John Fletcher
(with Francis Beaumont?)


(revised 1635)
(Passages from Jonson's The New Inn (from 1629) incorporated into I.i)

a synoptic, alphabetical character list


Alanso is the name of the Governor. It is used only once when the Gentleman names the Governor as the husband of Eugenia.


Alphonso is the father of Theodosia and Philippo. He is continually angry and accusatory. He arrives on Leonardo's doorstep, demands the return of his daughter, and refuses to believe Leonardo when he says neither Theodosia nor Mark-Antonio is present. He insults both Leonardo and Sanchio, and threatens to challenge Leonardo to a duel, but eventually leaves. He returns to Leonardo's house and finds him gone. After arguing with Sanchio over who has the better claim to kill Leonardo, Alphonso sets out to follow Leonardo to Barcelona. He arrives (with Sanchio) in Barcelona and immediately finds Philippo with Leocadia, who is recognized despite her male dress. Both Alphonso and Sanchio threaten Philippo and then each other. The Governor and his men enter and disarm the two fathers. At the Governor's house, Alphonso and Sanchio continue to quarrel and desire a duel. Eugenia agrees that they will be given the chance to duel, but they must duel according to Caranza's rules (rules that she has a right to determine because he was her kinsman). She has Alphonso bound in a chair so that he has no advantage over Sanchio, and gives them each a pistol. She then has Theodosia and Leocadia stand between them, and declares that if they wish to fight, the fathers must fire at each other through their daughters. Of course, they cannot, and Eugenia declares that they must be friends.


When Alphonso arrives at Leonardo's house the second time, he orders his servant to walk his horse to protect it from the cold. His servant promises to do so. This character is mostly likely the same as "First Servant" who comes with Alphonso to Leonardo's house the first time. The character is listed as "Alphonso's Servant" because he is clearly different from the "Servant" who helps Mark-Antonio.


There is an unspecified number of attendants waiting upon Eugenia when she goes walking veiled in the streets.
  • When Mark-Antonio attempts to see the veiled Eugenia, the First Attendant protects her, and rouses the other Attendants to fight him, despite Eugenia's protests against an open quarrel. He returns with the Governor to help control the fight, and acquits Philippo and the disguised Theodosia when the Governor accuses them of starting the fight. Later, the First Attendant asks Leonardo and Mark-Antonio to shift rooms because of the Governor's business.
  • When Mark-Antonio attempts to see Eugenia's face, the First Attendant asks the other Attendants (number unspecified) if fighting is the only appropriate response. They answer in unison that it is.


The Boy works for the Host and offers Diego wine.


A "ghost character." Caranza is a famous writer of the rules of dueling. Sanchio demands satisfaction from Alphonso, by the rules of Caranza. Eugenia announces that she is a kinsman of Caranza and will help them to duel properly; she uses the opportunity to enforce rules so impossible that they must give up their quarrel.


A "ghost character." The Catholic King is how Incubo twice refers to the King of Spain. The first time, Incubo describes himself as an officer of the King, sent to check on the quality of inns. The second time, Incubo calls himself a minister of the King in order gain entrance for Philippo into Theodosia's room.


Diego, also know as the First Host, runs a very small inn, which has been suffering from lack of business. He rents out the entire inn (one room with two beds) to the disguised Theodosia in order to satisfy her request for privacy. When Philippo arrives and wants to stay, Diego feels honor bound to refuse him, leaving it to Incubo to invent a way for Philippo to gain entrance to the room. Diego then talks with Lazaro, his groom, and comments that every week he finds his conscience bothered by his trade, yet he manages to sleep soundly. He swears that he would be content only to steal a little, and when he is laid up by age, then he will repent. Diego wakes Theodosia and Philippo in the morning, and he believes the story that they are brothers. He then rides with them to Barcelona, meeting the disguised Leocadia, the Friar and Passengers who have been robbed. At the inn of the Second Host and Second Hostess (who is his sister), Diego demands wine, especially when it is revealed that there is no meat. After Leocadia has run away, Diego helps Philippo search for her, still unaware that she is female.


A "ghost character." The Second Hostess tells the Wench to invite Druce, as well as his worship and his worship's wife, to dinner the next day.


