Benjamin Jonson

(with later interpolations)


a synoptic, alphabetical character list


Confidant to Lord Paulo Ferneze, who asks him to protect his beloved, Rachel de Prie, while he is away at war. Angelo flirts with Lord Paulo's sister, Aurelia, with her apparent encouragement, but Count Ferneze tells Aurelia he has numerous mistresses. Angelo denies this, but he does intend to seduce Rachel away from his friend Paulo. He woos her in the guise of comforting her at the news of Paulo's capture, but she rejects him. Returning to Jaques de Prie's with Christophero, who also hopes to marry Rachel, he advises Christophero to lure de Prie out of the house with a trail of gold coins and then hide. Meanwhile, Angelo claims, he will take Rachel to a priory and await Christophero to be married. However, Angelo really plans to marry Rachel himself. As de Prie follows the golden trail, Angelo tells Rachel that Paulo Ferneze has escaped and awaits her at the priory, and she willingly follows him. He makes love to her at the priory and she rebuffs him, horrified, calling upon Lord Paulo, who returns at that moment and attacks Angelo, accusing him of treachery. Angelo begs forgiveness and promises to redeem himself.


Pageant-maker for Milan and confidante to Lord Paulo Ferneze.


Count Ferneze's daughter and Paulo's sister. Irreverent and witty, she is wooed by Maximilian but mocks him behind his back. Angelo also flirts with her, but she is taken with "Jasper," who is actually Chamont. She jokingly accuses Phoenixella of being in love with "Chamont" (actually Jasper). Upon learning that Jasper and Chamont have switched identities, she rejoices that the man she loves is the noble one, and longs for his promised return. In the general reconciliation at the end, she is happily betrothed to Chamont.


Serving-man to Count Ferneze.


Supposed lost at the age of two in Chamont's attack on Vicenze 19 years ago, he was adopted by Chamont (the elder), and is known throughout most of the play as "Jasper," Chamont's adopted brother and companion. His true identity is revealed by Chamont.


A French soldier and son to the man (also named Chamont) who captured the Count's oldest son, Camillo, in battle when the boy was only two, 19 years before the time of the play; longtime companion to the boy, now called Jasper. Chamont and Jasper are captured by Maximilian in the same battle in which Lord Paulo is captured by the French. Chamont poses as "Jasper" as a protective measure, and gallantly offers to remain imprisoned by Count Ferneze so that an even prisoner-exchange can be made, "Chamont" (actually Jasper) for Lord Paulo. After the exchange is approved, he is sent, as "Jasper," to escort Lord Paulo back home. He returns with Lord Paulo as promised, in time to rescue Rachel from Angelo. Chamont tries to soothe Lord Paulo's anger at Angelo unsuccessfully. They appear at Count Ferneze's in time to prevent Jasper's execution; at that time Chamont, learning that the Count had lost another son 19 years ago, reveals that Jasper is the long-lost Camillo. He is rewarded with the hand of Aurelia. (Sometimes spelled "Chamount" in text.)


A "ghost" character: the deceased French war leader who captured the Count's oldest son, Camillo, in battle when the boy was only two, 19 years before the time of the play; he raised the boy, called "Jasper," as companion to his son, Chamont.


Steward to Count Ferneze. When Onion asks him to woo Rachel de Prie for him, Christophero plans to woo Rachel for himself. He asks the Count for permission to marry Rachel, not knowing that the Count is in love with her himself. He asks Jaques de Prie for his daughter's hand, but de Prie puts him off, fearing Christophero knows about the stolen treasure. Christophero leaves, planning to return when de Prie is more reasonable. He returns to de Prie's with Angelo, who advises Christophero to lure de Prie out of the house with a trail of gold coins and then hide. Meanwhile, Angelo claims, he will take Rachel to a priory and await Christophero to be married. However, Angelo really plans to marry Rachel himself. As de Prie follows the golden trail, Christophero becomes worried and calls for Rachel at the door, but finds only Jaques, who raves that his gold and his daughter are stolen. Christophero hurries to the Count's, where he joins the lamenting Jaques and Count Ferneze. When Paulo and Rachel arrive, he chides her, but is silenced by Angelo.


