a synoptic, alphabetical character list
Areo is a devil conjured by Mago. He delivers a magic cape to Trappolin as part of his transformation into the false Duke Lavinio. The cape contains the demon of this name. Trappolin is warned to wear this cape, along with the hat and mirror, at all times in order to maintain the transformation.
A Florentine nobleman. Barbarino desires Trappolin's sweetheart, Flametta, and attempts to win her through gifts of money and jewels. She is devoted to Trappolin and impervious to Barbarino's persuasions. When Trappolin goads Barbarino for his failure and flouts his authority, Barbarino vows to take vengeance against Trappolin for his insolence. Barbarino and Machavil are granted shared governance of Florence when Lavinio journeys to Milan to wed, and Barbarino immediately recognizes this as an opportunity to exact his revenge. He has Trappolin arrested for pandering, and when Trappolin admits that this is his mode of survival, Barbarino banishes him from Florence on pain of death, but it is clear that this is merely an excuse to punish Trappolin. Upon learning from Mattemores that Prudentia has fallen in love with Horatio, Barbarino orders his imprisonment to prevent them from eloping. Trappolin returns to Florence, magically disguised as Duke Lavinio, and chastises Barbarino and Machavil for banishing Trappolin, then rides into Florence on Barbarino's back, commanding Mattemores to run at his side in place of his lackey. When they protest his approval, as Duke Lavinio, of the marriage of Horatio and Prudentia, he has them arrested. Released from prison upon the return of the true Duke Lavinio, Barbarino and the other nobles think their Duke is mad, since he has no recollection of "his" actions during the previous scenes. When the disguised Trappolin encounters the Barbarino and Machavil, he orders them imprisoned once again, claiming to have been drunk when he ordered their release. These alternations between Trappolin's will and that of the true Duke continue, as Trappolin seeks an opportunity to transform the Duke with his magic powder. When the transformation is accomplished, Barbarino believes Trappolin to be the Duke, and vice versa, and he ignores the pleas of the true Duke. When the truth is at last revealed, he graciously forgives Trappolin.
Barne is a Farmer. He brings a suit before Trappolin, accusing Tiler of having fallen from the roof onto his only son and killed him. Trappolin's judgment is that Barne should go up to the roof and fall on Tiler, which Barne sees as an unsatisfactory judgment.
Brunetto is an alternate name for Horatio. A nephew of the Mantuan Duke, Horatio fought against Tuscany and is now Lavinio's prisoner of war under the false name of Brunetto. As Brunetto, he gives a ring to Trappolin to help him survive his banishment from Florence. In this guise he wins the heart of Prudentia, but quickly reveals his true identity and condition. They pledge mutual love, and are eventually wed, through the help of Trappolin, disguised as Duke Lavinio. Horatio's identity remains unknown to the other characters, and is only gradually revealed to them.
Bulflesh is a butcher. He is the defendant in a suit brought before Trappolin by the Puritan Calfshead. He has killed Calfshead's serving man while drunk, for which he is condemned to be murdered by the tea-totaling Calfshead, as soon as the offended Puritan deigns to become drunk and perform the murder. Bulflesh is pleased with this judgment, while Calfshead finds it an outrage.
Calfshead is a Puritan. He is critical of drinking, but devoted to all other vices. He brings a suit against Bulsflesh to the disguised Trappolin, claiming that Bulflesh killed Calfshead's serving man. Trappolin's judgment is that Calfshead must become drunk and murder Bulflesh if he desires justice. Bulflesh is pleased with this judgment, while Calfshead finds it an outrage.
A "ghost character." The late Duke is the deceased father of Prudentia and Lavinio.
Only mentioned. Endymion is invoked by Luna in the nuptial masque for Lavinio and Isabella, as a model of eternal love.
Eo is a devil conjured by Mago. He delivers a hat to Trappolin as part of his transformation. The hat itself is called Eo, and contains the demon of this name. Trappolin is warned to wear this hat, along with the cape and mirror, at all times in order to maintain the transformation.
A "ghost character." Horatio's Father is the Duke of Piedmont.
