(Map G5)

One of the 4 great Inns of Court in Lond. It lies on the E. side of the Temple, and is approached by a gateway of the time of James I. The Hall is modern, and was opened in 1870, but it stands on the site of the great Hall and Refectory of the Knights Templars (see INNS of COURT arid TEMPLE for further details). James Becket had a bookseller's shop at I. T. Gate in Fleet St. in 1640. Glapthorne's Argalus was "Printed by R. Bishop for Daniel Pakeman at the Rainbow near the I. T. Gate. 1639." Beaumont supplied the Masque performed by the members of the T. on the marriage of the Princess Elizabeth in 1613.


Legal societies in Lond., established about the end of the 13th cent. Their chief function is the admission of persons as barristers. They constitute what is practically a legal University. There were 4 principal I., with others subordinate to them, as follows: There were some other minor Inns like which have passed out of existence. In H4 B. iii. 2, 14, Shallow says that his cousin William, who is at Oxford, "must to the Inns o' C. shortly," and goes on to say that in his time "you had not 4 such swinge-bucklers in all the I. o' c." as the 4 whom he has just mentioned. In H6 B. iv. 7, 2, Cade orders his followers, "Go some, and pull down the Savoy; others to the I. of c.; down with them all." Jonson dedicated his Ev. Man O."to the noblest nurseries of Humanity and Liberty in the Kingdom, the I. of C." Lawyers are called I. o' C. men, and they had the character of being decidedly rowdy and fast. In Barry's Ram iii. 1, Throate says, "Come you to seek a virgin in Ram Alley, So near an Inn-of-C.?" In i. 1, Smallshanks says, "No puny Inn-a-c. but keeps a laundress at his command." In Middleton's R.G. ii. 3, Laxton, waiting in Gray's Inn Fields for Moll, says, "Yonder's two I.-o-c. men with one wench; but that's not she." In Mayne's s Match ii. 4, Aurelia speaks of Bright and Newcut as "Two I: o'-C. men. . . known cladders through all the town"; and defines cladders as "Catholic lovers, from country madams to your glover's wife, or laundress." In Jonson's Barthol., Induction, the Stagekeeper suggests that it would be a good scene to have a pump on the stage and a punk set on her head and 'soused by my witty young masters o' the I of C." In Glapthorne's Wit iii. 1, Knowell speaks of gills having "wit sufficient to withstand the assaults of some young I.-a-c. man." In Jonson, Ev. Man O. i. 1, Sogliardo boasts that he has "a nephew of the I. of C." Earle, in Microcosmography xiii., defines a tavern as "the I.-a-c. man's entertainment." In Jonson's Devil iii. 1, Guilthead tells his son he will learn in business "that in a year shall be worth 20. . . Of sending you to the 1. of C., or France." Masques and Revels were frequently celebrated by the various 1.: the last being performed at the Inner Temple in 1734. Details will be found under the several I. In Dekker's Northward ii. 2, Bellamont says, "she doth clip you as if she had fallen in love with you at some I.-a-c. revels." Shirley's Peace is entitled, The Masque of the Gentlemen of the Four Honourable Societies or 1. o. C. A Master of the Revels was appointed. In Shirley's Sisters ii. 2, Lucio speaks of one of the characters as "Some monarch of I. of C. in England, sure." In Nabbes' Totenham ii. 5, Stitchwell says of his wife: "I have trusted her to a Maske and the I. a C. revelling; she knew the way home again without a cryer."

(Map K6)

A court in Lond., on the W. side of St. Andrew's Hill, formerly Puddledock Hill, off Q. Victoria St., near Blackfriars Bdge. Shakespeare bought a house here. The Deed of Conveyance is shown in the Guildhall Library. It is described as "abutting upon a st. leading down to Puddle Wharf, and now or late in the tenure or occupation of one William I.": from him no doubt I. Y. got its name.


