The much-admired captain of a band of pirates, Albert survives a terrible tempest and, along with his loyal crew and the noble French virgin Aminta, finds shelter on a barren and seemingly deserted island. In an earlier, retaliatory raid, Albert has kidnapped Aminta, killed several of her friends, and set her brother Raymond adrift on a ship; having fallen in love with Aminta, Albert is leading his crew on a mission to find Raymond when they are shipwrecked by the tempest. Albert is devoted to Aminta and has made no effort to relieve her of her virginity despite sharing a cabin with her; when they abandon ship, he swims to shore with Aminta hanging about his neck. Once on the island, Albert must deal with a near-mutiny when he and his men meet Sebastian and Nicusa, two men abandoned on the barren island by another band of pirates. Sebastian and Nicusa distract Albert's crew with piles of gold and jewels, then steal their ship. Albert is wounded during the near-mutiny, and Aminta cuts off her hair to bind the wounds. Hearing hunters on a nearby island, Albert swims across a dangerous channel in search of desperately needed food and water. The second island is inhabited by a commonwealth of women, also victims of piracy. Their leader, Rossella, attempts to follow Amazonian ideals, and forbids the women, on pain of death, to have any contact with men. The women who find Albert, however, hearing his account of Aminta's plight, pity him and offer him aid. Rossella's daughter Clarinda falls in love with Albert, who, in order to secure the needed food, claims he needs to return to the first island to help his "sister" Aminta. Albert and the Amazonians arrive just in time to help save Aminta from Albert's very hungry noble French passengers, who were about to eat her. Rossella has decided to let the women of the commonwealth use Albert's crew and male passengers for sexual purposes for one month; the men and women are matched up, and Aminta is jealous when Clarinda chooses Albert. The men decide to give the women some of the treasure Sebastian and Nicusa used in their ship-stealing plot, but Rossella recognizes the jewels as her own and, assuming that Albert and his crew are the pirates who killed her husband, decides to imprison and execute the men. Rossella encourages the women to treat the men badly, but Clarinda's love for Albert causes her to discuss his plight with Aminta, and to ask Aminta to woo Albert on Clarinda's behalf. Aminta agrees to do this, but tries to dissuade Clarinda by listing Albert's shortcomings. Alone with Albert in his prison cell, Aminta explains the situation, chastises Albert for his lies, is assured he still loves her, and kisses him. Clarinda, having been informed by the other prisoners of the truth about Albert and Aminta, interrupts the kiss, ties Aminta to a tree, and hauls Albert away to be executed. Aminta is rescued by her brother Raymond, but they are found by the Amazons who easily capture them because Raymond refuses to fight against women. Albert and Raymond meet at a banquet the Amazonians prepare for the prisoners in order to get them drunk and extract confessions from them. Albert apologizes to Raymond for his actions during the kidnapping of Aminta; Raymond confesses that his father, along with Albert's father, kidnapped, robbed, and abandoned Sebastian, Nicusa, Rossella, and the women, and therefore their current plight is justified. As Rossella prepares a sacrificial altar on which the captive men are to be sacrificed, Sebastian and Nicusa enter and are reunited with Rossella; Sebastian gives his daughter Clarinda to Raymond, freeing Albert to marry Aminta.
Raymond's sister. A young French noblewoman who has been kidnapped by the pirate Albert, Aminta maintains her hostility toward her captors until all of them are washed ashore on a deserted island following a terrible tempest. On the island, Aminta admits her love for Albert after he is wounded in a near-mutiny, and she cuts off her hair to use as a bandage for his wounds. As Aminta nears death by starvation on the barren island, Albert swims to a nearby island to attempt to find food and water. After their touching farewell, she finds herself in peril as the noblemen Albert was carrying as passengers decide to eat her. Rescued from the cannibals by Tibalt's valor and Albert's timely return, Aminta then must cope with the Amazonian Clarinda, who is pursuing Albert after he has assured her Aminta is his sister. Clarinda asks for Aminta's help in wooing Albert, and Aminta visits Albert in prison to deliver Clarinda's romantic messages. Aminta castigates Albert for having betrayed her, but accepts his explanation that he does not love Clarinda and is merely trying to preserve their lives. She urges him to pretend to love Clarinda to save himself. As they kiss, Clarinda discovers them. She ties Aminta to a tree, leaving her to be devoured by snakes and wild beasts. Aminta is rescued by her long-lost brother Raymond, and the two of them are promptly re-captured by the Amazonians. As Rossella, the chief Amazon, prepares to sacrifice the men, she is unexpectedly re-united with her husband Sebastian and her nephew Nicusa. Sebastian gives Clarinda in marriage to Raymond, and Aminta and Albert are happily reunited.