Flametta is Trappolin's devoted sweetheart. She vows at the beginning of the play that no man will win her from him. She has rejected Barbarino, frustrating him. When Trappolin returns to Florence disguised as Duke Lavinio, Flametta discovers the supposed Duke alone and pleads for the repeal of Trappolin's banishment. Her disguised lover tests her by asking for her maidenhead in recompense for the repeal, and she refuses. He continues to test her, and she respectfully adheres to her virtue. He does claim a number of kisses, and refuses to give her a final answer in response to her suit. In her second attempt to procure Trappolin's forgiveness and return, her disguised beloved insists that he will do her bidding if she promises to lie with Trappolin upon his oath to marry her, rather than waiting for the actual ceremony. She reluctantly agrees, but would rather wait for marriage. When Trappolin administers the magic powder and the Duke is transformed, Flametta enters and mistakes him for her Trappolin. The Duke rejects her, and she goes to Trappolin to complain. When the supposed Trappolin is arrested, she believes the Duke is acting on her behalf. She pleads for his release from prison, and tries to silence his claims to be the true Duke Lavinio upon his release. She is betrothed to Trappolin, who has been given the Earldom of Virelli, at the end of the play.
A "ghost character." Gonzaga is the leader of the Mantuans, mentioned by Mattemores.
Only mentioned. The Goths are former enemies of Italy, whom Mattemores would resurrect for the glory of battle.
Hipolita has unknowingly won Mattemores's love against his will. He is disgusted with his weakness, but when he overhears her claiming to favor liberty over love, and expressing her hope that she will not be wooed, he suddenly sees winning her love as a worthy challenge, and vows to devote himself to the difficult endeavor. Her rejection of his suit only enflames his desire, and his pursuit in the face of this refusal seems to hold all the dangers of the greatest martial challenge. Her harsh rejections drive him to beg Cupid to drive her mad with love of a bestial man who doesn't appreciate or acknowledge her, and transformed by his passion, she admits to having been conquered by him. He pledges his love for her in return.
Horatio is also called Brunetto. Son of the Duke of Savoy, nephew of the Duke of Mantua, he fought against the Tuscans and is Lavinio's prisoner of war. He has not yet revealed his true identity to the Florentines, and is known to them as Brunetto. He desires Prudentia, sister of Lavinio, and is happy to be in Florence in order to be near her. He has not yet declared his love, and knows he has little chance of winning Prudentia, given that he is a second son. He has been befriended by Trappolin, who knows him only as Brunetto, and in the same guise catches the eye of Prudentia, who recognizes his innate nobility. When Trappolin is banished for pimping by his enemy Barbarino, Horatio comes to Trappolin's aid, giving him a ring to sell for his sustenance. Horatio sees his own condition as worse than that of Trappolin, but consoles himself that at least he is near Prudentia, for whom he would suffer anything. When Prudentia overcomes propriety and approaches him to confess her love, Horatio reveals his true name and status as Prince of Piedmont and Duke of Savoy. He confesses his love for her, and indicates that his father would readily pay his ransom, but Horatio prefers to languish as a prisoner in Florence in order to remain near Prudentia. She confesses her love for him in turn, and he is satisfied to remain a prisoner, confident that they will share an undying love. Having overheard the love pledges between Prudentia and Horatio, whose identity remains a secret to all but Prudentia, Mattemores reveals their love to Barbarino and Machavil. Barbarino orders Horatio imprisoned to prevent the elopement. Trappolin, disguised as Duke Lavinio, discovers Horatio in prison and invites him to sit and talk as equals, much to the delight and amazement of the unfortunate Horatio. Upon learning that Horatio has been imprisoned for his inappropriate love, Trappolin grants his blessing on the match and promises to arrange the marriage of Horatio and Prudentia if she is willing. Horatio, though grateful, denies that he is worthy, and when Trappolin insists, Horatio exclaims that he is mad. Horatio is released from prison. When the true Duke Lavinio returns, he overhears the love vows of Prudentia and Horation, condemns his sister's poor judgment, and orders the arrest of Horatio once again, undoing what Trappolin has accomplished in his stead. When the disguised Trappolin encounters Prudentia, he appologizes for is drunken action against Horatio, orders the increasingly confused jailor to release him, asks the lovers' forgiveness, and sends them off together. These alternations between Trappolin's will and that of the true Duke continue, as Trappolin seeks an opportunity to transform the Duke with his magic powder. The opportunity presents itself at last, and the Duke is transformed into an image of Trappolin, although he retains knowledge of his true identity. At this point, Horatio is in prison at the Duke's orders. The disguised Trappolin enters and orders the release of Horatio, infuriating the true Duke. Yet, he must be patient as long as he appears to be the lowly Trappolin, and so looks on as the imposter sends his sister and Horatio off to be wed. Finally, Trappolin orders the imprisonment of Lavinio, and Pucannello complies. All are convinced that Lavinio is Trappolin. While Lavinio is in prison as Trappolin, Horatio and Prudentia are wed. When Mago enters shortly thereafter and reveals the real identity of Lavinio, the Duke forgives everything. Mago explains that Horatio's elder brother, Prince Filberto, has died, thus making Horatio the heir to Piedmont's throne. With this news, Lavinio grants Prudentia and Horatio his blessing.