Eugenia is the wife of the Governor of Barcelona. When Mark-Antonio sees her walking in the streets, veiled, his is determined to see her face, and accosts her, thereby starting a near riot, despite her protests. When Mark-Antonio, wounded, is brought to the Governor's house. At first, he is ashamed of his lust, but that quickly passes and he attempts to seduce her. To repay him, Eugenia has Leocadia (still disguised as a page) convince him that he is about to die. Once both Leocadia and Theodosia have revealed themselves, and Mark-Antonio has repented his broken engagement to the latter, Eugenia reveals that he is in no danger. When Alphonso and Sanchio are arrested and brought to the Governor's house, still quarrelling, it is Eugenia who reconciles them. She agrees that they will be given the chance to duel, but they must duel according to Caranza's rules, who was her kinsman. She has Alphonso bound in a chair so that he has no advantage over Sanchio, and gives them each a pistol. She then has Theodosia and Leocadia stand between them, and declares that if they wish to fight, the fathers must fire at each other through their daughters. Of course, they cannot, and Eugenia declares that they must be friends.


Francisco is the name taken by Leocadia while she is disguised as a page.


The Friar is one of the travelers robbed en route to Barcelona. He is put in charge of the money Philippo gives them for relief, under the assumption that he will handle it most fairly, although Diego warns him against tithing the money.


The Gentleman accompanies Mark-Antonio when he goes into Barcelona. He goes because Rodorigo is afraid that Mark-Antonio will get into trouble. When Mark-Antonio states his desire to see behind Eugenia's veil, the Gentleman warns him that custom dictates that even if she is a lower class woman, it is death to accost her, and further states that she is the wife of the Governor and a lady of pure reputation. When the fight breaks out, the Gentleman calls out to Rodorigo for help, and then helps the wounded Mark-Antonio to Rodorigo's cabin.


The Governor of Barcelona arrives to put a stop to the fight caused by Mark-Antonio's attempt to see his wife, Eugenia, although the Governor does not realize this is the cause of the fight. He at first suspects Philippo and the disguised Theodosia of starting the fight because they are strangers. After the First Attendant vouches for them, the Governor invites them back to his house, and makes arrangements to have their wounded friend brought there as well, not realizing that this friend is Mark-Antonio, who started the fight. He also agrees to find the disguised Leocadia and have her brought to the house as well. Once all four are at his house, the Governor excuses himself to see to town business, leaving them with his wife, Eugenia. The Governor arrives to stop another fight, this time between Alphonso and Sanchio. He has the two old men disarmed and taken to his house, where they meet with Leonardo and Mark-Antonio. When Eugenia agrees to arrange a duel between Alphonso and Sanchio, the Governor questions her intentions, but is quickly satisfied that she has a plan. Once she forces them to reconcile, the Governor praises her and hopes that everyone is now content.


A "ghost character." A neighbor of Theodosia and Philippo. The disguised Leocadia tries to claim that she is the son of Don Henriques, but Philippo knows he has no son.


A "ghost character." The Second Hostess tells the Wench to invite Druce, as well as his worship and his worship's wife, to dinner the next day.


A "ghost character." The Second Hostess tells the Wench to invite Druce, as well as his worship and his worship's wife, to dinner the next day.


The Hostess is the wife of Diego. When the disguised Theodosia faints, the Hostess runs off to get water and revives Theodosia. She admits that they have only one room to offer, but is happy to be paid for both beds. She reports that Theodosia has not eaten, and suggests that "he" is ill. When Philippo arrives and requests dinner, the Hostess leaves with Diego to get it.


A "ghost character." Old Ignatio is discussed by the two Soldiers. When the First Soldier mourns the lack of men willing to fight instantly, the Second Solider comments that Ignatio is still alive. The First agrees, but argues that Ignatio is only good for attacking a man's liver, and there is no good "heartist" or "small-gut man" left in town.


