The Gabines are a warlike enemy of Rome in Heywood's The Rape of Lucrece. Sextus is sent with an army to fight them. For e brief time, he becomes their general. Later, he has the heads of their leaders cut off.


A Roman noble, supporter of Pompey in Chapman's Caesar and Pompey.


Publius Gabinius Capito is a knight of the equestrian order and a member of Catiline's conspiracy in Jonson's Catiline. At Catiline's house, Gabinius enters with the other conspirators. After hearing Catiline's incendiary address, the confederates are invited to partake of fresh human blood as a symbolic seal of their pact. After the ritual ceremony, the conspirators exeunt. After the plot has been exposed in the Senate, the conspirators gather at Catiline's house to elaborate their strategy. The plan is to set Rome on fire on the night of the Saturnalia, and remove all the enemies at once. After each conspirator has been allotted his task, all depart secretly. When the conspirators are arrested and tried before the Senate, Gabinius is placed under Crassus's private custody. After reports of the conspirators' further seditious actions, the Senate condemns them to death and Cicero orders that Gabinius should be executed with the others.


An angel in Percy's Arabia Sitiens. He coerces Mahomet into investigating reports of the Arabs' sinfulness rather than just accepting the reports and meting out harsh punishment. Sings the fifth song–a debate about the relative importance of the virtues–along with Mahomet, the Chorus of Spirits, Adriel, and Metraon. On Mahomet's order, Gabriel goes westward in search of Mahomet's missing agents, Haroth and Maroth. When Epimenide arrives in Heaven, he takes her for some sort of beast.


Servant and kinsman to Andrew Mendicant in Brome's Court Beggar. He ridicules the projectors who visit Mendicant and sides with Charissa in her love for Frederick. When he allows the two lovers to converse secretly, Mendicant wounds him and throws him out of the house. He then accompanies Frederick on his attempt to avenge Charissa on Ferdinand. After helping Ferdinand marry Charissa secretly, he reconciles with Mendicant.


The elder son of Crosswill and brother to Mihil and Katherine in Brome's The Weeding of Covent Garden. Dispatched by his father to a bishop's household in order to cool an incestuous desire for his cousin Dorcas, Gabriel seemingly transforms from a wild and brawling youth into a model of sobriety, studiousness, and puritanical religiosity. In order to reverse this lamentable transformation, Mihil, his brother, engages in some rudimentary psychological therapy; Mihil gets his brother drunk. Hallucinating, Gabriel then mistakes the members of the Philoblathici for his puritanical brethren. When subsequently unconscious, Gabriel is dressed by the gang in martial habiliments, and, awakened, believes himself on a military campaign to defend Covent Garden. Finally recovering from his intoxicated state, Gabriel acknowledges that his religious posturing was partially the product of a truculent stubbornness; his religious zeal is purged and he is reconciled with his father. He alone, of the young, is not paired in marriage.


A "ghost character" in Mountfort's The Launching of The Mary. One of the workers in the shipyard. His name is called out by the Clerk of the Check. There is a cryptic marginal annotation next to his name: "where it must be the least man with a long beard."


Gabriella is the daughter of Eldegrad, the sister of Ganelon and Theodora, and the aunt of La Busse in the anonymous Charlemagne. She is infatuated with Ganelon's friend Richard, who does not return her affection. Because Ganelon opposes the match, she plots with Eldegrad and forges letters in order to break up the friendship between the two men. This results in Ganelon's murder of Richard when he thinks that his friend has dishonored his family. Ganelon kills Gabriella and Eldegrad when he discovers their fabrications.


Gabrielle is a character in "The Triumph of Death," the third play within the play of Fletcher's Four Plays in One. She is the neglected first wife of Lavall. She secretly marries him when she learns that her lover Perelot has been killed in battle. When he marries Helena–a more advantageous match–Gabrielle plots his death. After killing him she commits suicide.


A Frenchwoman and daughter of Old Lafoy in Brome's The New Academy. She has been reared by Matchil in England while Philip has been reared by Old Lafoy in France. In Matchil's rage over his son's supposed death, he throws her out of his house. When Joyce intercedes for her and draws her father's wrath, Gabriella begs Matchil to reconcile with his daughter and advises Joyce to abandon her. After Joyce refuses to do so, the two women agree to go to Lady Nestlecock's house in hopes that Matchil's anger will subside. Strigood steals away with the two women and uses them to establish the New Academy at the Camelions lodging. There, Gabriella takes on the name Frances. Advertising lessons from the women in dancing, fashion and courtly behavior, Strigood collects money from men under the impression that they are purchasing sex. Although Gabriella and Joyce remain chaste, they wish to escape Strigood because they fear their true identities will be discovered and their reputations ruined. Eventually, Strigood attempts to prostitute her to Galliard, but Galliard (actually her brother, Frances Lafoy, in disguise) bowing to her objections refuses to do so and instead contracts to marry her. The couple gives the impression that they have in fact been married in secret, but when it is revealed that they are brother and sister, they reveal that they have not actually carried out the marriage yet. In the end, Gabriella agrees to marry Philip Matchil.


Gadshill is a companion of Falstaff in Shakespeare's 1 Henry IV. He obtains information from Rochester Inn about travelers and their money pursuant to Falstaff's robbery plan. His name may suggest a metonymy because Gadshill is also the place of the robbery. He later goads Falstaff on to offer Hal a fictitious account of how they were themselves robbed, not knowing it was Hal and Poins in disguise who robbed them.


Gage is loyal to Elizabeth in Heywood's 1 If You Know Not Me. He denounces her treatment at the Tower and pledges to carry Elizabeth's letter to Queen Mary. He is made Captain Pensioner when Elizabeth becomes Queen.

A captain in the English army and companion of Stukeley during the Irish campaign in the anonymous Captain Thomas Stukeley. Along with Vernon, he is dismayed when Stukeley receives all the credit for the victory at Dundalk. It is he who gives the captain the moniker "lusty Stukeley."


A plebeian in Medwall’s Fulgens and Lucrece. Though aware of his low condition, he courts Lucrece but is unwilling to force her choice. He hires character A to be his go-between with his love. After the (apparently lengthy) interval, he listens patiently to his rival, Publius Cornelius, as he calls upon family connection and wealth as his ‘proof’ of nobility. He dismisses this form of nobility, pointing out that all men are descended of Adam and Eve and therefore only personal virtue rather than family history should be the measure of a man’s virtue. He lists his personal traits as having always lauded God, shown charity to his neighbors, hated incontinency and uncleanness, been faithful and loving to his friends, he eschews idleness, and has personally fought and earned laurels for defending Rome. He can promise Lucrece only a modest keeping, but sufficient for a modest life.


Alcmena's shrewd midwife in Heywood's The Silver Age, Galantis diagnoses the crossed legs of Juno disguised as an old woman as the cause of her employer's inability to give birth, and thus makes it possible for Hercules to be born.
Only mentioned in Heywood's The Escapes of Jupiter. Spelled Gallantis in the original. The loyal servant of Alcmena, who thwarts the plans of Juno to prevent Alcmena from giving birth. [The story is presented in Act III of The Silver Age. Juno, as patron goddess of childbirth, prevents Alcmena from giving birth by sitting outside the house with her arms and legs tightly crossed. Galanthis, suspecting something like this, runs outside and announces that the baby has been born; Juno, in shock, leaps up, uncrossing her limbs, and Alcmena is delivered of Hercules.]


See also "GALLATHEA."

GALATEA **1609

Galatea is a wise and virtuous lady who attends the princess Arethusa in the king's court in Beaumont and Fletcher's Philaster, or Love Lies A-Bleeding. Early in the drama Galatea establishes a clear preference for the worthiness of Philaster; she sees the would-be heir Pharamond as a "dog" and quite wittily rebukes Pharamond's sexual advances.


Galatea is engaged to marry Alexis in Daniel's Hymen's Triumph. The marriage is to take place during the shepherd's festival, two years after the disappearance of his former fiancée, Silvia.


A "ghost character" in Heywood's 1 The Iron Age, Galatee is Hector's horse. The Trojan hero calls for him to be saddled in the scene when Hector's Armor-Bearer is chastised for dressing the warrior too slowly.


A "ghost character" in the anonymous Tragedy of Nero. His rebellion against Nero in Spain leads to his becoming Emperor at the end of the play. His agents take Rome, to popular support, and in the final scene, his unnamed friends condemn Nimphidius and Antonius to death.


Galba's agents are described as active in Rome in the anonymous Tragedy of Nero. They are preparing for his succession and winning popular acclaim. In the final scene, his unnamed friends take power on his behalf and condemn Nimphidius and Antonius to death, the former for treachery to Nero, and the latter for treachery to the former.


A "ghost character" in Jonson's Catiline. Publius Galba is a Roman senator. Sempronia reports to Fulvia the political machination supposed to lead to Catiline's election as a consul. According to Sempronia, there are six competitors beside Catiline for the consulship. These are Caius Antonius, Galba, Longinus, Cornificius, Licinius, and Cicero. Catiline's arrangement is for Licinius, Longinus, Galba, and Cornificius to retire from the competition, while Cicero cannot be elected because he is not a patrician. Thus, Catiline and Antonius are left as the only candidates. In fact, the situation is changed and, following rumors of Catiline's plot, Cicero and Caius Antonius are elected. It seems that Galba, like other senators, was privy to Catiline's plans, but did not get involved in the conspiracy.


Prince Gald is the brother of Gederus, King of Britain in The Valiant Welshman. He fights alongside Gederus against the Romans. When Caradoc reveals that he is the mysterious soldier who has won the battle, Gald swears allegiance to him, and accompanies him back to Wales. Caradoc gives his sister Voada to Gald as a bride. When Marcus Gallicus abducts Voada, Gald disguises as a shepherd and asks Bluso the magician to help him rescue her. He and Bluso travel invisibly to Voada's chamber, where they save Voada from being raped by Gallicus. In the final battle, Constantine makes Gald a general, and he kills the evil Codigun.


The Duke of Florence's son in Marston's Antonio and Mellida. Galeatzo's size may be suggested by Galeazza, a class of 16th century warship larger than a galleon. He first appears in the play's Induction wherein the actors comment upon their parts (though the speech headings identify them only by their character names). He appears at the Venetian court to congratulate Piero on his naval victory and sue for Mellida's hand but is taken aback when Piero abruptly announces that the Galeatzo and Mellida would marry the following day. When Antonio unexpectedly appears at the prenuptial banquet, he agrees to withdraw, saying that his love for Mellida "was ne'er hot" anyway.
Galeatzo is son to the Duke of Florence in Marston's Antonio's Revenge. He first appears on stage with Antonio and a group of Venetian gentlemen. Galeatzo sings with Castillo to waken Mellida on her supposed wedding day. During a dumb show, Galeatzo informs a group of Venetian senators of Piero's monstrous guilt. He is present at the masque when Piero is killed.


Alternate spelling of Galeatzo in Marston's Antonio and Mellida.


Galeazzo is the Prince of Milan, brother to the king, John Galas in Massinger's The Bashful Lover. He is in disguise as Hortensio, and is referred to by that name throughout most of the play.


Only mentioned in Greene and Lodge's A Looking Glass For London And England. Discussing possible additives for ale, the Clown rejects using ginger, arguing that the ancient medical authority Galen had observed that ginger induces coughing, belching, and flatulence.
Only mentioned in Shakespeare's 2 Henry IV, Galen is an ancient Greek writer of medical texts. Falstaff makes the (unlikely) claim that he has studied Galen's works.
Only mentioned in Jonson's The Alchemist. When Mammon sees that Surly is skeptical of Subtle's alchemical experiments, he asserts that Subtle is an excellent physician who cures with minerals. According to Mammon, Subtle would not hear of Galen and his traditional medical practices. In the sixteenth century, the dominant medical knowledge was derived from Galen, while Paracelsus's methods of treatment with minerals were considered unorthodox. Galen was the most significant physician of the ancient world after Hypocrites and achieved great fame throughout the Roman Empire. He was physician and philosopher, the founder of experimental physiology. His many writings influenced the development of medicine for 1,400 years and were partly responsible for the emergence of science in Europe during the Renaissance.
Only mentioned in Shirley's The Witty Fair One. Manly, in the guise of a doctor, refers to this ancient Greek physician in evaluating Fowler's feigned illness.


An advisor to the young Prince in Davenant's The Unfortunate Lovers. He schemes to have his daughter Amarantha marry Altophil by arranging for Arthiopa to be falsely accused of unchastity. Stripped of his position for his misdeed, he then shifts his allegiance to Heildebrand, King of the Lombards, and arranges to have Altophil personally deliver Arthiopa to Heildebrand. He is briefly disturbed when Heildebrand wishes to seduce Amarantha, but persuades him to accept Arthiopa instead. He fights a duel with, and is killed by, Artophil.


Only mentioned in the anonymous Wit's Triumvirate. Galileo is mentioned by Doctor Clyster when he is offering Master Sickly an explanation for one of the symptoms of the multiple diseases the latter claims to have: "It seems 'tis a multiplying-glass to you and discovers new diseases as Galileo's did new stars–new worlds of diseases." Later, Galileo is mentioned by Doctor Clyster again, when he offers Master Algebra a cure for his disease: "I shall beseech you not to taste Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, or Kepler, but especially Galileo." Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was a professor of mathematics at the University of Padua (Italy). He invented the telescope, and the discoveries he made with it proved the Copernican system–which supported the theory that the earth and the other planets revolve around the sun. However, his belief in the Copernican system got him into trouble with the Inquisition–they considered that the belief that the sun was the centre of the universe was a heresy. He was finally found guilty of heresy and was sentenced to house arrest–thus, he had to move to his house outside Florence–for the remainder of his life.
A “ghost character" in Tomkis’ Albumazar. Albumazar tells Ronca to send the planets he has newly discovered to Galileo at Padua to name as he pleases.


Galla is Fulvia's maid in Jonson's Catiline. At Fulvia's house, Galla enters following her mistress. While arranging her hair and the new pearl into her ear, Galla is very loquacious. Fulvia reprimands her, but Galla says she is acting according to her physician's instructions. He said that the lady's blood should be stirred with vivid conversation. Galla says she dreamt of Sempronia and enumerates the lady's many accomplishments, such as dancing, singing, playing, and composing verses, to say nothing of her political acumen. As for Sempronia's elegance, Galla says she is the best-dressed lady in Rome, except Fulvia, of course. When the gossip extends to Aurelia Orestilla, Galla says that she cannot wear a garment properly. When Sempronia is announced, Galla becomes very excited, telling Fulvia her dream had been true. Galla attends Fulvia's conversation with Sempronia. Galla greatly admires Sempronia because she delights in almost every word she says. When Sempronia leaves, Galla exits to see her out.


Galla is one of Agrippina's servants in May's Julia Agrippina, who, along with the others, forsakes her at the end.


A fictional character in Jonson's Poetaster. The Gallant ridiculed in the players' comedies. When Ovid Senior is displeased at his son's preference for poetry, and Luscus says that players are annoying because they lampoon politicians in their comedies, Tucca brings an additional comment. As if speaking from personal experience, Tucca says that the innocent gallant cannot pawn his reveling suit to make his punk a supper before being the object of ridicule in the comedies.


A "ghost character" in Sharpham's The Fleire. An English gallant named by Antifront as one of the many customers of the prostitutes Felecia and Florida.


Appears briefly in Fletcher and Middleton's The Nice Valour when La Nove, the First Gentleman, is searching for replacement servants for the Duke of Genoa who, outraged by the excessive nicety of Shamont, has dismissed his retinue. The Gallant's cowardly response to a box on the ear from La Nove is juxtaposed with the bravery the Plain Fellow exhibits in response to a similar insult.


One of Madam Marine's gallants, referred to as her servant in the text of Fletcher's The Noble Gentleman. He assists her in gulling her husband.


A spirit conjured by Mrs. Generous and Mall Spencer to aid Whetstone in his revenge against the gallants for calling him a bastard in Heywood and Brome's The Late Lancashire Witches. After the spirits, in the form of the Pedant, the Tailor, and Robin appear and cast aspersions on the paternity of the gallants (Masters Bantam, Shackston, and Arthur respectively), Whetstone offers to call forth his own "father," who duly appears in the form of the Gallant. Since Whetstone is a bastard and does not know who his father is, this is likely wishful thinking rather than an accurate reflection of Whetstone's actual parentage, but it also achieves his revenge, as Whetstone's "father" is of higher social rank than the others.


The gallant is an Antipodean, a character in the inset play of Brome's The Antipodes. He seeks to borrow money from the beggar in order to buy gifts for his grandparents.


A “ghost character" in Ruggle’s Club Law. Though mentioned in the dramatis personae and in the text, he does not actually appear on stage. One of the twenty-four Electors for the Burgomastership. He is not at the roll call of electors and is fined.


Veronte, Rinaldo, Filenio, and Gerillo are the four gallants (identified in stage directions under this name) in the anonymous Wit of a Woman. Each of them has a sister who is studying at Mistress Balia's, and a father on whom they are still financially dependent. The four gallants swear an oath of loyalty to each other at the start of the play, and then each adopts a disguise, with which to gain entry to Balia's school. On their way to the school they meet, and humiliate, Bragardo the gallant. Each of them then flirts with and secretly marries one of the four Wenches.


Two gallants enter Cordolente’s shop in Dekker’s Match Me in London; they say nothing and leave without buying.


Associates of Young Selby in J.W.'s The Valiant Scot who guard Peggie when he abducts her.


The Gallants are servants to Signior Torrenti in Dekker's Wonder of A Kingdom. Their function is purely expository. They respond to Signior Torrenti's complaints and questions, and introduce other characters, such as Torrenti's brother. A Third Gallant does not appear under that designation.


Appointed by the Emperor to replace Wallenstein in command of the army in Glapthorne's Albertus Wallenstein. Formerly Wallenstein's Field Marshall, his promotion is discussed with derision by Wallenstein's allies. Gallas knows that he has taken over an army who preferred his predecessor. He advises the Emperor that using force against Wallenstein will be useless, that he should proceed by policy instead. At the point when the King of Hungary arrives with reinforcements for the Emperor, Gallas has levied 60,000 men to his army, but fears that they lack adequate training. Throughout, his caution may be indicative of cowardice or plain incompetence. Last mentioned having suffered a severe defeat against the army of Saxon-Waymar, now led by Wallenstein's surviving son, Fredericke.


See also GALATEA and related spellings.


Possibly the most beautiful girl in the area in Lyly's Gallathea. Her father Tityrus fears that she will be demanded as the virgin sacrifice to Neptune. In order to prevent this, she has, following his orders, disguised herself as a boy and called herself "Tityrus." Meeting "Melebeus," who is really Phyllida, in the woods, she falls in love with "him," only to realize that "he" is, like her, a girl in disguise. Because her love is not altered by finding that "Melebeus" is really female, Venus takes pity on them. Gallathea agrees to marry her even if that means that she will be changed into a male, something that remains unresolved at the end of the play.


Frances Lafoy disguises himself as Galliard, a French spark, when he travels to the New Academy in Brome's The New Academy. There, he is more direct and forceful in his wooing of the women than is Philip. When Strigood agrees to prostitute Gabriella to him, he refuses to rape her and insists on marrying her. The two are contracted, but they soon discover that they are siblings and call off the marriage. "Galliard" agrees to join the New Academy, teaching courtly behavior to Blithe, Nehemiah and the other visitors at the end.


Galliard, the French dancing master in Cavendish's The Variety, courts and marries the chambermaid Nice under the mistaken impression that she is the rich widow. At the play's end, he complains to the Justice, who notes that Galliard, himself, has given Nice the false impression that he is a French lord. [n.b. When The Variety was revived during the Restoration as The French Dancing Master, Lacy's performance as Galliard was much praised by Samuel Pepys. Galliard, played as a fop with a heavy French accent, appears to have been popular with audiences of Interregnum drolls. Galliard's belief that dancing could help to forestall rebellion offers a bit of a parody by Newcastle on his own beliefs.]


Son of Ostorius Scapula in The Valiant Welshman. Marcus Gallicus assists his father in the Romans' second attempt at invading Britain. He acts as legate from Rome to Caradoc, and falls in love with Voada. With the aid of Cornwall's treachery, he abducts Voada, but Gald and Bluso rescue her from him. Gallicus fights Constantine in the final battle, and both are killed.

A "ghost character" in the anonymous Captain Thomas Stukeley mentioned as one of many hoped-for reinforcements for the Irish army.


An apothecary of London in Middleton and Dekker's Moll Cutpurse, The Roaring Girl. Hippocrates is a reference to the Greek physician, and a gallipot was a glazed earthenware jar or pot used by apothecaries for storing medicines. Gallipot's wife, Mistress Gallipot, is enamored of Laxton, who strings her along because she steals money from her husband to give to him. When he demands more money than she can give him without making Gallipot suspicious, she devises a scheme. She claims to her husband that she had been betrothed to Laxton but married Gallipot because she thought Laxton had drowned at sea; now, she claims, Laxton has returned to marry her and must be bought off. Gallipot agrees, but later Laxton returns to extort more money from him, and Mistress Gallipot reveals the truth. Gallipot's money is returned to him and all is forgiven.


Wife of Gallipot, the apothecary in Middleton and Dekker's Moll Cutpurse, The Roaring Girl. Mistress Gallipot is enamored of Laxton, who strings her along because she steals money from her husband to give to him. When he demands more money than she can give him without making Gallipot suspicious, she devises a scheme. She claims that she had been betrothed to Laxton but married Gallipot because she thought Laxton had drowned at sea; now, she claims, Laxton has returned to marry her and must be bought off. Gallipot agrees, but later Laxton returns to extort more money from him, and Mistress Gallipot reveals the truth.


One of Ward's officers in Daborne's A Christian Turned Turk, first seen boarding Monsieur Davy's captured ship. Conspires in mutiny with Gismund, who defers to his decisions, he is more able in naval strategy than his private life, where he is revealed later as a gullible and incompetent lecher. His precise motives for revenge against Ward remains obscure, but can be explained by his veniality. Gallop and Gismond disable the two pirate ships and sail to nearby Tunis with the captured vessel. Takes his French captives to the house of Benwash, to sell as slaves: Benwash's wife Agar desires him at first sight. He mistakes her for a prostitute, and is unaware her husband has noticed his attraction to her. He plans to buy her favors soon. Being greedy for money, he cheats his crew of their agreed share in the profits, and only gives them money for drink. Gismund protests at this oath-breaking and vows revenge. Sares, who took him for a fool at first sight, revises his opinion: Gallop is both a fool and a cheat. He is stunned by the quick arrival of Ward and Francisco on their trail, together as allies, when he last saw them dueling to the death. He is equally unprepared for the return of Gismund and his crew intent on punishing him for cheating them. Their fight is interrupted by Ward's arrival; significantly, Agar does not witness his cowardice. Gallop grovels to Ward and escapes with his life after offering to hand over all the gold he has earned from the sale of the stolen ship and passengers. Now poor again, he feels that his courage will return, as his recent cowardice must be blamed on his temporary riches. Agar now demonstrates her fidelity by giving Benwash a purse of gold allegedly given by Gallop to buy her favors, but rejected. It is actually her gift to entice and encourage Gallop to proceed, when Benwash angrily but complacently 'returns' it to him. His amorous liaison with Agar is interrupted by two sailors intent on burglary, who make off with both his gold and his breeches. He is furious at Agar's suggestion that he escape detection half-naked through the sewers. Unknown to him, Benwash has discovered their liaison and forced his wife to summon him to another meeting, where he is murdered.


Noble at the Court of England in Dekker's Old Fortunatus. Friend to Orleans; tries to persuade Orleans to give up on his love for Agripyne.


Gallus is sent by Caesar with Proculeius to parley with Cleopatra in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra. He is listed as entering with Caesar in the final scene, but does not speak.


Gallus is the incompetent servant of Mars in Heywood's Brazen Age. He falls asleep while guarding Mars and Venus's dalliance from interlopers. As punishment, Mars turns Gallus into a cock and orders him to wake people before dawn from that time forward.


A "ghost character" in the anonymous Tragedy of Nero. Reported by Tigellinus to Nero for laughing at the Emperor's performance as Orestes.


A "ghost character" in May's Julia Agrippina. Gallus dies in the boating accident that was meant to kill Agrippina.
Gallus (Asinius), a senator and friend to Agrippina in Jonson's Sejanus His Fall . He is one victim over whom Sejanus gloats late in the play.


Cornelius Gallus is a poet in Rome and friend of Ovid in Jonson's Poetaster. At Albius's house, Gallus enters with the other poets and their ladies. Though Gallus praises Cytheris in his love elegies, he pretends to court Chloë, and Cytheris pretends to be pleased with his choice. When Albius calls Chloë out on some household pretext, the guests feel free to speak openly about love. Gallus tells Ovid and Tibullus that they are bold to meet their mistresses in Albius's house. However, it emerges that Gallus had arranged the assignations, so that he might meet his lady Cytheris. After light conversation and music, the guests depart for the banquet hall. At Albius's house, Gallus and Tibullus enter, prepared to escort Chloë and Cytheris to a masquerade ball at court, at Princess Julia's invitation. When Crispinus sings a poem apparently dedicated to Chloë as Canidia, Gallus discovers it is plagiarized from Horace and the poets start to argue. Gallus exits with the entire party to the ball at court. Gallus disguised as Apollo enters an apartment in the palace, together with the entire party of poets and their ladies, each characteristically dressed as gods and goddesses. All the masks play their assigned roles. During the entertainment presided by Ovid/Jupiter, Gallus/Apollo enjoys the revelry. When Caesar enters and rails at the debauched party, it is understood that Gallus shares the poets' disgrace. In an apartment at the Palace, Gallus follows Caesar and his train, composed of Tibullus, Horace, and Maecenas. Caesar announces he has pardoned Gallus and Tibullus, because he needs poets in the city. Gallus acknowledges his gratitude to Caesar and addresses him in flattering verses. Gallus attends the public disgrace of the foolish Lupus and the braggart Tucca, as well as the poetasters' arraignment. When justice is served, Gallus joins the chorus of the court poets, praising Caesar's justice and generosity, and he exits with the court. The historic Cornelius Gallus (69–26 BC) was a Latin poet. Suetonius, in his Life of Augustus, writes that Gallus fell in the Emperor's disgrace. Gallus wrote four books of love elegies, probably entitled Amores, to a woman called Lycoris. Virgil's tenth Eclogue pictures Gallus pining for Lycoris in an idyllic landscape. Gallus's elegies were probably published before 39 BC. When Ovid Senior shows his displeasure at his son's inclination to poetry, he says that Gallus, Tibullus, and Propertius have drunk of the same poison. When Ovid praises the immortality of poetry, he says that "our" Gallus shall be known from east to west through his verses.


Follower of Caesar in May's Cleopatra; he welcomes the defecting Pinnarius after Actium to Caesar's side, and narrates the full story of the defeat of Antonius. Later, he gives Caesar an account of Antonius's death. At the end of the play, Caesar appoints him governor of Egypt. Historically, this was Caius Cornelius Gallus.


The given name of the frequently beaten Clowne in Fletcher and Middleton's The Nice Valour. The name is apt because, as the professional masochist Lapet observes, "he will be trod upon."


A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's Henry V. He is reported among the English dead on the Agincourt battlefield. His title is esquire.


Only mentioned in Jonson's The Alchemist. Gamaliel Ratsey was a highwayman, executed in 1605. When Face is quarreling with Subtle, he mentions some of the alchemist's tricks. Among them, Face describes how Subtle had a face cut for him by his magic that looked worse than Gamaliel Ratsey's did.
Only mentioned in Randolph's Plutophthalmia. A Northamptonshire highwayman. Chremylus fears that Anus would look worse that Gamaliel Ratsey if her makeup were washed away.


The fugitive Henry is captured by two gamekeepers, who proclaim their loyalty to whichever king is in power in Shakespeare's 3 Henry VI.


A "ghost character" in Fletcher and Massinger's Spanish Curate. Leandro speaks of his female Londoner of easy virtue during a conversation about the merits of handsome women. The story of the Gamester's assuming the appearance of several women of various nationalities in one night leads to Jamie's description of the most beautiful woman of Corduba, Amantara.


The gamester is an Antipodean, a character in the inset play of Brome's The Antipodes. He is one of the dubious characters seeking public relief from poverty. Byplay readily grants his suit.


Non-speaking characters in Hawkins's Apollo Shroving. Ludio "plaies two gamesters, and wrangles" during his first appearance in the play.


Gammer was out by the post sewing Hodge's breeches when she spied Gyb the cat drinking milk from the pan in [?]Stevenson's Gammer Gurton's Needle. She tossed the breeches aside and chased the cat away. Since then they have been searching for the needle. Diccon persuades her that Dame Chat stole the needle. Meantime, Diccon has also told Dame Chat that Gammer stole her rooster. The two old women fight over the rooster and needle. She sends for Dr. Rat the curate to make Dame Chat give back the needle. When the needle is finally found in Hodge's breeches, she is willing to be friends again.


A "ghost character." An old countrywoman whose sow Mother Sawyer allegedly bewitched in Rowley, Dekker and Ford's The Witch of Edmonton.