The Boatswain, a crewmember on Albert's pirate ship, behaves valiantly during the play's opening shipwreck, and, along with the rest of the crew, washes up on a barren and deserted island. The pirates meet the island's inhabitants, Sebastian and Nicusa, and are distracted with piles of gold and jewels over which the Boatswain and others fight. During the fight, there is a near mutiny, but the crew is soundly beaten by Albert and Tibalt. They then discover their ship has been stolen by Sebastian and Nicusa, and the Boatswain blames the "damn'd enticing gold" for their plight. The Boatswain has no additional lines and is not named again in the stage directions, although he may be included in massed entries calling for sailors.
Clarinda is one of the shipwrecked Portuguese settlers, the daughter of Rosellia and Sebastian. As a young child, Clarinda, a Portuguese noblewoman, was kidnapped by French pirates and brought to a deserted island along with her mother Rossella and several court ladies. Because she does not remember having seen a man, Clarinda is a fierce advocate of her mother's Amazonian rules for their female commonwealth. Clarinda is also a fearless hunter. She is attended by Hippolita, Crocale, and Juletta, three sophisticated court ladies whose attitude toward men is a bit more lenient than Clarinda's. The first man Clarinda encounters is the pirate Albert to whom she is immediately attracted. When her mother decides to allow the Amazonian women to enjoy the company of Albert, his crew, and his passengers for one month, Clarinda is matched with Albert and enlists the aid of his lover Aminta to woo him. Having been told Aminta is Albert's sister, Clarinda has no compunction about confessing her feelings about Albert; Aminta tries to temper Clarinda's passion by listing Albert's faults and praising Raymond, Aminta's long-lost brother. Upon discovering the truth about Albert and Aminta, however, Clarinda is furious and must be prevented by Crocale from shooting the pair. She ties Aminta to a tree to be devoured by snakes and beasts, and marches Albert off to prison so he can later serve as a sacrifice on her mother's altar. Before this can happen, however, Raymond rescues Aminta, and Clarinda's father Sebastian and cousin Nicusa reappear and are reunited with Rossella and Clarinda. Clarinda is given in marriage to Raymond, leaving Albert free to marry Aminta; Clarinda has no comment about these pairings.
A witty Portuguese noblewoman, Crocale has been living in Rossella's Amazonian commonwealth since their pirated ship was shipwrecked on a deserted island many years before. Freely expressing her sexual frustration, she recounts a detailed dream about a handsome young man, then is delighted to find that one has washed up on her island's shore. He is the pirate captain Albert, and Crocale is happy to hear he has several companions with him on a second nearby island. When Rossella decides to allow the women of her commonwealth and Albert's crew and passengers to enjoy each other's company for a month, Crocale is paired with the ship's Master. When the men bring the women jewels and gold as gifts, Crocale and the other women recognize these as the ones French pirates earlier stole from them, and they conclude the men are those same pirates. The men are imprisoned, and Crocale is placed in charge of the Master and Tibalt. She admires their stoical conduct as prisoners, and with Juletta engages the men in a pun-filled conversation about their confinement. When Clarinda discovers the true nature of the relationship between Albert and his lover Aminta, Crocale prevents Clarinda from shooting the couple. When Rossella needs to extract additional information from the prisoners, Crocale is put in charge of the project and uses wine as her weapon at a banquet she prepares for the prisoners. As she hopes, the men become confessional, and Crocale overhears Raymond and Albert describing their fathers' attack on the Portuguese ships on which Rossella and the women were sailing. Crocale assembles the pieces of the story, deflects Tibalt's drunken proposition, and fetches the long-lost Sebastian and Nicusa from the neighboring island where Raymond has left them, bringing them onstage just in time to prevent Albert from being sacrificed on Rossella's altar. Tibalt's proposition becomes a proposal, which Crocale accepts.