Incubo is the bailiff of Castil-blanco, and a friend of Diego's. He is commiserating with Diego about the lack of custom at Diego's inn when the disguised Theodosia arrives. When Philippo arrives and desires to see the beautiful young man, Incubo pretends to be a minister of the King's in order to convince Theodosia to allow Philippo into her room. When Diego, Theodosia and Philippo travel to Barcelona, they meet Incubo on the way. He claims that he, along with other travelers, have been robbed, although there is a suggestion that he was, in fact, the robber. He then travels with them to Barcelona. When they arrive at the Second Host's inn, Incubo is extraordinarily hungry and asks the Second Hostess for a very lengthy and detailed dinner. He appears again, with Diego, to help Philippo search for Leocadia. Incubo is the one who finds her, attempting to hire a boat, and alerts Philippo.


A "ghost character." She is asked after by the Second Hostess and described as a good woman. Incubo ignores the Hostess when she asks about her.


A "ghost character." The Second Hostess tells the Wench to send Oliver to invite the Justice to dinner the next day.


A "ghost character." Described by Philippo as the only one of the court to have a new coat.


Lazaro is Diego's hostler. After both the disguised Theodosia and Philippo are settled, Diego speaks with Lazaro about their horses. Lazaro assures Diego that the horses are well taken care of, but says they are both foul-tempered; the one tried to kick him and the other is refusing to eat the hay given. He and Diego then agree that they should steal less, but that it is difficult considering the world and their situation.


Leocadia is the daughter of Sanchio, and in love with Mark-Antonio. She disguises herself as a page named Francisco and tries to make her way to Barcelona to follow Mark-Antonio after he deserts her. Her traveling party is robbed, and then meets up with Philippo and the disguised Theodosia, who are struck by the beauty and nobility of Francisco and insist that "he" travel to Barcelona with them. Theodosia recognizes almost immediately that the page is really a woman, but she and Philippo continue the pretense until Barcelona, where Theodosia privately confronts Leocadia. Unaware of who Theodosia really is, Leocadia reveals that she was secretly engaged to Mark-Antonio, but that he deserted her to be with Theodosia, and that therefore she has taken on male garb to travel to Barcelona and find him. Philippo, Theodosia and Leocadia find Mark-Antonio in the street fight. When he is wounded, Theodosia faints, and Leocadia follows him. Philippo attends to his sister, but when he realizes that Leocadia has run off, he, by now in love with Leocadia, reviles Theodosia for distracting him. The Governor finds both Mark-Antonio and Leocadia and brings them all to his house, where Mark-Antonio attempts to seduce Eugenia. Leocadia then, under Eugenia's direction, informs him that his wound is fatal. He admits that he was engaged to Theodosia first, left her for Leocadia and then deserted her as well, causing both women to reveal their true genders. Rejected in favor of Theodosia, Leocadia runs out, followed by Philippo. Eventually, Philippo finds Leocadia with the help of Incubo, and convinces her to love him instead of Mark-Antonio. However, they are interrupted by the arrival of both Alphonso and Sanchio, and after Sanchio rebukes his daughter for her dress, she runs off again. She apparently returns to the Governor's House, because it is there that Eugenia has Leocadia and Theodosia stand between their fathers' during the attempted duel to force a reconciliation.


Leonardo is the father of Mark-Antonio. Alphonso confronts Leonardo, demanding both his daughter back and satisfaction from Mark-Antonio. Leonardo declares that he does not believe Alphonso, but he does later ask Pedro if he thought any of the sailors on Mark-Antonio's ship might be disguised women. Despite Pedro's assurances, Leonardo decides he should go to Barcelona and retrieve Mark-Antonio so that his son can answer Alphonso's claims. He arrives in Barcelona after his son is wounded in a street fight, but he is assured by the surgeon that the wound is minor. He then meets with his son at the Governor's house, and approves his engagement to Theodosia, although he scolds Mark-Antonio for keeping it a secret from Alphonso.