Morello's brother in Davenant's The Unfortunate Lovers; he is also the captain of the fort in Verona, and at Galeotto's request, delivers the fort into the power of Heildebrand. He then repents and frees Ascoli.


Ganelon is the son of Eldegrad, the father of La Busse, and the brother of Gabriella and Theodora in the anonymous Charlemagne. He tries to gain influence over the throne of Charlemagne and advance his family by encouraging the Emperor's marriage to Theodora. To assist Theodora in her conquest of Charlemagne, he has provided her with a ring that makes the Emperor fall in love with whoever carries it. Ganelon urges his friend Richard to woo Theodora and father her child. He is given the office of Constable of France, but loses all his status when his plot to poison Orlando, Charlemagne's heir, is betrayed by Didier. Gabriella and Eldegrad forge a letter intended to disrupt his friendship with Richard; he murders Richard believing that his friend has dishonored his sister. When he discovers the truth, he kills Gabriella and Eldegrad. Ganelon is sentenced by Charlemagne to be broken on the wheel when the full extent of his plots is discovered.


A "ghost character" in Hawkins's Apollo Shroving. Ludio speaks of "young Oleo" who "got of Ganeo the Elder, all his points, hatband, garters, and a gold ring, and five crownes in money; and yet in two houres to see to, see how fortune came with a windlace about againe." He delivers this story in order to prove to Lauriger that "hee that loseth at one time may winne at another."


See also GANYMEDE.


The son of King Troos of Troy in Heywood's The Golden Age. In order to foreclose on the oracle that prophesied that Saturn's son will someday depose his father, Saturn enlists the aid of Troos and his sons in an his ongoing campaign against Jupiter. King Troos and Saturn are defeated and Ganimede is the only one who refuses to escape. When Ganimede refuses to surrender to Jupiter on the battlefield, the two fight, and, after loosing their arms, they embrace and become friends. Ganimede accompanies Jupiter in the play's final dumb show, when Jupiter is given the kingdom of heaven.


Boy servant to Andrugio in Whetstone's 1 Promos and Cassandra. He fetches Cassandra after her audience with Promos and brings her to Andrugio.
Boy servant to Andrugio in Whetstone's 2 Promos and Cassandra. He informs Cassandra and Polina that Andrugio lives and Promos is reprieved.


Ganyctor is a courtier of Cyprus in Cartwright's The Lady-Errant. He is at home because, like Iringus and Lerinus, he is a coward. He is also a fop and uses the opportunity to make attempts on the ladies. These attempts give him difficulty when the ladies embroil him in their rebellion-plot, but ultimately he and his friends Iringus and Lerinus become the instruments of their overthrow.


Cup-bearer and lover to Jupiter in Marlowe's Dido, Queen of Carthage.
Only mentioned in Jonson's Every Man out of His Humour. When Puntavorlo asks Carlo Buffone about Sogliardo, Carlo reports that the newly appointed knight is at the Horn tavern with his villainous Ganymede, smoking on tobacco pipe for two days on end. Carlo Buffone reports that Sogliardo and his companion, Shift, hired a private room at the inn and smoked all day and night. Shift's comparison with the Greek gods' young cupbearer, much admired by Zeus, is a licentious allusion suggesting Sogliardo's homosexual inclinations.
Only mentioned in the anonymous Blurt, Master Constable. Seeing Fontinel's picture, Imperia admires the Frenchman's youth and beauty. She says that, even if he refused to marry her, he will still be her Ganymede. By mentioning the name of the Greek gods' cupbearer, Imperia alludes to Fontinel's youth and charm, but also to the impossibility of a sexual relationship. Zeus also fell in love with the youth Ganymede, the son of Tros the Dardan king. Zeus took the form of an eagle and kidnapped the youth from mount Ida. Imperia extends the metaphor of Ganymede in the love song she sings to Fontinel when he pretends to declare his love for her. The lyrics say that, if Jove/Zeus had seen her lover's bright eyes, Ganymede would no longer serve wine to the gods. Imperia's association of Fontinel with Ganymede continues in her conversation with Violetta, when the Venetian lady begs Imperia to let her spend the night in the courtesan's bed with her husband. Imperia answers she will not make her suffer, even if Fontinel were Jove's own favorite, Ganymede.
Only mentioned in Jonson's Cynthia's Revels. In Greek mythology, Ganymede was the gods' cupbearer. In trying to incite Mercury's anger and curiosity, in order to win him for his plan, Cupid calls him a mere servant of the gods, accustomed to wait at tables and fill out nectar when Ganymede is away. Among Mercury's other menial jobs, Cupid enumerates sweeping the gods' drinking room every morning and setting the cushions in order again, after they had thrown them at each other's heads. Cupid says that Mercury brushes the carpets, puts the stools in their places, and plays the crier of the court with an audible voice.
A "ghost character" in the anonymous Maid's Metamorphosis. According to Roman mythology, Ganimede was the youngest son of Tros, carried off by Jove to Mount Olympus to serve as the gods' cup bearer. The problem was that this position was already filled by Hebe, the daughter of Zeus and Hera. Thus, the moment Ganymede arrived at the royal court there began a furious competition between Hebe and Ganymede for the honor of serving the gods. Eventually the boy won the post, and stayed on also as the beloved companion to Zeus. Ganimede is mentioned by Apollo in order to compare the affection Jove felt for him with Apollo's affection for Hiacinth.
Jupiter's cupbearer in Heywood's The Silver Age (spelled Ganimed throughout), he takes the shape of Socia, Amphitrio's servant, in order to forward Jupiter's dalliance with Alcmena. When the real Socia arrives, predictable confusion follows, but Ganimed knows enough of the affairs of Socia and Amphitrio to sustain the deceit through several episodes. He takes special pleasure in refusing Amphitrio access to the general's own house.
Spelled Ganimed in Heywood's The Escapes of Jupiter. Ganymede is the cup-bearer of Jupiter, who accompanies him on his adventure with Alcmena; when Jupiter takes the form of Amphitryo, Ganymede takes that of Amphitrio's servant, Sosia, and adds to the general confusion. [In Plautus's version of the story, Mercury takes this role. Ganymede is usually another of Jupiter's fancies, and Heywood's Semele mentions him as "the Troian catamite"; he appears, however, as no more than a servant in this play's strictly philogynous presentation of the great god in love.]


The male disguise Rosalind adopts in Shakespeare's As You Like It when she leaves Duke Frederick's court for the forest of Arden. Taking advantage of her disguise, she tests Orlando's love for her by proposing to "cure" him of his love sickness. See "ROSALIND."


Pyrgus is disguised as Ganymede, the gods' cup bearer, at the masquerade banquet at court in Jonson's Poetaster. When Ovid/Jupiter announces the order of the revelry, he commands Pyrgus/Ganymede to fill a bowl of nectar, so that he might drink to his daughter Venus (Chloë). Julia/Juno shows signs of jealousy at Ovid/Jupiter's attention to Chloë/Venus, and Pyrgus/Ganymede observes that Julia/Juno inquired frequently about her "husband's" amorous transgressions. Tucca/Mars instructs Pyrgus/Ganymede on how o bear his cup even, lest he should spill the nectar. It seems that Pyrgus/Ganymede has drunk some of the gods' nectar, which made him as drunk as the others. Tucca/Mars observes that the rascal Ganymede should have rubbed his face with white egg till his brows are as sleek as a horn-book, or have steeped his lips in wine till he made them so plump that Juno would have been jealous of them. When Albius/Vulcan shows signs of drowsiness and his head is dropping, Pyrgus/Ganymede notices that he is almost drunk and he has filled nectar so long that his brain swims in it. When Caesar enters and rails at the licentious party, Pyrgus/Ganymede exits with Tucca/Mars.


A pretender to a scholar in Hausted’s Rival Friends. He had once been a gentleman’s butler and is now a suitor to Mistress Ursely for the parsonage’s sake. When Bully Lively pretends to die, he and the other suitors begin pulling at Ursely as on a rope to win her quickly. When Anteros receives the parsonage deed and Sacrilege Hook drives Ganymede off, he and the other suitors flock to Anteros and call him patron. He is driven off by Anteros as unworthy to marry his sister.


Friend of Moll Cutpurse in Middleton and Dekker's Moll Cutpurse, The Roaring Girl. Sir Beauteous and Sir Thomas Long overhear Ralph Trapdoor saying that Jack Dapper was being held for ransom for his gambling debts; they tell Moll, who saves him. Sir Beauteous joins her, Jack Dapper, Sir Thomas, and Lord Noland when they are accosted by Trapdoor and Tearcat disguised as poor soldiers and by the cutpurses. Moll explains to him and the others the practice of canting and the profession of cutting purses. Later, Sir Beauteous and Lord Noland escort Mary Fitzallard to Sir Alexander Wengrave's home as Sebastian Wengrave's wife.


Seer also JAILER, JAILOR and related spellings.


He holds both the Duchess' Younger Son and Lussurioso prisoner in [?]Middleton's The Revenger's Tragedy. When Ambitioso and Supervacuo arrive with a signet from the Duke and order him to release "their brother" to execution, the gaoler reasonably (though wrongly) believes they mean the Younger Son. The two noblemen that the Duke sent have already obtained Lussurioso's release. Through this mistake (orchestrated by the Duke), Ambitioso and Supervacuo mistakenly order their own younger brother's execution.


Gaoler, keeps watch over Vitelli in Massinger's The Renegado and allows both Francisco and Manto to see the prisoner.


His role is to guard Beaumont in Shirley's The Gamester. He is bribed by Violante, which enables her to eavesdrop on Sir Richard Hurry's failed attempt to catch Beaumont being untrue to her.


Responsible for Orsabrin when he is arrested in Suckling's The Goblins. The Gaoler refuses the attempts of Samorat, Nashorat, and Pellegrin to bribe him, and requires to be threatened at sword-point to release his prisoner. After the escape, the Gaoler runs in pursuit of Orsabrin, not knowing that he has now been caught by Peridor and the thieves. Orsabrin and Samorat are both returned to his custody towards the end, and he appears in the final court-scene.


Guards Almerin after his capture in Suckling's Brennoralt. He is persuaded by Melidor to request and convey a blank sheet from Almerin, stamped with his seal. Melidor's intention is to forge a letter from him urging his fellow-rebels to kidnap Iphigene as a hostage for him; Melidor knows that Almerin himself would not agree to this, as Iphigene is his friend, but Iphigene wishes it.


Name which some of the characters in Habington's The Queen of Aragon use for Browfilldora, Sanmartino's dwarf. It also appears as a speech prefix for the dwarf.


Wife to Sir Amoroso in Marston's Parasitaster, or The Fawn. Her name refers to "garbezza," tart or sour. She confides in Hercules/Faunus that she has slept with Herod and is pregnant by him; her plan was to put her husband's fortune in the hands of his younger brother via the illegitimate child. However, she overhears Puttotta reading a seduction letter from Herod that also insults Donna Garbetza, and plans to have her revenge by passing the child off as Sir Amoroso's after all, thereby denying Herod any inheritance. She is one of the women Nymphadoro professes to love, and complains against him in the Masque of Cupid's Council. She also admits that her child is not her husband's during the Council, but as punishment, Sir Amoroso is forced to acknowledge that the child is his.


During a chance encounter, the Gardener gives the Queen her principal information about the impending deposition of the king in Shakespeare's Richard II.


The keeper of the Asparagus Garden and husband to Martha in Brome's The Sparagus Garden. He declares that he had hoped, thanks to the resemblance between the garden's soil and that of Martha's Low Country home, to have made her a 'Bankside Lady' through its takings; however, it seems to be her willingness to let out their lodgings there by the hour to couples who come to 'eat the asparagus' that makes the most money. Walter describes the Gardener and his wife as "Prince and Princess of the Province of Asparagus."


Originally the king's secretary in Shakespeare's Henry VIII, Gardiner is elevated to the bishopric after Wolsey's deposition and attends Anne at her coronation.


He is the man who brings Cromwell down primarily out of jealousy in the anonymous Thomas Lord Cromwell, though he is resentful of Cromwell for having dissolved the monasteries. He first appears at the banquet at which Wolsey discovers Cromwell and promotes him to Wolsey's private secretary. Gardiner says nothing; he simply embraces him. In Act4 after the Chorus announces Wolsey's death, Gardiner (formerly Wolsey's man and now Bishop of Winchester), discusses Wolsey's plots against the state with the Duke of Norfolk, the Duke of Suffolk, Sir Thomas More and Sir Christopher Hales. Norfolk and Gardiner ask Cromwell, Wolsey's secretary, for the writings Wolsey has given him; Cromwell offers them up. After most of the lords praise Cromwell, Hales, More and Gardiner comment on how the wheel of state brought the proud Wolsey down. Later Gardiner is a member of Cromwell's grand procession when Cromwell pays the debt he owes an innkeeper and his wife. Gardiner comments to Norfolk that Cromwell will come to a sad end. Later, alone, Gardiner assesses his situation, believing that Suffolk and Norfolk are both hostile to Cromwell and that Bedford will not dare contradict them. He summons two witnesses whom he absolves from guilt with holy water after they agree to claim that they heard Cromwell say he wished a dagger in King Henry's heart. They repeat to Norfolk, Suffolk and Bedford what Gardiner has told them to say. Bedford leaves in disbelief. After Gardiner explains that a law which Cromwell enacted could be used to have him executed without a public trial, the lords agree to have Cromwell executed. At the scene of Cromwell's arrest Gardiner gives clear instructions to the soldiers, the Sergeant at Arms and the Herald as to what they have to do. In the final scene Gardiner refuses to carry any letter from a traitor to the King and arranges to have Cromwell executed before he receives the king's reprieve. At the execution he speaks in such a way to the condemned Cromwell that Bedford reprimands him for disturbing a dying man just before death. In the play's penultimate speech he acknowledges the wrongness of the execution.


A gentleman acquaintance of William Bennet in [?]Heywood's The Fair Maid of the Exchange. Gardiner attempts to seduce Phillis in the Exchange and is rebuffed by her. Because Gardiner is on his way to Cambridge, Bennet requests that when he arrives, he pay respects to one Lyonell Barnes, a master of arts there.


Bishop in Drue's The Duchess of Suffolk. The historical Stephen Gardiner (c.1497–1555), Catholic Bishop of Winchester under Henry VIII and Mary I. Met by the Duchess and her company early in the play as he is led to the Tower under guard. Along with Bonner, freed from prison and restored to office when Clunie brings news of King Edward VI's death and Mary I's succession; begins plotting revenge against supporters of religious reform. Receives commission from Queen Mary via Lord Paget to cleanse the state of heresy. Questions Bertie concerning the Duchess' religious beliefs, and allows Bertie to leave for Europe. Later, appears with Bonner to hear Clunie's accusation that Hugh Tiler and Jenkin helped Sands to escape, and quickly concludes that Hugh Tiler and Jenkin are heretics. Later, waiting for news of the search in Europe for the Duchess, Gardner describes a dream of the Duchess and Bertie on a throne with crowns of gold, which Bonner interprets as an image of their burning at the stake.

GARDNER **1604

In Rowley’s When You See Me, he fears the death of Queen Jane will again sway the king towards Lutheranism. Wolsey promises him to be Lord of Winchester once he is pope. Henry calls him a knave and flattering fool for agreeing that Brandon deserves death for marrying Henry’s sister, Mary. Fearful of Queen Catherine’s Protestant sympathies, Bonner and Gardner plot to unseat her or undermine her with Henry. Queen Catherine disputes with Bonner and Gardner on the question of whether Henry and all Christian kings should read Luther’s writings and decide if they make sense. He convinces Henry that Queen Catherine is the ringleader of Lutherans in England. He encourages Bonner that they should entreat the king to have Catherine Parr beheaded. He and Bonner attempt to arrest Queen Catherine as she walks with Henry. Henry orders them to the Fleet but they are saved by an appeal from a forgiving Queen Catherine. They are banished from the king’s sight instead.


Only mentioned in Jonson's Every Man in His Humour. Gargantua is a character in Rabelais' romance Gargantua and Pantagruel (1533). Gargantua is famous for his gluttony and big belly. Mathew had a conflict with Downright in Fleet Street, and Bobadill is trying to create a duel situation. When Mathew and Bobadill enter Kitely's house, apparently looking for Wellbred, Bobadill insults Downright, calling him a scavenger. The squire is very furious at Bobadill, who runs away like a coward, while Kitely is trying to placate his brother-on-law. Seeing there is no point in behaving impulsively Downright vents his anger by abusing Bobadill in his absence. Thus, Downright says he is going to hurt Bobadill's barrel belly, which his Gargantua breech cannot carry. The allusion to Bobadill's obesity makes this character look even more ridiculous.
Only mentioned in Randolph's Plutophthalmia. Penia-Penniless says there is no such giant that follows in her train.


An English officer in Shakespeare's 1 Henry VI. He serves with Talbot and Salisbury at the siege of Orleans. The young son of the Master Gunner of Orleans manages to kill both him and Salisbury with a single shot.


A fictitious character in Jonson's The Case is Altered. The mastiff hound Jaques de Prie invents to scare off Onion and Juniper. (Spelled Garlique in the original.)


Garlic is part of Blurt's night watch and a mute character in the anonymous Blurt, Master Constable. During their midnight watch, Blurt sees Curvetto climbing a rope ladder to Imperia's window. When Frisco calls for help against the pretended "thief," the constable orders Garlic and the others to take Curvetto away to prison. On the second round of the watch, Blurt orders his men to take the half-naked urine stinking Lazarillo to prison. In the street before Imperia's house, Blurt and his guards enter with the Duke to enforce the law when the incensed Venetian gentlemen want to kill Fontinel. Blurt asks Garlic and the others to follow him inside Imperia's house to arrest Fontinel.

GARNET **1627

Only mentioned in Randolph's Plutophthalmia. One of the gunpowder conspirators. Carion mentions him, Digby, and Faux (Fawkes) and lumps them together with the knaves of the world.


A "ghost character" in Suckling's The Goblins. The servant, now dead, to whom the infant prince Orsabrin was entrusted. Garradan was killed by pirates, who thereupon captured the infant and brought him up, unaware of his own identity.


A "ghost character" in Chettle, Dekker and Munday's Sir Thomas More. In one of the deleted scenes, the apprentices Harry and Robin refer to Garrett as the owner of a fencing school.


Garter is part of Queen Anne's coronation processional in Shakespeare's Henry VIII. He serves under the Earl Marshal.


Eumena's waiting woman in Davenant's The Fair Favorite. Quite unlike her extremely virtuous mistress, she is an endless source for court fashion and gossip.


Sister of Joyce in Cooke's Greene's Tu Quoque. She is unenthusiastic about prospective marriages to the newly wealthy Geraldine and, later, Scattergood, encouraged by her father Sir Lionell. Along with Joyce, herself betrothed at her father's behest to Bartholemew Bubbles, the sisters commiserate and conspire to undo their prospective marriages and marry husbands of their choosing. When Gartred believes Geraldine dead when Rash covers his face, she immediately falls in love with him and the couple are eventually married despite her father's protestations.


Also identified as Garrula in Brome's Love-Sick Court. A midwife, mother to Geron. She delivered Themyle's son Philargus and the Queen's son Philocles. To protect Philocles's life, she helped make it appear that Themyle gave birth to both children. She coerces Themyle by threatening to reveal the secret of Philocles's true identity. A talkative character, prone to digression, she often revives her tongue by sipping a bottle of medicinal "syrup" she carries with her. In the first act, she attempts to inform Themyle that Philargus and Philocles have returned from Delphi safely, but she takes so long in doing so that she is preempted by Placilla. Later, she coerces Themyle into helping win Doris's affection for Geron. When Doris refuses Geron, she attempts to reveal Philocles's identity to the King, but he dismisses her before she can speak. In the final act, she corroborates Themyle's claim that Philocles is the King's son.


Nephew of Fernese and Bentivoli in Dekker's(?) Telltale; sometimes disguised as a fool. Enters with the court party and the Venetian princes for the Valentine game and chooses Elinor (after she has been chosen by Hortensio). Gets into a comic dispute with Hortensio over service to Elinor. Later, Elinor tells Garullo that because she loves him she does not want him to get into any further quarrels on her account. When Garullo comically boasts of his manliness, Elinor reminds him that Bentivoli took over his quarrel with Hortensio, which leads Garullo to dismiss Bentivoli as a swaggerer. After Cancko describes the duel between Bentivoli and Hortensio and Bentivoli himself enters, Garullo takes offence at Bentivoli's claim that he entered the duel to defend Garullo's reputation. Bentivoli departs after exchanging harsh words with Garullo, and Garullo then wishes to return to his country home in order to be safe. After Elinor refuses to allow him to leave, they both accept Gismond's and Cancko's suggestion that Garullo disguise himself as a fool in order to have free access to Elinor; Elinor worries, however, that Garullo will not be able to hide his pompous use of language. In his fool's disguise he joins Elinor, Aspero and the court as they greet the Ambassadors and observes the arrival of the distracted Hortensio. After Elinor exits, Garullo comically suggests to Aspero that he is aware of the murders of Picentio and Victoria, and exits himself. Later, he enters, still disguised, with Elinor and observes her deny any supposed affection for Hortensio, and then exits with her. After his marriage to Lesbia is revealed, Garullo is held prisoner with Lesbia on Elinor's orders. Garullo discusses his melancholy state with Lesbia and Cancko, and then with Fernese and Bentivoli when they join him. He refuses to reveal the cause of his melancholy and drinks a glass of wine, afterwards claiming it was poisoned. He bids them farewell and exits. At the end of the play, Garullo is brought in sleeping in a chair by the Doctor, who assures the Duke that Garullo has been purged of his humors. Garullo awakens and renounces his former foppish affectations. He joins the Duke and court as they exit to celebrate the weddings of Picentio and Isabella and Hortenio and Elinor.

GASAR **1632

Only mentioned in Randolph's Jealous Lovers. Demetrius, disguised as an astrologer, rattles off a list of "the learned Cabalists and all the Chaldees." The list includes Asla, Baruch, Abohali, Caucaph, Toz, Arcaphan, Albuas, Gasar, Hali, Hippocras, Lencuo, Ben, Benesaphan, and Albubetes.


Gascoyn is the disguise name adopted by George Cressingham when he comes to Chamlet's shop disguised as a gentleman's tailor in Middleton's Anything for a Quiet Life. He is accompanied by Franklin disguised as "Sir Andrew," a gentleman. As "Gascoyn," George Cressingham pretends to advise "Sir Andrew" on the purchase of expensive silk. In an aside to Ralph, "Gascoyn" says he knows about the commission given to the tailor if he advises the gentleman to buy expensive materials. In an aside to Chamlet, "Gascoyn" suggests that the estimate for the cloth is not high enough, which encourages Chamlet to inflate the price. Pretending to have secured the acceptance of a loan from the Barber, "Gascoyn" returns with word of approval and exits with Ralph and "Sir Andrew" to collect the money for the cloth. In front of Sweetball's house, Franklin as "Sir Andrew" sends "Gascoyn" to show the stuff to his fictional "wife," thus managing to gain possession of the gold cloth without paying for it.


A Captain to Tarifa, kinsman to Selinthus and Osman in Glapthorne's Revenge for Honor. He is a brusque soldier, dedicated to the military life in the service of the Caliph. With his cousins and other soldiers, he celebrates their planned campaign to Persia with drink and singing. When they are interrupted with news of the arrest of their new general, Abilqualit, he agrees to save him. With other soldiers, he accompanies Osman to Mura's home, just after Caropia has killed her husband. Tarifa arrives in time to save her from reprisals. Abilqualit soon reveals his survival to the three kinsmen and enlists their support against his brother's usurpation. It is not clear from stage directions whether the soldiers loyal to Abilqualit accompany him into the throne-room for the final showdown, but their presence as silent witnesses may be inferred.

GASPAR de FOIX**1607

Master of Artillery or "Ordinance" under Charles VIII in Barnes's The Devil's Charter and, as such, he appears in battle with the king. He assures the king that the cannon are ready prior to the battle against Alexander's forces in Rome.


Vilarezo is father to Sebastiano, Catalina, and Berinthia in Shirley's The Maid's Revenge. He insists that Berinthia entertain no love interest until her older sister Catalina is wed. When Berinthia is taken away by Antonio, Vilarezo insists that Sebastiano kill Antonio. The end of the play finds Vilarezo mourning the deaths of all three of his children.


Gaspar Strotzo is Piero's accomplice in Marston's Antonio's Revenge. At the beginning of the play, it is Strotzo who assists Piero in the poisoning of Andrugio and the slaying of young Feliche. In compliance with Piero's command, Strotzo ties young Feliche's corpse to a sleeping Mellida. Just as Piero indicts Mellida and young Feliche for infidelity, Strotzo bursts onto the stage to announce that Andrugio has died of overexertion. Piero later instructs Strotzo to burst into Mellida's trial and confess to false testimony against her. Strotzo is to claim that Antonio bribed him to slander Mellida. Strotzo is led to believe that Piero will then pardon him for his noble honesty. Instead, Piero eliminates the only witness to the conspiracy by strangling Strotzo in the courtroom.


Gasparo appears in the dramatis personae as an old clown in Chapman's May Day. He hopes to wed Lorenzo's daughter Aemilia. He joins Ludovico and Honorio in baiting Lorenzo when the latter is disguised as a chimney sweep en route to Franceschina's home. At the evening's entertainment, he graciously accedes to the love match of Aemilia and Aurelio.


Gasparo is a friend of Lodovico in Webster's The White Devil. He later becomes a co-conspirator with him in his revenge.


Gasparo, a rich man who wishes to test his mettle against Antonio in battle in Massinger's The Maid of Honor.

GASPARO **1625

Gasparo is a young gentleman who has nursed a love for Felice for several years in Shirley's The School of Compliment. Much of his time recently has been spent on a lark. He operates a Compliment School where, aided by Antonio's servant Gorgon, he assumes the role of Master Criticotaster and offers lessons in rhetoric and posturing. Role-playing indeed seems Gasparo's favorite activity. We observe him dressing as a shepherd and discovering his long-lost love, Felice, at a local country festival. The play's end finds Gasparo reunited with and planning to wed Felice.


Gasparo is a Magnifico of Pisa and father of Petrutio in Marmion's The Antiquary. He is generally ruled by his rather obnoxious son.


A “ghost character" in Rider’s The Twins. Charmia chides Fulvio’s tardiness, telling him to go read his letters from lord Gasparo and send him messages.


This is the given name of the Duke of Milan in Dekker and Middleton's 1 Honest Whore. It is unused in the body of the play and given only in the first two entrances of the Duke.
Trebazzi is the father of Infelice, Hippolito's wife, and is the Duke of Milan in Dekker's 2 Honest Whore. When Orlando (disguised as the servant Pacheco) visits him for aid in bringing about a reformation of Matheo, he sees through the disguise and agrees to help. He arranges for Matheo to be arrested and imprisoned for a robbery Orlando has staged, in order to frighten the swaggerer into better behavior. Further, Gasparo, who has learned of Hippolito's pursuit of Bellafront, issues an order that all prostitutes are to be arrested, in the hope that his wayward son-in-law will cease his attempts to have Bellafront return to her former profession.


Antonio's servant in Thomas Middleton's The Witch. He is a confidant and accessory in his master's plans to marry Isabella. Francisca suspects that he has informed her sister-in-law of her illegitimate child by Aberzanes and in revenge sets him up in a compromising situation with Florida. The discovery of the two of them leads Antonio to believe that Gaspero is Isabella's lover, and Antonio attacks him in a jealous rage.


The Secretary of State of Candy in ?Ford's The Laws of Candy. Gaspero helps preside over the debate between Cassilane and Antinous over the right to be recognized as champion. Gaspero also warns Gonzalo against Erota and describes her habitual prideful rejection of princes. He later brings Fernando to Cassilane's country house with the Senate's consent. Finally, Gaspero arrests Gonzalo for treason, based on the written proof obtained by Erota from Gonzalo.


A "ghost character" in the anonymous Locrine. Brutus and Corineus had to fight against Gathelus and his brother Goffarius in Aquitain.


Appear in scene 9, 10 and 18 of the anonymous plot of Frederick and Basilea; played by Black Dick (Jones) and Thomas Hunt, two actors who played minor roles.


A non-speaking character in Cooke's Greene's Tu Quoque. As his name suggests, Gatherscrap survives on scraps discarded by prisoners interred at the debtor's prison administered by Lodge.


Only mentioned in Jonson's Epicoene. Amadís de Gaule is the hero of a chivalric novel by García Rodríguez de Montalvo, governor of Medina del Campo, which appeared at Zaragoza in 1508. Of all the European romances of the sixteenth century, this was the most popular story in the chivalric tradition. The heroes of chivalric romance are considered public nothings sent out to poison courts and infest manners. Truewit, Clerimont, and Dauphine discuss the behavioral characteristics of court ladies and their ways of hiding various defects. Truewit shows excellent expertise in this matter and offers instructions on how women should conceal their physical blemishes. Dauphine is impressed with Truewit's competence and asks him how he came to study court ladies so thoroughly and give such exact descriptions of their manners. Truewit responds that one must go out and study court ladies where they are, at court, not stay inside and read courtly romances. Truewit implies that it is not efficient for a gentleman to stay in his chamber and read Amadís de Gaule or Don Quixote, the stock romance characters. Instead, Truewit recommends a direct involvement in the life of the court and a live study of ladies' behavior, which would allow an educated choice of a future wife.


