John Day



a synoptic, alphabetical character list


Aminter is a friend of Julio and with him plots to abduct the princesses Hippolita and Violetta from the fortified island on which Basilius keeps them. They arrive in disguise as a poor soldier and a poor poet, and are about to be dismissed by Dametas before they remove their disguises. It turns out that they have been conspiring with Dametas to win the challenge, and Dametas is to help them seize Hippolita and Violetta during a hunting party. Julio and Aminter disguise themselves as sylvans, and snatch the princesses, but Hippolita and Violetta are rescused by Lisander and Demetrius and Julio and Aminter are frustrated. They return in disguise as Lacedemonian intelligencers, and Basilius orders Dametas to reward them with 200 crowns for the news they bring. Instead, he keeps them hanging on for two months and eventually gives them only 50 crowns. Julio and Aminter are debating their frustrations and planning to inform on Dametas via Zelmane, when they overhear Lisander and Demetrius plotting to elope with the princesses. Lisander and Demetrius decide to hire Julio and Aminter to convey the princesses from the island. Unfortunately for them, this gives Julio and Aminter the opportunity to take Hippolita and Violetta for themselves. Lisander and Demetrius are furious and draw their swords, but Basilius approves the claim of Julio and Aminter within the rules of the challenge.


A "ghost character." Demetrius tells Dametas that Aristomones buried a large quantity of treasure beneath Diana's Oak.


Basilius is the Duke of Arcadia. He is the husband of Gynetia and the father of Hippolyta and Violetta. Annoyed by the constant influx of suitors to his court, Basilius has retreated to a fortified desert island. He is accompanied by his counsellor, Dametas, a man who comes from a humble background and owes all his advancement to Basilius. Basilius has issued a challenge to any princes who wish to marry his daughters: if they manage to steal the princesses away from the island they will inherit his titles. He keeps Violetta close by him, and puts Hippolyta under the charge of Dametas, Miso, and Mopsa. While Basilius and the court are hunting, the princesses are abducted by Julio and Aminter, who have the help of Dametas. They are, however, rescued by Lisander and Demetrius, who are disguised as an amazon, Zelmane, and a woodman, Dorus. Believing that Lisander is a woman, Basilius falls in love with him. He realises that his wife also loves Lisander, thinking him to be a man, and arranges for Gynetia to woo Lisander in front of him. Later, Basilius, Gynetia, Lisander and Violetta play bowls, and Lisander takes the opportunity to woo Violetta under her parents' noses. Basilius couts Lisander repeatedly, and Lisander eventually agrees to meet him at Adonis's Bower; Basilius does not realise that Lisander has also arranged for Gynetia to meet him there, and that it is a ruse to give the two princes the opportunity to escape with Hippolita and Violetta. Basilius and Gynetia watch the arrival of Manasses in Lisander's amazonian costume and initially believe him to be Zelmane. They also watch the arrival of Mopsa, Dametas, Miso and Manasses's Wife. Eventually, Lisander and Demetrius arrive and announce that they have conveyed the princesses away from the island. However, they are double-crossed by Julio and Aminter, who claim the princesses for themselves. Basilius approves the claim of Julio and Aminter within the rules of the challenge.


The Boy attends Demetrius. He comments cynically on his master and Lisander, but serves him faithfully. In order to help Demetrius and Lisander to escape, the Boy decoys the captains Kalander and Philinax by taking them to view Dametas as he tries to retrieve gold from under Diana's Oak.