Mark-Antonio is the son of Leonardo and beloved of both Theodosia and Leocadia. After secretly engaging himself to both women, he deserts them both to sail to Barcelona and join in the war. During a conversation with Rodorigo, Mark-Antonio declares that war is his mistress and he means to tame her. Asked about real women, he claims that he loves all equally and none steadfastly. He pretends that he is only speaking for argument's sake, but when he is in the streets of Barcelona, he insists on accosting Eugenia and trying to lift her veil, despite warnings that it is a capital offence to do so. During the resulting brawl, Mark-Antonio is wounded and helped to Rodorigo's cabin by several Soldiers. He is brought to the Governor's house and, after a brief struggle with his conscience, attempts to seduce Eugenia. Appalled by his behavior, Eugenia plots with Leocadia to convince Mark-Antonio that his wound is actually fatal. He is easily convinced and confesses his betrayal of both Theodosia and Leocadia, although he makes clear that Theodosia was first. He is then assured that he is not dying and reconciled with Theodosia. When his father arrives, Leonardo approves of his engagement, although he scolds his son for not having asked Alphonso's permission before becoming engaged to Theodosia.


A "ghost character." Master Dean of Seville is the neighbor of Incubo and Diego. Incubo mentions him as a man who knows how to dress.


A "ghost character." Incubo mentions the Master of Ceremonies as his former employer, when he was only a squire in Madrid.


The Master of the Ship does not appear on stage, but speaks "within" when called by Rodorigo. Rodorigo gives him orders to bring the fleet together and head for Barcelona, and the Master promises to do Rodorigo's pleasure.


A "ghost character." The Second Hostess tells the Wench to send Oliver to invite the Justice for dinner the next day.


Two passengers appear on the road to Barcelona.
  • The First Passenger is one of those robbed en route to Barcelona. When Diego jests that they should take off their clothes because of the heat, he responds that the robbers have taken care of that.
  • The Second Passenger is one of the travelers robbed along the road to Barcelona. When Diego asks the travelers who wants a doublet to wear, the Second Passenger asks for one.


Pedro is a friend to Leonardo. He seeks out Philippo and tells him that Mark-Antonio has become a soldier and is bound by ship for Barcelona. He then reports to Leonardo the same information. Leonardo worries that Mark-Antonio has smuggled a woman on board, but Pedro assures him that he saw no one that could be a disguised woman. When Leonardo decides that he must nevertheless seek out his son in Barcelona. Pedro promises to keep his estate while he is gone. Pedro is then confronted by both Alphonso and Sanchio, both seeking Leonardo, and mistaking him for a servant. He finally manages to convince them that Leonardo is not at home but has gone to Barcelona. The two decide to follow, but Pedro declares he is not worried because the two fathers would rather turn on each other than Mark-Antonio.


Philippo is the son of Alphonso and the brother of Theodosia. He meets with the disguised Theodosia at Diego's inn, and, when he hears that she is following Mark-Antonio to Barcelona, he agrees to help her. They travel with Diego to Barcelona, and along they way meet a group of travelers who have been robbed. They are moved by the disguised Leocadia and agree to have her travel with them. Once he realizes Leocadia is a woman, Philippo quickly falls in love with her, to the point that he viciously rejects his sister when, during the street fight, she faints, thus causing him to miss Leocadia's exit. After Mark-Antonio rejects Leocadia in favor of Theodosia, Leocadia flees again and Philippo chases after her, enlisting the aid of Diego and Incubo. Incubo discovers her trying to hire a boat, and Philippo then convinces her of his love. Just as she agrees to his love, Alphonso and Sanchio appear, and Sanchio is appalled by his daughter's masculine attire. Leocadia runs off again, giving Philippo the chance to soliloquize about his love. Eventually, everyone is reunited at the Governor's house.


The unnamed Prologue speaks a standard opening, promising two hours of entertainment and asking patience as the play unfolds.


Rodorigo is the captain of the ship on which Mark-Antonio has decided to serve. He questions Mark-Antonio first why such a young man would want to go to war, and then why he does not seem to care for women. He orders the Gentleman to accompany Mark-Antonio to town because he fears Mark-Antonio's temper will get him in trouble, which it does. When the street fight breaks out, Rodorigo enters and commands that a shot be fired into the town to break up the fight, and also orders the wounded Mark-Antonio be brought to his cabin.