Edward II's love for Piers Gaveston is presented as the ultimate cause of the war, executions, and abdication chronicled in Marlowe's Edward II. For the love of Gaveston the king spurns Queen Isabella and accepts the armed rebellion of his nobility. Edward II bestows many titles on this non-noble Frenchman, including Lord High Chamberlain, Chief Secretary to the state, and Earl of Cornwall, enraging Lancaster, Mortimer, Warwick, and other barons, and earning the enmity of the church. Gaveston attacks the barons verbally for glorying in their lineage, and urges Edward to bring Spencer, another man of non-noble birth, into his court. Jealous of Gaveston's influence over the king, the rebellious nobles capture Gaveston, and Warwick beheads him (in 1312).


Gawin is the King of Albany and the son of Arthur's twin sister Anne in Hughes' The Misfortunes of Arthur. As Mordred's half-brother, he attempts to reconcile the king and his son, but he is unsuccessful. Fighting for Arthur, he dies in Cornwall at the hand of Mordred.


Gawin Goodluck is a merchant affianced to Dame Christian Custance in Udall's Ralph Roister Doister. Returning from business on the continent, he learns from his servant Sim Suresby that the widow may be entertaining Ralph Roister Doister, and he decides to find out for himself. Meeting her, Goodluck is at first reserved and suspicious, but Dame Custance summons his friend Tristram Trusty who promptly bears witness to the widow's innocence. The lovers are reconciled, and Sim is forgiven because his suspicions were the result of imperfect information and his desire to protect his employer. At the play's end, Goodluck orders a feast and even invites Matthew Merrygreek and Ralph Roister Doister to attend.


A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's 1 Henry IV. Although never appearing on stage, Sir Nicholas Gawsey is a knight reported as sent by Prince Henry from Shrewsbury to obtain reinforcements.


Viceroy of Byron and contributory of Callapine in Marlowe's Tamburlaine the Great, Part 2. He advises Orcanes to treat for peace with Sigismund and address his powers to meeting Tamburlaine in Turkey. When Orcanes and Sigismund bluster at one another, Gazellus chides them into concluding a truce. He marches with Orcanes to meet Tamburlaine and is present at the defeat of the treacherous Sigismund. He disappears from the play after II.iii.


Mistress Fond and Mistress Gazer are two curious gossips of London in Jonson, Marston, and Chapman's Eastward Ho!. At the inn, the two chatterboxes watch the fuss created by Gertrude before taking the coach to Sir Petronel's fictional castle in the country. Mistress Gazer compares Gertrude's first day of ladyship with the launching ceremony of a new ship. Mistress Gazer extends the comparison by saying that there are twice as many people to see Gertrude take coach as there were to see a new ship take water.


Gazet, servant to Vitelli in Massinger's The Renegado, runs a little shop in the bazaar. He serves as a helper to Francisco. When he learns that eunuchs are allowed to sleep with their ladies, he almost becomes a eunuch with the aid of Carazie. Gazet also delivers the news of Vitelli's and Donusa's arrests to Francisco before helping in the escape of Vitelli.


Gazetta is the wife of Cornelio in Chapman's All Fools. She complains to Bellanora and Gratiana that her love for Cornelio has been smothered and destroyed by his jealousy. When Cornelio finds Gazetta sewing, he accuses her of unfaithfulness because she chooses to sew pansies, which are for lovers. When her husband accuses her outright of being unfaithful with Dariotto, she declares that she loved Cornelio when she married him and loves him still. He is unconvinced and tells her to get in. She tries to defend herself further when Cornelio has the Notary draw up divorce papers, but he tells her to keep silent, which she does. She is present in the final scene, when her husband reveals that he has threatened divorce only to control her, but she does not respond to that, or to his statement that he allowed Dariotto access to his house and saw the in bed together without reaction, because it was part of his plot. This leaves open the question of who is telling the truth, since both Dariotto and Gazetta state that they did not engage in an affair.


Tormiella’s lover according to the dramatis personae, but Tormiella loathes him in Dekker’s Match Me in London. Malevento has promised Tormiella to Gazetto, but there has been no contract. They were to be married on St. Luke’s day before she disappeared. Unable to find Tormiella in Cordova, he decides to look in Seville with Malevento. In his disguise as Lupo, he delights in tormenting Cordolente with his cuckolding. He takes a letter as the king dictates and in reflecting his words ironically speaks his own mind not unlike the echo scene in The Duchess of Malfi (IV.iv). The king employs him to kill the queen and Cordolente, but Gazetto privately determines not to kill the queen. He goes to the king to report her death and learns that Tormiella is mad and the king intends to marry her. He disguises himself as a doctor in an attempt to cure her madness. He tricks her into betraying her plan to run away with Cordolente and forces her to swear to marry and then murder the king. He next encourages Cordolente to make ready to kill Tormiella as she’s at the altar marrying the king. In a dumb show, he laughs when Cordolente fails to murder her and is cast out. When Tormiello tells the king of Gazetto’s treasonous plan, Gazetto unmasks and confesses all. He tells the king the joyful news that he has not murdered the queen. The king forgives him and recommends him to Prince John, and then Tormiella forgives him.


Ambassadors from a tribe of the Danube in the anonymous Tamar Cam. One of the groups of envoys sent from the conquered races. They enter in procession at play's end to do homage to their conqueror, Tamor Cham.


An old sorcerer in Percy's Arabia Sitiens. Suitor to Epimenide. He sends her a thousand camels bearing charmed drinks to provide her people relief from the drought. When she fails to thank him, he vows to beat down her arrogance and obtain her love. Gives Caleb his purse, thinking the shepherd will use it as part of an enchantment to make Epimenide love Geber. After Caleb departs, Tubal arrives and steals Geber's ring. Geber realizes that Caleb and Tubal have played him false and sends his familiar, Smolkin, after them to retrieve the purse and ring.

GEBIR **1615

Only mentioned in Tomkis’ Albumazar. Albumazar’s magical cant includes this allusion.


Gederus is King of Britain in The Valiant Welshman. He asks for assistance from Octavian, King of Wales, in the war against the Romans. He welcomes Caradoc and the Welsh soldiers, but slanderous letters sent by Gloucester make him suspicious, so he shifts the Welshmen to a hill during the battle. In the fighting, Claudius's forces overwhelm Gederus, but Caradoc wins the battle.


Gelaia or Laughter is the daughter of Folly (Moria) in Jonson's Cynthia's Revels. She is a girl disguised as a boy who waits on Anaides. At court, Gelaia follows Anaides and Hedon. When Hedon shows off his courtly wit, Gelaia laughs foolishly. Gelaia exits following Anaides and Hedon. The pages Gelaia, Prosaites, and Cos enter extolling the wonders of a fountain where all the ladies and gallants lie languishing and sighing to one another. Gelaia exits with the other pages, followed by Mercury, to see the miracle fountain. In an apartment at court, Gelaia enters with Anaides, Cos, and Prosaites, carrying bottles that contain water from the much-praised fountain. Gelaia abuses Anaides, telling him that he is too jealous. When he denies, Gelaia appeals to Moria, her mother, telling her how Anaides is very insistent and always wants to know where she has been and what she has done. Moria rebukes Anaides, telling him he does not deserve her daughter's devotion to him. Anaides tries to make it up with a kiss, without renouncing his impudent behavior. Gelaia leaves the party with the other nymphs, gallants, and their pages, after their disgrace. At Cynthia's revels, Gelaia is disguised as Aglaia in the First Masque. It is understood that Gelaia shares the punishment inflicted on the self-conceited nymphs and gallants together with the other impertinent pages.


A foolish and naive young man in the anonymous Timon of Athens. From his lately deceased father, Megadorus, he has inherited many houses and farms. He loves Callimela but is afraid to be rejected. He is an easy prey for Pseudocheus because he believes everything he says. When Philargurus hears of the young man's inheritance, he immediately offers him his daughter Callimela. Gelasimus then follows Pseudocheus' silly instructions and sings and laughs foolishly to impress Callimela. She agrees to marry him because he is rich and gullible, but the day before the wedding she leaves him for Timon. Gelasimus first wants to challenge her to a fight and revenge himself with his sword, but when he hears Pseudocheus' stories about a princess of the Antipodes who will fall in love with anyone at first sight, he decides to go to the Antipodes and marry her. He sells all his property to Abyssus and gives the gold to Pseudocheus, who has offered to carry it for him. Blatt then comes to tell him that Callimela would accept him again, but he refuses and just sends her a good-bye kiss. At Timon's banquet in IV.5 he is ready to leave for the Antipodes. Pseudocheus gives him a map that shows the way he has to fly. Booted and spurred, he starts to look for Pegasus and asks Timon whether he has seen a winged horse, but Timon only curses him. Paedio, his servant, brings him a fool's cap with asses' ears from Pseudocheus, who has now disappeared with his money. For the rest of the play he wears the fool's cap. He realizes that he has been duped and that he has lost all his money. Timon, overhearing his laments, offers him the grave he has made. But still digging, Timon finds gold and leaves. Gelasimus now wants to dig for gold as well, but without success. In the final scene he asks Blatt to marry him in the hope to get some gold as a wedding present from Timon.


"Ghost characters" in The London Merchant portion of Beaumont's Knight of the Burning Pestle. Humphrey's horses. Humphrey has a bay-colored "double gelding" from North Africa to give Luce for their elopement. He says he also has another for himself, which he later refers to as a sorrel (a chestnut-colored horse).


Gelosso is a noble Carthaginian senator in Marston's Sophonisba who refuses to connive in the betrayal of Massinissa. He disguises himself as an old soldier to warn Massinissa that Gisco has been sent to poison him and advises him to ally with Scipio. He is captured by the Carthaginians, though not before he has managed to change the course of the battle against them, and they subsequently torture him to death.


Moorish disguise adopted by Fidamira in Montague's The Shepherd's Paradise when she goes to the Shepherd's Paradise.


"Ghost characters" in Barnes's The Devil's Charter. A Turkish prisoner promised to Charles VIII by Pope Alexander VI as part of a truce. Later murdered.


A "ghost character" in May's Cleopatra. Roman senator who, early on in the play sends a letter to Antonius which the latter puts off reading. (According to Plutarch, Antonius's friend Geminius was one of those alienated from him by the behavior of Cleopatra.) Possibly Caius Geminius is meant.


Gemulo is a shepherd in the anonymous Maid's Metamorphosis. He, on his first appearance, is looking for his son, Mopso. The boy had escaped, fearing his father would beat him for a fault he had committed. Later, when he notices the presence of fair Eurymine, he urges her to reveal the cause of her distress. After hearing her reply, he sympathizes and falls in love with her, and he even offers his own house to her. But Silvio, the ranger, had offered his to the lady before, and both men engage in a discussion, to decide which of them can offer the worthiest lodgings to Eurymine. But the girl decides she will accept the ranger's house, and Gemulo's flock, to take care of it. When she appears before them in the shape of a man, explaining that she is her own brother, Gemulo distrusts him. He thinks the boy is too handsome, and could be a rival rather than her brother. Therefore he goes with Silvio, the ranger, to see if she has really gone away. But once they have checked she is not there any longer, still mistrusting, the two men take Eurymine, to see Aramanthus, the wise old man, in the hope that he should find out the truth. In the end, Gemulo does not get the lady, but, in compensation, Apollo plays his harp and the Muses dance for him.


The general is an Antipodean, a character in the inset play of Brome's The Antipodes. He is learning the rudiments of military discipline from the parish clerk.


A non-speaking character in Carlell's 1 Arviragus and Philicia. the Danish Generall is defeated in warre by Arviragus and is lead "in triumph" into the city along with other Captives and Prisoners by the victors.


He appears aloft in Shakespeare's 1 Henry VI with the French forces of Bordeaux. He refers to Talbot as an "ominous and fearful owl of death." He defies Talbot, placing his reliance upon his fortifications and the advancing assistance of the Dauphin.


The General of Scotland in J.W.'s The Valiant Scot is the leader of the rebel Scots in the battle with the English. He offends Wallace by making him bring up the rear in the battle. In the battle, he is captured and killed by the English.


He has to say "Defiance to the Spaniards" before the battle begins in the anonymous First Part of Jeronimo.


Leader of the rebellious force against King Sigismond in Suckling's Brennoralt.


He has to say "Defiance to the Portugales" before the battle begins in the anonymous First Part of Jeronimo.


A "ghost character" in ?Ford's The Laws of Candy. In his description of the battle, Cassilane says that the General of the Venetians had unhorsed Antinous; Cassilane then rescued Antinous by fighting the General until Antinous, having recovered adequately, jumped in front of Cassilane and killed the General.


Three gentlemen in the King's counsel in the anonymous Godly Queen Hester.
  • Primus thinks that justice is the most important virtue in a prince.
  • Secundus thinks that, next to justice, diligence is the most important virtue in a prince.
  • To the assertions of Primus Generosus and Secundus Generosus on the importance of justice and diligence for princes, Tertius Generosus adds that the King's Minister has to be as virtuous as his sovereign.


Husband to Mrs. Generous and uncle by marriage to Whetstone in Heywood and Brome's The Late Lancashire Witches, Master Generous is a wealthy landowner who lives up to his name. His first business on stage is to invite the gallants (Masters Arthur, Bantam and Shackston) to dine with him, on the condition that they tolerate his wearisome nephew Whetstone, and to loan Master Arthur money to pay the mortgage on one of his estates. Master Generous discovers from his manservant Robert (see Robin) that his wife has oft been out riding alone, and instructs Robin to prevent her from doing so in the future. He also asks Robin to ride into Lancashire to replenish his wine stock. He is approached by the Soldier, who asks for work in return for food and shelter, at the same time that he is informed by his tenant Miller Greety that he will no longer work at the mill as a result of the repeated supernatural attacks to which he has been subjected; Master Generous accepts the miller's resignation and gives the mill over to the Soldier. When Robin returns with Master Generous' favorite wine, available only in London, and tries to explain that he has made the trip to London and back in one night with the aid of witchcraft, Generous does not believe him. Robin produces evidence, but Generous finds the evidence puzzling. When Master Generous discovers his wife is still venturing out alone, he refuses to become jealous; he upbraids Robin, but Robin professes his innocence. Robin convinces Master Generous to remove the bridle from the strange horse in the stable, and Generous discovers that his wife has been engaging in witchcraft when the horse transforms into Mrs. Generous. He forgives his wife after her tearful confession and instructs her to mend her ways. Generous has determined to guard his wife's secret, but he finds evidence of her continued witchcraft when he discovers her severed hand. He confronts and denounces her. He turns Mrs. Generous and her companion Mall Spencer over to the authorities and, disgusted by his nephew's involvement with his wife's witchcraft, confers his inheritance on Master Arthur instead.


Wife of Master Generous and aunt of Whetstone in Heywood and Brome's The Late Lancashire Witches, Mrs. Generous seems a model wife but is secretly a witch. She is prone to riding out alone at night (presumably to attend witch Sabbats), which disturbs her husband, and he instructs his manservant Robin to prevent her from doing so in the future. She first appears on stage intent upon riding, but when Robin prevents her, she slips her magic bridle on him and transforms him into a horse, riding him to the witches' Sabbat feast. She is addressed by the other witches as the Lady of the Feast, indicating her prominence in the witch community. She and the other witches subsequently feast on the food prepared for Lawrence and Parnell's wedding celebration. When the Sabbat is interrupted, the witches scatter, but Robin outwits Mrs. Generous and slips the bridle on her and rides her home. He keeps her in the form of a horse until Master Generous can slip off the bridle and discover her. Transformed back to her natural form, she confesses and tearfully begs Master Generous' forgiveness. He grants it and exhorts her to mend her ways, but she quickly resumes her witchery. Together with Mall Spencer, Mrs. Generous aids her nephew Whetstone's revenge on the gallants by conjuring up spirits in the shape of the Pedant, the Tailor, and Robin who cast aspersions on the paternity of the gallants. She summons the other witches to harass the Soldier at the mill; however, the Soldier drives them off, wounding one in the process. The wounded witch turns out to be Mrs. Generous, who has lost her hand in the skirmish. When Master Generous discovers the severed hand and recognizes it as hers, he confronts Mrs. Generous. She and Mall Spencer are turned over to the authorities, and Mrs. Generous is the ringleader of the witches who refuse to speak when confronted with their crimes in the final scene.


An old man, the jealous husband of Lady Worthy and father of Dorothy Worthy and Young Worthy in Nabbes' Covent Garden. He believes that Hugh Jerker intends to cuckold him, but he invites Jerker, Jeffrey, and Artlove to his house for dinner after Jerker flatters him. After Jerker has declared privately to Lady Worthy that he has reformed and will no longer pursue her, the two of them briefly pretend to have consummated their affair in order to teach Sir Generous a lesson.


Lamorall first pursues Genevora, sister to Vitelli in Fletcher, Beaumont, and Massinger's, Love's Cure. Upon orders from his father, Lucio follows Genevora and begs a kiss. Before things can progress, Lamorall drags her away. She is attracted to Lucio's feminine behavior. Willing, as are Eugenia and Clara, to be shot and stabbed, she is instrumental in stopping the duel between Alvarez and Vitelli.


Genius is a spirit or apparition that visits Scilla after he has given up his title as Consul in Lodge's The Wounds of Civil War. Genius speaks in Latin, and announces to Scilla that his death is at hand and that he is bound for Elysium. He vanishes suddenly, and it seems that only Scilla could see him.


Antony's good genius in the anonymous Caesar and Pompey enters to reproach him for moping over Cleopatra and warns that she will prove fatal to him.


Crusophilus's associate in the anonymous Wisest Have Their Fools. He is a mercenary trying to manipulate the foolish Crusophilus into his father's favor. Although his reasons are not patent, it is fairly clear that he intends to gull Crusophilus of his wealth just as soon as the fool can wrest it from Cremulus. He advises Crusophilus to win Cremulus's favor by lending money on interest and giving the winnings to the old usurer. The plan succeeds. Throughout the play, Genius coaches and coaxes how to speak and act to stay in Cremulus's favor. Victory is ultimately snatched away from him when Crusophilus wins his blinded father's estate only to lose it when Musophilus has Crusophilus proclaimed a fool and seizes the estate for himself. Genius can only observe that they have indeed made a fool of Crusophilus.


An invisible character in Brome's The Queen's Exchange. He speaks in whispers to Anthynus, advising him to assume the role of Osriick. The audience cannot hear what Genius whispers, only Anthynus's reaction to the invisible whispers discloses the character.


The guardian spirit in Brome's The Queen and Concubine. He appears to Eulalia in the wilderness and gives her the gifts of prophecy, healing, and teaching.


Whilst Castarina is sleeping in (?)Goffe’s Careless Shepherdess, this character enters and sings to her to choose death rather than be ravished at the satyr’s hands.


Disguises adopted in The Malcontent by Malevole, Pietro, Celso, and Ferneze in order to gain entry into the masque celebrating Maria's return to court.


Disguise adopted by Agenor in Montague's The Shepherd's Paradise when he goes to the Shepherd's Paradise.


A "ghost character" in Dekker's Wonder of A Kingdom. Mentioned by Cargo in the context of Angelo Lotti's alleged treasonous dealings with the Genoway (Genoese), the Genoway provides the official reason for Angelo's banishment from Florence. However, Nicoletto Vanni implies that the Genoway was simply a pretext for Angelo's banishment, calculated to make way for the Prince of Pisa to marry Fiametta.


Iacomo Gentili is a wealthy and altruistic gentleman in Dekker's Wonder of A Kingdom famous for his magnanimous hospitality and charity. Iacomo welcomes four courtiers Mutio, Philippo, Tornelli and Montinello, all patronized by the Duke of Florence, to his newly built home. When the curious courtiers ask Iacomo after the costs of the home, Iacomo claims that he has paid all expenses except for the three hundred Doric pillars in his court. Instead of revealing the overall sum of the costs, he refers to a volume which comprises all the expenses of those many years' work. The key to this volume Iacomo entrusted to his Steward. Montinello commands the Steward to read out the sum from the book, but Iacomo immediately orders the book to be burnt and sends the Steward offstage. Iacomo's description of his house, with its seven gates, twelve vast rooms and 365 windows reveals not only Iacomo's wealth, but also his hospitality. With each of the building's features symbolizing the division of time into the days of the week, moons per year and the number of days per year, Iacomo Gentili associates his home with his continual readiness to help the needy. Montinello advises Iacomo to take a wife and produce an heir. Iacomo rejects this, replying that his beneficiaries will be his heirs. Mutio then presents a jewel to Iacomo as a gift from the Duke of Florence, and Phillipo tells him that the Duke intends to be his visitor. After the courtiers have taken their leave from Iacomo, he receives the foolish gentlemen Asinius Buzardo, who was sent by Ieronimo Guidanes. In a letter, Guidanes asks Iacomo to take Buzardo into his service. Iacomo Gentili employs him, but shortly sends him away. Later, Iacomo is approached by a Broker, an Apothecary, a Goldsmith and Torrenti's brother. All, except for Torrenti's brother, attempt to exploit Iacomo's generosity, but eventually fail when their ulterior motives are found out. Finally, Iacomo follows the Duke's invitation, and meets the now destitute spendthrift Signor Torrenti. In his final comment he summarizes the moral of Torrenti's tale of profligacy and ruin.


Gentille is a character in "The Triumph of Death," the third play within the play of Fletcher's Four Plays in One. He is a courtier and the father of Perelot and Casta.


A "ghost character" and possibly an imaginary one as well in Baylie's The Wizard. When Shallow asks Delia who she has loved, she responds that she loved "one of the gentlecraft" who had a gift for tickling a Lady's heel.


Spelled Gentylman in the original. A suitor in John Heywood's The Play of the Wether. The Gentylman asks Jupiter for dry weather, neither misty nor windy, that would allow hunting, the gentlemen's favored pastime.


Enters with a Porter who carries Beech's torso, which the Gentleman found while walking his dog in Yarington's Two Lamentable Tragedies. He stays to help the Neighbours and Loney search the nearby houses for the murderer.


Mercury is disguised as a sophisticated Frenchified Gentleman for the party at court, where he ridicules the self-conceited nymphs and gallants in Jonson's Cynthia's Revels. While the nymphs and courtiers are playing society games at the party, Crites enters introducing Mercury ridiculously dressed. Crites presents a certificate according to which the gentleman has French manners and is eligible to take the challenge in the contest of courtly manners. The competition begins with Amorphus and Mercury/Gentleman as opponents. Mercury as a sophisticated courtier accomplishes the courtly protocols entitled pompously the "Bare Accost," the "Better Regard," the "Solemn Address," and the "Perfect Close." At some point, Mercury/Gentleman summons the tailor, barber, milliner, perfumer, jeweler, and feather-maker to assist him. By exaggerating the courtiers' manners toward these merchants to the extreme, Mercury/Gentleman makes the gallants and their nymphs see how ridiculous they are. The revelers leave in disgrace and Mercury disguised as a Gentleman retires.


In Q2 only of Shakespeare's Hamlet, the Gentleman, rather than Horatio, brings Gertrude the news that Ophelia is mad and wishes to speak with her.


A gentleman of the French court in Shakespeare's All's Well. He delivers a message for Helena.


This unnamed Gentleman temporarily blinds the officers who attempt to arrest the Knight in Middleton's The Phoenix, and the Knight escapes.


A gentleman in Heywood's 2 If You Know Not Me announces the arrivals of various aristocrats.


This unnamed Gentleman of the realm in Shakespeare's King Lear does not recognize the disguised Earl of Kent yet gives the Earl news of Lear's suffering on the heath. He carries messages from Kent to Dover and brings Kent's signet ring to Cordelia. He also appears later in the countryside and delivers information about current military events to Edgar, Gloucester, and Lear.


Gentleman is an experienced politician whose advice Lucio seeks in Beaumont and Fletcher's The Woman Hater. At Lucio's apartment, Gentleman enters introduced by Lucio's secretary. It appears that Lucio had sent for Gentleman for counsel. Lucio says that Gentleman has long practice in the affairs of state, under a great man. However, Lucio asks Gentleman about redecorating his study in the manner of Machiavel. It seems that the exchange is in coded language, because Machiavelli's name suggests secret policy. Gentleman advises Lucio to let Intelligencers through the back door, and so his office as head of secret service will always be needed. At that moment, Secretary announces the Intelligencers' arrival on some matter of high treason and Gentleman insinuates that the prompt response is the result of his invaluable advice. In fact, Gentleman's attitude towards Lucio is at best ironic. Gentleman exits through the back door at Lucio's request, remarking that he will be Lucio's Intelligencer for once. It is reasonable to believe that Gentleman is Valore's Intelligencer in disguise, sent to spy on the spy-man.


The gentleman comes seeking the position of Gentleman Usher to Felecia and Florida in Sharpham's The Fleire. After some discussion of wages, he eventually enters their service.


A “ghost character" in Tomkis’ Lingua. He has written nineteen sonnets about his lady’s buskin point, and Phantastes promised to help him with a twentieth sonnet.


He tells the Governor about Sir William's scandal in Armin's The Two Maids of More–Clacke.


The Gentleman accompanies Nilo in the desecration of the temples of Cupid in Beaumont & Fletcher's Cupid's Revenge.


A fellow of Goodwin and Foster in Heywood and Rowley's Fortune by Land and Sea, who, along with them, is nearly gulled out of money by the Clown.


A member of the Argive court in Heywood's The Silver Age, he announces the return of Bellerophon with Perseus.


A gentleman enters Yellowhammer's shop to have the goldsmith weigh a chain in Middleton's A Chaste Maid in Cheapside. He wishes to sell it to Yellowhammer for 100 pounds and leaves when Yellowhammer refuses to give more than 100 marks.


This unnamed Gentleman in Shakespeare's Two Noble Kinsmen brings news to Emilia that Palamon and Arcite have arrived.


The Gentleman who is slandered in the report drawn by a biased and foolish constable is a "ghost character" in Jonson's Bartholomew Fair. Overdo thinks that a Justice of Peace must rely on the improbable report of foolish constables. If these constables wish to slander a gentleman out of spite, by virtue of their position the justice is forced to believe them.


The Gentleman accompanies Mark-Antonio when he goes into Barcelona in Fletcher's Love's Pilgrimage. He goes because Rodorigo is afraid that Mark-Antonio will get into trouble. When Mark-Antonio states his desire to see behind Eugenia's veil, the Gentleman warns him that custom dictates that even if she is a lower class woman, it is death to accost her, and further states that she is the wife of the Governor and a lady of pure reputation. When the fight breaks out, the Gentleman calls out to Rodorigo for help, and then helps the wounded Mark-Antonio to Rodorigo's cabin.


A courtier in the closing scenes in Fletcher and Massinger's Thierry and Theodoret. He acts as messenger with news, first, of Lecure's suicide and later, the deaths of Protaldy and Brunhalt.


The Gentlemen are friends and followers of Demetrius in Fletcher's The Humorous Lieutenant. Gentlemen are also sent by Menippus to tempt Celia, at the request of Antigonus, in his unsuccessful attempt to prove her unworthy of his son.


Isabella's cousin in Fletcher's Women Pleased, brought in by Lopez to witness his accusation of her infidelity.


A gentleman in Fletcher's The Pilgrim welcomes Pedro when he arrives in Segonia after his wanderings, and shows him the town madhouse.


A Spanish gentleman accompanies Catelina to Pike's trial in the anonymous Dick of Devonshire. He hears of the honor she bestows on the English hero.


The title character in Fletcher's The Noble Gentleman. The Noble Gentleman, Monsieur Godfrey Marine, is referred to as "Gentleman" in the play text.


A fictional character in Hawkins's Apollo Shroving, Complement invents a "busie curious Gentleman" in providing Gringle with an example of a situation in which he should make use of the "Italian Shrugge." In this example, the Gentleman "should aske you whether there past no tearmes of love betweene you and" a certain "faire and honourable Lady," and the shrug is the perfect way to escape the situation with grace.


The Gentleman seeks preferment with the Duke in Davenant's The Cruel Brother. He seeks out Lucio and Foreste for help. But when they find out that the Gentleman wants a captaincy, they are appalled at the idea of a young, untested man being given command rather than a seasoned solider and reject him scornfully.


The Gentleman in Randolph's Praeludium discusses with Histrio the decayed state of the theatre after the plague in London. The Gentleman complains it has been too long since he saw a comedy, adding that he missed the actors' wit in the taverns. When Histrio announces to the Gentleman that the actors will play The Hungry Courtier for him in exchange for food and clothing, the Gentleman observes it is more appropriate to call the play The Hungry Actors. Seeing the actors' poverty, the Gentleman describes their destitute condition, saying that he would not sit on any stage in London these twelve months for fear that the actors might devour the audience. The Gentleman promises to feed and clothe the actors for their performance because they line the audience's clothes with wit. When an actor playing the role of Captain asks him for food in bellicose terms, the Gentleman gives him a pie to eat and notes that the Captain looks fit to assault a cupboard and besiege an alms tub. When the Lover who plays Thisbe asks him in the romantic mode to give him money to mend his boots, the Gentleman pities the poor "Lady." When the two Roarers start a theatrical fight in which they use allusions to food and drink, the Gentleman sends them to the kitchen to eat with the servants. Finally, the Gentleman asks Histrio how he has been living all these dire days. When Histrio responds he lived by speaking the prologue to this play, the Gentleman invites him to supper.