Hortentia is Sforza's wife, Duchess of Milan. She is present at the nuptials of Lavinio and Isabella, and ushers the newlyweds off to bed.
Hymen is a character in the masque performed to celebrate the nuptials of Lavinio and Isabella.
Sister of Sforza. Isabella is given to Lavinio as his wife as a reward for Sforza's support in the recent Tuscan wars. Lavinio goes to Milan to wed her, and she becomes Duchess of Tuscany. When she and her new husband arrive in Florence, she is one of the courtly retinue exposed to the alternations between Trappolin's will and that of the true Duke, as Trappolin seeks an opportunity to transform the Duke. Lavinio thinks she is mad, as she accuses him of actions has not taken. She thinks he is mad for the same reason. In an encounter with the disguised Trappolin, she condemns his drunkenness, which is his excuse for the changes of behavior others are witnessing. At the end of the play Duke Lavinio welcomes her to the Florentine court, and promises to explain the confusing events that greeted her on her arrival in Florence.
Jupiter is a character in the masque performed to celebrate the nuptials of Lavinio and Isabella.
Lavinio is the Duke of Tuscany. He is identified as a member of the Medici family. After winning a war against Mantua, aided by Sforza, Lavinio turns governance of Florence over to the Lords Barbarino and Machavil, and journeys to Milan to wed Isabella, Sforza's sister. They watch a masque to celebrate their nuptials, and then retire to consummate their union. Upon his return to Florence with his new wife, Lavinio is amazed by the behavior of his courtiers, who seem to think he has been there for some time, having been fooled by the transformed Trappolin. He discovers his substitute governors in prison, where Trappolin has placed them, and to his confusion, they plead for his mercy. They, too, are confused, as he inquires how they came to be imprisoned. In their explanation of what has transpired they reveal the love match between Prudentia and Horatio, whom they still know only as Brunetto. Lavinio believes his sister is distracted, like the rest of the nobility, and believes a general frenzy has overcome his region. They all believe the madness is limited to their Duke. Mattemores reveals the identity of Horatio, and enourages the Duke to eavesdrop on the lovers. Upon overhearing the love pledges between Prudentia and Horatio, Lavinio reveals himself and chastises them for their behavior. He denies his blessing of their marriage, undoing what Trappolin has done in his name, and once again orders the arrest of Horatio. Upon discovering the situation, Trappolin reverses it, and these alternations between Trappolin's will and that of the true Duke continue, as Trappolin seeks an opportunity to transform the Duke with his magic powder. The opportunity presents itself at last, and the Duke is transformed, although he retains knowledge of his true identity. Flametta enters and mistakes him for her Trappolin. The Duke rejects her. When Mattemores enters, the Duke inquires about his Lords, and Mattemores rebuffs him, believing him to be Trappolin. The disguised Trappolin enters and orders the release of Horatio, infuriating the true Duke. Yet, he must be patient as long as he appears to be the lowly Trappolin, and so looks on as the imposter sends his sister and Horatio off to be wed. Finally, Trappolin orders the imprisonment of Lavinio, and Pucannello complies. All are convinced that Lavinio is Trappolin. In prison and lamenting his condition, Lavinio pleads with Barbarino and Machavil to release him. They believe he is mad. While Lavinio is in prison as Trappolin, Horatio and Prudentia are wed. Tiring of his game, and with the marriage of Horatio and Prudentia accomplished, Trappolin releases Lavinio from prison and warns him to use his freedom well. The Duke continues to insist that he is the true Duke, and the others are impatient with him. When Mago enters shortly thereafter and reveals the real identity of Lavinio, the Duke forgives everything. Mago explains that Horatio's elder brother Prince Filberto has died, thus making Horatio the heir to Piedmont's throne. With this news, Lavinio grants Prudentia and Horatio his blessing. The confusion having been resolved, Lavinio welcomes his bride, Isabella, to court, and promises to tell the whole story at a later time.