Sanchio is the father of Leocadia. He is confined to a chair, and matches Alphonso for choler. He is with Leonardo when Alphonso arrives looking for Mark-Antonio and Theodosia. He mocks Alphonso for his concern and hot-headedness. However, the tables are turned when he finds his own daughter missing. He arrives at Leonardo's house to confront Mark-Antonio for abusing his daughter after Leonardo has gone to Barcelona. When he is finally convinced that Leonardo is gone, Sanchio, with Alphonso, sets out for Barcelona as well. He and Alphonso continue their arguing even after they find their daughters, and Sanchio insists that he desires a duel, based on the rules of Caranza. Eugenia settles the fight by setting the two men in chairs and giving them pistols, but then placing their daughters between them and telling them to fire through their children.


A "ghost character." After attempting to claim that she is the son of both Don Henriques and Don Sanchio, the disguised Leocadia pretends that she is the son of Sanchio's steward and only pretended to a noble father in order to assure the assistance of Philippo and Theodosia.


The Second Host is the owner of the inn in Barcelona where Philippo, Theodosia, Diego and Incubo stay. He delivers their orders for dinner to his wife, the Second Hostess, and tells her to cover up rotted meat with garlic. He also buys clothes, worn only once, at the request of Philippo, although it is not clear if the change of clothes is for him or one of the disguised women.


The Second Hostess is the wife of the Second Host and the sister of Diego (the first host). She prepares dinner for Theodosia, Philippo and Leocadia, commenting all the while on how little food is available. When Diego appears and asks for wine, the Hostess promises he shall have all he wants.


There are three servants.
  • Alphonso's Servant is otherwise identified in his first scene as "First Servant."
  • The Second Servant, who serves Leonardo, invites Alphonso to enter. When Alphonso refuses and demands that the Second Servant instead tell Leonardo to come out, the Second Servant does so, commenting that Alphonso is a strange old man.
  • Another Servant (not referred to as "third") aids a wounded Mark-Antonio to the Governor's house. He offers to help Mark-Antonio enter, but is refused.


The First Soldier helps to carry the wounded Mark-Antonio to a house. He wishes Mark-Antonio good health, and then complains that there are no good duelists left in the city. When the Second Soldier points out that Old Ignatio still lives, the First Soldier agrees but points out that there are none left who specialize in piercing the heart or disemboweling a man.


The Surgeon meets with Leonardo and assures him that Mark-Antonio's wounds are superficial.


Theodosia is the daughter of Alphonso and the sister of Philippo. She disguises herself as a boy in order to travel to Barcelona in search of Mark-Antonio, who has deserted her. She stops at Diego's inn and pays for both of his beds so she can be assured of privacy. However, when Philippo arrives at the same inn, he is intrigued by Incubo's description of the beautiful youth and desires to see him. Incubo convinces the disguised Theodosia to let Philippo sleep in the same room, where they discover that they are brother and sister. Theodosia tells Philippo of her love for Mark-Antonio, and Philippo promises to help her. They travel with Diego to Barcelona, and along the way meet a group of travelers who have been robbed. They are moved by the disguised Leocadia and agree to have her travel with them. Theodosia realizes that Leocadia is a woman, and confronts her with the truth. She hears Leocadia's declaration that she is engaged to Mark-Antonio, and reviles herself as a deceitful seductress. When Theodosia sees Mark-Antonio wounded during the street fight, she faints, and is attacked by her brother for thus distracting him and allowing Leocadia to escape. Luckily, the Governor promises to find both Mark-Antonio and Leocadia and bring them to his house. Once there, Mark-Antonio, convinced that he is dying of his wound, confesses that he was engaged first to Theodosia and then to Leocadia, at which point Theodosia reveals herself and is reconciled with Mark-Antonio. Finally, in order to reconcile Alphonso and Sanchio, Theodosia along with Leocadia stand between their fathers while Eugenia insists that if the men wish to fight, they must fire through their daughters.


Theodoro is the name taken by Theodosia while she is disguised as a boy.


Several townsmen appear.
  • The First Townsman answers the Governor, when he asks why they did not call him earlier, that they were all so busy fighting that they forgot.
  • An unspecified number of Townsmen all agree with the First Townsman that they do not know the cause of the fight.


The Wench does not appear on stage, but speaks from "within." She answers the Second Hostess when called.