Iseas and Asprandus try to ask him what is happening in the palace in Wilson's The Swisser, but he is busy and hurries on.


A “ghost character" in Glapthorne’s Hollander. Sconce tells Urinal of a city captain who has a weapon salve that cured a hole in an Alderman’s daughter. She received the injury when a gentleman’s butt-shaft pierced her whilst he was shooting Pennyprick in her garden.


Sent by Clifford in J.W.'s The Valiant Scot to give Robert Bruce twelve silver pence and a pair of spurs, to suggest that he is a traitor to his country and ought to flee.


The gentleman is an Antipodean, a character in the inset play of Brome's The Antipodes. He has taken gifts from the citizen, who expects, in return, that the gentleman will sleep with his wife. The gentleman is reluctant to fulfill this obligation and wishes instead to pay the citizen money for his goods. When the citizen takes the gentleman to court, the judge, played by Byplay, finds against the gentleman but offers to perform the unfulfilled duty himself.


Marginal character in Carlell's 2 Passionate Lovers that talks to Clindor in Act Two and who has been asked by the queen to call the king.


A Gentleman in J.D.'s The Knave In Grain New Vamped converses with the Doctor whom Julio tricks into speaking a good word for him.


Enters in Dekker's(?) Telltale with the court party and the Venetian princes for the Valentine game and administers the game by describing the emblems and reading the names on the gems.


An alternate designation for Country, which is a branch of the commonwealth (Utopia) represented in the aborted masque following the beggars' wedding in Brome's A Jovial Crew. It is to be played by Vincent or Hilliard. Country vies for superiority with City and Court.


Helps Newman to rescue Manley from the two Jeers (Major and Minor) in Cavendish's The Variety.


A gambler in Shirley's The Gamester. He walks across the stage during the ordinary scene, attracting unfavorable commentary from Hazard.


A "ghost character" in Davenport's The City Night Cap. In Act One, he is invited to Lodovico's as he is interested in buying one of his houses.


Two Gentlemen figure in the anonymous A Knacke To Knowe A Knave:
  1. The First Gentleman wants to pawn land for money with the broker in scene 4.
  2. The Second Gentleman is actually a disguise adopted by King Edgar to catch Cutbert the Cutpurse and Coneycatcher. Dunstan disguises as a Farmer to aid in the plot.


After the king of France leaves on pilgrimage in the anonymous Weakest Goeth to the Wall, two petitioners ask Lodowick, Duke of Bullen, one of two appointed regents, for a patent for their recent help in defeating the English. The upright Lodowick says all such decisions can only be made by him and the Duke of Anjou (the other regent) jointly. The petitioners tell him that Anjou has hired a vast army to invade Burgundy (Bullen). Lodowick grants their suit before leaving to protect his wife and daughter whom he has left behind.


The First Gentleman is walking with the Second Gentleman on the shore at the Isle of Dogs in Jonson, Marston, and Chapman's Eastward Ho! when they see the drenched Sir Petronel and Seagull. Thinking they have been shipwrecked on the coast of France, Sir Petronel speaks French to the gentlemen. He tells them he is a poor English knight who has been shipwrecked. The First Gentleman responds in French, asking him in amazement if he is a knight from England. When the Second Gentleman reverts to English, realizing that the castaways are too drunk to know where they are, the First Gentleman tells them they are on the Isle of Dogs and they must have drowned in a tavern before embarking on such weather. The First Gentleman adds he knows Sir Petronel well and he is one of the thirty-pound knights. The allusion is to the purchase of knighthoods recently authorized by James I. The Second Gentleman adds information regarding Sir Petronel's illicit ascension to knighthood. He says this knight stole his knighthood for four pounds on the grand day, giving to a page all the money in his purse.


Two Gentlemen figure in Dekker's If It Be Not Good:
  • The First Gentleman comes to Bartervile's to pay his mortgage on time. Bartervile cheats him of the payment. Both Gentlemen go to the court to complain about Bartervile's behaviour, but they are dismissed by the King.
  • The Second Gentleman arrives with the First Gentleman at Bartervile's to help him pay his mortgage on time. Bartervile cheats First Gentleman of the payment. Both Gentlemen go to the court to complain about Bartervile's behaviour, but they are dismissed by the King.


Two Gentlemen figure in Davenport's New Trick to Cheat the Devil.
  • Gentleman I plays cards with Gentleman 2 and Master Slightall. He knew of the latter's love for Anne. Thus, when he learns about Slightall's change of mind with respect to his formerly beloved one, he cannot believe that one who loved her so much and so sincerely could have changed his affection so easily. Gentleman I is later in the company of Lord Skales, Treatwell, Geffrey and Gentleman 2 when Mistriss Changeable explains to them that her house has been haunted for ten days. He advises her to "seek out for some religious man / To exorcise the Spirit." Afterwards, he is visited by Slightall and the Divell (Master Changeable in disguise), because the former wants to check if his debts have been paid. Gentleman I then explains he does not owe him anything.
  • Gentleman 2 gambles with Gentleman 1 and Master Slightall. He also knew of the latter's love for Anne. Therefore, when he learns about Slightall's change of mind with respect to his formerly beloved one, he wants to know how he was able to change his affections so easily, and he prompts him to tell him and Gentleman I. Gentleman 2 is later in the company of Lord Skales, Treatwell, Geffrey and Gentleman I when Mistriss Changeable explains to them that her house has been haunted for ten days. He advises her to ask Fryer John for help, since "he can transhape his spirits [...] / into what forme he please." Afterwards, he is visited by Slightall and the Divell (Master Changeable in disguise), because the former wants to check if his debts have been paid. Gentleman 2 affirms they have.


Both of the unnamed Gentlemen in Shirley's The Witty Fair One assist in Penelope's plan to convince everyone that Fowler has died.
  1. The First Gentleman helps to convince the Second Gentleman of Fowler's supposed demise; he then pretends not to know Fowler upon seeing him.
  2. The Second Gentleman also pretends not to know Fowler, claiming that Fowler has just died.


Two Gentlemen bring their custom to the Asparagus Garden in Brome's The Sparagus Garden:
  1. The First Gentleman, a client of Martha and the Gardener at the Asparagus Garden, takes umbrage at her charge of sixteen shillings for "a dish of 'sparagus, two bottles of wine and a little sugar" and leaves with his Gentlewoman.
  2. The Second Gentleman, also a client of Martha and the Gardener at the Asparagus Garden, is very 'kind' to his companion, Mistress Hollyhock, who is not his wife; this encourages Rebecca in her determination to take a lover. He argues with a Servant who demands that they pay their full bill, but gives in when Mistress Hollyhock notes that the uproar might damage her reputation.


In Act Three of Carlell's 1 The Passionate Lovers, they meet Agenor and Lucidor and tell them that the princess is to get married.


Petruccio's Gentlemen in Fletcher's The Chances. They try to encourage Petruccio and Antonio to be moderate in their desire for revenge against the Duke, but ultimately agree to side with Petruccio, accompany him on his ambush against the Duke and generally support him.


The First, Second, and Third Gentleman appear in the Induction to Day's Isle of Gulls. They want to sit on the stage, and demand stools from the Prologue. When the Prologue refuses to provide them, saying that it is not his job, the First Gentleman threatens him but is restrained by the Second Gentleman. The gentlemen make various demands to the Prologue about the kind of play they want to see. The First Gentleman demands a satirical play, the Second Gentleman demands a bawdy play, and the Third Gentleman demands a heroic, rhetorical play. The Prologue laments that The Isle of Gulls will be unable to please all of them, but eventually persuades the gentlemen to stay and watch the play.


Three Gentlemen figure in Barry's Ram Alley:
  1. The First Gentleman assists Throat in the abduction of "Constantia Sommerfield"—really Francis impersonating Constantia. With the Second Gentleman, he distracts William Smallshanks, Thomas Boutcher, Lieutenant Beard and Thomas Smallshanks while Throat and Dash make off with "Constantia."
  2. The Second Gentleman assists Throat in the abduction of "Constantia Sommerfield"—really Francis impersonating Constantia. With the First Gentleman he distracts William Smallshanks, Thomas Boutcher, Lieutenant Beard and Thomas Smallshanks while Throat and Dash make off with "Constantia."
  3. The Third Gentleman assists Thomas Smallshanks in his plan to steal "Constantia Sommerfield"—really Francis in disguise—from the custody of Lieutenant Beard.


The remarks of the Three Gentlemen serve to recount events unseen by the audience in Shakespeare's Henry VIII, such as Buckingham's trial.
  1. The First Gentleman lists those who will claim royal offices on the day of Anne's coronation.
  2. The Second Gentleman is sympathetic with the Duke of Buckingham's cruel fate. He announces the hatred of the common folk for Wolsey and posits that the Cardinal is behind the trial and conviction of Buckingham.
  3. The Third Gentleman joins the other two in describing the pomp and detail of Anne's coronation ceremony.


Three gentlemen in Fletcher's The Chances. They agree to help defend the Duke against Petruccio and his men. They arrive at the first encounter in time to help drive off Petruccio and his followers and generally supports the Duke.


Three Gentlemen figure in Shirley's Hyde Park:
  • The First is one of three apparent cohorts of the Jockey. He enquires about the weights for the race.
  • The Second worries aloud about the Jockey's chances of beating Venture in the horse race.
  • The Third gives brief advice to the Jockey; orders the two riders to get on their horses.


The Gentlemen are friends and companions of Florelli in Shirley's The Gentleman of Venice. When Florelli returns from his forced stay at Cornari's, they plan to share Florelli's gold at a tavern before leaving Venice together.


There are four gentlemen who initially counsel the Duke but who are ultimately dismissed from service for being too interested in their honor in Fletcher and Middleton's The Nice Valour:
  1. The First Gentleman is actually the alternate name for the courtier La Nove.
  2. The Second Gentleman supplies the initial complimentary description of the overly-nice courtier Shamont. After Shamont's behavior makes the Duke wary of curiosity and precision in matters of honor, the Second Gentleman is dismissed from the Duke's service.
  3. The Third Gentleman is the least talkative of the Duke's four gentleman attendants. He is dismissed after the Duke tires of Shamont's obsessive commitment to honor and decides to replace his retinue with "[m]en more insensible of reputation."
  4. The Fourth Gentleman provides an uncomplimentary description of Shamont, the man of nice valor. The Fourth Gentleman is also dismissed from the Duke's service when the Duke decides to rid himself of courtiers who are too particular about matters of honor.


A disguise adopted by Franklin to escape arrest in Middleton's Anything for a Quiet Life. As a "French gentleman," Franklin secures the help of Margarita the bawd. Together they succeed in duping Chamlet and Sweetball as well as the arresting officers Fleshhook and Counterbuff into believing that Franklin really is a French gentleman from Lyons, who just happens to look very much like the cheater Franklin.


A "ghost character" in Chapman's Sir Giles Goosecap with whom Lord Furnifall spoke in Italian in one of his trips, where he also met the Countess of Lancashire and her niece.


A “ghost character" in Tomkis’ Albumazar. Antonio tells of being ship wrecked off Gibraltar and swimming with two mariners to the coast where moors made them prisoners and would have sold them into slavery but for a gentleman of Italy whom he had known before.


A “ghost character" in Rowley’s When You See Me. Henry met a gentleman in the counter who is there because a servant of the king neglected a bond to him and he was ruined. By him, Henry learns how the servants of the king may, in the king’s name, ruin poor honest men. When Henry is discovered, he tells all such men to petition him at court and receive recompense for their ill treatment. This could be the Second Prisoner, who blesses the king for his grace. He is possibly the character later identified as Hopkins and the man who has wronged him could be the man called Rooksbie.


An undisclosed number of gentlemen escort the Holy Roman Emperor at play’s end in Rowley’s When You See Me.


A number of gentlemen are discussed without giving their names in (?)Shipman’s Grobiana’s Nuptials:
  1. Pamphagus saw one mending his hose with blue points and invited him to the Grobian’s feast.
  2. Pamphagus saw another gentleman making water against a wall and saluted him for it.
  3. Ungartred saw a gentleman who stared at Grobiana. He had bow legs, neat shoes tied with ribbons, and danced so she thought he must be a tailor. He sang of Jane Shore and Rosamond.
  4. Ungartred tells of a gentleman that knocked at the door who had a good face, large nose, and odd smell about him. He carried a pole on his shoulders.

GENTLEMEN of the COURT **1611

They come to get Tormiella after she leaves the king in Dekker’s Match Me in London. They jest with Cordolente in a manner that suggests to him that the king has cuckolded him.


A gentleman in Shakespeare's Pericles who greets Lysimachus onboard Pericles' ship.


When More is led into the Tower of London in Chettle, Dekker and Munday's Sir Thomas More, the Gentleman Porter, a jailer, asks for More's "upper garment" or his cloak (as was his right), but More instead gives him his cap. When the Gentleman Porter then specifies the "upmost on your back," More jokes that his cap does satisfy that description.


A gentleman of Sicily in the anonymous Swetnam confirms to Nicanor that Leonida has indeed been condemned to death and commiserates with him on his loss of a potential bride (a loss that does not, in fact, afflict Nicanor at all).


Declares to the Queen Mother in the anonymous Jack Straw that the peers will help King Richard II to defeat any foe or to quell any rebellion. He announces the arrival and purpose of the Messenger. He identifies the meaning of Tom Miller's behavior and establishes that King Richard II has given the rebels a general pardon.


Mute character in Markham and Machin's The Dumb Knight. He passes over the stage to establish the location as the court.


One of the Madmen who torments the Duchess in Webster's The Duchess of Malfi.


A mute character in Whetstone's 2 Promos and Cassandra. A member of the King's retinue.


Mute characters in Fletcher’s Bloody Brother. They attend on the party at the banquet for Rollo and Otto.


The young gentleman, who grows rich by his wits and gambling, is a "fictional character" and is used to paint an appealing picture of Kastril's future in Jonson's The Alchemist. Face introduces Kastril to the magician's infallible methods of helping one gain at games by giving the example of a fictional young gentleman. Face says that this young man, who is comparatively poor, will be able to buy a barony. In Face's sophisticated fiction, this young gentleman will have everybody at his feet, gain free food, drink, and limitless credit with the glover and the spurrier. He will live a life of luxury and keep a woman and a naked boy in style. Moreover, people will admire this young gentleman's life style. He will have eventually lost his land at gambling, which, in Face's view, is not bad since men of spirit hate to keep earth long. Between terms at the law courts (during vacation), when only small gains may be had at the gaming tables, this fictional young gentleman will spend his time fishing for a wealthy husband for his widowed sister. To this purpose, he will look at all the young heirs in the city and send people to look all over England for wealthy and eligible young heirs.


Four mute gentlemen accompany Creon onto and off the stage in Gascoigne and Kinwelmershe's Jocasta.


One Gentleman walks with George Sanders toward his home in (?)Heywood's A Warning For Fair Women, and they speak of friendship, each remembering himself to the other's wife. This Gentleman hails a Prentice and directs him to lead Sanders home with a torch, but Sanders declines, saying there was light enough. A second Gentleman, walking home attended by a torch bearer, meets Sanders on the way and insists on accompanying him home, thereby thwarting George Browne's first attempted ambush of Sanders.


Two gentlemen with no money in Heywood's Royal King are let into the Bawd's brothel in front of the Captain, because they look the part; this proves the Captain's moral, "'Tis general through the world, each state esteems / A man not what he is, but what he seems." When the whores realize that the Gentlemen have no money, then send them on their way.


Two groups of gentlemen figure in Middleton's A Trick to Catch the Old One: two with Hoard and an unspecified number (probably two) with Lucre, when they all meet at the London tavern:
  1. Two Gentlemen arrive with Hoard at the London tavern and contend with one another who best pleased the widow. The First Gentlemen contends that he was first to move her with his art. The Second holds that he "took her at the bound." Hoard attests that they both did well with her. Later, they assist in carrying her away to Cole Harbour and are witnesses to the marriage of Hoard and Jane Medler.
  2. When the widow is stolen away, the gentlemen accompanying Lucre agree to help Lucre retrieve her from Cole Harbour. They arrive too late, however, and the widow has already married Hoard. This they do not learn, and the Courtesan uses their ignorance to advance Witgood's fortunes, seeming to prefer Lucre if he will return Witgood's mortgage and estate.


There are several unnamed gentlemen who figure in Dekker's The Whore of Babylon:
  1. In one of the play's dumb shows, three gentlemen appear alongside Campeius and the Friar when Falsehood strikes the earth with her foot. One bears a drawn sword, the second carries rich gloves in a box, and the third carries a bridle. The first may represent the conspirator Barnwell or any armed conspirator against the Queen's life; the second represents Tempest, an English priest who conspired to kill English noblemen with poisoned gloves; the third represents Edward Squier, a horse-courser in the Queen's service who confessed to an attempt to poison the Queen's saddle. Titania confounds the first Gentleman when he appears in her presence with a sword, and the Pensioners thwart his escape.
  2. A fairy abroad in Venice is also known only by the title "Gentleman." He confers with Paridel about the latter's plan to strike at Titania and the fairy peers. He assures Paridel that he will support him in every way possible.


The Induction's s.d. indicates "Gentlemen seated upon the stage" in Beaumont's Knight of the Burning Pestle. Nell refers often to them during the play and thanks them at play's end. It is conceivable that they are actual patrons as they are given no lines or business to perform.


Two gentlemen sent by Vortiger to find Merlin in William Rowley's The Birth of Merlin: or, The Child Hath Found His Father.


A number of gentlemen accompany Arbaces and Tigranes on stage at near the beginning of Beaumont and Fletcher's A King and No King. A number of gentlemen appear on stage at various times near the ending of the play as companions.


There are six characters variously described as gentlemen in the Duke's court in Fletcher's The Loyal Subject, but some descriptions may refer to the same character.
  • When the Duke hears that the Tartars are approaching the city and inquires if his army is ready, the First Gentleman informs him the army would not fight without Archas. While Archas is at war with the Tartars, the First Gentleman confirms that Boroskie is well again, now that he is no longer expected to lead the army in battle. When Burris expresses his fear that Boroskie's displeasure might have something to do with money, the First Gentleman agrees.
  • When Burris reports to the Duke that Boroskie is well again, now that Archas has taken his place as a general in the war with the Tartars, the Second Gentleman confirms it. When Burris wants to see Boroskie, the Second Gentleman advises him against it, saying that Boroskie has ordered not to be disturbed. The Second Gentleman asks Burris if he knows of someone who has angered Boroskie. While Boroskie incites the Duke against Archas, the Second Gentleman announces Theodor, who comes with news of Archas's victory over the Tartars.
  • When Archas and his soldiers return victorious from the war against the Tartars, a Gentleman brings in the soldiers' pay from the Duke. He observes that the soldiers look tired and announces there is double pay for every company. Seeing that the Ancient and Putskie refuse money with dignity, the Gentleman observes in an aside that this is what he feared. After Archas's arrest, the Gentleman tells the Duke that Archas is being tortured at Boroskie's orders. When Archas lies wounded, after having been tortured, the Gentleman reports to the Duke that the soldiers threaten to retire for good and leave the city to the mercy of the enemy.
  • Another Gentleman in the Duke's court is a "mute character." When Theodor is looking for his two sisters Honora and Viola at court, he sees a Gentleman passing by. At first, Theodor intends to ask him about his sisters' lodgings. The Gentleman does not hear Theodor's question, and Theodor gives up, thinking that the Gentleman has a debauched look and he might be the one who endangers his sisters' virtue at court. Later, he sees the Gentleman in the amorous company of a Gentlewoman.
  • Two Gentlemen are philanderers at the Duke's court and also "mute characters." They attend Theodor's presentation of Honora and Viola at court. Theodor uses vulgar terms when he introduces his two sisters to Boroskie and the two Gentlemen. When Boroskie exits with Honora and Viola, Theodor tells the two Gentlemen to go after them and grab the girls. Theodor tells the men ironically that he has brought Honora and Viola for their pleasure. He instructs the two Gentlemen to surprise the ladies while they are walking in the evenings and speak to them in verse, then send them love letters through a cunning woman. Actually, Theodor lists some of the seduction rules in the courtier's handbook. After the Gentlemen's departure, Burris describes them as "flesh flies," while Theodor notes that the flesh they will not seize must be very stinking indeed.


There are seven groups of characters identified as gentlemen in Fletcher and Massinger's The Little French Lawyer:
  1. The Old Gentleman who accidentally walks in on the duel between Beaupre, Verdoone, and Cleremont and is asked to take Dinant's place but declines because of his age;
  2. Two gentlemen who also stumble onto the duel but who cannot be of assistance because they are on their way to a duel of their own;
  3. a gentleman who accompanies La-writ when he is in his fighting mode so that La-writ can have conversations about wenching and duels, and who schedules La-writ's quarrels at the Ordinary;
  4. Two gentleman conversing with Vertaigne when he receives the challenge from La-Writ;
  5. a gentleman who serves as Sampson's second in his duel with La-writ;
  6. Two gentleman hired by Dinant and dressed as ruffians who wait in the grove to kidnap Champernell's party and who trick the party into stopping by dancing with the nurse and Charlote;
    1. first gentleman re-appears with Lamira, threatens to rape her, and makes her kneel and weep;
    2. second gentleman appears with Anabell and threatens to rape her, knocking her down and disarming her when she draws a knife on him;
  7. four gentlemen, dressed as ruffians, who lead Beaupre and Verdoone, bound and with halters around their necks, in a false death march before the imprisoned Lamira and Anabell.


Men of the town in Fletcher's Women Pleased who offer Penurio food in exchange for access to prostitutes.


Three gentlemen in Fletcher's The Pilgrim, one of whom may be the Gentleman who welcomed Pedro, accompany Pedro to the madhouse.


Non-speaking roles in Fletcher and Rowley's The Maid in the Mill. Two gentlemen who attack Antonio and Martine while Martine is disguised as Antonio. Antonio drives them off, and Martine takes the opportunity to marry Aminta, believing her to be Ismenia.


Three Florentine gentlemen who comment on the horse-race between Mentivole and Caesario in Fletcher, Ford, Massinger and Webster's The Fair Maid of the Inn. They take the injured Caesario away after his sword-fight with Mentivole.


Disguised as citizens in Fletcher's The Noble Gentleman, four courtiers assist the gallants in pretending that the Gentleman (Godfrey Marine) has been made a Duke; they become part of his retinue.


The two gentlemen are searching the countryside for Amie and Martin in Brome's A Jovial Crew. They inform Oliver of Amie's disappearance. Vincent and Springlove beg them for alms; they give to Springlove but spurn Vincent.


The three Gentlemen are choric figures who comment on the Husband's state and admonish him in vain to change his ways in A Yorkshire Tragedy. When a fourth gentleman comes to admonish him, the Husband accuses him of being his wife's lover. They fight. The Husband loses the fight but does still refuses to accept the gentleman's good council.


In Dumb Show Five of Hughes' The Misfortunes of Arthur, four Gentlemen arrive. They are dressed in black, and two are armed.
  1. The first Gentleman holds in one hand the shaft a spear, on which are displayed a helmet, a sword, and a gauntlet, representing the trophies of war. In his other hand, he carries a small shield on which is depicted a bleeding heart, topped with a crown and a laurel garland. The Latin inscription En totum quod superest ("Behold the whole which remains") signifies that this Gentleman represents the King of Norway who has spent himself in Arthur's cause.
  2. The second Gentleman enters with a silver vessel in one hand; it is filled with gold, pearls, and gemstones. His other hand holds a shield on which is painted an elephant and a dragon in combat. The dragon is wounding the elephant from below, but as the elephant falls dead from his wounds the dragon is crushed. The Latin inscription Victor, an Victus ("Victor or victim") indicates that this figure represents Aschillus, the King of Denmark, who has died at Mordred's hand, but only after he has destroyed most of the usurper's army.
  3. The third Gentleman comes in bearing a "pyramid" or pyramidal stanchion in one hand. It is crowned with a laurel wreath and represents victory. In his other hand, the Gentleman bears a shield, on which is depicted a sleeping man about to be attacked by a snake. A lizard fights with the snake, is wounded, and then awakens the sleeping man, who when he sees the dying lizard, pursues the snake and kills it. The Latin inscription Tibi morimur ("We die for you") signifies that this picture represents Gawin, King of Albany, who, while defending Arthur, has died by the hand of his own half-brother Mordred, who is later killed by Arthur.
  4. The fourth Gentleman arrives carrying a broken pillar, at the top of which is a crown and a scepter, both of which are broken. This represents Arthur's victory over the usurper Mordred. The small shield in the Gentleman's other hand bears the picture of two gamecocks, one dead, the other horribly wounded but crowing over the fallen bird. The inscription Qua vici, perdidi ("Where I conquered, I ruined") indicates that this represents Cador of Cornwall who is mortally wounded but triumphs over Gilla.


Dumb Show Three of Hughes' The Misfortunes of Arthur opens with the arrival of Six Gentlemen.
  1. The first pair brings a table, carpet, and cloth. On the table, they place incense at one end and banqueting dishes at the other.
  2. The second pair of Gentlemen arrives with swords that they then place across the table.
  3. The final pair of Gentlemen, richly dressed, arrives, smells the incense, and tastes the banquet.
The first pair represents the servants of peace, the second pair symbolizes the servants of war, and the third pair stands for Arthur and his adviser Cador of Cornwall. When a Messenger delivers letters to them, the last pair of Gentlemen fling the food away, grab the swords from the table, and depart hastily, signifying Arthur's decision to defy Mordred.


Friends to Cerimon in Shakespeare's Pericles.


Two customers in the brothel in Shakespeare's Pericles. They are persuaded to give up whoring by Marina.


During the Introduction of Hughes' The Misfortunes of Arthur, Five Gentlemen Students from Gray's Inn are charged by the Muses with contempt of "poesie." One of the Grayans delivers a defense, alleging that their service to Queen Elizabeth, dispenser of justice in the realm, necessitates their adherence to the linguistic conventions of their profession, but he adds that as devoted servants of the queen, they will undertake anything she might desire. He concludes that the men of Gray's Inn will offer their play to Elizabeth, even though it is a tragedy, because since her accession to the throne, all real tragedies have been banished from the state to the stage.


These three men are each jail keepers in the anonymous Nobody and Somebody whom Nobody gives money to release all the prisoners in their charge.


In V.ii of Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, three gentlemen discuss the news at court, including Leontes' reunions with Perdita, Camillo, and Polixenes.


When Suffolk is exiled in Shakespeare's 2 Henry VI, English pirates capture him and several gentlemen and make the men their prisoners.


Two Gentlemen, who are allies to Fitsgrave in Middleton's Your Five Gallants. The First Gentleman is in Fitsgrave's confidence and discuses with him his progress in disguise to expose the unworthiness of Katherine's rival suitors, the Gallants. They compare notes when Fitsgrave has found out three of the five. The Second Gentleman joins them in their plot to produce for Katherine a masque to expose all five Gallants: the First Gentleman's lack of Latin allows the translation of the secretly incriminating emblems to be translated for his (and the less-educated audience's) benefit. They seem distinct from the two Ancient Gentlemen, friends to Katherine's late father and herself, who attend the masque of the five Gallants as her guests, but may be identified with them.


Two gentlemen of Rome in Barnes's The Devil's Charter who are seen posting slanderous notices against the Borgia's on the statue of Pasquil, the god of truth, in Rome.


Shakespeare's Cymbeline opens with a conversation between two gentlemen, who discuss the news of Imogen's unsanctioned marriage to Posthumous Leonatus. The first gentleman suggests that public opinion favors the match, especially because Imogen had been promised to Cloten, her unappealing stepbrother.


Two gentlemen in the anonymous Swetnam visit Swetnam after his apparent triumph in the trial of Leonida and Lisandro and congratulate him on his victory. They tell him that the men of Sicily applaud him, but the women hate him. They recommend that he go and taunt the women, and promise to second him if he does so (so that the women won't tear him to pieces).


Two gentlemen with torches in Fletcher's Queen of Corinth attend Agenor on the morning of his planned wedding to Merione. They are highly amused by his fussing over his appearance and attire, remarking that men in love are ever thus.


Two gentlemen attend Euphanes in Fletcher's Queen of Corinth when he arrives at the tavern to greet Conon.


Spelled Gentylwoman in the original. A suitor in John Heywood's The Play of the Wether. The Gentylwoman asks Jupiter for temperate weather, neither sunny, nor frosty, nor windy, that would be favorable to her beautiful and delicate complexion. She quarrels with the Launder, who despises her idle way of living.


The waiting gentlewoman to Lady Puntavorlo in Jonson's Every Man out of His Humour. She informs her mistress about Puntavorlo's appearance. When Puntavorlo comes back from hunting, blowing his horn to announce his arrival, the Gentlewoman appears at the window of his house. While Sogliardo, Carlo Buffone, and Fastidious Brisk are watching, Puntavorlo starts a rehearsed game of courtship. Pretending to inquire about the master of the house, Puntavorlo asks Gentlewoman a series of questions about himself, while she responds in complimentary terms. According to Gentlewoman's prefabricated description, her master is bountiful, magnanimous and pious, well traveled, and speaks French and Italian. After providing a flattering portrait of her master that suited Puntavorlo, Gentlewoman exits from the window to fetch the lady of the house.