Recently widowed, he also mourns his long-lost son, Camillo. Although he agrees to allow his steward, Christophero, to marry Rachel de Prie, he actually loves her himself and plots to steal her. His visit to Jaques de Prie to ask for Rachel's hand is interrupted by the news that his son, Paulo, has been taken prisoner in battle. Count Ferneze takes this news as a punishment for his frivolous plan to woo and marry Rachel and leaves quickly to arrange Paulo's ransom. He agrees with Maximilian to exchange "Chamont" (actually Jasper in disguise) for his captured son, Lord Paulo. Maximilian asks "Jasper" (actually Chamont in disguise) to return to France and escort Paulo, and invites "Chamont" to remain behind as Count Ferneze's honored guest. Upon learning that Jasper and Chamont have switched identities, he is angered and blames Maximilian, in spite of Jasper's assurances that Maximilian didn't know about the switch. He orders Jasper imprisoned and tortured. On the day of Chamont's promised return, Count Ferneze orders Jasper hung, although everyone tries to dissuade him. He then intends to kill Jasper himself, but can't bring himself to do so. He begins to rave about his lost son, Paulo. He is comforted by the appearance of Chamont and Lord Paulo, and even more so by Chamont's revelation that Jasper is really his long-lost son Camillo. He rewards Chamont with Aurelia's hand.


A "ghost" character: Count Ferneze's recently deceased wife and mother to Camillo, Paulo, Aurelia and Phoenixella.


Page to Camillo Ferneze. Talks Pacue into becoming page to the newly-rich Onion.


Friend to the Ferneze family. Courts Phoenixella. One of those who tries to dissuade Count Ferneze from hanging Jasper. (Sometimes spelled "Francesco" in text)


A "ghost" character, the mastiff hound Jaques de Prie invents to scare off Onion and Juniper. (Spelled Garlique in text.)


The true name of Rachel de Prie.


A miser posing as a beggar, he is the former steward of the elder Chamont. While Chamont was at war 19 years ago, de Prie stole his treasure and daughter, and passes Rachel off as his own. He is made frantic by the numerous men who wish to marry Rachel because he believes (erroneously) that they have discovered his hidden treasure. He takes the sudden arrivals and departures of Christophero and Count Ferneze as proof that they are not really interested in Rachel but in his gold, and hides his treasure in a pile of horse dung, unaware that he is observed by Onion, who steals it. When de Prie rapturously follows Angelo and Christophero's golden trail, only to discover the loss of both his treasure and Rachel, he runs mad. As Count Ferneze raves about his lost son, Jaques joins the scene, raving about his lost gold. Complaining to the Count, he admits Rachel is not his daughter. Too late, he realizes his error in admitting he lost a treasure and tries to recant, but is forced to confess by the Count. He confesses his thefts and that his name is really Melun, steward to the elder Chamont. Chamont, happy in his betrothal to Aurelia, forgives Melun and allows him to keep what treasure he can recover from Onion and Juniper.


The name by which Camillo Ferneze is called during his 19 years in France, after he was found abandoned in the confusion of battle by the elder Chamont, who adopted him as brother and companion to his son, also named Chamont. Captured along with Chamont by Maximilian in the same battle in which Lord Paulo is captured by the French, Jasper and his adopted brother exchange identities in order to protect Chamont. Jasper as "Chamont" pretends to find Maximilian's offer to exchange him and "Jasper" for Lord Paulo insulting, but remains as an honored guest at Count Ferneze's court while "Jasper" (actually Chamont) returns to France to retrieve Lord Paulo Ferneze. Phoenixella is struck by "Chamont's" (actually Jasper's) resemblance to her mother, but Aurelia jokingly accuses her of being in love with him. When it is revealed that Jasper and Chamont have switched identities, Jasper hastens to assure Count Ferneze that Maximilian was unaware of the switch, and that Chamont will surely return with Lord Paulo as promised. Count Ferneze, furious, orders him imprisoned and tortured. He is almost executed when Chamont is late in returning, but Count Ferneze spares his life and is overjoyed to learn from Chamont that Jasper is actually his long-lost son, Camillo. (Also spelled "Gasper" in d.p. and text)


Cobbler and intimate of the Ferneze servants. Sings and enjoys baiting Onion. Accompanies him to de Prie's to woo Rachel, and is invited by Onion to share the buried treasure he discovers there. Becomes drunk and quarrelsome after becoming rich. He spends his treasure on clothes, pages, and a knighthood. Arrives at Count Ferneze's court to show off, but is identified by Jaques de Prie as a thief and ordered into the stocks by the Count.