The first sailor on Albert's ship is pessimistic during the storm, fearing for their safety. After the shipwreck he is involved in the fight over the Portuguese treasure. The sailors help Tibalt and the Master to rescue Aminta from the cannibalistic attentions of Lamure, Franville, Morillat and the Surgeon. The first sailor is among the sailors captured by the amazons, and is finally released when Sebastian returns to prevent Rosellia from sacrificing the prisoners.
The first sailor on Raymond's ship had previously served with Albert, and recognizes the description of him given by Sebastian and Nicusa. He urges Raymond to leave them on the island again.
"A vain-glorious gallant" who has sold his lordship for traveling money, Franville is a passenger on the pirate Albert's ship, and behaves with greed and cowardice during the tempest that opens the play. Reluctant to lose his goods to save the ship, Franville is a quarrelsome member of the group of pirates and passengers who take refuge on a barren and deserted island. When he joins the near-mutiny instigated when the men fight over ownership of the piles of treasure the island's inhabitants, Sebastian and Nicusa, show the pirates in order to distract them and steal their ship, Franville is beaten by Tibalt. Near death from starvation, Franville participates in a grotesque conversation about potential foodstuffs the ship's surgeon might have in his medical bag, then joins the plot to kill and eat Aminta when she falls asleep, a plan that is thwarted when Albert returns from the Amazonian commonwealth with food and wine. Franville is among the men to be enjoyed for a month by the Amazonians, and joins the men who leave to seek treasure to impress the ladies. When the women recognize the treasure as that stolen from them by French pirates, they accuse the men of being those same pirates and imprison them. Franville behaves badly in prison, and reveals Aminta's true identity as Albert's lover to the Amazonians. He is released along with the other prisoners after Sebastian and Rossella, the couple separated by the real French pirates, are reunited.
A Portuguese noblewoman who along with Rossella, Clarinda, Crocale, and Juletta was kidnapped by pirates, and shipwrecked on a deserted island, Hippolita is now a member of Rossella's female commonwealth. Hippolita, Crocale and Juletta chafe under Rossella's misanthropic Amazonian rules while attending Rossella's daughter Clarinda. Hippolita is an appreciative listener as Crocale recounts an erotic dream. She fetches the medicine when Albert the pirate washes up on shore, helps argue that Albert's life should be preserved despite Rossella's rules, and then takes part in the mating game in which the women in Rossella's commonwealth are matched with Albert's passengers and crew for a one-month visit. Hippolita recognizes the jewels Albert's men bring as gifts as being those stolen by the pirates who abandoned her on the island, and when the men are imprisoned, she is placed in charge of the uncomplaining sailors. Hippolita helps prepare a banquet designed to get the prisoners drunk so that they will reveal information about their piracy. Although she regrets having to do so, Hippolita takes part in tying Aminta to a tree to be devoured by snakes and wild animals after Clarinda discovers Aminta is Albert's lover rather than his sister. Hippolita is a silent participant in Rossella's unsuccessful attempt to sacrifice Albert, Raymond, and their crews.
A "ghost character" from whose shoulder Albert's ship's surgeon removed a great wen, which the starving Franville proposes to eat before Albert arrives with food.
A Portuguese noblewoman who along with Rossella, Clarinda, Crocale, and Hippolita was kidnapped by pirates and shipwrecked on a deserted island, Juletta is now a member of Rossella's female commonwealth. Juletta, Crocale and Hippolita chafe under Rossella's misanthropic Amazonian rules while attending Rossella's daughter Clarinda. Juletta listens attentively to Crocale's account of an erotic dream, helps convince Clarinda that Albert's life should be spared despite Rossella's rules, and then takes part in the matching of the Amazonian women and Albert's crew and passengers for a one-month visit. Juletta recognizes the jewels Albert's men bring as gifts as those stolen by the pirates who abandoned her on the island. The men are imprisoned, and Juletta is charged with guarding the whining aristocrats Franville, Lamure, and Morillat. She engages in a pun-filled conversation with Crocale, Tibalt, and the ship's Master regarding the terms of the men's confinement. Juletta accompanies her prisoners to an interrogation by Clarinda in which they enrage Clarinda when they reveal that Aminta and Albert are lovers rather than brother and sister. Juletta helps capture Albert, Aminta, and Aminta's brother Raymond, and helps prepare a banquet designed to get the prisoners drunk so that they will reveal information about their piracy. She is a silent participant in Rossella's unsuccessful attempt to sacrifice Albert, Raymond, and their crews.