This Gentlewoman serving Elizabeth in Heywood's 1 If You Know Not Me reports her mistress' unquiet sleep to Gage.


An old deaf country Gentlewoman in Beaumont and Fletcher's The Woman Hater is a suitor to the Duke on some unclear property matters and has a role in Gondarino's public humiliation. In an antechamber in the palace, Gentlewoman enters with Arrigo, whom she bribes to facilitate her admittance to Duke. Gondarino is waiting in the antechamber, and Gentlewoman is advised to seek his help in delivering her petition to Duke. Gentlewoman does not hear well what Arrigo says and, when alone with Gondarino, she approaches him politely, but he rebukes her. Gentlewoman says her five daughters are outside and she could call them in to help in persuading him. Hearing of five more women soon to be around him, Gondarino wants to get rid of Gentlewoman, telling her to give him the petition for deliverance to the Duke. When Gondarino returns from Duke's chamber, Gentlewoman intends to give him money for his services, but Gondarino refuses. Gentlewoman comments this is the first time she was refused money since she came to the court. Finally, Gentlewoman exits informing Gondarino she is going to wait outside for an answer. In the final scene before Duke, Gentlewoman enters demanding the resolution of her petition from Gondarino. Thus, she adds to the Woman Hater's final punishment at the hands of women. Irritated at Gentlewoman's insistence, Duke orders Arrigo to lead her out with the promise that her petition is granted.


The unnamed whore with whom Ambler was sleeping when his clothes were stolen by Pug in Jonson's The Devil is an Ass.


A "ghost character" in Shirley's Love's Cruelty. This unnamed lady is said to have provided Bovaldo with a feather from her fan.


Iseas and Asprandus try to ask her what is happening in the palace in Wilson's The Swisser, but she is busy and hurries on.


The non-speaking companion of the First Gentleman, who is so offended by the prices at the Asparagus Garden in Brome's The Sparagus Garden.


Two gentlewomen figure in Fletcher's The Knight of Malta.
  • The First Gentlewoman, with the Second, engages in some typically brittle humor about men. She wonders if Oriana is in love with a man, and then describes how Europa loved Jove in the form of a bull, and held onto him by his horn. She then agrees with the Second Gentlewoman that marriage is a yoke for women, and states that if she married, she would want a fool so she could deceive him more easily. Finally, she complains about the Knights in Malta, who have taken vows of chastity. The two Gentlewomen are listed in the mass entrance for the scene in which Mountferrat accuses Oriana of treachery with the Basha, and one Gentlewoman (presumably the First) agrees that the letter is written in Oriana's hand.
  • The Second Gentlewoman, with the First, engages in typically brittle humorous banter. The Second Gentlewoman states that she will not marry because she does not wish to be a man's looking glass, and in marriage women must have no passion of their own, but only feel as their husbands do. However, when the First Gentlewoman says she wants to marry a fool, so she can be in control, the Second Gentlewoman objects, saying that it is likely the woman will break his head with her direction. When the First Gentlewoman complains that all the Knights in Malta have taken vows of chastity, the Second replies that it would require a second Columbus to find that chastity.


There are three gentlewomen lodging with the parents of the Page in Day's Law Tricks, and the Countess meets them when she lodges there as well:
  1. The First Gentlewoman attends the Countess and embroiders with her.
  2. The Second Gentlewoman attends the Countess and embroiders with her, showing her a woven picture of rue.
  3. The Third Gentlewoman attends the Countess and asks her to help with her embroidery: 'teach me to take out this knot / Of heartsease'.
The Countess comments on the inexperience of the Gentlewomen, and they sing for her.


A "ghost character" in Randolph's Muses' Looking Glass. Accused of dishonesty, Justice Nimis says that severity will amend her if she will be honest.


She is Captain George's sister in ?Brewer's The Country Girl. Together with Lady Malory, she asks Lady Mosely to remarry. When Gregory Dwindle loses his hopes in Lady Mosely, he turns his attentions to the Old Gentlewoman.


A “ghost character" in Glapthorne’s Wit in a Constable. Busie does not wish to hear the ballad of the swine-faced gentlewoman because it is not only old, it has already been in two plays.


A comic dancer in Heywood's Love's Mistress.


Neighbors brought in by Lopez in Fletcher's Women Pleased to witness his accusation of Isabella's infidelity.


Two gentlewomen in Fletcher and Massinger's Custom of the Country, unnamed but said to be sisters, patrons of Sulpitia's brothel and said to be Rutillio's sixth and seventh 'clients' of a rather slack day's work.


Gentlewoman 1 and Gentlewoman 2 open Dekker's Satiromastix by strewing flowers in preparation for Cælestine and Sir Walter Terill's wedding celebration; as they work, they discuss the relative merits of marriage and maidenheads.


Lady Ruinous is the wife of Sir Ruinous, the decayed knight in Middleton and Rowley's Wit at Several Weapons. Along with her husband and Priscian, she makes a living from robbery, and specialises in male disguise. Wittypate hires the gang to gull Sir Perfidous. In their second trick, Lady Ruinous disguises as a gentleman whom the others pretend to rob, in order to make Credulous Oldcraft believe that he has assisted in a robbery. When Sir Ruinous dresses as a constable and 'arrests' Credulous, Lady Ruinous, still disguised as the 'victim' demands 100 marks from Sir Perfidious in compensation. During the masqued ball, Sir Perfidious is distracted into thinking Lady Ruinous is his Niece so that the latter can elope with Cunningham. In the conclusion, both Wittypate and Cunningham offer financial help to the Ruinous's.


Sir Ruinous Gentry is a decayed knight who, along with Lady Ruinous and Priscian, makes a living from robbery in Middleton and Rowley's Wit at Several Weapons. Wittypate hires the gang to gull Sir Perfidous. In their first trick, Ruinous disguises as a begging soldier, while Wittypate, disguised as a passer-by, pretends to be convinced by his far-fetched stories. In their second trick, Ruinous disguises first as a robber, then as a constable, in order to make Credulous Oldcraft believe that he has arrested for assisting in a robbery. Finally, Ruinous and the gang disguise as musicians to gull more money out of Sir Perfidious. In the play's conclusion, both Wittypate and Cunningham offer financial help to the Ruinous's.


Genzerick, King of the Vandals, is famed for slaughtering Christians in Henry Shirley's The Martyred Soldier. He appears on his deathbed in the opening scene. He settles the dispute between his son Henrick and Hubert, and dies commanding Henrick to continue purging the Christians.


A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's King John. Geoffrey was the second son of Henry II and the father of Arthur. He has died, but because he was older than his brother John and left a male heir, the order of succession is questionable.


Spelled Geffrey in the original of Davenport's New Trick to Cheat the Devil. He is one of Master Slightall's men. He goes, with Roger, to see the Usurer and the Scrivener, in order to plot against his master, Slightall. He is determined to ruin him and feels no remorse. He is a base fellow who has reduced the number of men of his master "from twenty to two." Later, he arrives with the news that he has pawned his master's sword and received a thousand pounds for it, on the condition of "acknowledging a statute." Then, once his master has lost his fortune–with the help of Geffrey himself–he finds out Slightall still has kept some money for his two men: for Geffrey and for Roger, and he pretends to be moved by his master's generosity. But he soon goes to offer his services to Lord Skales, and is immediately enrolled as his servant. He is actually in the company of his new master, Treatwell, two Gentlemen and Mistriss Changeable, when the lady explains her house has been haunted for ten days. Geffrey is then asked by Lord Skales to go and find Fryer John, who is reputed for being able to transhape his spirits "into what forme he please." Later, he goes with Lord Skales in search of Slightall, in the belief that, since he has lost everything, he is still poor and in need. Thus, when they hear him say that, far from being broke, he intends to buy Lord Skales's Lordship, Geffrey–thinking his former master has lost his mind–encourages his new master to "beat him to's wits," and he even offers to kick him himself. But he will soon be punished, since he, Lord Skales and Treatwell are going to be beaten up by Slightall and Roger. Then, ashamed of having lost the fight, when they go to see Mistriss Changeable, they tell her a false story, claiming they "made him fly."


This is the name in Hausted’s Rival Friends that Anteros adopts when in disguise as Stipes’s servant shepherd.


A gentleman in Piero's court in Venice, one of five in Marston's Antonio and Mellida. He first appears in the play's Induction wherein the actors comment upon their parts (though the speech headings identify them only by their character names). Sir Geoffrey Balurdo is a wealthy fop who often speaks nonsense and is mocked even by his own page, Dildo. He continually flirts with Rossaline, including a lewd interchange in the final scene, and he comes to the masque as a songbook. His name suggests "balordo," Italian for blockhead.
Geoffrey Balurdo is a gentleman of the Venetian court in Marston's Antonio's Revenge. He first appears on stage with Antonio and a group of gentlemen. He teases Matzagente for having a red face. Balurdo demonstrates a love for unusual words such as "wighy purt." When Antonio dreams of his dead father, Balurdo tells of his dream about a misshapen simile. Balurdo appears on stage with half a beard and tells Piero that he had tried to affix the fake whiskers to cure his bald wit. Piero instructs Balurdo to imprison Mellida. Later, Balurdo is told to serenade Maria the evening before her planned wedding to Piero. Balurdo is quickly sent away by the lady. A disguised Antonio taunts Balurdo with bubbles at Mellida's trial. Piero tires of Balurdo and orders Castillo to throw the foolish wit in prison. Balurdo risks hanging by breaking out of prison due to hunger. He leaves the stage singing. He comes upon Antonio and his men, as they are about to kill Piero and declines an invitation to join them. He instead goes off to find something to eat. Balurdo does, however, stumble back onto the stage for the masque.


Only mentioned in the anonymous Wit's Triumvirate. Chaucer is mentioned by Master Fright when he decides he will also need the help of the church to get rid of his fear of the devil "for Chaucer said long ago (and these poets are shrewd fellows), describing a physician, 'His food was nourishing and digestible, / His study was but little on the bible.'" Geoffrey Chaucer (ca. 1343-1400) was the author of The Canterbury Tales. The passage quoted here belongs to the General Prologue (1386-87, lines 435-38).
Only mentioned in Jonson's The New Inn. When Host rails against the current decayed ways of the nobility, Lovel defends the good education received by the noble youths. Among other arts, Lovel says the young gentlemen study the art of rhetoric, to make their English sweet upon their tongue, as reverend Chaucer said. Geoffrey Chaucer was called the father of the English language, and he was considered one of the three or four great English poets. Chaucer was the first court writer to use the English language, and his writings did much to set the language in the form it is today. During the first session of the love court, Lady Frampul listens to Lovel's love declarations. She commands him to go on procession to love's altar and say some hundred penitential verses there out of Chaucer's Troilus and Crisseyde, a legendary love story.


'Geffery Codpeice' is the insulting title Master Slightall gives to his former servant Geffrey when the latter offers to kick him in Davenport's New Trick to Cheat the Devil.


A knight of Epping in Glapthorne’s Wit in a Constable. He arrives in act four to help patch up the misunderstandings between his son, Covet, Clare, and Grace. When Covet learns that Busie is illegally drinking on watch in the tavern, Covet and Sir Geoffrey come to have him arrested, but the watch will only listen to Busie. Busie has Covet and Sir Geoffrey arrested instead and taken to be held at his house.


Sir Geffery (sic), driven to seek marriage only for sexual convenience, is rebuffed in his suit to Lady Marlove in ?Glapthorne's The Lady Mother. He immediately requests permission to pursue a suit for one of her daughters instead, which she grants him, assuming he'll have no better luck with them. He returns later to complain of her daughters' lack of interest, and of their unmannerly rejection of these suits. He again chastises Lady Marlove for rejecting him, but when their mother summons the daughters and insists that they accept these suitors, he quickly returns to his pursuit of Clariana. Clariana refuses to comply with her mother's demands, and again rebuffs Sir Geffery, who exits unsatisfied. During the trial of Young Marlove for the death of Thurston, Geffery testifies that Clariana was with child at the fault of Thurston, and this was the reason for Lady Marlove's anger at him. When the deaths all prove false, and it is revealed that Thurston has wed Clariana, Geffery sees the field clear for himself and once again sues for Lady Marlove's hand. He is once again rejected, and finally joins in the nuptial celebrations at the end of the play.


Geographus is in love with Astronomia in Holiday's Technogamia. At Ethicus' dinner party, Geographus, Geometres and Poeta become drunk trying to outdo each others' toasts to Astronomia. In the end, Polites convinces the recovered Astronomia that Geographus is the best match and they are married.


Geometres is in love with Astronomia in Holiday's Technogamia. He appeals to Magus for magical help but is too scared by the incantation to continue. At Ethicus' dinner party, Geographus, Geometres and Poeta become drunk trying to outdo each others' toasts to Astronomia. In the end Geometres is persuaded to marry Arithmetica.


Geometrie accompanies Peace in Marston's Histrio-Mastix.


A boy and non-speaking character in Munday and Chettle's Death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. The youngest son of Lady Bruce, identified only in the last scene as George, is requested by John as a pledge of Bruce's loyalty. Lady Bruce does not believe John and hides the boy. She claims that she has sent him away, but when John threatens to burn the castle, she reveals that he is inside. John sends them to London to the custody of Sir Walter Blunt, and later sends Brand to lock them up without food or water. He does so, and they both die of starvation, but only after Lady Bruce has tried to feed her own blood to her son and her son has refused.


George is a servant at the Mitre Tavern in Jonson's Every Man out of His Humour. Carlo Buffone wants to have supper and drink wine while he is waiting for the Puntavorlo party. Since he does not trust Drawer with the wine, Carlo Buffone calls for George, telling him to prepare a fat loin of pork and draw the wine personally. When George enters with the food and wine, he assures Carlo Buffone that the food and beverage are right. Carlo Buffone drinks the wine drawn by George and praises its purity, saying he could bite off the servant's nose for such nectar. George re-enters later to inform Carlo Buffone that the meat is ready and his company has arrived, adding that the loin of pork is enough for everybody. After the tavern brawl, George extracts Fungoso from under the table, where he had hidden for fear of being arrested. George and Drawer charge Fungoso for the entire bill and they take him to the master of the Mitre Tavern, where it is understood that Fungoso is about to pay with the value of his new suit.


He acts the part of the Prologue and opens the anonymous Wily Beguiled by calling for the players to come out and entertain the audience. When a player appears he criticises him for wanting to do Spectrum, an inferior play, yet again. The Prologue reluctantly begins a prologue for Spectrum, a "looking glass," announcing that it will be full of base conceits and "damned roguery." Then Juggler appears, asking for a play that is not melancholy and shows sleight of hand. He conveys Spectrum away and "stands Wily Beguiled in place of it." See more at PROLOGUE.


George is the head apprentice at Candido's linen-draper shop in Dekker and Middleton's 1 The Honest Whore. Unlike his master, he is quick to anger when he thinks Candido is being taken advantage of. He becomes angry with Castruchio, Fluello and Pioratto when they pretend to be displeased with the quality of lawn they are shown. After Candido sells them a pennyworth of lawn (cut from the center of the material), Candido sends George to bring wine for a toast. George returns with a silver and gilt beaker that Fluello openly steals. George is sent after the constable and returns to say that the constable has brought them back to the shop. With the Two Apprentices, George threatens and then beats Fustigo when he attempts to move Candido to anger. When Viola will not later give over the key to the chest, George helps Candido dress in a carpet to go to the Senate House, and then, on Viola's persuasion, agrees to dress as Candido to mock him. While he is dressed as Candido and Candido as an apprentice, Crambo and Poh attack Candido, believing that he is George. After Candido has been sent to the madhouse, George travels with Viola to the Duke and then to Bethlem Monastery to sue for his release.


A servant to Lucre in Middleton's A Trick to Catch the Old One, he delivers a letter to Hoard on behalf of Witgood.

GEORGE **1607

Referred to as "Citizen" in the dramatis personae in Beaumont's Knight of the Burning Pestle. He is a grocer in the Strand. He rises in protest to the Prologue's play, The London Merchant, and insists upon a play about a grocer. At his wife, Nell's suggestion, he nominates Rafe to lead the new play and suggests the new title The Grocer's Honour. He gives Prologue two shillings to have the Waits of Southwark come to play the shawms (proto-oboes) for Rafe's part. In fact, he spends at least 18s 9, or nearly a pound, during the course of the play in payments and briberies to characters that he has trouble distinguishing from actual people. He and his wife comment on the action, misunderstanding it mostly. He pays Rafe's twelve-shilling bill to the "Host of the Bull Inn" when it is demanded of "the Knight of the Burning Pestle." He calls for Rafe to have the Sophy of Persia "come and christen him a child" (action lifted from The Travels of the Three English Brothers). But this request is refused as "stale." He gives Rafe 4s 9d to give to "The King of Cracovia's house" so not to be beholding to him. He next calls for Rafe to appear on May Day morning and speak "in honour of the city." At play's end, he insists upon Nell's idea that Rafe should come out and die.


Goodgift's factor in Brewer's The Lovesick King.


George is Water Chamlet's apprentice in Middleton's Anything for a Quiet Life. In Chamlet's shop, Chamlet confides in George regarding his personal life. When his master promises him a new suit if he manages to bring his wife back from Knavesbee's house, George exits to placate Rachel's temper and bring her home. Returning with an answer from Rachel, George tells Chamlet that his wife wants a divorce, accusing him of rearing his illegitimate children, Edward and Maria, under her own roof. Chamlet sends George to return the two children to their father, Sir Francis Cressingham. George strikes upon a trick to lure his mistress home to his master. Before Knavesbee's house, George enters carrying a roll of papers and pretending to read a list of names in Latin. He tells Knavesbee that he and his wife are invited to Chamlet's house. They are to help celebrate the merchant's marriage to a woman in a French hood. Rachel overhears and is fooled. She hurries to her husband's shop to prevent the marriage. The trick works, but when George's scheme is discovered, Rachel confronts him. George admits to having lied in order to obtain the promised new suit. Rachel seems to be appeased when her husband proposes a new marriage to her, but we learn through Chamlet that she dismissed George after all. Before Sir Francis's house, George shows Old Franklin the marks of Rachel's beating, inflicted as a punishment for his lies. Reading the list of young Franklin's creditors, George tells Old Franklin where each creditor lives in London. Returning later in the company of the creditors and Old Franklin, George takes his leave of Chamlet, who announces his intention now to go to the Bermudas. Rachel approaches boisterously, and George hides behind the arras and plays an echo game with her. Thus, he makes Rachel realize that she is too loud and assertive. Finally, Rachel becomes obedient and submissive and agrees to any condition George imposes on her. He regains his apprenticeship and wins his master the quiet life he desires.


Bruyne's factor in William Rowley's A New Wonder: A Woman Never Vexed. He calculates the value of his goods.


A fat courtier in Nabbes' Tottenham Court, friend of Frank. He pretends to hate women in an attempt to gull Stitchwell and sleep with Mistress Stitchwell, but he ends up being almost drowned in a washtub while hiding from Stitchwell. Later he woos both Cicely and Bellamie, whom he believes to be virgins, but ends up gulled by them, carrying away a trunk containing the sleeping James. George and Frank eventually fight over the trunk that they think contains Cicely, and are startled when James emerges instead.


George a Greene, the Pinner of Wakefield, is intensely loyal to King Edward and willing to fight anyone to prove it in Greene's George a Greene. When Mannering arrives and demands provisions, George insults him, tears up the commission and forces Mannering to eat the three seals. This causes Kendall, Bonfield and Armstrong to seek him out. They loose their horses in the cornfield and when they refuse to remove them, George strikes Kendall. Kendall then calls out his hidden men and they surround George. He is not afraid, and says that he will die rather than hear Edward insulted. Kendall is so impressed by this he asks George to join his cause. George pretends to consider this, especially when Kendall claims he has a prophecy foretelling his victory. George asks that he visit a local magician to confirm this prophecy and Kendall agrees. The magician is George in disguise, and after telling Kendall that the king will win and that George will foil their plans, does just that, killing Armstrong and taking Kendall and Bonfield prisoner. He turns them over to the Justice so that they can be sent to London to the King. Despite this victory, George is sad because he is separated from Beatrice, but at that moment, Jenkin produces her, as if by magic. George next encounters Robin Hood, Scarlet and Much, who have come to fight him so that Marian will be satisfied. George beats Scarlet and Much, and fights Robin to a standstill. Robin asks George to join with him. George does not agree, but is pleased to realize that the man he has been fighting is Robin Hood, and invites all of them to dinner. Robin and George meet with the disguised King Edward and James, and mistake them for peasants because they are not carrying their staffs properly. George fights (the stage direction is confusing here, but whoever it is George fights, he beats). Edward then reveals himself. He tells George he wants to give him a boon, and George asks for his help in winning Grimes' consent to marry Beatrice, which Edward gives. Edward also tries to knight George, but George refuses, choosing instead to remain a yeoman, like his father.
A "ghost character" in (?Chettle and) Munday's Downfall of Robert Earl of Huntington. Mentioned by Robin Hood as a friend, it is also a reference to another Robin Hood play, by Robert Greene.


A "ghost character," George Barnes is mentioned as a crony of Shallow's during the latter's law education in Shakespeare's 2 Henry IV.


George Betts is a shopkeeper and one of the chief figures in the May Day uprising against the foreigners in London in Chettle, Dekker and Munday's Sir Thomas More. When he witnesses Francis de Bard attempting to abduct Doll Williamson and Caveler's refusal to return the two doves he has stolen from her husband, George wants to attack the foreigners at once. He is dissuaded by John Lincoln, who argues that their first effort at redress should be to have a bill of their complaints read from the pulpit during the Easter season. When the uprising against the foreigners does begin, George recommends entering the houses of the aliens and dragging them into the streets. Later, he counsels his fellow ringleaders to receive More (as the Sheriff of London) and his party with suspicion, but he is soon persuaded by More that laying down their arms and surrendering to the king would be their best course. After John Lincoln is executed, George's life is spared by the timely arrival of the king's pardon.


Bevis is a follower of the rebel Jack Cade in Shakespeare's 2 Henry VI.


Captain George Brown, a handsome gentleman from Ireland in (?)Heywood's A Warning For Fair Women, is smitten by Anne Sanders' beauty when by chance he dines with the George and Anne Sanders, Drurie, and Roger. Determined to sleep with her and hopefully marry her, he works through Drurie with Roger's help to be alone with her and then to murder her husband. Foiled twice in his murder plot, his third try is successful as he viciously slays George and George's hapless travelling companion, John Bean. He immediately has qualms of conscience, but he sends a bloody handkerchief to Anne by Roger to show that he has slain her husband as promised. He stops by the Buttery at Court for ale, tries unsuccessfully to see Anne, disputes with Drury over responsibility for the murder, and flees using money Drury had gathered. He is arrested in Butcher Browne's house at Rochester, insisting on his innocence, but is taken to Master Barnes' house where John Bean identifies him as the assailant. Taken to justice, he admits his crime, but tries to the end to protect Anne Sanders by insisting upon her innocence, despite his concern that lying will hurt is soul. He begs to be buried immediately and not be hung in chains, makes a long confession about his bad nature, and leaps off the scaffold with the rope around his neck. The Council has his body hung in chains on Shooters Hill where he committed his murders.


Younger son of Lord and Lady Bruce, his name is inferred from the text of Davenport's King John and Matilda, where he is listed only as 'Boy.' John wants him as a hostage for his family's behavior. His mother's attempt to smuggle him away in a hamper is foiled, and Brand takes them both into captivity. His mother rejects Brands sexual advances, and they are both starved to death. Mother and son poignantly offer each other their own flesh to eat that one might survive the ordeal.


George Carelesse is a young wild heir in Brome's A Mad Couple. In Act One, Carelesse asks Wat whether he has taken a letter to Mr Saveall to intercede for him with his uncle. He has been counting on his uncle's help lately to pay off his debts and on his advocates to defend him at court. However, Carelesse has gotten into trouble again. But that is not his single problem. Carelesse has to maintain Phoebe, and he does not know how. At the beginning, Carelesse plans a plot against his uncle and to open a brothel of he-whores. However, later on he prefers to defend his uncle and Mr Saveall. In Act Two, he has already paid all his debts and he sends a letter to tell Phoebe not to meddle in his affairs. But, the letter reaches Mistress Crostill by mistake. Carelesse has fallen in love with his aunt, whom he compares with Andromeda. He wants to give her an heir, and so he accepts her invitation. He misunderstands her intentions and he confesses that he is more obliged to her than to his mother because he has been reborn with the lady. When Carelesse finds out the truth, he runs to court Mistress Crostill, whom he marries at the end.


George Cassimirus, Palatine or Palsgrave of the Rhine in the anonymous Alphonsus Emperor of Germany, is one of the seven Electors of Germany, and is also Taster to the Emperor. Alphonsus killed his father, and the Palsgrave is a supporter of Richard, leaving the court after the Electors abandon their plan to appoint him Emperor. He finds Richard in the woods after his fight with the boors, and accompanies him back to court. When Bohemia and (apparently) Alphonso are poisoned during te dinner, the Palsgrave, who drank from the cup immediately before them, becomes the prime suspect. The Englishmen flee the court, but the Palsgrave elects instead to hide in Isabella's closet, but he is discovered and is killed on the spot by Alphonsus's guards.


The ghost of George, the Duke of Clarence, appears on stage at the opening of the anonymous True Tragedy of Richard III to represent all of Richard III's victims.


George Cressingham is Sir Francis's son from a previous marriage in Middleton's Anything for a Quiet Life. Being always penniless and in debt, Cressingham is inclined to play tricks on people. Ultimately he is revealed as a reformed and benevolent son. Cressingham confesses his plans to go to the Low Countries to serve in the army, but Franklin advises Cressingham against going to Holland and proposes a ruse that would gain them money from the gullible Chamlet. Disguised as "Gascoyn," a tailor to "Sir Andrew" (who is Franklin in disguise), Cressingham goes to Chamlet's shop and pretends to persuade the extravagant "Sir Andrew" to buy expensive materials. In front of the barber Sweetball's house, Cressingham as "Gascoyn" pretends to take the cloth to "Sir Andrew's" fictitious wife. The tricksters thereby take Chamlet's golden cloth without paying for it. Cressingham comes to Sir Francis's house thinking that Sir Francis intends to reprimand him for cheating Chamlet, but instead his father wants him to cosign a paper for the sale of the family's land. He attempts to dissuade his father from it, but he relents and signs the papers on condition that at least some of the money be used for Maria and Edward's education. He admits to Old Franklin, Cressingham that he has cheated Chamlet. Old Franklin is persuaded to buy Sir Francis's lands. Seeing that Sir Francis's new wife has reduced him to a state of financial misery, Cressingham reprimands Lady Cressingham for her inhuman treatment of his father and his young brother and sister, Edward and Maria. It has all been a series of ruses, however, and Cressingham has in fact been hoarding the money that Sir Francis thinks that he has lost. In the final reconciliation scene, Cressingham reveals that he was behind the restoration of Sir Francis's fortune and wants his father to be happy. He recognizes Mistress Cressingham as his wife, forced to have acted in disguise as Selenger, Beaufort's page, George Cressingham enjoys final contentment.


George Downright, a "plain squire," is Wellbred and Dame Kitely's half brother in Jonson's Every Man in His Humour. He is dissatisfied with the fact that Wellbred brings his gallant friends to his brother-in-law's house. At Kitely's house in the Old Jewry, Downright enters with Dame Kitely, reprimanding his sister for having allowed the gallants into her house. When the gallants enter, Downright is appalled at their frivolity and exits furiously, saying he can endure the stocks better than their conversation. Downright re-enters and tries to chase the gallants away provoking a scandal. When Kitely enters, the gallants disperse, and Downright exits soon after that, revolted at the ladies' defense of the frivolous young men. At Moorfields, Downright challenges Bobadill to a duel, but when the braggart hesitates, Downright disarms and beats Bobadill. In a street, Downright enters to find himself under arrest. Brainworm, disguised as a city Sergeant, pretends he has a warrant for his arrest, following a complaint from Bobadill and Mathew. Downright exits with the party to take their case before the judge. In the final revelation scene, Downright discovers Brainworm's disguises and the confusion created by Stephen wearing his cloak. When Justice Clement reprimands him for having been so foolish as to accept being arrested without seeing the warrant, Downright is silent for fear of seeming a gull.


A "ghost character" in Quarles' The Virgin Widow Pertenax has a bond from him.


A "ghost character" in Sampson's The Vow-Breaker. Second son to the Earl of Monteith, he is one of the Scottish lords taken hostage to the English at the Battle of Dunbar.


A poulterer in The Grocer's Honour portion of Beaumont's Knight of the Burning Pestle. He is one of Rafe's men at the Mile End muster. He carries a firearm referred to as a "piece," and his sequence is filled with bawdy double entendre.