Strictly the name of the Thames, from its source in the Cotswolds, close to Cirencester, up to its junction with the Cherwell, just below Oxford: Oxford and Cambridge being often referred to as the universities of the I. and the Cam respectively. Indeed, it is poetically used as a synonym for the Thames from source to mouth. In Fisher's Fuimus ii. 8, there is a song: "Brutus by I: current a 2nd Troy did frame." In Caesar's Rev., iii. 2, Caesar, recounting his own exploits, says, "I. wept to see her daughter Thames Change her clear christal to vermilion sad." He refers to his defeat of the Britains at the Thames. Peele, in Farewell to Drake (1589), says, "Pleasant Thames from I: silver head Begins her quiet glide." Spencer, in his river-list in F. Q. iv.11, 24, says that the mother of the Thames is "The Ouze, whom men do I. rightly name; Full weak and crooked creature seemed she, And almost blind through eld, that scarce her way could see." Drayton, in Idea (1594) xxxii, 5, says, "Cotswold commends her I. to the Tame."

(Map K1)

(also spelt ISENDONE, ISELDONE, YSELDON, EYSELDON, and HISSELTON). One of the N. suburbs of Lond., lying N. of Clerkenwell as far as Highgate and W. of Hackney as far as St. Pancras, and covering about 3000 acres. Until the 19th cent. it was a rural vill., quite separate from the City. Latimer, in Sermon before Edward VI (1550), says, "What is Lond. to Ninive? Like a vill., as I. or such another, in comparison of Lond." In 1559 Elizabeth was beset by a number of rogues "in her coach near Islyington "(Letter of Fleetwood to Cecil). In Laneham's Letter (1575), it is described as "the worshipful village of I. in Middlesex, well known to be one of the most ancient and best towns in England next Lond. at this day." In Oldcastle, Acton mentions I. as one of the villages round Lond. where the rebels are assembled (iii. 1). There they are to draw to a head (iii. 4); and in iv. 1, Butler says that he was scouting near to I. when he saw "armed men coming down Highgate Mll." In Jonson's Tub i. 1, Hugh mentions "In-and-In Medlay, cooper of I., and head-borough "as one of the self-styled Council of Finsbury. In T. Heywood's Hogsdon v. 4, Chartley, on his way to Hoxton, "rid out of Holborn, turned by I." In Middleton's Quarrel iv. 1, Chough says he heard the "roarers from the 6 windmills [in Finsbury Fields] to I." In Shirley's C. Maid iv. 1, Close, when found wandering about by the watch, explains: "I have been at I. about business." In Davenport's New Trick iii. 1, Friar John says, "We are now at I.; what hope have we to get to Crutched Friars before the gates be shut?" The fields were a haunt of thieves and beggars. In T. Heywood's Royal King iv., the Clown says, "Let me find you between Wood's Close stile and I. with 'Will it please your worship to bestow the price of 2 cans upon a poor soldier?'" They were also used as a practising ground for archers and for the trainbands. In Glapthorne's Hollander ii. 1, Sconce speaks of "the great training last summer when the whole city went in arms to take in I." Duels were often fought there, one of the most famous being that between Sir James Stewart and Sir George Wharton in 1609, when both were killed. In Cooke's Good Wife v. 3, Old Arthur says to Old Lusam, "Meet me to-morrow morning beside I. and bring thy sword and buckler, if thou dar'st."