Only mentioned. The Mantuans are the enemy against whom Tuscany has just triumphed.
Luna is a character in the masque performed to celebrate the nuptials of Lavinio and Isabella.
Machavil is a Florentine nobleman. He is made co-governor of Florence with Barbarino in Lavinio's absence. He is generally in concurrence with Barbarino's decisions, and is arrested with him for criticizing the disguised Trappolin's decision regarding the marriage the marriage of Prudentia and Horatio. Released from prison upon the return of the true Duke Lavinio, Machavil and the other nobles think their Duke is mad, since he has no recollection of 'his' actions during the previous scenes. When the disguised Trappolin encounters Barbarino and Machavil, he orders them imprisoned once again, claiming to have been drunk when he ordered their release. These alternations between Trappolin's will and that of the true Duke continue, as Trappolin seeks an opportunity to transform the Duke. When the transfomation is accomplished, Machavil believes Trappolin to be the Duke, and vice versa, and he ignores the pleas of the true Duke. When the truth is at last revealed, he forgives Trappolin.
A Conjurer. He offers Trappolin an opportunity to magically disguise himself as the right Duke of Tuscany in order to return to Florence after having been banished for pandering. Mago also gives Trappolin a powder that will transform whomever it touches into the image of Trappolin, in order to help him maintain his disguise. Mago turns up at the end of the play to reveal the situation and set the confusions and inversions right again. He extracts a promise from Duke Lavinio to forgive all transgressions in exchange for the return to his proper identity. He reveals himself to be Trappolin's actual father in the closing moments of the play.
Mars is a character in the masque performed to celebrate the nuptials of Lavinio and Isabella.
Mattemores is a Spanish Captain. He has led the Tuscan troops against the Mantuans. A man devoted to martial honor and glory, he loathes the peace that reigns in Tuscany. In the absence of military action, he falls in love with Hipolita, but hates himself for his weakness and wishes she were a man or an Amazon, so he could challenge her. He condemns himself for being conquered by a woman. Having overheard the love pledges between Prudentia and Horatio, whose identity remains a secret to all but Prudentia, Mattemores reveals their love to Barbarino and Machavil. They are outraged at the inappropriateness of the match and the indiscretion of Prudentia, and attempt to prevent the elopement by imprisoning Brunetto (Horatio). Trappolin returns to Florence magically disguised as Duke Lavinio, and chastises them, riding into Florence on Barbarino's back and commanding Mattemores to run at his side in place of his lackey. Still disgusted with his love of Hipolita, Mattemores overhears her claim to favor liberty over love, and her hope that she will not be wooed. He suddenly sees winning her love as a worthy challenge, and vows to devote himself to the difficult endeavor. Her rejection of his suit only enflames his desire, and his pursuit in the face of this refusal seems to hold all the dangers of the greatest martial challenge. Her harsh rejections drive him to beg Cupid to drive her mad with love of a bestial man who doesn't appreciate or acknowledge her, and transformed by his passion, she admits to having been conquered by him. He pledges his love for her in return. With the return of the true Duke Lavinio, Mattemores and the other nobles think the Duke is mad, since he has no recollection of "his" actions during the previous scenes. Mattemores reveals the betrothal of Prudentia and Horatio, and points them out to Lavinio, encouraging the Duke to eavesdrop on the lovers. Having been transformed by Trappolin's magic powder, when Mattemores enters the Duke inquires about his Lords, and Mattemores rebuffs him, believing him to be Trappolin.
Meo is a devil conjured by Mago. He delivers a magic looking-glass to Trappolin. The looking-glass itself is called Meo, and contains the demon of this name. Trappolin is warned to keep the looking glass with him at all times, and to wear the cape and hat, in order to maintain his disguise.
Mercury is a character in the masque performed to celebrate the nuptials of Lavinio and Isabella.
Only mentioned. The Moors are former enemies of Spain, whom Mattemores would resurrect for the glory of battle.
Mrs. Fine is a widow bringing a suit against Whip, a coachman who accidentally struck and killed one of her children. Trappolin's judgment is that Whip should lie with the widow until she conceives a child to replace the one she has lost. She is outraged by the judgment, but Whip is rather pleased with it.