At first a follower of Sir Thomas Wyatt in Dekker and Webster's Sir Thomas Wyatt, Sir George Harper is charged with giving the herald Norroy safe conduct as he bears Queen Mary's offer of pardon to the rebels, but he uses this task to defect to the queen's forces led by the Duke of Norfolk and the Earl of Arundel. He appears briefly later at London, telling Norfolk that Pembroke and Arundel have fled, an error corrected at once by the arrival of the two earls.

A tennis-keeper in the anonymous Captain Thomas Stukeley. Along with many other tradesmen, he gossips about the impending marriage of Captain Stukeley and Nell, daughter of the wealthy Sir Thomas Curtis. Immediately after the wedding, they seek to abscond with Stukeley's newfound money, citing debs both real and fabricated.


A "ghost character" in Sampson's The Vow-Breaker, an English knight. With James Croft, he is one of Lord Grey's assistants in the Scottish campaign and is charged by Lord Grey with showing Queen Elizabeth's grievances to the Queen Regent of Scotland. During the battle of Leith, he holds a position between Mount Pelham and the sea in the west.


Apprentice to Rafe's character in The Grocer's Honour portion of Beaumont's Knight of the Burning Pestle. He becomes the dwarf to the "grocer errant" Knight of the Burning Pestle.


George Mullymax is a captain that competed for the love of Lady Mosely three years ago in ?Brewer's The Country Girl. Not being chosen, he went abroad. Knowing that Mosely has died, George comes back looking for his beloved lady. He meets her suitors, whom he kicks out of the house. Later, he defies Sir Oliver to fight with him next day on a field. There, he realizes that he has no second to help him in the fight. In spite of being a brave soldier, he wounds himself trying to hurt Sir Oliver. Later, in the hospital, being told that Sir Oliver has taken care of him and that he has disappeared, George wants to send a ring to him to thank him. He is visited by Sir Oliver and they go to Sir Robert's house where he meets Margaret whom he discovers he prefers to Lady Mosely.


He is the father of William and Anne and the husband of Margaret Page in Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor. He will not agree to let Fenton marry his daughter. Nym tells him that Falstaff is wooing his wife, but he has faith in her integrity. He agrees to let Slender marry his daughter and plans to have her dressed in white at Herne's Oak so that Slender may steal her away and marry her. In the first act he is called Thomas, probably a mistake on the part of the writer or printer.


A "ghost character" in Chettle, Dekker and Munday's Sir Thomas More. In one of the deleted scenes, the apprentice Harry claims to frequent George Philpot's fencing school in Dowgate.


George, afterwards Duke of Clarence, is the son of Richard, Duke of York in Shakespeare's 3 Henry VI. After George's brother Edward Plantagenet has been crowned king and has married Lady Grey, Clarence complains that the new queen's relatives are usurping the benefits that should have accrued to Edward's brothers. When Clarence learns of Warwick's defection from the Yorkist cause, he decides to ally himself with Warwick against Edward. In return, Warwick promises that Clarence shall marry his daughter. When Henry is freed from prison thanks to Warwick and Clarence's efforts, he abdicates power to them. Later, Clarence once again defends his brother's claim to the throne.
Son of York and brother of Edward IV and Richard III, and father of the boy and girl in Shakespeare's Richard III. Also known as George, Edward IV has the Duke of Clarence imprisoned in the Tower of London because of a prophecy concocted by Richard that a person with the initial "G" will murder Edward IV's sons. While being escorted by Brackenbury to the Tower, Clarence is met by Richard, who claims the imprisonment is the working of Elizabeth, Edward's queen, and that he will try to have Clarence released. In the Tower, Clarence dreams that he is on a ship with Richard and that Richard slips on the deck and accidentally knocks him overboard, where he drowns; he goes to Hell, where his father-in-law Warwick and brother-in-law Edward, son of Henry VI, accuse him of perjury for breaking his vow to fight for them during the Wars of the Roses. Clarence is murdered by one of the two murderers sent by Richard, and his body is put into a barrel (or "butt") of malmsey wine. His ghost visits Richard and Richmond the night before the Battle of Bosworth, cursing Richard and blessing Richmond.
Clarence is one of many in the royal line in Thomas Heywood's 2 Edward IV who is murdered as a result of falsely interpreted prophecy. Doctor Shaw claims that the "G" in Friar Anselme's prophecy is George, indicating that the Duke of Clarence is a danger to the King. George is taken to the Tower; his body is later discovered there sealed in a butt of Malmsey wine.


A scholar in Middleton's(?) Puritan; he plans to guile the Widow, and enlists the help of Peter Skirmish. First he hatches a plan to free Idle from prison by having Nicholas steal his master's gold chain, then he cons the widow into believing that her husband is in purgatory and can only be freed via the widow's remarriage, the marriage of Frances, and the chastity of Mary. He prophesizes to her that blood will be shed outside her home, and that this blood will presage the suffering of her husband in purgatory. He also predicts that Godfrey will suffer a loss. To help make his prophecies come true, he engages Oath and Skirmish into his plan by having Skirmish wound Oath and making it appear that Oath has died; he later "cures" Oath and wins the trust and admiration of all scholars and cheaters. In the meantime he frees Idle with the promise to Godfrey to help retrieve the missing chain. He raises Oath from the dead (by use of an anecdote for the sleeping potion he was given), thereby saving Skirmish from the Sheriff, who has arrested him for Oath's murder. His plan/plot to marry Francis is foiled by Skirmish's revelation of the plot.


Richley is a knight, brother to Worthy and father of Violetta in Shirley's The Witty Fair One. Having pledged his daughter to Sir Nicholas Treedle, he deposits her at Worthy's home under the watchful eye of Brains, whose job is to keep Violetta secluded. When Richley discovers that Violetta has corresponded with Aimwell, he dismisses Sensible, the chambermaid who has assisted them. His care fails, however, because the girl manages to slip away from Brains and marry the man she truly loves.


Only mentioned as an epithet in Jonson's The Alchemist. When Ananias enters Subtle's alchemical workshop, the bogus alchemist asks him is he is a Ripley, that is a disciple of Sir George Ripley, a noted alchemist. Ripley (died 1490) was a Cannon of Bridlington, York, studied in Italy, and wrote the Compound of Alchemy–Filius Artis: son of the art. Since Ananias introduces himself as a Brother, Subtle pretends to understand by "Brother" that Ananias meant a fellow alchemist.


George is a young man who was stolen from his parents by Calib the witch at a tender age in Kirke's The Seven Champions of Christendom. Calib dotes on him, and has brought him up with her son, Suckabus. George is keen to know his true parentage, so Calib tells him that she rescued him from his murderous mother. She then shows him the six champions of Christendom, whom she has imprisoned in her cave, and gives him her magic wand. But when George waves the wand, he sees the ghosts of his father and mother and learns that his parents were virtuous. He attacks Calib, and uses the wand to imprison her in a rock. Then he releases the six champions, who accept him into their number and name him St. George of England. They all ride off on separate adventures, and St. George allows Suckabus to be his servant. The Chorus relates how St. George killed a dragon to win the hand of the fair Sabrina, but her father, Pomil, reneged on his promise and threw George in prison. After seven years, George escaped by breaking the jailer's neck. George is reunited with Suckabus in Tartary. There, George captures Ormandine, and releases the bewitched St. David. Later, George arrives at the castle of Brandron the giant, who, aided by the treacherous Suckabus, has captured the other six champions. George is forced to fight each of the champions but he beats them all, and Brandron kills himself rather than fight George. At the end of the play, George and the other champions dance to celebrate the marriages of the daughters of the King of Macedon.
Only mentioned in Randolph's Plutophthalmia. Higgen, the English soldier, swears by St. George.


George Sanders, "a hansome comely ancient gentleman," is a merchant, devoted husband of Anne Sanders, and father of her children in (?)Heywood's A Warning For Fair Women. In the opening scene he, his wife, and Anne Drewry make acquaintance with George Browne at dinner, and Sanders discusses Browne's homeland, Ireland, with him, commenting that the Irish will not "live under law." Preoccupied with the Exchange, he regularly keeps his wife waiting after work and on one occasion embarrasses her by refusing money to purchase what he dismisses as "trifling wares," thus giving Drewry an opening to lure her into adultery with Browne. On his last day on earth, he arrives home late from work to find John Bean waiting him to summon him to Master Barnes' home. Along the way Bean becomes frightened,urging him to turn back, but Sanders insists that they proceed. A few steps later Browne assaults the defenseless pair, killing Sanders. As he is being stabbed, he asks God's mercy for himself and for Browne.


The name of the second watchman in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. When Dogberry asks the watchmen to nominate a constable, the first watchman recommends Hugh Oatcake and George Seacole because both can read and write. Dogberry accepts his nomination, and after a foolish charge, names him constable of the watch and gives him the latern.


George Stanley is Lord Stanley's son and Henry Richmond's brother in the anonymous True Tragedy of Richard III. When Richmond returns from Brittany to challenge Richard's regime, George is taken hostage by the King. Richard threatens to kill Stanley if Lord Stanley assists Richmond in any way. Lord Stanley does assist Richmond, but the battle's quick progression does not allow Richard an opportunity to carry through with his threat. At the end of the play, a relieved George is reunited with his brother.


Georgio serves Roberto the gardener in Shirley's The Gentleman of Venice. He offers opinions about and examples of the gentlemanly behavior of Giovanni, and he accompanies Giovanni to the wars.


A poor scholar in Dekker's 2 Honest Whore. Antonio Georgio dedicates a volume to Hippolito and is rewarded with gold when the count discovers that Georgio has not dedicated his book to several possible patrons, but instead has addressed it to Hippolito alone.


Son of Gilbert and Countess Claridon in the anonymous The Wasp. Unhappy that his inheritance has been divided between him, his mother, and the servant Howlet, he works to dispossess them both. Marianus employs him to entrap Varletti into treason, and he goes with a carte blanche for himself to make Varletti utter traitorous oaths. Katherine, however, a former play fellow and now Varletti's wife, convinces Gerald that Marianus and the barons poisoned his father Gilbert. He signs a pact with Varletti to murder Marianus and take the throne. He agrees to having Katherine's Uncle Percy come back from exile in France to lead them. He and Varletti ambush Marianus in the forest, pretending to work in Archibald's name, but Archibald overhears and intervenes, saving Marianus while the two disguised assassins escape. Marianus is fooled into believing that Gerald is loyal, and Gerald takes his father's title, Champion, as well as Earl of Conon, master of the horse, and captain of the guards. He welcomes Archibald, disguised as Percy, into the conspiracy against Marianus. After deposing the Prorex, he jeers and revels at his banquet until suddenly the banquet table turns to reveal snakes, toads, and newts. He believes himself poisoned, thinks he sees his father's ghost, and renounces his designs upon the throne.


A hopeless romantic in Cooke's Greene's Tu Quoque. Geraldine enthusiastically pursues a suit for Gartred, a daughter of Sir Lionell. Disabused with romance herself, Gartred rejects her suitor but quickly changes her mind when, with the help of Joyce and Will Rash, they cover Geraldine's head and convince Gartred that he's dead. She immediately falls in love with him and the couple is eventually married.


Father of Young Geraldine, neighbor of Wincott, Old Lionell, and Ricot, and a widower in Heywood's The English Traveler. Dalavill tells him that people are talking about Young Geraldine and Wincott's Wife, so he tells his son that he should stay away from Wincott's house where he has been a frequent visitor. Seeing that Wife is finding ways to be near Young Geraldine, Old Geraldine tells him that he should get married, unaware that Young Geraldine has vowed not to marry until Wincott is dead and he and Wife are free to marry.


Traveler and soldier in Heywood's The English Traveler. He has been away from home having adventures. Son of Old Geraldine. He is close to Wincott and is indebted to him for his kindness and friendship. He is also in love with Wincott's Wife, who was a childhood playmate. Not wanting to betray Wincott's trust, Geraldine and Wife vow to marry when Wincott dies. Geraldine vows to woo no other before then. When he finds out that his friend Dalavill has been Wife's lover, he vows to leave the country. Wincott is dismayed that he is leaving, and plans a banquet in his honor. Just before the feast, Young Geraldine angrily confronts Wife. She confesses to him, faints, writes a note of confession to Wincott, then dies.


A gamekeeper in Carlell's The Deserving Favorite. Cleonarda insists on hunting without him because she sees no sport in catching something she has been helped to. After the duel, he is sent to find the Duke's body, but it has disappeared. Lysander recovers at his lodge. The King arrests Gerard for harboring Lysander, but Lysander claims to have forced Gerard to do so at sword point.


A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's All's Well. A famous physician in the service of the Old Count of Rossillion and the father of Helena. De Narbon has died six months before the play begins, but it is one of his remedies that Helena uses to cure the King.


Gerard begins Shirley's Changes as the beloved of the sisters Chrysolina and Aurelia. The ladies tell him he must choose between them; trying to relieve himself of that responsibility, he asks Thornay to select one lady so that Gerard may take the remaining sister. Though his machinations at one point lose him the trust of both sisters, Gerard has wed Aurelia by the end of the play.


A young gentleman in Middleton's The Family of Love. Though doubted by Glister and mocked by Gudgeon and Lipsalve, Gerardine promises to remain true to his love, Maria, while he supposedly ventures abroad. Before departing he writes a will that names Maria as his heir. He hides in a trunk that is delivered to Maria and then emerges, revealing to her that his voyage was a deception. Later, Gerardine disguises himself and spreads rumors that Glister has a mistress in the country and that Maria is pregnant with Glister's child. Then, disguised as a doctor of law, he convinces Glister to agree to allow Maria's marriage to Gerardine.


Gerasto is the servant of Otrante in Fletcher and Rowley's The Maid in the Mill. He helps his master to abduct Florimell by disguising as Diego, a blind singer, and singing a song to lure her to the court. While Florimell is acting in the play-within-the-play, Gerasto, dressed as Mars, abducts her, and takes her to Otrante's house. On Otrante's orders, Gerasto and the Servants call Florimell first a whore, then a virgin, in order to demonstrate that her reputation is in Otrante's hands.


Gerillo is one of the Gallants in the anonymous Wit of a Woman. He is son to Giro and brother to Gianetta. He disguises himself as a dancing master, and is invited to Balia's house. As a dancing-master, he flirts with Gianetta, who according to the dramatis personae is his own sister. Thanks to the Wenches' trick, he finishes the play married to one of the Wenches: from what is known about the other pairings off, he is likely to marry Erinta. N.b. the four gallants are Filenio, Gerillo, Rinaldo, and Veronte.


A "ghost character" in Goffe's The Courageous Turk, Germaine Ogly is the Phrygian king who forges a diplomatic and military alliance with Amurath by offering the hand of his daughter Hatam in marriage to Baiazet, Amurath's oldest son.


An elderly and very wealthy gentleman, chosen by Old Boote as the ideal husband for his daughter Ann in Sampson's The Vow-Breaker. Having been affianced to Ann, he hears that she was previously contracted to Young Bateman and generously offers to release her, but seals the contract joyfully when she protests that she has forgotten Bateman. Having gotten Ann with child, he departs from Clifton on business and is not present when she begins to be haunted by Young Bateman's ghost. At the end of the play, he has still not returned.


Germanicus, noble husband of Agrippina major in the anonymous Tragedy of Tiberius. He is father to Livia, Drusus, Nero, Caligula, and Agrippina minor. He is the hero of Germany and a true Roman. He is first seen crowning a Centurion with a woven-grass coronet in recognition of his bravery. When he learns the German mercenaries have chosen him as Emperor, he calls them mutinous and quells their revolt against Tiberius. He resents Tiberius' rule, however, and sees himself the far better man for Emperor. He returns from Germany triumphant, but before he is allowed to enjoy his triumph and popularity, Tiberius sends him to put down a rebellion in Armenia. When he defeats Vovones the Armenian, Piso places a poisoned garland of victory on his head and so kills him. His ghost then visits his wife and two elder sons.
A "ghost character" in May's Julia Agrippina, mentioned as the father of Agrippina. He was the Emperor Claudius's brother and father also to Caligula.
Only mentioned in the anonymous Wit's Triumvirate. Germanicus is mentioned by Sir Cupid Phantsy when he is telling Doctor Clyster about 'good men' who have also been writers: "What say you to Julius Caesar, Augustus, and Germanicus, and most of the emperors?" Germanicus Caesar (15 B. C.–A. D. 19) was a Roman general, son to Drusus Senior, nephew to Emperor Tiberius, brother to Emperor Claudius I, husband to Agrippina I and father to Emperor Caligula and Agrippina II. He conducted three campaigns in Germany and died in Antioch, probably poisoned. He wrote several orations.


Germanus is a monk who accompanies Constantius in Middleton's Hengist.


Gero is a drunken vintner's boy in the anonymous Wit of a Woman who comes in briefly near the end of the play carrying wine.


An old man, husband to Dipsas in Lyly's Endymion. He tells Eumenides to weep into an enchanted fountain. If he is a true lover he will see the bottom of the fountain. When Eumenides sees the bottom and is bidden to ask but one question, Geron advises him to ask to save Endymion rather than win Semele, for friendship is rarer than love. In the end, he speaks for Dipsas, saves her from banishment, and is reunited with his reformed wife.


"An old man" and Rowland Retro's "mournfull father" in Hawkins's Apollo Shroving. Geron enters the play late and claims to "have bin mending [his] hedges, which the scurvy boy Ludio broake downe." He expresses his desire to nap, but states that he must, instead, be "vexed with" his son whom he has been "tending" for the past two years. He takes Retro to Apollo's court to (hopefully) gain Apollo's favour. He blames Retro's mother for encouraging their son in his scholarly hastiness, for which Retro was previously punished with a distorted tongue and limbs. Since only two years (of the three year sentence) have passed thus far, the old man is beginning to lose hope of living until the full restoration of Retro's faculties. Retro implies that he wants Geron to "speake to Museus" about interceding in Apollo's Court on his behalf but Geron, afraid to approach the Priest, retires to rest and "recollect [his] spirits" while Museus and Philoponus converse. Geron later reveals himself and begs Philoponus to "intreat Museus for [his] childe." Philoponus does so, and Museus provides Geron with some hope that Apollo will "remit the remaining yeer" of Retro's punishment. He is present at the sentencing of disobedient characters at the play's end, and asks Museus to have mercy on his son. When Museus claims that Apollo has "accepted [Retro's] submission, and cuts off the third yeere of [his] punishment," Geron thanks the "sacred Priest" and claims that he will bring his wife the "joyfull newes."


Son to Garula in Brome's Love-Sick Court. He serves as tutor to Philargus and Philocles. His ridiculous advice is delivered in pithy anecdotes that always begin, "whilom...." He is in love with Doris, but she refuses to marry him. He enlists the rustics to perform a dance to celebrate the Princess's wedding. This dance concludes the play.


A Jewish moneylender and merchant in Turkey with whom Mercadore deals in Wilson's The Three Ladies of London. When Mercadore fails to repay his debts, Gerontus takes him to court. But Mercadore outwits him by converting to Islam; under Turkish law, converts do not have to repay any debts they have incurred.


Gerrard is a character in "The Triumph of Love," the second play within the play of Fletcher's Four Plays in One. Raised as a ward of Randulpho, he is the childhood sweetheart of Violanta; together they conceive a child out of wedlock, conceal its birth, and secretly marry. His brother Ferdinand accidently reveals the relationship to Benvoglio, Violanta's father, who demands Gerrard's execution. Gerrard's life is spared when his mother Cornelia reveals his true identity: Alphonso, son of Rinaldo, the newly reinstated Duke of Milan.


Gerrard is the father Florez, the heir through his mother's line to the earldom of Flanders in Fletcher's Beggars' Bush. After Wolfort usurps the title, Gerrard sends the child to grow up in the keeping of an English merchant named Goswin, and he takes up hiding with other loyal nobles near the city of Bruges. Disguised as Clause, Gerrard becomes the leader of the beggars and monitors Florez's progress. When it appears that Florez intends to marry Gertrude, the apparent daughter of the burgomaster Van-dunck, Gerrard intervenes. He reveals himself, tells Florez of his true lineage, reminds Florez of his duty to his country, and calls for an end to what appears a socially inappropriate union with Gertrude. When the armed merchants and beggars of Bruges rescue everyone from Wolfort, Gertrude is revealed to be Bertha, the heir to the throne of Brabant, and the way is clear for the happy union with Florez to go forward.


Gerrold is a local Athenian schoolmaster in Shakespeare's Two Noble Kinsmen. Associated with the morris-dancers, Gerrold chides the performers for poor following of directions and offers a prologue to the dance before the Duke.


Friar Gertrid is a friend of Old Wallace who marries Wallace and Peggie in J.W.'s The Valiant Scot. He, Old Wallace and Peggie are captured by Selby and killed. Later, Friar Gertrid appears as a ghost to Wallace and warns him that he will be killed soon, and that Bruce is his bane.


Gertrude is Queen of Denmark and mother of Hamlet in Shakespeare's Hamlet. After her first husband's death, she quickly marries his brother Claudius. She persuades Hamlet to remain, despite his desire to return to Wittenberg. After he appears to go mad, she confesses that she believes the cause to be his father's death and her hasty remarriage. Although she is aware of and supports the various attempts to find out Hamlet's thoughts, she does not confront him herself until after the play within the play. She cries out in fear when Hamlet threatens her, causing the hidden Polonius to call for help, alerting Hamlet to his presence. Hamlet kills Polonius and then accuses his mother of a disgusting and unnatural lust, a tirade stopped only by the Ghost's appearance. Gertrude cannot see the Ghost, and she believes Hamlet is mad, but he persuades her otherwise. She promises not to reveal that he is sane and to stay away from Claudius' bed (in Q1, she also swears that she did not know of the murder and that she will help Hamlet seek his revenge). She does defend Claudius from Laertes' attack, so it is unclear how much of Hamlet's advice she takes (in Q1 Horatio tells her privately that Hamlet has found the letter authorizing his death, and she swears to deceive Claudius and help her son). After Ophelia drowns, she speaks the famous willow speech, and attends Ophelia's funeral where she is forced to separate Hamlet and Laertes. At the duel, she drinks from the poisoned cup meant for Hamlet and dies, but not before warning him that the drink was poisoned. It is subject of debate whether she knowingly drinks the poison to save her son or drinks without knowing (or suspecting) that the draught is poisoned.


Gertrude is Touchstone's eldest daughter in Jonson, Marston, and Chapman's Eastward Ho!. According to her father, she is wanton and ambitious. She is to marry Sir Petronel Flash because she owns some land left to her by her grandmother. Gertrude is impatient to be married and become a lady. Once married, Gertrude and Mistress Touchstone are very impatient to leave for Sir Petronel's fictional castle. When Touchstone enters with Mildred, presenting Golding as his new son-in-law, Gertrude behaves haughtily and claims she is a lady and it is humiliating for her to have an apprentice as a brother-in-law. Security and the Scrivener bring in papers for the sale of her land, which Gertrude signs unknowingly, thinking that Sir Petronel wanted to sell some poor tenement houses in order to furnish his fictional eastward castle. Gertrude and Mistress Touchstone leave for the airy castle in the country. Eventually, Touchstone reports that the two women, having realized there is no castle at the end of their journey, have returned to London by the Weeping Cross. When she faces her father, Gertrude is not repentant. According to her logic, though her knight has run away and sold all her land, she is still a lady. Touchstone sends Gertrude away with Sindefy to teach her a lesson. He foresees that, when all the money, equipage, and jewelry is gone, Gertrude will return repentant to her father. At a poor alehouse, Gertrude deplores her penniless situation. Mistress Touchstone visits her, suggesting that she should appeal to Mildred for help. In the final reconciliation scene, Gertrude comes to prison in the company of the other women. When Sir Petronel asks his "dear lady-wife" for forgiveness, it is understood that Gertrude will grant it.


Gertrude is the disguise name assigned to Bertha, the rightful inheritor of the throne of Brabant in Fletcher's Beggars' Bush. She lives in Bruges, the supposed daughter of the burgomaster Van-dunck. Kidnapped as a child by Wolfort, she has been placed in the home of the burgomaster until such time as she reaches maturity, when the usurper intends to marry her and thereby increase his political hold. In Bruges, Gertrude falls in love with the merchant Goswin (really Florez, the heir to the earldom of Flanders), and they are to be married. When Goswin leaves suddenly with the beggar leader Clause (actually his real father Gerrard in disguise), Gertrude follows him assuming he has found a new love. At the Beggars' Bush, she is taken by Wolfort and is about to be forced to marry the usurper when Hubert's planned rescue succeeds, and she and Florez, soon to be restored to their proper stations, are made free to be married.


Name assumed by Staines while he acts as Bubbles' servant in Cooke's Greene's Tu Quoque. Pretending to indoctrinate his erstwhile servant in the codes of gentlemanly behavior including dress, pastimes such as gambling and playgoing, and speech (including the constant use of the phrase "tu quoque"), Staines really seeks to extort Bubble's wealth and expose him as a fraud and pretender to London high society.


With the eager blessing of Mistress Goldsworth, Simple courts her two daughters, Chrysolina and Aurelia in Shirley's Changes. This foolish knight is extremely backward, however, and initially has not even met the women he sets out to woo. Because he has little luck with Goldsworth's daughters, Simple is quick to wait upon Lady Bird at Caperwit's urging, exchanging jewels for kisses and discovering only at the play's end that Lady Bird is really a man.


Diocles' jester and the son of a tiler in Fletcher and Massinger's The Prophetess. Geta complains about his workload while assisting Diocles at a boar hunt. When Diocles becomes co-emperor of Rome after killing Aper, Geta–now wish to be called Getianus–becomes a justice and uses his power badly. Eager to dispense justice, Geta is dismayed by the dearth of criminals and begins to plot ways to drum up business for the court. He insults Delphia the prophetess and her niece Drusilla when they ask to see Diocles, and has Delphia arrested. Delphia promises Geta one of her devils as a servant if he will release her. She conjures a She-Devil, Lucifera, who kisses Geta, sits on his lap, and causes his chair to do a dance. The She-Devil whispers something in Geta's ear that causes him to repent and announce that he is returning to the life of a tiler. Instead, he joins the Roman troops in their battle against the Persians, and behaves like a coward on the battlefield. Complaining of nonexistent severe wounds and threatened by his fellow Romans, Geta helps defeat three Persian soldiers. During their triumphant entry into Rome, Diocles praises Geta's fighting skills. When the three shepherds and two countrymen meet to plan an entertainment for the retired Diocles, Geta interrupts them, but his pretentious dismissal of their efforts is overruled by Delphia who persuades Geta to "be a merry man again" and help rehearse the dancers.


A servant of Theophilus in Massinger and Dekker's The Virgin Martyr.


Geta, a servant of Antiochus in Massinger's Believe As You List. He, along with Syrus and Chrysalus, fought with Antiochus in the Achaian War. They are able to provide proof from their experience that Antiochus is in fact who he says he is. Flaminius has them systematically killed.


A "ghost character" in Richards' Messalina. The captain of Claudius's guard.


Along with Rufus Crispinus, Lucius Geta commands the Praetorian Guard until he is dismissed at the instigation of Agrippina in May's Julia Agrippina. He subsequently flees to the country.


The name by which Diocles' jester Geta would like to be known in Fletcher and Massinger's The Prophetess after Diocles becomes co-emperor of Rome and adopts the name Dioclesianus.


The stage directions in Machin's(?) Every Woman in Her Humour describe Getica as "a bawd." She paints and wears cork heels which are so high that they break off. Her main concern is her beloved puppy, whose care she trusts to her manservant, Bos. At some point in the play, offstage, she agrees to marry Scilicet; however, she's more concerned with finding her lost dog than making wedding plans. She attends Terentia's wedding along with her friends the Hostess and the Citizen's Wife, and she sees Scilicet wearing an ass head and being ridiculed for his jealous behavior toward her; however, she never responds to Acutus's shaming of her sweetheart. She only speaks when Acutus promises her that he will return her little dog. "I shall be beholding to you," she says.


Gettall is Young Tradewell's box-keeper (a bookie) in Massinger's The City Madam. He does not make his first appearance until IV.i, when he, along with Ding'em, demands payment for Young Tradewell's outstanding debts. Luke tells him that he will receive payment, inviting Gettall and Ding'em to come back to the house for a party. He makes a final appearance to plead for mercy from Luke in V.iii.


Gettings is a rich and aging suitor of Lady Riches in Shirley's Contention for Honor and Riches. He argues with Clod about who loves Riches the most and deserves her best. He and Clod set up for a duel, but the arrival of the Long-Vacation character ruins Gettings' appetite for fighting.


See also SPIRITS, FIENDS, DEVIL(S), APPARITIONS and related entries.


An Apparition in Massinger's 1634 Cleander, or Lisander and Calista (a revision of Fletcher's 1623 The Wandering Lovers?). The ghost of a Host first appears to Cleander and Dorilaus while the two are having a drink. Cleander makes him promise to return just before Cleander is to die. The ghost agrees, and duly appears just before Leon kills him.


The ghosts of Abdelmunen and the two young princes murdered by the Moor appear in Act II of Peele's The Battle of Alcazar crying that their murders be justified.


A mute character in Goffe's The Courageous Turk. The Ghost of Achilles appears in the second masque presented to Amurath by Lala Schahin. He is symbolic of the type of heroic focus that Lala Schahin and others wish to instill in Amurath after he begins to dote upon his Greek mistress Eumorphe.