It was a favourite place for outings with the citizens, and the many dairies there supplied them with cream and cakes. Nash, in Wilton 35, says, "He made it as light a matter as to go to I. and eat a mess of cream." In Massinger's Madam iv. 4, Mry speaks of "Exchange wenches Coming from eating pudding-pies on a Sunday At Pimlico or I." In Shirley's Pleasure i. 2, Celestina, finding fault with her coach, says: "Twill hackney out to Mile-End, or convey your city tumblers, to be drunk with cream and prunes at I." In Glapthorne's Wit ii. 1, Valentine says, "You can have your meetings at I. and Green Goose Fair, and sip a zealous glass of wine." One of the favourite dishes was a whitepot, made of milk, eggs, and sugar, baked in a pot. In Dekker's Shoemaker's v. 4, Eyre says to Margery, "Away, you I. white-pot!"Withers, in Britannia's Remembrances (1628), says, "Hogsdone, I., and Tothnam Court For cakes and cream had there no small resort." The scene of Jordan's Walks of I. and Hogsdon (164 1) is laid at the Saracen's Head, I., and the poet says, "Though the scene be I., we swear We will not blow ye up with bottle beer, Cram ye with creams." In Brome's Couple ii. 1, Careless offers to escort his aunt to "I., Newington, Paddington, Kensington, or any of the city out-leaps, for a spirt and back again." In his New Academy iii. 2, Strigood says that Cash is "none of those that feast their tits at I. or Hogsden." Lodge, in Answer to Gosson, p. 30, says to his opponent, "I would wish him beware of his I. and such like resorts." In Middleton's R.G. iii. 1, Laxton, in Holborn, sees "two Inns-a-Court men with one wench: they walk toward I, out of my way." In Deloney's Craft i. 12, John and Florence "Appointed the next Sunday to go to I. together, and there to be merry." Gosson, in School of Abuse (1579), P• 37 (Arber), says of loose women: "They live a mile from the City like Venus' nuns in a cloister at Newington, Ratcliffe, I., Hogsdon, or some such place."

The Ducking Ponds were on I. Green, near White Conduit House, in the Back Road, where the reservoir of the New River Head afterwards stood. They were so called because they were used for the sport of duck-hunting. In Jonson's Ev. Man I. i. 1, Stephen says, "Because I dwell at Hogsdon, shall I keep company with none but the citizens that come a-ducking to I. ponds?" In Field's Amends iii. 4, Feesimple says, "Let the pond at I. be searched; there is more have drowned themselves for love this year than you are aware of." In Field's Weathercock iii. 3, Pendant says, "I think the pond at I. Will be her bathing tub, and give an end To mortal misery." Davenant, in Long Vacation, says: "Ho, ho!To I.!Enough; Fetch job my son and our dog Ruffe; For there in pond through mire and muck We'll cry, 'Hey, duck there, Ruffe, hey, duck!'" The reservoir for the New River, constructed in 1613, was at I. In Middleton's Triumph of Truth, in the title, we read: "The running stream from Amwell Head into the cistern at Islinton." In B. & F. Wit S. W. iv. 1, Pompey says, "Direct him and his horses toward the New River by I."

(Map D5)

An arch under which ran a road to the Thames, at the end of I. B. Lane, which used to run from the Strand to the river, between Bedford House and Durham House, nearly opposite Exeter Hall. Stow, in 1603, says that the bdge. had been taken down, but the lane still continued to mark the boundary between the Duchy of Lancaster and the City of Westminster. In Haughton's Englishmen iv. 1, when Delion, trying to find his way to Crutched Friars in the dark, runs into a post and asks what it is, Frisco tells him, mockingly, "'Tis the May-pole on I. B., going to Westminster."

The next minute he informs the unhappy Frenchman that they have reached the furthest end of Shoreditch! In Deloney's Newberie ix., Jack says, "I would have this trunk-borne to the Spread Eagle at Iviebridge."

(Map K4–L4)

A st. in Lond., running N. from Paternoster Row to Newgate St. It is mentioned by name as early as 1312 in a writ of 5 Edward II. Stow says that it was so called from the ivy which grew on the Prebend houses. Possibly it was named after St. Ive, who preached in England in the 7th cent. and died at St. Ives in Huntingdonshire; St. Ives in Cornwall is named after him too. In Dekker's Shoemaker's iv. 5, Firk remembers that he has to attend a meeting of "a mess of shoemakers at the Woolsack in I. L." In Jonson's Owls, Capt. Cox introduces the 1st owl: "This bird is Lond.. bred As you may see by his horned head, And had like to have been ta'en At his shop in I. L. Where he sold by the penny Tobacco as good as any." Armin, in Ninnies, tells how John was robbed of a pair of boots that he was taking home from a cobbler's in Newgate Market, "as he was going through I. L." Brome's Five New Plays were "Printed for H. Brome at the Gunn in I. L. 1659." T. Heywood's Maid of West was "Printed for Richard Royston and are to be sold at his shop in Ivie L. 1631."