"An usuring merchant," Lamure would rather see the ship founder than allow his goods to be tossed overboard in the play's opening tempest. Greedy and shallow, Lamure complains bitterly about conditions on the barren and deserted island where the men seek refuge from the storm. He is beaten by Tibalt when he joins the near-mutiny instigated when the men fight over ownership of the piles of treasure the island's inhabitants, Sebastian and Nicusa, show the pirates in order to distract them and steal their ship. Starving, he takes part in a grotesque discussion of what edibles might be found in the ship's surgeon's stores, and conspires to eat Aminta when she falls asleep. Their cannibalism thwarted by Albert's timely return, Lamure and his fellow passengers Franville and Morillat are about to be imprisoned when the members of the female commonwealth arrive to be matched with the men for a month of enjoyment; the men then leave to seek treasure to impress the ladies. When the women recognize the treasure as that stolen from them by French pirates, they accuse the men of being those same pirates and imprison them. Lamure behaves badly in prison, and helps reveal to the Amazonians Aminta's true identity as Albert's lover. He is released along with the other prisoners after Sebastian and Rossella, the couple separated by the real French pirates, are reunited.
"An honest merry man," the Master of Albert's pirate ship exhibits great skill and courage during the play's opening tempest, and conducts himself with stoicism and good cheer when captured by the members of the Amazonian commonwealth. After saving the ship by ordering its cargo to be thrown overboard, the Master seeks refuge with Albert and their crew and passengers on a barren and seemingly deserted island. The Master remains loyal to Albert and helps him defeat an attempted mutiny after the island's inhabitants, Sebastian and Nicusa, use piles of treasure to distract the crew and steal their ship. When starving crewmembers attempt to eat one of the ship's passengers, the young French noblewoman Aminta, the Master joins Tibalt in attempting to stop the cannibalism; they succeed in holding off the hungry crew until Albert arrives with food. When Rossella and her fellow Amazonians decide to enjoy the men of Albert's crew for a month, the Master is matched with the witty Crocale who complains about his age. The Master joins the crew when they go to Sebastian and Nicusa's piles of treasure to fetch gifts to impress the ladies, and he is imprisoned along with the others when the ladies recognize the jewels as those stolen from them by the pirates who abandoned them on their island. Crocale reports on the Master's admirable behavior in prison, and the two of them take part in a bawdy conversation with Juletta and Tibalt while the men are still confined. The Master and Tibalt are the first guests at a banquet the women prepare to try to get the men drunk so that they will confess the details of their piracy. The Master does not appear in the play's final reunion scene, perhaps because Crocale is given in marriage to Tibalt.
"A shallow-brain'd Gentleman" who is a passenger on the pirate Albert's ship, Morillat provides no help in the play's opening tempest. He is beaten by Tibalt after joining the near-mutiny instigated when the men fight over ownership of the piles of treasure the island's inhabitants, Sebastian and Nicusa, show the pirates in order to distract them and steal their ship. Starving, Morillat eats the crumbs from his doublet and offers several grotesque suggestions about what edibles might be found in the ship's surgeon's stores; he then takes part in a plan to eat Aminta when she falls asleep. Thwarted by Albert's timely return, Morillat and his fellow passengers Franville and Lamure are about to be imprisoned when the members of the female commonwealth arrive to be matched with the men for a month of enjoyment; the men then leave to seek treasure to impress the ladies. When the women recognize the treasure as that stolen from them by French pirates, they accuse the men of being those same pirates and imprison them. Morillat behaves like a coward in prison, and helps reveal to the Amazonians Aminta's true identity as Albert's lover. He is released along with the other prisoners after Sebastian and Rossella, the couple separated by the real French pirates, are reunited.
The nephew of the Portuguese nobleman Sebastian, Nicusa has lived with his uncle on a barren and deserted island for several miserable years after the ships on which he and other Portuguese aristocrats were sailing were captured by French pirates. When the shipwrecked crew of Albert's pirate ship arrives, Nicusa helps his uncle distract the men with piles of treasure; Nicusa and Sebastian then steal the pirates' ship and escape from the island. Quickly captured by Raymond, Nicusa and Sebastian are returned to their island in search of the treasure, Aminta, and Albert and his crew. Raymond abandons them again, with four days' worth of food, as he goes to the neighboring island in search of Albert. After himself being captured by the Amazonian women, Raymond reveals the existence of Sebastian and Nicusa, who are brought to the Amazonian commonwealth by Crocale just in time to prevent Albert's death on Rossella's altar. Sebastian is Rossella's long-lost husband, and following their reunion, Nicusa, like everyone, is allowed to return to his rightful home.