Dametas is a parvenu courtier, who owes his advancement to the favour of duke Basilius. Basilius thinks him loyal, but Dametas is motivated entirely by personal gain. He is the husband of Miso and the daughter of Mopsa, and employs Manasses as his second-in-command. Dametas is placed in charge of Basilius's daughter Hippolita, and is also responsible for access to the court. The two Captains, Kalander and Philinax, bring Julio and Aminter before Dametas. Disguised as a poor soldier and a poor scholar, they present their petitions to Manasses. The two captains mock Dametas; Dametas overhears them and dismisses them despite their protestations that they are gentlemen. Dametas is about to dismiss Aminter and Julio when they remove their disguises. It turns out that they have been conspiring with Dametas to win the challenge, and Dametas is to help them seize Hippolita and Violetta during a hunting party. Lisander in his disguise as the amazon Zelmane comes before Dametas and is advised by Manasses to bribe his master if he is to be successful. Dametas succumbs to the bribe and admits Lisander to the court. Lisander later helps Demetrius, disguised as the woodman, Dorus, to gain a post in Dametas' service. Dametas' plan for Julio and Aminter to win the challenge is foiled when the princesses are rescued by Lisander and Demetrius. When Aminter and Julio brings news to Basilius in their new disguises as Lacedemonian intelligencers, Dametas is ordered to reward them with 200 crowns. Instead, he keeps them hanging on for two months and eventually gives them only 50 crowns. In order to give himself the opportunity to elope with Hippolita, Demetrius tells Dametas that he has discovered that Aristomones buried a large sum of money under Diana's Oak. Dametas leaves Hippolita in the charge of Miso, and goes to dig. He finds no money, but a mocking poem, and curses all poets. Dametas arrives at Adonis' Bower to find Mopsa with Manasses; he is persued by Miso, who has been told that he is having an affair with Manasses' Wife. They realise that Hippolita has been left unattended.


Demetrius is a friend of Lisander. He is in love with Hippolita, a daughter of duke Basilius and hopes to win her from the fortified island. He disguises himself as an woodman, Dorus, and is reunited with Lisander, who helps him to gain a post with Dametas. Together the pair save Violetta and her sister Hippolita from Julio and Aminter. Demetrius woos Hippolita under the cover of wooing Mopsa, and Hippolita agrees to elope with him. In order to give them the opportunity to escape, Demetrius tells Dametas that he has discovered that Aristomones buried a large sum of money under Diana's Oak and tells Miso that Manasses's Wife has been having an affair with Dametas. He arrages to meet Mopsa at Adonis' Bower, where they are to be married by Manasses. Demetrius and Lisander escape with Hippolita and Violetta, but they make the mistake of trusting them to Julio and Aminter, who are disguised as Lacedaemonian intelligencers, while they return to the island to explain themselves to Basilius and claim their prizes. They are double-crossed by Julio and Aminter, who claim the princesses for themselves. Lisander and Demetrius are furious and draw their swords, but Basilius approves the claim of Julio and Aminter within the rules of the challenge.


Dorus is the name used by Demetrius in his disguise as a woodman.


The First, Second, and Third Gentleman appear in the Induction. They want to sit on the stage, and demand stools from the Prologue. When the Prologue refuses to provide them, saying that it is not his job, the First Gentleman threatens him but is restrained by the Second Gentleman. The gentlemen make various demands to the Prologue about the kind of play they want to see. The First Gentleman demands a satirical play, the Second Gentleman demands a bawdy play, and the Third Gentleman demands a heroic, rhetorical play. The Prologue laments that The Isle of Gulls will be unable to please all of them, but eventually persuades the gentlemen to stay and watch the play.


Gynetia is the wife of Basilius and the mother of Hippolita and Violetta. She perceives that Lisander is a man, despite his disguise as the amazon Zelmane. Thinking that Lisander is a woman, Basilius sees an opportunity to humiliate his wife, and he arranges for Gynetia to woo Lisander as he watches. Lisander agrees to submit to her advances if she will allow him contact with Violetta. Later, Basilius, Gynetia, Lisander and Violetta play bowls, and Lisander takes the opportunity to woo Violetta under her parents' noses. Lisander arranges to meet both Gynetia and Basilius at Adonis' Bower, but this turns out to be a ruse: Manasses appears in the clothes of Zelmane, distracting Gynetia and Basilius, and Lisander and Demetrius make off with the princesses.