As his father's ghost does to Hamlet in the closet scene, the mute spirit of the murdered king appears while Orestes is confronting his mother (although the spirit remains invisible to Clitemnestra) in Heywood's 2 The Iron Age; the apparition arouses him to reject his mother's false claims of innocence and kill her.
Agamemnon’s ghost appears in Goffe’s Orestes at the moment Orestes hesitates in using the child for his revenge. A child’s smile, he commands, must not blank Orestes’ memory to what befell the king.


He appears when Humber and Hubba celebrate their victory over Albanact's army and re-name the river (Humber) in the anonymous Locrine. The ghost swears revenge, but they seem not hear him. He appears again when the battle against Locrine is lost, and they now see, hear and fear him. After the battle he follows Humber and makes sure that he does not eat—he frightens Strumbo away who might have given Humber food. After having lived in a cave for seven years, Humber kills himself. The Ghost then rejoices and goes back to hell to tell these good news to his father, Brutus.


After his murder at the hands of his father, the elder Albertus Wallenstein, young Albertus's ghost and that of his lover Isabella haunt him in Glapthorne's Albertus Wallenstein. The elder Wallenstein mistakes a Page for the young man's ghost and kills him.


Main character, though mute, of one of the five dumb shows Jupiter orders which features those slain by the machinations of Venus and Fortune in the anonymous Rare Triumphs Of Love And Fortune.


The ghost of Ananias's attempted haunting of Eleazer in Hemminge's The Jews' Tragedy is frustrated by the latter's lunatic inability to recognize him.


Enters the stage at the end of the anonymous First Part of Jeronimo, during Andrea's funeral. Lorenzo does not notice him, but Horatio sees him waiting to get into Charon's boat. He wants to thank his friend for his help in the battle, but Revenge tells him that he is not allowed to speak as a Ghost.


Andrugio, Antonio's father and Maria's husband, was fatally poisoned by Piero and Strotzo before the beginning of Marston's Antonio's Revenge. It is reported to the public that Andrugio died of overexertion in celebration of Antonio's then immanent wedding to Mellida. Andrugio is a very active ghost; he appears on stage quite often. The audience first hears of Andrugio's spirited visitations from Antonio, who reports that his father visited him in a dream. While Antonio prays at the foot of Andrugio's hearse, the father's ghost appears to inform Antonio that Mellida is innocent of infidelity, Piero is guilty of Andrugio's murder and Maria is set to marry Piero. The ghost also tells Antonio that he is in danger from Piero. The ghost demands vengeance against Piero. The ghost appears again after Antonio threatens Maria. The ghost appears to Maria and chastises her for her engagement to Piero. The ghost instructs Maria to help Antonio plan Piero's downfall. When Antonio arrives to kill Maria, the ghost tells Antonio to forgive her and concentrate instead on eliminating Piero. The ghost watches with approval during a dumb show where Maria and Alberto hold Piero at bay with knives while Galeatzo informs a number of senators of Piero's many crimes. The ghost then introduces the final act by reporting that the Venetian court has condemned Piero. The ghost attends the final masque in order to see Piero killed. He leaves the stage once Piero is dead. Antonio pledges to lead a virgin life in honor of Mellida.


After [H]asdrubal[l]'s defeat in Marston's Sophonisba, he is either killed or commits suicide. His ghost appears to Syphax as a warning.


The Ghost of the Black Prince in the anonymous Thomas of Woodstock, father of Richard II and brother to Thomas of Woodstock and the Dukes of York and Lancaster, appears to Thomas in his captivity at Calais, warning him of his approaching death and the curse it will bring on King Richard.


Borgias disguises as his own ghost in Mason's Mulleasses. After being double-crossed by Mulleasses, who sedates rather than poisons Timoclea, Borgias fakes a suicide so that his enemies will consider him dead. When Ferrara, disguised as Eunuchus, finds Borgias and begins to move him, Borgias stabs the Duke to death. Borgias then appears to Timoclea as an avenging ghost and coerces her to allow him to strangle her. Borgias and Mulleasses mortally wound one another.


Main character, though mute, of one of the five dumb shows Jupiter orders which features those slain by the machinations of Venus and Fortune in the anonymous Rare Triumphs Of Love And Fortune.


In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar the Ghost of Caesar appears to Brutus twice during the battles between the triumvirs and the conspirators.


Only mentioned by Macros in Verney’s Antipoe.


The ghost of the Cardinal (murdered by Henry's guards) appears in a dramatic tableau in V of Chapman's The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois along with the ghosts of his brother Guise, Bussy D'Ambois, Monsieur (the King's brother and designated heir), and Chatillon (the Huguenot leader Coligny), following Clermont's murder of Montsurry.


A disguise assumed by Clovis in Hemming's Fatal Contract. Clovis impersonates his father's ghost in an attempt to shame a confession of adultery out of his mother. He is unexpectedly treated to her confession of his murder as well.


The ghost of George, the Duke of Clarence, appears on stage at the opening of the anonymous True Tragedy of Richard III to represent all of Richard III's victims.


Appears in the Introduction of Randolph's Plutophthalmia. He laments his lost puissance and upbraids the Translator for translating Aristophanes' scoffs before the Translator and Aristophanes conjure him away.


A disguise assumed by Landrey in Hemming's Fatal Contract. Castrato intends to reveal to Clotair the secret of his mother's affair with Landrey and sets their bedroom on fire to give Clotair an excuse to rush in upon them; this plot fails thanks to Landrey's escape disguised as Clovis's ghost. It is, in fact, the same disguise Clovis used earlier to impersonate Childerick's ghost. In this disguise, Landrey astonishes Clotair and escapes the room, but he is later caught by a drunken guard set to stop his escape during a second tryst.


He curses Locrine and predicts his end in the anonymous Locrine, and he haunts Gwendoline to revenge Locrine's unfaithfulness.


Main character, though mute, of one of the five dumb shows Jupiter orders which features those slain by the machinations of Venus and Fortune in the anonymous Rare Triumphs Of Love And Fortune.


Main character, though mute, of one of the five dumb shows Jupiter orders which features those slain by the machinations of Venus and Fortune. Spelled Dydo in the original in the anonymous Rare Triumphs Of Love And Fortune.


He returns in Verney’s Antipoe to remind Antipoe that he vowed to avenge Dramurgon’s murder, which has not been accomplished. He later returns with Charon clad in black.


The Ghost of Edward III in the anonymous Thomas of Woodstock, grandfather of Richard II and brother to Thomas of Woodstock and the Dukes of York and Lancaster, appears to Thomas immediately after the first Ghost. for the same purpose–to warn him of his imminent murder.


Young Feliche was a gentleman of the Venetian court in Marston's Antonio's Revenge. At the beginning of the play, he has just been murdered by Piero and Strotzo. Piero has young Feliche's body tied to Mellida's body on her supposed wedding day to Antonio. Feliche is found by Antonio's group of gentleman hanging in Mellida's chamber window. Castillo and his fellow gentleman Forobosco are instructed by Piero to guard an imprisoned Mellida. His spirit visits Antonio and demands revenge.


Another disguise adopted by Fidamira in Montague's The Shepherd's Paradise, this time as the ghost of herself. Her death is falsely reported, and she appears to Agenor as the ghost of herself to see how he responds.


Friar Anselme in Thomas Heywood's 2 Edward IV is a churchman who, while alive, uttered a prophecy about "G" being dangerous to King Edward IV. Doctor Shaw deliberately misinterprets Anselme's prophecy, and Anselme's ghost appears to the treacherous Shaw late in the play, promising doom to Shaw for helping produce so much evil.


Also known as the Umbra Friar in Chapman's Bussy D'Ambois. The Ghost of Friar Comolet visits Bussy and instructs him to meet at Tamyra's chamber. The Ghost also appears to Tamyra. He informs her that Bussy is being tricked into an ambush, but that the Friar's Ghost is too weak to prevent the deceit. The Ghost appears one last time during the ambush murder of Bussy.


Summoned by the magic wand in Kirke's The Seven Champions of Christendom, the Ghost of George's Father reveals to George that he was the Earl of Coventry, and that Calib stole George. He orders George to kill Calib, rescue the champions and become St. George of England.


She accompanies the Ghost of George's Father in Kirke's The Seven Champions of Christendom when he reveals the truth about George's birth.


The ghost of Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall, appears at the beginning and at the end of the play's action in Hughes' The Misfortunes of Arthur. Like the ghost of Andrea in The Spanish Tragedy, he has been sent from the infernal regions to witness the final misfortunes of an enemy. In this case, Arthur's troubles and ultimate death at the hands of Mordred are presented as recompense for Uther Pendragon's having seduced Gorlois' wife Igerna and having caused his death. At the play's end, he returns to the underworld satisfied with the outcome, promising never to return to Britain, and predicting that the country would in the distant future find itself an "Angels' land" presided over by a "goddesse" (Elizabeth) possessed of all heavenly virtues.


The Ghost of a Grey Friar in Wilson's The Cobbler's Prophecy calls offstage for Charon's boat.


A spirit in Percy's Arabia Sitiens. He was killed by his enemies and had a revelation of Mahomet's virtue. He comes to pledge his loyalty to the Prophet. Mahomet seats him in the place of honor, on his left.


The Ghost in Shakespeare's Hamlet, dressed in armor, appears two nights in a row to Barnardo and Marcellus, who are too terrified to speak to it. The next night they enlist the aid of the scholar Horatio, who does manage to speak to it, but the Ghost does not answer. When Hamlet watches with them, the Ghost appears and waves him to a private place, where it reveals that it is the spirit of his father, doomed to walk at night and to spend the day in Purgatory. The Ghost further reveals that it was murdered, not bitten by a snake, and that Claudius is the murderer. It tells Hamlet to revenge the murder, but to leave Gertrude to her conscience. The Ghost appears in the closet scene to remind Hamlet of his purpose. The Ghost is invisible and inaudible to Gertrude, who therefore believes Hamlet is mad. In this appearance, according to Q1, the Ghost wears a nightgown rather than armor.
Only mentioned in Randolph's Plutophthalmia. Blepsidemus believes Penia-Penniless looks like Jeronymo, Don Andrea, or perhaps the Ghost in Hamlet in her rage.


The shade of the dead Trojan hero encounters Æneas in the midst of the Grecian assault in Heywood's 2 The Iron Age and tells him to escape so as to found a greater city, Rome.
A mute character in Goffe's The Courageous Turk. The Ghost of Hector appears in the second masque presented to Amurath by Lala Schahin. Like the Ghost of Achilles, he is symbolic of the type of heroic focus that Lala Schahin and others wish to instill in Amurath after he begins to dote upon his Greek mistress Eumorphe.


Main character, though mute, of one of the five dumb shows Jupiter orders which features those slain by the machinations of Venus and Fortune in the anonymous Rare Triumphs Of Love And Fortune.


Isabella is wrongfully accused of stealing the Duchess's jewel and hastily put to death on the order of her ersatz father-in-law, the elder Albertus Wallenstein in Glapthorne's Albertus Wallenstein. Her ghost and that of her lover, the younger Albertus Wallenstein, then haunt the elder Wallenstein.


A village ne'er-do-well, Jack dies penniless, and both the Sexton and Steven Loach, the churchwarden, are resistant to burying him at the expense of the parish in Peele's The Old Wives' Tale. In gratitude for Eumenides's having paid for the funeral, the Ghost helps the knight free Delia by showing him where the magic lamp is hidden, by cutting off the head of Sacrapant, and by summoning Venelia to extinguish the flame that supports the magician's spells. When the Ghost insists that he have half of Delia as payment for his services, Eumenides agrees as a matter of honor. Just as the knight is preparing to cut Delia in half (with the lady's approval), the Ghost drops his demand, indicates he was only testing Eumenides's word, and retires to his grave.


A fictitious character in Beaumont's Knight of the Burning Pestle. Jasper pretends to be dead and appears before Venturewell with meal on his face in order to astonish and wring forgiveness from the merchant.


For his opposition to Domitian in Massinger's The Roman Actor, the senator Junius Rusticus is tortured and executed. His ghost (and Sura's) returns to haunt Domitian.


Kenwalcus, Bertha's father, was the King of the West Saxons in Brome's The Queen's Exchange. He attempted to protect the laws he established against innovation by commanding his daughter to marry only with the advice of the Segebert. His only appearance in the play is as a ghost in a dumb show indicating that Anthynus will be the next West Saxon king.


The Lady's Ghost in [?]Middleton's The Second Maiden's Tragedy can be thought of as a separate character to the Lady because it appears onstage simultaneously with her dead body; presumably a dummy performed the latter. The Ghost appears to Govianus when he visits the Lady's tomb and tells him that the Tyrant has stolen the body. The Ghost reappears at the end of the play to watch the Tyrant die, and to accompany the return of the body to the tomb.


Main character, though mute, of one of the five dumb shows Jupiter orders which features those slain by the machinations of Venus and Fortune in the anonymous Rare Triumphs Of Love And Fortune.


The Ghosts of Leonides' father, mother and sister haunt him in Argalio's cave in Kirke's The Seven Champions of Christendom, but Argalio insists that they are merely illusions.


The Ghosts of Leonides' father, mother and sister haunt him in Argalio's cave in Kirke's The Seven Champions of Christendom, but Argalio insists that they are merely illusions. Leonides' mother is only mentioned in the dramatis personae, not the text, but the stage direction for the ghosts is confused, so she is probably meant to be there.


The Ghosts of Leonides' father, mother and sister haunt him in Argalio's cave in Kirke's The Seven Champions of Christendom, but Argalio insists that they are merely illusions.


In the Induction of the framing story to Haughton's The Devil and his Dame, Malbecco's Ghost brings before the court of Hell a complaint against his wife Hellena. While alive he was a wealthy Lord, but his wife drove him to distraction with her difficult behavior, and after she ran off with a band of thieves, Malbecco lost his mind altogether and committed suicide by throwing himself down "head-long on a rock." He appeals to Pluto and the judges of Hell to rule that his death was his wife's fault. In the very last scene Pluto finds for Malbecco and decrees that he shall have his revenge by being transformed into a spirit of Jealousy who will plague both women and men forever.


Twice someone pretends to be Maria's ghost in Fletcher's The Night Walker.
  • Maria, after awakening in the cemetery, prevents Hartlove from killing Wildbraine by pretending to be her own ghost.
  • Snap (Alathe in disguise) also pretends in the cemetery to be the ghost of Maria and chastises Algripe.


A disguise briefly adopted by Maria in Massinger's The Bashful Lover. She seeks to impress and shame Alonzo, who has wronged her, but because Alonzo has already expressed repentance to her father Octavio (who came disguised as a priest), Maria reveals that she is not dead indeed.


A fictitious character in Rutter's The Shepherds' Holiday. Hylas claims that he will visit Nerina's blessed ghost every day at her tomb.


A fictitious character in the anonymous Ghost. Engin disguises himself as Octavian's Ghost and threatens Philarchus.


Lala Schahin, attempting to spark a heroic impulse in Amurath in Goffe's The Courageous Turk, enters the king's chamber in disguise as the Ghost of Orchanes, Amurath's dead father. In that shape, Lala Schahin berates Amurath for devoting so much of himself to the Greek mistress Eumorphe, curses any children that might result from this affair, and urges the king to concentrate on war, conquest, and terrorizing Christian Europe.


For his opposition to Domitian in Massinger's The Roman Actor, the senator Palphurius Sura is tortured and executed. His ghost (and Rusticus') returns to haunt Domitian.


The disguise assumed by Shirke to cheat Worldly, Knowlittle and Whiffe in Randolph's(?) The Drinking Academy. As the ghost, Shirke accuses Worldly of killing her, a reference to his miserly behavior.


A "ghost character" in Kyd's Cornelia. The Ghost of Pompey appears to Cornelia one night as if in a dream, but she is convinced that it is really her husband's spirit. He asks her to take Sextus away from Rome and then, when she tries to embrace him, he disappears. The Chorus warns Cornelia that the apparition was not Pompey's spirit but rather a false demon. The dead are locked in "fiery gates," the Chorus tells her, and are not able to walk the earth.
Main character, though mute, of one of the five dumb shows Jupiter orders which features those slain by the machinations of Venus and Fortune in the anonymous Rare Triumphs Of Love And Fortune.


The prologue in Percy’s Cuckqueans and Cuckolds Errants. He enters ‘after second sounding’ and plays on his tabor whilst standing beneath an image of himself, a pub sign, decorated with a garland. He is dressed as Tarlton, drum, cap, slops, shoes, and merit as when alive, to express his gratitude that Pigot has raised a tavern in Colchester to his name. He asserts that since his ‘departure from this sink of sin, the world . . . in the year of our Lord God, my Redeemer 1588’, the tavern has been maintained in its ‘Ancient Bawdry’, which he promises the following play will make clear. He ends his prologue by asking the audience to judge the play kindly and if ever in Colchester to stop by Mr. Pigot’s tavern and partake of Tarlton’s funeral supper which Mr. Pigot will bestow upon them gratis. His final stage direction reads as follows: “He played a little then departed. Here they sounded the third” and the play begins with Doucebella, Floradin, Rafe, and Joice entering “from Maldon”.


Almost twenty years after Sylla's death, when Catiline's conspiracy takes place (63 BC), Sylla's Ghost enters Catiline's study in Jonson's Catiline. Addressing Rome, Sylla's Ghost bids her to wake and beware because he has come from the dead to disseminate terror. Seeing Catiline in his study, Sylla's Ghost invokes the spirit of evil to be transferred into Catiline's mind, instigating him to murderous action. Prophesying a series of brotherly murders, plagues, famines, incest, and fire, Sylla's Ghost actually summarizes the past and future events in Rome. Invoking the Furies as the patron goddesses, Sylla's Ghost hovers over Catiline and then exits.


Timoclea disguises herself as her own ghost in Mason's Mulleasses. Timoclea is coerced into appearing as a ghost before Amada and Borgias. When Timoclea returns as a ghost, Julia convinces Amada to confer with the ghost alone. Timoclea kills Amada and scares Borgias into leaping from a ledge. While waiting for Bordello, Fulsome and Phego are frightened off of the stage by the "ghost" of Timoclea. She also frightens Eunuchus, and when Eunuchus dashes across the stage pursued by the ghost-like Timoclea, Ferrara stabs Eunuchus to death. Timoclea is subsequently duped by Borgias into believing that he is a ghost. In despair, Timoclea allows Borgias to strangle her with her own hair.


Main character, though mute, of one of the five dumb shows Jupiter orders which features those slain by the machinations of Venus and Fortune. Spelled Troylus in the original in the anonymous Rare Triumphs Of Love And Fortune.


A disguise of Protea's in Lyly's Love's Metamorphosis. Protea changes into the Ghost of Ulysses to frighten the Syren and rescue Petulius.


After Young Bateman's suicide in Sampson's The Vow-Breaker, his ghost begins to haunt Ann Boote. She describes it as the "fiery effigy" of her wronged lover. Echoing Bateman's final words to her in life, the ghost repeatedly insists, "Alive or dead I must and will enjoy thee," and bids her "Think on thy promise." Although it cannot touch Ann until she is delivered of German's child, it repeatedly assures her that "all things keep their time" and will not leave her alone even after Old Bateman forgives her. After Ann bears her daughter, it appears and summons her to follow it to death and to the hell that awaits vow-breakers.

GHOSTS **1604

All that die in Verney’s Antipoe return with Charon and Brutus at play’s end. Antipoe, Macros, Dabon, Liperus, Sapos, Cleantha, Clapa, Marba, Reba, Nama and the President wear white while Dramurgon and Drupon wear black. It is unclear from the stage direction whether the others who have died in the play such as the kings of Corinth and Thrace, the two Captains, and the rest are intended to be in this final rout of ghosts. Those in white ascend to the throne with Brutus while the two in black descend into torture with Charon.


The ghosts of Posthumous Leonatus' parents and brothers appear to him in a dream in Shakespeare's Cymbeline. They are identified as Sicilius Leonatus, his father, and ancient Matron, his mother, and his two brothers, the two young Leonati, who sport the death wounds they received in battle. They lament Posthumous's condition until Jupiter silences them.


Several characters disguise themselves as their own ghosts during the course of Dekker's(?) Telltale. Picentio initially disguises himself as a French Doctor. In disguise, Picentio examines Isabella's urine as she is visited by Aspero. Picentio asks to speak privately with Isabella and, after Aspero and the lords exit, he tells her that she is not sick but instead is in love with Picentio. As the French Doctor he tells her that Picentio is dead but that he can make his ghost appear. Picentio exits and returns as his ghost. He confirms his love for Isabella and tells her that he died in prison, strangled by Aspero's order. Also, the "ghosts" of the Duke, Duchess, Julio, Captain, Lieutenant and Ancient appear and are commanded by the French Doctor to show their approval or disapproval of Aspero. The ghosts indicate their favor and Aspero then accepts the apologies of the lords and pardons them. The ghosts perform a dance, in which the Duke and Duchess take the crown and scepter. Aspero asks what this means and discovers that his treachery has been revealed.


The three Roman ladies (termed 'dames') in Richards' Messalina, who are killed by the Bawd and Saufellus, return as ghosts to gloat when Saufellus is swallowed by the earth.


The ghosts of Abdelmunen and the two young princes murdered by the Moor appear in Act II of Peele's The Battle of Alcazar crying that their murders be justified.


The ghosts of six West Saxon Kings include Kenwalcus in Brome's The Queen's Exchange. They appear to Anthynus after his is separated from his wounded father and indicate in a dumb show that he will be the next West Saxon King.


See also "JACOMO," "JACHIMO," "IACHIMO" and related spellings.


Giacomo is a friend of Lodovico's in Chapman's May Day. He appears briefly in the first act, then reappears in IV, in which he reveals to Fannio (and inadvertently to Quintiliano and Innocentio) that Franceschina has gone to Lorenzo's house disguised as a man.


Alternate spelling for Iachimo in Shakespeare's Cymbeline.


A "ghost character" in Dekker's 2 Honest Whore. The elder Giacomo is father to the man Matheo is supposed to have killed, and Hippolito describes him as an old dog of a Florentine who would wade in the blood of his children if it meant making a profit.


A "ghost character" in Dekker's 2 Honest Whore. The younger Giacomo is mentioned by Hippolito as the man Matheo has killed, and the count observes that it is for that death that Matheo has been imprisoned.


Servant to the foolish old courtier Maurucio in Ford's Love's Sacrifice. Loyal to his 'anticke' master though capable of mocking his romantic pretensions with scurrilous innuendoes. Terrified when his master's romantic folly is overheard by the Duke, he continues to attend his master through subsequent scenes. When Maurucio is released from prison, he weeps for joy, and presumably accompanies his master and new mistress into exile.


Gianetta, one of the four Wenches in the anonymous Wit of a Woman, is daughter to Giro and sister to Gerillo. She flirts with Gerillo disguised as a dancing master, even though the dramatis personae state that he is her brother, but she also sends a letter to Veronte. She is courted by Bario, but tricks him and finishes the play married to one of the gallants: presumably, to Veronte. N.b. The four Wenches are Erinta, Gianetta, Isabella, and Lodovica.

GIANT **1607

Only mentioned in Beaumont's Knight of the Burning Pestle. On his first entrance as the grocer in The Grocer's Honour portion of the play, Rafe reads from Palmerin d'Oliva (misidentified in the s.d. as Palmerin of England) in which this character is named.


A "ghost character" in Jonson's The Alchemist. The giantess is a bawd of Lambeth, one of the clients waiting outside the bogus alchemist's door. When Dol Common tells Subtle the giantess is waiting outside, he says he cannot receive her.


A "ghost character" in Heywood's 2 If You Know Not Me. A charitable woman whose portrait is admired by Doctor Nowell.


A "ghost character" in Bale's God's Promises. Mentioned by David as an example of an upright, virtuous man.


A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's Henry VIII. Gilbert is chancellor for the Duke of Buckingham and supposedly has offered testimony against the Duke.


The given name of Brisac's butler in Fletcher's The Elder Brother. Gilbert assists Andrew as he unloads Charles's many crates of books, and is impressed by Charles and Andrew's learning. The butler wonders why Charles is not as friendly as his brother Eustace. Brisac places the butler in charge of the household arrangements for the wedding feast.


Sir Gilbert Armstrong is one of the rebels against King Edward in Greene's George a Greene. He agrees with Bonfield that they need provisions from the towns. He is with Bonfield when the latter visits Grimes, and is one of the lords who meets up with George a Greene in the field. When the three lords visit the disguised George, believing he is a magician, Armstrong is at first impressed and then, when George reveals himself, eager to kill him. Instead, George kills Armstrong.


Also sometimes nicknamed Clare in the anonymous The Wasp. The Wasp. Robbed of his title of champion and of the £1,000 per annum that goes with it by Varletti, he takes to his bed and pretends to die. He then disguises himself as The Wasp, a malcontent "Timonist" who rails at authority. He hears from Howlet how his son has turned profligate. As The Wasp, he waits upon the "widow" Countess Claridon. In order to keep off her suitors, he proposes that the Countess let people think that she has privately married The Wasp. When the Countess, having given him her full trust, later objects to his use of her land, he has Howlet, disguised as Justice Bindover, adjudicate her grievance. In court before Marianus, he gives saucy Wasp replies to Countess Claridon before revealing himself and reuniting with her. He reenters after Gerald has usurped Marianus' crown and is mistaken for the ghost of himself, causing Gerald to renounce his usurpation.


A mute character in (?Chettle and) Munday's Downfall of Robert Earl of Huntington. Sir Gilbert Broughton is present at the dinner where Robin Hood is outlawed. Robin threatens him, as well as Lacy and Warman, stating that if they do not avoid him, he will execute them all for treachery against him. At this Broughton and the others run away.


Gilbert de Clare is in love with King Edward's daughter Joan of Acon in Peele's Edward I. He enlists the aid of Queen Elinor in winning the king's approval for the marriage. It is de Clare who explains to the pregnant queen that Edward has insisted she come to Wales so that the Welsh will have to accept his son as a native-born Welshman.


Son to Goldwire, a deceased London merchant whose bitter feud with Chamlet was solved when Gilbert fell in love with and married Chamlet's daughter in Brome's The Sparagus Garden. He uses this story as a case-in-point when trying to convince his father's old friend, Touchwood, to allow a match between his son, Samuel, and his enemy Striker's granddaughter, Annabel; unfortunately, Touchwood is unconvinced. Gilbert then joins with Walter and Samuel in formulating a plan that will allow Samuel and Annabel to marry. After helping to convince Touchwood that Samuel has gotten Annabel with child, he takes Samuel in disguise to the Asparagus Garden, there to meet Sir Arnold Cautious. Their subsequent plotting convinces Sir Arnold to court Annabel on Walter's behalf, but just as he is about to do so Gilbert appears to report that Walter is actually unworthy of her, thus encouraging Sir Arnold to court her for himself. Through a number of permutations this plot eventually gets all the characters together in a room with the curate and results, at long last, in the marriage of Samuel and Annabel and the settling of the Striker/Touchwood feud.


A London knight in Middleton's No Wit, No Help Like a Woman's, one of the four suitors of the rich widow, Lady Goldenfleece. With the emergence of the disguised Kate Low-Water as Lady Goldenfleece's favorite, the suitors realize that they have wasted their time, money, and energy pursing the widow. Disgruntled, they disrupt Goldenfleece's wedding feast by masquerading as the four elements (Gilbert portrays Fire) and presenting a pseudo-masque.


A French gentleman in King Charles's entourage in Barnes's The Devil's Charter. Defends Charles, questions the Pope's integrity, and acts as Charles's first officer in battle.


A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's Richard III. Supporter of Richmond. Talbot joins Richmond's forces in Havorford West as they march to Bosworth.


Gilberty is a French colonel in Rawlins's The Rebellion who serves Raymond.


Gildas is a British nobleman in Hughes' The Misfortunes of Arthur who chides Conan for failing to restrain Mordred. Conan defends himself by observing that even the most persuasive of advisers are sometimes ineffective.


Name adopted by Edmond when he first returns to England in Dekker, Ford and Rowley's The Welsh Embassador. As Gildas he poses as his own murderer, but the king dismisses "Gildas."


The spelling of Guildenstern in Q1 of Shakespeare's Hamlet. See GUILDENSTERN.


Sir Gyles Goosecappe is a foolish knight in Chapman's Sir Giles Goosecap. He is settled down in Essex, although his ancestors come from London. He has 20 miles of property. He is thought to be brave in battle. With Sir Rudseby, he goes to Barnet for breakfast. He is thought to be good at dancing, gardening, poetry and distinguishing perfumes. He sows in front of everybody at the end of the play to impress Eugenia but he is finally matched with Penelope. However, first, he has to recite a poem. Thus, he invokes Hymen.


Giles Hornet is a wealthy usurer in Shirley's Constant Maid who courts Bellamy with a domineering style while urging her that men aren't to be trusted. He has secluded his niece in hopes of keeping her dowry for himself. However, his clever Cousin plays the role of king, "knighting" Hornet and obtaining the keys to release the niece. Hornet eventually is made to forgive monies owed to him by the Cousin; he must also accept his niece's marriage to Playfair, the nephew of Sir Clement.