A French nobleman, Raymond is the brother of Aminta, the young woman kidnapped by the pirate Albert. During the kidnapping, Raymond is somehow abandoned; when Albert falls in love with Aminta, he sets out to find Raymond. During the search, Albert and Aminta, along with Albert's crew, survive a tempest and seek shelter on a barren and seemingly deserted island. While Aminta and Albert are engaged in various adventures with the members of the Portuguese noblewoman Rossella's Amazonian commonwealth, Raymond arrives at the deserted island, having captured Albert's ship which Sebastian and Nicusa, the islands former inhabitants, had stolen after distracting Albert and his crew with piles of treasure. Raymond, who is searching for Aminta, abandons Sebastian and Nicusa, leaving them with four days' worth of food, in order to search for his sister on the neighboring island, the home of the Amazonian commonwealth. Once among the Amazonians, Raymond rescues his sister, who has been tied to a tree and left to die, but refuses to fight with the Amazonians because they are women. Raymond is captured, and in prison he meets Albert. Raymond justifies their captivity by telling the story of their fathers' piracy, the consequence of which is the existence of the Amazonian commonwealth. Overhearing Albert's account of capturing Albert's ship, Crocale, one of the Amazonians, realizes that Raymond knows where to find Sebastian and Nicusa, the husband and nephew of Rossella, the ruler of the Amazonian commonwealth. Raymond offers Crocale the use of his ship to retrieve the two men, and Crocale returns with them just in time to prevent the sacrifice of Albert by Rossella. During the happy reunion of the Portuguese nobles, Sebastian notices Raymond's attraction to Clarinda, and grants him her hand in marriage.
A Portuguese noblewoman, Rossella has survived an attack by pirates during which she, her daughter Clarinda, and her ladies Crocale, Hippolita, and Juletta are shipwrecked on a deserted island, not knowing that her husband Sebastian and nephew Nicusa have been abandoned on a nearby but barren island. Rossella governs the survivors, who form an Amazonian commonwealth. In her fear and rage over the women's fate, Rossella insists that the members of her commonwealth avoid all contact with men, under penalty of death. This rule is easier for her daughter Clarinda to follow, because she does not remember ever seeing a man; the worldly ladies, however, chafe under this injunction. When the pirate Albert washes up on their shore, Rossella orders his execution, but is begged to relent by Clarinda, who has fallen in love with Albert. When Albert explains that other members of his crew are nearby, Rossella agrees to allow the members of her commonwealth to enjoy the company of the men for a month, planning to keep any female children who result from this meeting and return any male children to the men. When the women and men meet on the barren island, Rossella is courted by Tibalt who assures her that her age, fifty, is an asset. The men leave briefly to retrieve gold and jewels that had been used by Sebastian and Nicusa to distract the pirates while they stole their ship; the men hope to use the treasure to woo the women. Rossella and the women recognize the jewels as those stolen from them when they were abandoned on the island. They accuse Albert and his men of being those pirates and Rossella orders their execution, changing the sentence to imprisonment when Clarinda persuades her to prolong the men's misery. While encouraging her women to exact painful vengeance on the prisoners by treating them cruelly, Rossella decides to execute the men on her wedding anniversary. Hoping to assure herself of the men's villainy or to find an excuse not to execute them, Rossella orders Crocale, Juletta, and Hippolyta to spy on the men; the ladies arrange for the men to get drunk so that they will freely confess any treachery. As Albert and Raymond discuss their plight, Crocale realizes that Rossella's husband Sebastian and her nephew Nicusa are on the neighboring island. Crocale fetches the long-lost men, arriving just in time to prevent Rosella from executing Albert and the rest of the men. Rossella joyfully relinquishes "Her powers, and joys, and all" to her husband Sebastian.
Alternative spelling of Rosella.