The First Officer and Second Officer arrest Trappolin at Barbarino's order.
A "ghost character." Prince Filberto is the elder brother of Horatio, and heir apparent. The announcement of his death at the end of the play places Horatio in line for the throne of Piedmont, and helps win Lavinio's approval of Horatio's marriage to Prudentia.
Pucannello is a jailor. He is responsible for imprisoning Horatio at Barbarino's command and later for releasing him at Trappolin's order. He also arrests Barbarino and Machavil at Trappolin's command. When the Duke is transformed into the image of Trappolin by the magic powder, Trappolin orders his imprisonment, and Pucannello complies. Like everyone else, Pucannello is confused by the alternation of orders from the two Duke Lavinios, and is convinced that the actual Duke is Trappolin once the transformation has occurred.
Sister to Lavinio. Prudentia falls in love with Brunetto (Horatio) while he is held as a prisoner of war by her brother. He reveals his true identity to her, and they exchange vows of love and devotion. Since she knows her brother will never approve the match, because Horatio is a second son and not an heir to the throne of Piedmont, she promises to run away with him at his bidding. When Trappolin returns to Florence disguised as her brother, Duke Lavinio, he sends for her and blesses her love of Brunetto (Horatio). She reveals Horatio's true identity, and he instructs her to marry Horatio whenever she desires. When the true Duke Lavinio returns, he overhears the love vows of Prudentia and Horation, condemns his sister's poor judgment, and orders the arrest of Horatio once again, undoing what Trappolin has accomplished in his stead. She believes him to be distracted, but he is immovable in his judgement. However, when she encounters the disguised Trappolin, he appologizes for is drunken action against Horatio, and orders the increasingly confused jailor to release him, asks their forgiveness, and sends them off together. These alternations between Trappolin's will and that of the true Duke continue, as Trappolin seeks an opportunity to transform the Duke with his magic powder. While Lavinio is in prison as Trappolin, Horatio and Prudentia are wed. When Mago enters shortly thereafter and reveals the real identity of Lavinio, the Duke forgives everything. Mago explains that Horatio's elder brother Prince Filberto has died, thus making Horatio the heir to Piedmont's throne. With this news, Lavinio grants Prudentia and Horatio his blessing.
Saturn is a character in the masque performed to celebrate the nuptials of Lavinio and Isabella.
Sforza is Duke of Milan. He provided military support in Lavinio's war against Mantua. He hosts Lavinio in Milan and oversees the marriage festivities between Lavinio and Isabella.
Sol is a character in the masque performed to celebrate the nuptials of Lavinio and Isabella.
Only mentioned. Mattemores wishes he were like Theseus, and could conquer his lover rather than be conquered by her.
Tiler is an impoverished workman. He is accused of having fallen from a roof onto Barne's son, thereby killing him. Trappolin, disguised as Duke Lavinio, condemns him to die by having Barne fall from a roof onto him. Both plaintiff and defendant find the sentence outrageous.
In love with Flametta. Trappolin begins the play delighted with his faithful sweetheart and happy with his identity, despite his rather low condition. He incurs the wrath of Barbarino by flauting the nobleman's authority and flaunting Flametta's fidelity to the desirous Barbarino. When Barbarino becomes one of the ruling Lords of Florence, he has Trappolin arrested, revealing that Trappolin is a pimp and a pander. Trappolin is banished from Florence on pain of death for corrupting Florence's youth. He complains to his friend Brunetto (Horatio), who gives him a ring to help him on his way, and admonishes him to lead an honest life. Casting about for a means of survival in his banishment, Trappolin encounters Mago, who knows his whole story and offers to help him. Trappolin is transformed into the image of Lavinio, Duke of Tuscany, through Mago's conjuration. Mago also gives him a magic powder that will cause whomever it touches to be mistaken for Trappolin, instructing him to use it on the true Duke Lavinio. Trappolin is warned not to remove any part of his disguise or his actual identity will instantly be revealed. Just as Brunetto (Horatio) is being arrested by Barbarino for wooing Prudentia, Trappolin returns to Florence magically disguised as Lavinio, the Duke. He chastises Barbarino and Machavil for banishing Trappolin on the minor charge of pandering, claiming to have returned unexpectedly without his new wife and train in order to see how they have functioned as governors. To humiliate them, he rides on the back of Barbarino, and commands Mattemores to run at his side