Hippolita is the daughter of Basilius and Gynetia and the sister of Violetta. Basilius has become tired with the disruption caused by suitors to Hippolita and Violetta, and has retreated to a fortified desert island. He issues a challenge that any princes who can steal the princesses away will inherit his lands. Basilius keeps Violetta close by him, and puts Hippolyta under the charge of Dametas, Miso, and Mopsa. While they are hunting, Hippolyta and Violetta are abducted by Julio and Aminter, but they are rescued by Lisander (disguised as an amazon, Zelmane) and Demetrius (disguised as a woodman, Dorus). Demetrius woos Hippolita under the cover of wooing Mopsa, and Hippolita agrees to elope with him. However, Demetrius and Lisander make the mistake of trusting the princesses to Julio and Aminter, who are disguised as Lacedemonian intelligencers. Julio and Aminter steal the princesses from Demetrius and Lisander, and Basilius agrees that they have won the challenge.


Julio is a friend of Aminter and with him plots to abduct the princesses Hippolita and Violetta from the fortified island on which Basilius keeps them. They arrive in disguise as a poor soldier and a poor poet, and are about to be dismissed by Dametas before they remove their disguises. It turns out that they have been conspiring with Dametas to win the challenge, and Dametas is to help them seize Hippolita and Violetta during a hunting party. Julio and Aminter disguise themselves as satyrs and snatch the princesses, but Hippolita and Violetta are rescused by Lisander and Demetrius and Julio and Aminter are frustrated. They return in disguise as Lacedaemonian intelligencers, and Basilius orders Dametas to reward them with 200 crowns for the news they bring. Instead, he keeps them hanging on for two months and eventually gives them only 50 crowns. Julio and Aminter are debating their frustrations and planning to inform on Dametas via Zelmane, when they overhear Lisander and Demetrius plotting to elope with the princesses. Lisander and Demetrius decide to hire Julio and Aminter to convey the princesses from the island. Unfortunately for them, this gives Julio and Aminter the opportunity to take Hippolita and Violetta for themselves. Lisander and Demetrius are furious and draw their swords, but Basilius approves the claim of Julio and Aminter within the rules of the challenge.


Kalander and Philinax are captains. They escort Julio and Aminter to Dametas, and when they are overhear sneering at him are dismissed, despite their protestations that they are gentlemen. Later, Demetrius's Boy takes Kalander and Philinax to view Dametas as he tries to retrieve gold from under Diana's Oak; they are amused by his efforts, and by his railing when he finds only a poem, but realise that the Boy has been distracting them from Demetrius.


Lisander is a friend of Demetrius. He is in love with Violetta, a daughter of duke Basilius, and hopes to win her from the fortified island. He disguises himself as an Amazon, Zelmane, and bribes the venal Dametas to gain access to the court. Lisander is reunited with Demetrius, whom he left behind when he went travelling, and together the pair save Violetta and her sister Hippolita from Julio and Aminter. Basilius and his wife Gynetia both fall in love with Lisander, the duke believing him to be a woman and Gynetia knowing him to be a man. Basilius arranges for Gynetia to woo Lisander in front of him. Later, Basilius, Gynetia, Lisander and Violetta play bowls, and Lisander takes the opportunity to woo Violetta under her parents' noses. Basilius couts Lisander repeatedly, and Lisander eventually agrees to meet him at Adonis's Bower; Basilius does not realise that Lisander has also arranged for Gynetia to meet him there, and that it is a ruse to give the two princes the opportunity to escape with Hippolita and Violetta. However, Demetrius and Lisander make the mistake of trusting the princesses to Julio and Aminter, who are disguised as Lacedaemonian intelligencers, while they return to the island to explain themselves to Basilius and claim their prizes. They are double-crossed by Julio and Aminter, who claim the princesses for themselves. Lisander and Demetrius are furious and draw their swords, but Basilius approves the claim of Julio and Aminter within the rules of the challenge.