A Portuguese nobleman, Sebastian is captured by French pirates who abandon him, along with his nephew Nicusa, on a barren and deserted island. Sebastian does not realize that his wife Rossella and daughter Clarinda, also captured in the pirate raid, are on a nearby island where they, along with several court ladies, have formed an Amazonian commonwealth under Rossella's leadership. When the French pirate Albert, his crew, and his lover Aminta wash up on shore, Sebastian uses piles of treasure to distract Albert's crew while he and Nicusa steal their ship. Quickly captured by Aminta's brother Raymond, who is at sea searching for his sister, Sebastian is returned to the barren island, having promised Raymond that he would find his sister, Albert and his crew, and the treasure there. Sebastian does not know that Aminta and the men have been captured by the Amazonians and imprisoned on the neighboring island; Raymond, finding no signs of his sister or the treasure, abandons Sebastian and Nicusa on the barren island with four days' food. After Raymond is himself captured by the Amazonians, Crocale overhears his account of capturing Sebastian and Nicusa. Realizing the men are Rossella's long-lost husband and nephew, she fetches them from the barren island, returning in time to prevent the execution of Albert, Raymond, and their crews. Sebastian, after a joyful reunion with Rossella, notices Raymond's interest in Clarinda, and proposes a marriage for the young couple.
The second sailor on Albert's ship has the first sight of land during the storm. After the shipwreck he is involved in the fight over the jewels revealed by the Portuguese shipwrecks Sebastian and Nicusa. He helps Tibalt and the master to rescue Aminta from the cannibalistic attentions of Lamure, Franville, Morillat and the Surgeon. The sailors are captured by the amazons, and are finally released when Sebastian returns to prevent Rosellia from sacrificing the prisoners.
The Second Sailor on Raymond's ship questions Sebastian and Nicusa about their contact with Albert and his crew.
Employed by the pirate Albert, the surgeon survives the opening tempest, but becomes seasick on the barren island where the crew takes shelter. When the island's inhabitants, Sebastian and Nicusa, display piles of treasure to distract the pirates in order to steal their ship, the surgeon takes part in a mutiny against Albert. As Albert's passengers and crew begin to starve, the surgeon takes part in a grotesque conversation about the potential foodstuffs a physician can supply, including the contents of his medical kit, suppositories, searcloths, and the wen he removed from Hugh the sailor's shoulder. When Aminta joins the hungry men and falls asleep, the shallow-brained gentleman Morillat nominates the surgeon to cut Aminta's throat and divide her up so the men can eat her. This plan is prevented when Albert arrives with food. The surgeon is present when the Amazonian women arrive to be matched up with Albert's crew and passengers for a one-month visit, and he joins the crew when they leave to fetch jewels and gold to impress the women. When the women recognize the treasure as that which was stolen from them by the pirates who abandoned them on their island, the surgeon is captured and imprisoned along with the others.
A "merry gentleman," a witty commentator on nearly everyone's foibles, and a loyal friend to the pirate Albert, Tibalt is among those taking shelter on a barren and seemingly deserted island after Albert's ship is caught in a tempest. Tibalt helps Albert defeat an attempted mutiny when the crew begins to squabble over possession of gold and jewels shown to them by the island's inhabitants, Sebastian and Nicusa, who wish to distract the crew in order to steal Albert's ship. When starving crewmembers and passengers decide to eat Aminta, Tibalt, the ship's master, and the sailors help defend her until Albert arrives with food. When the men are to be paired with members of the Amazonian commonwealth for a month-long visit, Tibalt appoints himself the matchmaker, assessing everyone's humor to make the perfect matches. For himself, he chooses the Amazonians' governess, Rossella, arguing that a fifty-year-old woman makes the best lover. Tibalt proposes that the men use the treasure Sebastian and Nicusa have left behind to woo the women; when the men return with the gold and jewels, the women recognize it as that which was stolen from them by the French pirates who left them on the island. The men are captured and imprisoned. In captivity, Tibalt behaves with his usual wit and grace, and along with the ship's master engages in a pun-filled conversation with the Amazonian ladies Crocale and Juletta. The women later arrange to get Tibalt and the master drunk, hoping to learn further details about their piracy. Tibalt's drunken comments punctuate the long speeches in which Albert and Raymond discuss their piratical fathers and their current plight. Crocale, overhearing this conversation, realizes Raymond has captured Sebastian and Nicusa, Rossella's long-lost husband and nephew; Crocale goes to fetch them, returning just in time to prevent Rossella from executing Albert and the men. As the young couples Aminta and Albert and Clarinda and Raymond are paired up, Tibalt proposes to Crocale and is accepted.