Count Ferneze's son, in love with Rachel. He confides his passion to Antonio and to his friend Angelo, asking Angelo to watch over Rachel while he is away with Maximilian's battalion. He is captured by Chamont's forces and held for ransom. He is retrieved by Chamont and arrives in time to rescue Rachel from Angelo. He angrily accuses Angelo of treachery, and rebuffs Angelo's pleas for forgiveness and his promises to redeem himself. He accompanies Chamont back to his father's court and is reunited with his long-lost brother as well as his father and sisters. His father and Chamont bless his union with Rachel when it is learned she is actually Chamont's sister, Isabel.


Serving-man to Count Ferneze. Plays a game of cudgels with Onion and injures him slightly.


A braggart soldier and guest of Count Ferneze, suitor to Aurelia. Leads a battalion, which includes Lord Paulo Ferneze, into a war against Chamont in which Paulo is captured. Takes Chamont and Jasper prisoner and brings them to Ferneze's court, unaware that they have switched identities. He offers to trade Chamont and Jasper for Lord Paulo, but "Chamont" (actually Jasper) apparently finds this insulting. Maximilian admires his sense of honor. He agrees with Count Ferneze to send "Jasper" to France for his captured son, Lord Paulo, and invites "Chamont" (actually Jasper) to remain behind as an honored guest. When it is revealed that Jasper and Chamont have switched identities, Jasper hastens to assure Count Ferneze that Maximilian was unaware of the switch, and that Chamont will surely return with Lord Paulo as promised. Count Ferneze, furious, does not believe him and quarrels with Maximilian, who is dissuaded from dueling with the Count by Aurelia. He reconciles with the Count and tries to dissuade him from hanging Jasper. He is only slightly disappointed when Aurelia is given to Chamont in marriage.


The true name of Jaques de Prie, when he was steward to Chamont's father, Chamont.


Messenger who brings word to Count Ferneze of Lord Paulo Ferneze's capture.


Page to Jasper. Exchanges bilingual quips with Juniper and Onion. He agrees to become page to the newly-rich Juniper in order to mock him. Offstage, he accidentally admits to Phoenixella that Jasper and Chamont have switched identities.


Head Groom for Count Ferneze, an illiterate who pretends to be intellectual. In love with Rachel de Prie, he solicits Valentine to write him a love ballad and Christophero to woo him for her. He is slightly injured by Martino during a bout of cudgels and insulted by the French page, Pacue. Returning to de Prie's with Juniper to court Rachel, they are chased off by Jaques de Prie's imaginary mastiff, Garlic, but Onion, climbing a tree, sees de Prie visiting his treasure. After debating whether to share the treasure with Juniper, he tells him and they dig it up together. He spends his treasure on clothes, pages, and a knighthood, and arrives at Count Ferneze's court to show off. Identified by Jaques de Prie as a thief, he is ordered into the stocks by the Count.


Count Ferneze's daughter and Paulo's sister. Sober and serious, she offers Francisco Colonna little encouragement when he courts her. Upon meeting Chamont and Jasper (posing as one another), she is struck by "Chamont"'s (actually Jasper's) resemblance to her mother, but Aurelia facetiously accuses her of being in love with him. When it is revealed that Jasper and Chamont have switched identities, Phoenixella notes her even stronger emotional response to Jasper, which is justified when it is revealed that he is her long-lost brother, Camillo.


Supposed daughter to Jaques de Prie and beloved of Paulo Ferneze. Actually the daughter of the elder Chamont, stolen (along with his fortune) by de Prie when he was his steward. She is wooed by Onion, Christophero, Count Ferneze, and Angelo as well. She mourns Lord Paulo's capture and refuses Angelo's attempts to comfort her. As de Prie follows Angelo and Christophero's golden trail, Angelo tells Rachel that Paulo Ferneze has escaped and awaits her at the priory, and she willingly follows him. He makes love to her at the priory and she rebuffs him, horrified, calling upon Lord Paulo, who returns at that moment and attacks Angelo, accusing him of treachery. He rescues Rachel and brings her to the Count's, where Jaques unwillingly reveals that she is actually the stolen daughter of old Chamont, named Isabel. Her marriage to Lord Paulo is then blessed by Count Ferneze and Chamont.


Serving-man to Count Ferneze.


Francisco Colonnia's man. Becomes Onion's page, and makes up a colorful life story to win tips from the newly rich Onion and Juniper.


Serving-man to Count Ferneze.