Manasses is the second-in-command of Dametas and assists him in controlling access to the court. He claims that 'My great Graundfather was a Rat-catcher, my Grandsier a Hangman, my Father a Promooter, and my selfe an Informer', but he has rejected informing for his profitable career with Dametas. Manasses has taken orders, and agrees to marry Mopsa to Dorus, wearing the amazonian disguise of Lisander. Basilius and Gynetia think that he is Lisander, and Manasses's Wife finds him with Mopsa and thinks that he is having an affair with her. Manasses eventually reveals to Basilius and Gynetia that he is not Lisander.


Demetrius tells Miso that Dametas has been having an affair with Manasses' Wife. Miso goes to find him, and attacks Manasses's Wife as a whore. Manasses's Wife eventually convinces Miso that she is innocent, and they instead become convinced that Manasses is involved with Mopsa. They pursue them to Adonis' Bower.


A fictional character. In his disguise as a woodman, Demetrius claims that his father's name was Menalchas.


Miso is the wife of Dametas and the mother of Mopsa. She helps Dametas in watching over Hippolita, but falls asleep and does not see Demetrius woo Hippolita under the veil of courting Mopsa. Later, Demetrius tells Miso that Dametas has been having an affair with Manasses' Wife. Miso goes to find him, and attacks Manasses's Wife as a whore. Having been told by Demetrius that ladies do not rail, she tries (unsuccessfully) to curb her tongue. Manasses's Wife eventually convinces Miso that she is innocent, and they instead become convinced that Manasses is involved with Mopsa, pursuing them to Adonis' Bower.


Mopsa is the daughter of Dametas and Miso. She is wooed by Demetrius in his disguise as the woodman Dorus, and does not realise that Demetrius is really courting Hippolita. Mopsa agrees to marry Dorus at Adonis' Bower, but when she arrives she finds only Manasses in the costume of Zelmane. Mopsa is happy to marry Raph the horseman, with whom she lost her virginity and by whom she is probably pregnant, instead of Demetrius.


Philinax and Kalander are captains. They escort Julio and Aminter to Dametas, and when they are overhear sneering at him are dismissed, despite their protestations that they are gentlemen. Later, the Boy takes Kalander and Philinax to view Dametas as he tries to retrieve gold from under Diana's Oak; they are amused by his efforts, and by his railing when he finds only a poem, but realise that the Boy has been distracting them from Demetrius.


The Prologue is a member of the acting company. He comes onto the stage to speak the opening lines of the play. He is faced with the First Gentleman, the Second Gentleman and the Third Gentleman, who want to sit on the stage and demand that he provide them with stools. When the Prologue refuses, saying that it is not his job, the First Gentleman threatens him but is restrained by the Second Gentleman. The gentlemen make various demands to the Prologue about the kind of play they want to see. The First Gentleman demands a satirical play, the Second Gentleman demands a bawdy play, and the Third Gentleman demands a heroic, rhetorical play. The Prologue laments that The Isle of Gulls will be unable to please all of them, but eventually persuades the gentlemen to stay and watch the play.


A "ghost character." He a horseman in the service of Dametas. Mopsa lost her virginity to Raph, and is probably expecting his baby. She is happy to marry him when it becomes apparent that Demetrius has jilted her.


Violetta is the daughter of Basilius and Gynetia and the sister of Hippolita. Basilius has become tired with the disruption caused by suitors to Hippolita and Violetta, and has retreated to a fortified desert island. He issues a challenge that any princes who can steal the princesses away will inherit his lands. Basilius keeps Violetta close by him, and puts Hippolyta under the charge of Dametas, Miso, and Mopsa. While they are hunting, Hippolyta and Violetta are abducted by Julio and Aminter, but they are rescued by Lisander (disguised as an amazon, Zelmane) and Demetrius (disguised as a woodman, Dorus). Lisander uses the fact that both Basilius and Gynetia are in love with him to get close to Violetta, and she agrees to elope with him while they are playing bowls. However, Demetrius and Lisander make the mistake of trusting the princesses to Julio and Aminter, who are disguised as Lacedemonian intelligencers. Julio and Aminter steal the princesses from Demetrius and Lisander, and Basilius agrees that they have won the challenge.


Zelmane is the name used by Lisander in his disguise as an amazon.