Philogonus that his lost son has a distinguishing sixth toe, and that Alison, Isbell, and Madge can all attest that the twin is genuine. Codrus and Alison are often seen fighting.


Philogonus' first born and Misogonus' twin brother, Eugonus was sent by Alison immediately after his birth to live with his dead mother's brother. No one but Alison, Isbell, and Madge know of Eugonus' existence and only Alison knows his whereabouts until the secret is revealed by Codrus twenty-four years after the twins are born. Philogonus sends for Eugonus, declares the young man his heir, and rebuffs Misogonus' effort to displace his brother. Eugonus' likeness to his dead mother and possession of a sixth toe confirms him as Phologonus' child.


Philogonus' friend, Eupelas, tries to persuade Misogonus to mend his wild ways. Misogonus rejects Eupelas' entreaties, and Eupelas retreats when threatened by Misogonus' attendants, Oenophilus and Orgelus. Eupelas returns with Philogonus who threatens to disown the back-talking Misogonus, but the father is rebuffed by his son and his son's disrespectful friends.


Isbell Busby learns from her friend, Alison, of the existence of Misogonus' twin brother. A tenant of Philogonus, she wants to be compensated for her knowledge, just as Alison is, so she agrees to tell the truth about Eugonus despite pressure from a disguised Carcurgus to deny that Misogonus has a twin.


Jake is the boy who rings the summons to evensong that Sir John ignores. Jake comes personally to urge Sir John to attend the prayer, and when Sir John says he will not come and please to cover for him, Jake tries to entice him to church by reporting that "Susan Sweetlips" is in attendance.


Spelled Jone in the original. Joan is Cacurgus' love interest, his "wench."


Liturgus, faithful servant to Philogonus, informs his master of Misogonus' wild life but consoles him by saying that Misogonus will mend his ways some day. When Philogonus learns that Misogonus has a twin brother, it is Liturgus he sends from Laurentum to Apollonia in search of the twin. After Liturgus returns with Eugonus and the latter is received by Philogonus as his heir, Liturgus talks Misogonus into seeking his father's pardon. Liturgus is the voice of reconciliation for Philogonus' family.


Madge Caro is a stutterer. She is one of two old women who learn from their crony, Alison, that Misogonus has a twin brother. The other is Isbell Busby. When Madge seeks relief for a toothache from a passing physician, who is actually Cacurgus in disguise, the latter tries to persuade Madge and Isbell not to corroborate the existence of the second child, claiming that the latter is really the offspring of a fairy. Although Madge and Isbell promise to keep silent, their desire for a reward and jealousy of Alison and Codrus lead them to tell the truth.


Melissa is a courtesan visited by Misogonus, Oenophilus, Orgelus, and Sir John for an evening of drink, dice, and dance. She calls Misogonus husband, and argues on his side against Philogonus when the father appears at her brothel to admonish his son.


Misogonus is indulged by is father, Philogonus, after his mother dies soon after his birth. Misogonus gambles, drinks, and whores, and he rebuffs his father's efforts to reform him, saying that he will inherit the estate no matter what his father says. After his twin brother, Eugonus, returns and is declared heir, Misogonus unsuccessfully tries to oust him with word and sword. Before the surviving text of the play ends abruptly in Act IV, Scene iv, Misogonus becomes remorseful and seeks his father's pardon. He has a complete change of heart and counsels children to obey their parents.


An attendant to Misogonus, Oenophilus threatens Eupelas when the latter urges Misogonus to reform his ways. Instead of repentance, Oenophilus suggests that he and Misogonus visit the prostitute, Melissa, and invites Sir John because the wayward priest has cards and dice. After Misogonus' brother, Eugonus, is declared Philogonus' heir, however, Oenophilus forsakes Misogonus.


An attendant to Misogonus, Orgelus threatens Eupelas when the latter urges Misogonus to reform his ways. He urges Misogonus instead to visit Melissa, a local whore. After Eugonus is declared Philogonus' heir, Orgelus forsakes Misogonus.


A wealthy Italian landowner, Philogonus is father of twin sons, the carousing Misogonus, who lives with his widower father and was spoiled by him, and Eugonus, sent away at birth without Philogonus' knowledge, his existence only revealed to him during Act III of the play. Despairing of Misogonus' drinking, whoring, and insolence, Philogonus appeals to Jesus for relief and, much to his surprise and joy, learns of Eugonus' existence from Codrus and Alison. Philogonus immediately sends Liturgus to find Eugonus. After Eugonus returns and his heritage is proven, Philogonus acknowledges Eugonus as his rightful heir, but allows Misogonus some share of his estate on the condition that he reform his ways.


Sir John, a shameless priest, joins Misogonus and his friends for an evening of gambling and dancing at the courtesan Melissa's, rejecting a call to required prayer (evensong). Sir John supplies both the cards and the dice for the raucous gathering. He also has eyes for "Susan Sweetlips," a parishioner.


A "ghost character." The priest, Sir John, has eyes for her. She is one of his parishioners.