in place of his lackey. Alone, Trappolin marvels at his new-found power. He discovers Horatio in prison and calls for Pucannello, the jailor, to bring him forth. He returns Horatio's signs of respect equally, refusing the honors and titles appropriate to his role as Duke, amazing the unfortunate prisoner. Grateful for Horatio's gift of the ring when he was banished, he insists that they speak and act as equals, and listens as Horatio explains how he came to be imprisoned. Upon Horatio's confession of love for Prudentia, Trappolin offers his approval and blessing for the match, and instructs Horatio to marry her, if that is her wish. His only present regret is that even if he should successfully woo Flametta, he could not bed her without revealing himself, for that would mean removing his magical garments. Flametta discovers him alone and pleads for the repeal of Trappolin's banishment. Trappolin tests her by asking for her maidenhead in recompense for the repeal, and she refuses. He continues to test her, and she respectfully adheres to her virtue. He does claim a number of kisses, and refuses to give her a final answer in response to her suit. Having sent for Prudentia, Trappolin grants his blessing on the love between her and Horatio, as long as Prudentia is willing. She reveals Horatio's true identity and gratefully confesses her love. Trappolin bids her marry Horatio at her will. He releases Horatio and clothes him richly, causing the nobles of the court to wonder at his folly. He has Barbarino and Machavil arrested and imprisoned for speaking out against Horatio. Trappolin grants Prudentia to Horatio, who confesses his unworthiness, but his benefactor will not be swayed, and insists Horatio deserves such a wife. Horatio, like the nobles of the Florentine court, believes him mad. Continuing to act as Duke, Trappolin hears a series of suits, brought by Calfshead, Barne, and Mrs. Fine, and makes judgments in each case that amaze his attendants. He promises Flametta to repeal Trappolin's banishment, on the condition that she will lie with her lover upon his oath to marry her. She reluctantly agrees, preferring to wed before consummating the marriage. Upon learning that the true Duke Lavinio has returned, Trappolin determines to try out the magic powder on him, in order to transform the Duke into the image of Trappolin. The Duke responds negatively to the betrothal of Prudentia and Horatio, and returns Horatio to prison. When the disguised Trappolin encounters Prudentia, he apologizes for his drunken action against Horatio. He orders the increasingly confused jailor to release Horatio again, asks the lovers' forgiveness, and sends them off together. These alternations between Trappolin's will and that of the true Duke continue, as Trappolin seeks an opportunity to transform the Duke. The opportunity presents itself at last, and the Duke is transformed, although he retains knowledge of his true identity. Flametta enters and mistakes him for her Trappolin. The Duke rejects her. When Mattemores enters, the Duke inquires about his Lords, and Mattemores rebuffs him, believing him to be Trappolin. The disguised Trappolin enters and orders the release of Horatio, who is once again under arrest, infuriating the true Duke. Yet, he must be patient as long as he appears to be the lowly Trappolin, and so looks on as the imposter sends his sister and Horatio off to be wed. Finally, Trappolin orders the imprisonment of Lavinio, and Pucannello complies. All are convinced that Lavinio is Trappolin. Trappolin confesses that he begins to grow weary of the game of disguise. Flametta pleads with him to release the transformed Lavinio, whom she believes to be her lover, and Trappolin complies. Horatio and Prudentia enter, married, and Trappolin expresses his approval. When Mago enters shortly thereafter and reveals the real identity of Lavinio, the Duke promises to forgive everything in exchange for his transformation beck to himself. Trappolin, exposed by Mago, fears he will be punished, but Lavinio has forgiven all transgressions, so he is safe. He reclaims Flametta, and Horatio, grateful for the kindness shown to him by Trappolin, bestows an earldom on him, greatly improving the status and condition of both Trappolin and Flametta. At the very end, Mago the conjurer reveals that he actually is Trappolin's father.
Only mentioned. The Vandals are former enemies of Italy, whom Mattemores wishes to resurrect for the glory of battle.
Venus is a character in the masque performed to celebrate the nuptials of Lavinio and Isabella.
Whip is a coachman. He is accused by Mrs. Fine of having run down one of her children with his coach. He is instructed by Trappolin to lie with the unfortunate widow until she is again with child, as a replacement for the one she has lost. While she is outraged, Whip finds the judgment very much to his liking.