Only mentioned in Randolph's Plutophthalmia. Carion says that Never-good conspired with Mompesson to persecute "innocent tapsters." Mompesson was a notorious monopolist who held commissions or licenses allowing him to grant or deny licensing to inns and alehouses. He was impeached in 1620, stripped of his knighthood, fined £10,000, imprisoned and finally banished. He is also probably satirized in the figure of Justice Greedy in Massinger's A New Way to Pay Old Debts.


Sir Giles is a "hard-hearted" extortioner in Massinger's A New Way to Pay Old Debts. He is the play's atheistic villain who is the father of Margaret Overreach, uncle by marriage to the prodigal Welborne, and a repetitive but unsuccessful suitor to the widowed Lady Alworth. Because he "bribes" the "belly" of Justice Greedy he uses him often in order to legalize his corrupt actions of extortion–such as in the cases of the poor farmer and Master Frugal. He is Jack Marrall's teacher in the methods of extortion and other evil deeds, but his "main work" in the play surrounds his efforts to match his daughter, Margaret, in marriage with the Lord Lovell. Willing to go to all lengths in order to have his daughter become "right honourable" Overreach pulls out all the stops for Lovell's visit to his home, including appointing Greedy in charge of food preparation and instructing Margaret to seduce Lovell if necessary. He has cheated Welborne of his inheritance and is, in turn, the target of Welborne's charade. He mends his relationship with the prodigal only when he believes that Welborne will marry Lady Alworth and inherit her money and possessions; for this reason he redeems Welborne's clothes and offers him money to pay his debts. Both of his plans, however, ultimately fail, as he is outwitted and exposed by Marrall, forced to return Welborne's lands and tricked by Lovell, Alworth and Margaret into assisting Margaret's marriage to Alworth. At the play's end Sir Giles attempts unsuccessfully to kill both Margaret and himself, is declared "mad beyond recovery" by Parson Will-do, is taken to Bedlam, and Lovell puts him under the guardianship of Margaret and Alworth.


Giles serves as More's porter in Chettle, Dekker and Munday's Sir Thomas More, and along with the rest of the loyal staff, receives twenty nobles for his service. Erasmus remarks to the Earl of Surrey that More oversees a remarkable household and reminds him that, upon their arrival, the porter had entertained them "in Latin good phrase." This may be meant to suggest that, after ordering Randall to impersonate him, More has disguised himself as the porter to see if Erasmus can recognize "merit over ceremony."


A witch, sometimes addressed as Gillian, in Heywood and Brome's The Late Lancashire Witches. Gill is one of the witches responsible for the turmoil in the Seely household. She is also the one responsible for concocting the plot to mislead the hunting gallants with a brace of greyhounds. Although she is not assigned specific lines in the later "witch" scenes, she is presumably among the witches who revel at the Sabbat feast and who subsequently harass the Soldier at the mill. Gill is certainly one of the arrested witches brought on stage in the final scene, and one of the group that refuses to confess. Like most of the other witches in the play, she speaks almost exclusively in rhyme.


Gilla is a British earl allied to Mordred in Hughes' The Misfortunes of Arthur. Having been promised the dukedom of Cornwall if the rebellion succeeds, he fights for Mordred in the battle against Arthur, wounds Cador, the current duke, during the battle, and is then killed by him.

A Scot in league with the Irish forces in the anonymous Captain Thomas Stukeley. He fights with O'Neal for command of the force; O'Neal eventually retreats. He eventually kills O' Neal's secretary, Neal Mackener.


The Irish king Gillamor aids Mordred against Arthur in return for lifting the tribute that the British have been exacting from him in Hughes' The Misfortunes of Arthur. He admits that part of his support for the usurper stems from a desire to see Arthur disgraced. During the battle in Cornwall, Gillamor kills Howell, the king of Brittany, and is himself slain by Arthur.


Gilliams is servant and message carrier for Hotspur in Shakespeare's 1 Henry IV.


A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors. Gillian is one of several serving women at the Phoenix Inn owned by Antipholus Sereptus and his wife Adriana. Dromio of Ephesus calls to her and the other serving women to open the door to him and their master. Inside, Dromio of Syracuse responds "idiot" to this name.


Gillian is the wife of Franio the miller, and pretended mother of Florimell in Fletcher and Rowley's The Maid in the Mill. When Florimell is abducted, Gillian advises Franio to beg assistance from the King. It is Gillian who reveals the truth about Florimell's parentage in the final scene.


Don John and Don Frederic's landlady in Fletcher's The Chances. She is known for her lecturing them on their behavior and for her fondness for alcohol. She agrees to foster the Baby that John brings and is entrusted by Frederic with Constantia while they deliver the challenge. In their absence, she criticizes John and Frederic to Constantia, then takes Constantia and the Baby to her relative, Peter Vecchio's, where they all appear in a false summoning as spirits representing themselves. She explains that this was in revenge on John and Frederic for their disrespectful jokes at her expense.


Gillian is Old Trashard's daughter in ?Brewer's The Country Girl. She complains to her father about having to do everything at home while Margaret does not help her. Later, she will enjoy dancing with her brother Abraham in the dance. Finally, she dresses as the Lady getting the attention of Mr. Plush whom she is to marry.


Merda’s mother calls her Madam Gillian when she is found tied to the tree in Hausted’s Rival Friends.


A "ghost character" in the anonymous Clyomon and Clamydes. A local girl whom Corin reports as smitten by "Jack" (Neronis in disguise). She has fought with Joan Jenkin over "him."


Also spelled Gallippus in Killigrew’s The Prisoners. A banished Sicilian lord, now a pirate. He captures Lysimella and when she will not be wooed has her bound. When Gillippus orders that Pausanes be hanged naked from the trees, Hipparchus’ and Pausanes fight the pirates until the King of Sicily and his men arrive and drive off Gillippus. He goes to Sardinia to assist them in preparing for the Sicilian assault. When Sardinia falls, he is wounded by Pausanes but convinces Leucanthe to flee with him to his galley. Confronted by the king, he pretends to be killed in order to escape. During the act four storm, his ship founders. He attempts to rape Leucanthe until the timely intervention of Zenon recalls him to his need to tend to his foundering ship. When his ship sinks, he swims with Leucanthe, bound, to the fire that the hermit’s boys set as a beacon. In soliloquy he announces his plan to trick her into believing he saved her out of love when in fact he only wishes to slake his lust upon her. After Hipparchus strikes him down, he confesses to having killed Perseus and taken both Hipparchus and Pausanes. He offers the two gold medallion necklaces that he took from Perseus to the king before he dies.


A goldsmith in Jonson's The Devil is an Ass. He prides himself on his ability to lure nouveau-riche citizens with easy credit and then cheat them. He tries to have Fitzdottrel arrested for defaulting on the ring, but is persuaded to release him in order to take part in a plan of Merecraft's to produce and promote the use of forks.


Lady Ample's "woman," or maid in Davenant's The Wits. She also assists Lady Ample's schemes.


Family name of John, Indulgence, and Father in Hawkins's Apollo Shroving.


Ginks is the alias that the Flemish Lord Arnold of Benthuisin uses in Fletcher's Beggars' Bush while he resides among the beggars. In his beggar's role, Lord Arnold pretends to be deaf and dumb.


A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors. Ginn is one of several serving women at the Phoenix Inn owned by Antipholus Sereptus and his wife Adriana. Dromio of Ephesus calls to her and the other serving women to open the door to him and their master. Inside, Dromio of Syracuse responds "patch" (i.e. jester) to this name.


Giotto is a nobleman of Savoy in Shirley's Grateful Servant. He and nobleman Sorazzo pity Astella, the neglected wife of Lodwick, and they discuss the duke's forthcoming attendance at a ceremony initiating two nobles into the church.

GIOTTO **1631

Giotto is the name Foscari, the Duke of Parma takes while in disguise in Shirley's The Humorous Courtier.


Giovanello is a student from Padua who is persuaded by Lodovico to pursue a position with Quintiliano in Chapman's May Day. He does so and is made a second gull (along with Innocentio) when Quintiliano immediately relieves him of his purse to pay a debt. He later quarrels with Innocentio, but Quintiliano persuades them to a peace over wine at the Emperor's Head.


Giovanni is Brachiano's son by Isabella in Webster's The White Devil. He, like Edward III in Marlowe's play, is the young man who takes over in the end and gives some promise of restoring order to the chaos of the play's world.


Giovanni, a courtier in Massinger's The Duke of Milan.


Giovanni, the Duke's nephew in Massinger's The Great Duke of Florence, his heir, in love with Lidia.


Giovanni, the incestuous brother, is a shocking character in Ford's 'Tis Pity She's a Whore. He believes his incestuous lust is motivated entirely by fate. He refuses to acknowledge the role of selfish and undirected passion. Fate is responsible for his inability to repent. But when fate seeks to denounce him, he steps in and takes a hand in his and his incestuous sister's deaths in order to rob Soranzo of his vengeance. He swears he loves his sister without lust but rather for her beauty. In his sophistry, this is rationale enough to engage in incest. His murder of Annabella is perplexing. His motivations are mixed and even contradictory. He kills her for their mutual sin (perhaps), for her faithlessness to him, to rob Soranzo of his revenge, and also in the hope of meeting her in Heaven.


Giovanni is first introduced in Shirley's The Gentleman of Venice as the son of the duke's gardener, Roberto, and the gardener's wife, Ursula. Giovanni's thoughts and actions reflect nobility and grace, in contrast to the behavior of the duke's son, Thomazo. In love with Bellaura and recognizing the great social distance separating her from him, Giovanni goes off to war, where he distinguishes himself before his return home. Before the duke, Giovanni learns from Ursula that Thomazo is not truly the duke's son. Thomazo and Giovanni were exchanged in infancy by Ursula, and Giovanni is really the duke's heir and the one now to use the name of Thomazo.


Servant to Paulina in Shirley's The Sisters. When she decides to aggrandize her household, he takes the title of controller.


Giovanni Altofronto, the deposed Duke of Genoa in Marston's Malcontent, is the real identity of the disguised malcontent, Malevole.


Giovanno is the name Sebastian assumes as a disguise in his pursuit of Evadne in Rawlins's The Rebellion. Giovanno is a tailor who travels with a group of tailors, including the Old Tailor and Virmine. As Giovanno, Sebastian is accosted by Antonio for kissing Evadne and attacked by a trio of Spanish Colonels for impudence. As Giovanno, Sebastian becomes the object of Evadne's nurse's attention. Sebastian later assumes other disguises, but always maintains the comradeship of Giovanno's tailors.


Non-speaking role in Fletcher and Rowley's The Maid in the Mill. A friend of Julio, who watches the play-within-the-play.


One of Sardinapalus' concubines in ?Tarlton's Three Plays in One. Appears in the second playlet.


Daughter of Clarence in Shakespeare's Richard III. After Clarence's murder and Edward IV's death, the girl and the boy, her brother, grieve for the loss of their father while Elizabeth grieves for Edward IV and the Duchess of York grieves for both. Later, Richard III disposes of her by marrying her off to a poor man to ensure that her children cannot inherit the crown.


A group of country maidens in Brome's The Queen and Concubine who study with Eulalia; they perform several songs and dances.


“Ghost characters" in Ruggle’s Club Law Brecknocke suggests using the town’s pretty, smug girls to lure the students into getting bastards and so get themselves thrown out of the academy.


Only mentioned in Marmion's The Antiquary, the Cardinal was a patriarch who supposedly brought ancient books to Rome. He is mentioned when the disguised Lionell brings counterfeit antique books to Veterano the Antiquary.


Giro, one of the four Fathers in the anonymous Wit of a Woman, is an old doctor. He is the father of Gerillo and (according to the dramatis personae) Gianetta. He announces an intention to court Ferio's daughter, whom he calls Gianetta, perhaps in error. He does not succeed in marrying her, and is left single at the end of the play.


A poor shepherd, father of Urania in Daborne's Poor Man's Comfort. Despite the suits of Surdo and Alexis, both sons of well-to-do shepherds, Gisbert adopts his exiled servant Lucius (disguised as Lisander) heir and gives him his daughter's hand in marriage. His generosity, however, proves misguided when Lucius discovers on his wedding day that he is again a Lord and promptly leaves Arcadia and sells Gisbert's property to his rival Cosmo. When he pursues Lucius to court, he is promptly rejected and exiled by his former servant. Seeking judicial remedy for the wrongs done to him, Gisbert makes his case in the senate ("the poor man's audience chamber"); but despite the sympathy of the four senators they are unable to provide redress, feeling that sorrow and hardship are the poor man's lot. The old man finally receives justice when he presents his case to King Ferdinand and Prince Sigismund who take pity on the old man and appoints him senator. When Lucius and Urania are arraigned for the murder of Flavia, he sentences the couple to death. The sentence is commuted by King Ferdinand.

GISBERT **1619

Chancellor to Rollo and Otto in Fletcher’s Bloody Brother. He stands for Justice and Law, which Rollo and his faction most rail against. He is astonished when Aubrey agrees not to accuse Rollo of Otto’s murder. When he refuses to make an oration excusing Rollo’s murder of Otto, Rollo has him summarily beheaded. An axe is used, and Rollo regrets that his own headsman was not called to use a sword. His body is left for beasts, unburied. Later, Allan is arrested and executed for burying Gisbert’s body.


Gisco, a surgeon in Marston's Sophonisba, is sent by the Carthaginians to poison Massinissa, but Gelosso reveals the plan. Massinissa spares Gisco, but when the latter returns to Carthage to report his failure, Bytheas kills him.


A Carthaginian senator in Nabbes' Hannibal and Scipio. Along with his fellow senators Hanno and Bostar, he schemes at the beginning of act four to turn Hannibal over to the victorious Scipio. However, Gisgon plays very little part in the ensuing discussion, his main function being to react to Bostar. Played by Robert Axen in the original production.


The only daughter of King Tancred in Wilmot's Gismond of Salerne. She is recently widowed and has returned to her father's home. She bewails the loss of a husband, but her father opposes her remarriage. She falls in love with Guishard and, to meet him without her father's knowledge, she sends her suitor a cloven cane containing a letter, explaining how he may secretly come to her chamber through a forgotten vault. Their relationship is discovered when Tancred arrives one day at her chamber, finds his daughter gone, decides to wait for her, and covers himself with a curtain at the foot of her bed. Silently he watches as Gismond and Guishard emerge from the hidden vault and embrace on her bed. When Tancred discovers the relationship and confronts Gismond, she tells him that she will not live if he kills her beloved. True to her pledge, she commits suicide when she receives Guishard's heart in a golden cup; she fills the cup with poison and her tears and drinks. Dying, she asks Tancred to be buried with Guishard's body; she asks also that an epitaph proclaiming her love for Guishard be placed upon their tomb.


Lord of Florence in Dekker's(?) Telltale. Hides with Aspero and Cosmo to witness exchange between Victoria and Picentio, and then confronts the couple as Aspero presents the Duke's warrant for their deaths and then agrees to give them a public trial instead. Later, enters to Elinor and whispers to her about Hortensio's reaction to his loss in the duel against Bentivoli and tells her that Borgias has vowed to kill her to avenge his brother's disgrace. When Garullo threatens to hide in his country home, Gismond suggests that Garullo disguise himself and continue to live in court. Later, Gismond joins the court party to greet the Venetian ambassadors. After listening to Garullo, disguised as a fool, and the distracted Hortensio, Gismond questions the Duke, disguised as a Hermit, about the manner of the Duke's death and the Duke's will. When Aspero receives the letter from the soldiers, Gismond complains about the abuses caused by the standing force of soldiers and recommends that they not be given the money they demand. Later, Gismond enters with the Ambassadors, Aspero and Cosmo to see Hortensio in his distraction. Hortensio, restored to sanity, apologizes to them and explains that Elinor has revealed her love, curing him. After the real Elinor enters, denies any feelings for Hortensio, and storms out, Cosmo and Gismond exit. Cosmo and Gismond join Aspero in Isabella's chamber as he asks her how she feels. The French Doctor (Picentio in disguise) asks to speak with Isabella privately and Aspero exits, along with Cosmo and Gismond. Later, Gismond discusses with Cosmo, Fernese, and Bentivoli how to deal with Aspero's growing tyranny. Bentivoli tells a fable of the mice and the rats and their attempt to bell the cat: the Lords understand that, since they cannot eliminate Aspero, they must "bell" him by providing counsel. The problem remains who will bell the cat. As they discuss this problem, Aspero enters with the Ambassadors and the Doctor. The Lords each begin to present their dissatisfaction to Aspero, who grows increasingly angry. They are interrupted by Elinor's entry and observe her reaction to the news of Garullo's marriage to Lesbia and her reconciliation with Hortensio. At the end of the scene, after Aspero exits, the Lords note that the cat must still be belled. The start of Gismond's next scene is missing from the manuscript. After Aspero exits Isabella's chamber to prepare for their wedding, Cosmo, Gismond, and Fernese enter and tell Isabella and Picentio (disguised as the French Doctor) that the Duke and Duchess are both alive and are gathering a force at Castle Angelo. Picentio removes his French Doctor disguise briefly to identify himself to them. Bentivoli enters and is informed of the news and then tells a fable, to show their need to rely on themselves alone against Aspero. Gismond enters with the court for Aspero's coronation and marriage to Isabella. Aspero notes the dissatisfaction of the nobles and and demands that their concerns about his tyranny be cleared before he assumes the throne. The nobles react favorably to Aspero's promise to prove his innocence by having the French Doctor raise the spirits of the Duke, Duchess, Picentio, Julio, the Captain, Lieutenant, and Ancient, who will then say whether Aspero was responsible for their deaths. The nobles observe as the ghosts of the Duke, Duchess, Julio, Captain, Lieutenant and Ancient appear and are commanded by the French Doctor to show their approval or disapproval of Aspero. The ghosts indicate their favor and the nobles ask Aspero to pardon them. The nobles observe as the ghosts perform a dance, in which the Duke and Duchess take the crown and scepter. After the Duke is restored to power, they listen to Bentivoli's fable and witness the arrival of the purged Garullo, and then exit with the court to celebrate the weddings of Picentio and Isabella and Hortenio and Elinor.


An Italian nobleman married to Lucretia Borgia in Barnes's The Devil's Charter. Walking through the streets of Rome one night with Barbarossa, Vaselli sees posters maligning the character of the Borgia family. The last notice refers to Lucretia as a "noble whore" and to Vaselli as a cuckold. Vaselli is amazed that anyone could slander her so-even though he keeps her locked in her rooms because he so possessive of her. For this reason, and because she despises him, Lucretia will kill him. That night, Lucretia tricks Vaselli and ties him in a chair. Threatening him, she forces him to write a suicide note, a note that expresses his regret for his jealousy of her and his mistreatment of her. Once he has written and signed the note, she stabs him brutally and repeatedly.


One of Ward's officers in Daborne's A Christian Turned Turk, a violent and treacherous pirate. Prominent in the abduction of Ferdinand and Albert, distracting them with dice and cards while their ship sails. Gloats over the new captives, accuses Ferdinand of cowardice for denouncing their life of crime and is prepared to fight him until prevented by Ward. Conspicuous in the raid on Monsieur Davy's ship, opening cannon-fire when they are too slow to surrender. Rallies the pirate crew when Ward is distracted by the death of a friend, he seems even more ruthless than the pirate captain himself. Defies Ward's plan to drown the survivors of the battle in revenge and challenges his authority. Becomes mutinous and conspires with fellow-officer, Gallop. In Tunis, takes the captives for sale to the house of Benwash, where he conducts the deal while Gallop is distracted by the sight of Agar. Gallop then cheats his crew of their agreed share in the profits and Gismund takes great offence. He promptly returns with his crew to punish Gallop, but the fight is interrupted by Ward's arrival, and he escapes. He does not reappear.


Recently widowed in Wilmot's Tancred and Gismunda, Gismunda has returned to her father's home. She imagines that the gods took her husband out of envy. With her maidens she sings to cheer her spirits. Although her father seeks to assuage her grief, Gismunda remains disconsolate. In a dumb show her aunt comes to her chamber, offering a drink from a golden goblet and assisting Gismunda in rising from her widow's bed. To Lucrece, Gismunda reports that she is not content to live alone and reveals that she has recently fallen in love with a man (Guiszard). She entreats Lucrece to intercede with Tancred and allow her to remarry; the sympathetic Lucrece agrees but fails to move Tancred. Rebuffed by her father, Gismunda, in a dumb show, joins Guiszard in a procession led by Cupid and gives a cane to Guiszard, who subsequently breaks it and discovers a hidden message inside: directions whereby he may secretly enter her chamber through a forgotten vaulted tunnel. When her father discovers the illicit affair, Gismunda pleads for his indulgence and explains that she has no life without Guiszard. Her entreaty proves in vain. Receiving a golden cup containing the heart of her executed lover, she makes a present of her bracelet to Renuchio; she then kisses the heart and resolves to kill herself. She removes her golden headgear, lets down her hair, takes a vial of poison out of her pocket, pours it into the cup, adds her tears, and drinks the contents. Then covering her face with her tresses, she lies down. When her father arrives, she asks to be buried with Guiszard.


A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale. One of the three unnamed gentlemen reports that Paulina plans to show Leontes a statue of Hermione crafted by "that rare Italian master Giulio Romano."


Eglantine's Page in Knevet's Rhodon and Iris. Gladiolus witnesses Clematis's description of Eglantine's fickleness and mocks his "fellow servant" at which point she "strikes him." He contemplates drawing his sword against Clematis but decides against it, and exchanges threatening words with her instead. He delivers a letter to Martagon from Eglantine, in which the Shepherdess sends her well wishes to the General and entreats him to give Gladiolus a place in his army. Martagon grants her request and bestows "a Captaines place" upon the Page, in the hopes that Eglantine will return "a greater curtesie than this" to him.


A “ghost character" in the anonymous Pathomachia. One of the nine inferior Affections. An agent of Joy who attended the Parliament during Joy’s absence.


See also "GLENDOWER."


Only mentioned in Shirley's The School of Compliment. A Welshman of renown under King Henry IV, Owen Glandower [sic] is the name that Infortunio uses to refer to Jenkin.


An English officer at the siege of Orleans in Shakespeare's 1 Henry VI. He witnesses the death of both Salisbury and Gargrave, who are both killed with a single shot.


Glascot and Mountford are English ambassadors to Scotland in J.W.'s The Valiant Scot. They order Wallace to submit to Edward and confess himself a traitor. Wallace has Glascot blinded and Mountford's tongue cut out. Then, in disguise, he leads them back to the English camp, where they tell the English commanders what has happened.


A "ghost character" in Chettle and Day's Blind Beggar of Bednal Green. After Strowd thinks he has killed Sir Robert, he sends Swash to Glasscock with his seal-ring, to ask for 100 pounds that Glasscock owes him. Since Tom is later robbed of 100 pounds, it may be assumed that Glasscock paid the money.


A "ghost character" in Holiday's Technogamia Glassiallabolus is Magus' spirit, who appeared to Magus in a dream to warn him that he, Astrologia, Physiognomus and Cheiromantes will be accused of the crimes they have committed.


A "ghost character" in Cartwright's The Lady-Errant. One of the ladies involved in the rebellion but who never appears on stage.


The daughter of Glaucus and Circe, Thalander's twin sister, and Olinda's friend in P. Fletcher's Sicelides. Glaucilla is included in a list of possible love interests which Conchylio (disguised as Cupid) presents to Cancrone, and is in love with Perindus. Because Mago takes on the "shape and habit" of Glaucilla in the garden near "Neptunes temple" and tempts Olinda to take one of the "golden apples" from the "Hyperian tree" situated in the "sacred garden," Olinda is sentenced by Neptune to die at the hands of the sea monster, Malorcha. In preparation for her death, Olinda gives Glaucilla her belongings. Glaucilla repeatedly asks Perindus why he no longer loves her, but is continuously ignored by her lover who refuses to answer her questions. Olinda confides in her that she is in love with Thalander despite the fact that the maid previously scorned his love, and Glaucilla, correctly suspecting that the "glasse" of "liquor" which Cosma has given to Olinda to cure her griefs is poisonous, tempers it with her "art" and changes it into a sleeping potion. After another unsuccessful attempt to uncover the reason why Perindus's feelings for her have changed, Glaucilla implies that she will kill herself over her griefs. At this threat, Perindus offers to "tell [her] all." He then informs her of the Oracle Proteus's prophecy, part of which states that either he or Glaucilla "shall from a rocke be cast," and also of the hopeful prophecy of "the Pythian maid." At these stories, Glaucilla reassures Perindus of her love for him and he, in turn, assures her that he still loves her. Glaucilla is accused by Cosma of effecting the death of Olinda and is "condemne[d]" by Dicaus to fall from a "high rocke." Although she does not dispute this sentence, Perindus pleads with Dicaus to allow him to exchange his own life for Glaucilla's. Although "both loath to live, and both contend to die," Dicaus decides that Perindus may "buy" Glaucilla's life with the "losse" of his own. At such news, Glaucilla "fell" and "wak'd againe," began to "chide and rave," and "vowe[d] to live no further than his [Perindus's] grave." Nevertheless, Perindus bids goodbye to his love and jumps from the rock. Perindus is rescued from the sea by Cancrone and Scrocca, both Glaucilla and Perindus are set free when it is discovered that Olinda is not dead, and Pas later claims that "Perindus to Glaucilla are to be married." At the play's end, Olinda speaks on both her own and Glaucilla's behalf as she forgives Cosma for her "foule offence."


A non-speaking character in P. Fletcher's Sicelides. Glaucus was once in love with Scylla and was stricken with grief when her feelings for him "coole[d]." Circe was then "move[d]" to "madness" over Glaucus's "scornd love," "quenche[d]" Scylla's "beautie and his [Glaucus's] loves" and, thus, helped to "eas[e] his greife." Later "with charmes, and prayers and gifts" she "wone him" and, with Glaucus, conceived the twins Thalander and Glaucilla. Along with Circe, Glaucus leads Olinda from the "rocke" where she is supposedly buried, and "retire[s]" (leaving Olinda with the amazed Thalander).

GLAUCUS **1626

Servant of Cleopatra; physician in May's Cleopatra. He procures the asps for her as a sure and painless means of suicide.


See also "GLANDOWER."


A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's Richard II. He never appears on stage unless he is the unnamed captain of the Welsh forces who speaks to Salisbury in II.iv. He is mentioned by name in III.i by Bolingbroke.


Part of the faction opposing King Henry IV, Owen Glendower is father-in-law to Edmund Mortimer in Shakespeare's 1 Henry IV. He is a Welshman with a tendency to believe in the influence of celestial bodies on the lives of humanity, and his delay in sending troops to the Percys at Shrewsbury contributes to their defeat.
A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's 2 Henry IV. Owen Glendower is still part of the Percy faction against King Henry IV. He does not appear on stage in the play but is spoken of by Lord Hastings in predicting divisions of King Henry's strength.
Owen Glendower is a Welsh lord and an alleged magician in ?Dering's The History of Henry the Fourth. He is in constant revolt against English rule. He has recently taken Mortimer hostage. When the play travels to Wales and Glendower's castle, it is apparent that Mortimer is an ally of Glendower, not a prisoner. Mortimer marries Glendower's daughter. Glendower, Hotspur and Mortimer plot together to overthrow Henry; they use a map to divide the island into three separate kingdoms. Glendower and Hotspur have an argument involving the events surrounding Glendower's birth. Glendower believes the universe was shaken by his birth and that it was an omen of his greatness. Hotspur finds the idea preposterous. For some reason, Glendower allows Percy to speak with him disrespectfully. Glendower tells Hotspur and Mortimer that he will meet them with his forces on the battlefield against Henry. He never arrives. It is reported later that Glendower has been hunted down and killed by royal forces.


A senator of Thessaly in Daborne's Poor Man's Comfort. He along with his three counterparts is entrusted to "determine the affairs of state" by King Ferdinand while the monarch attempts to cure his son, Prince Sigismund, of his melancholic temperament. When Gisbert seeks judicial remedy in the senate for the wrongs done to him and his daughter by Lucius, the four senators sympathize with the shepherd but are unable to provide redress, feeling that sorrow and hardship are the poor man's lot.


A physician in Middleton's The Family of Love. Uncle and guardian to Maria. Not approving of his niece Maria's love for Gerardine, he locks her up in his house. Glister is astonished when both Lipsalve and Gudgeon come to him seeking his help to seduce Mistress Purge. To teach them a lesson and angered by their assumption that he is a conjurer, he lays a plot whereby the men will unwittingly attack one another. Meanwhile, when he sees Lipsalve outside his house he becomes suspicious, and later learns that Lipsalve and Gudgeon plan to seduce his wife. He administers to them a powerful purgative which makes them unable to proceed with their plans. In the end, Glister is tricked by Gerardine into allowing Gerardine to marry Maria.


Doctor Glister is a fictional character in Middleton's Anything for a Quiet Life. When George reads the fabricated guest list for the dinner invitation at Chamlet's house, presumably to celebrate Chamlet's marriage, Doctor Glister and his wife are among the guests. The name is a stock joke name because glister refers to an enema.


Glister's wife in Middleton's The Family of Love. Convinced that Glister has committed adultery and incest, she plans to cuckold her husband in revenge, but the plans are never realized.


Glisterpipe, Artesio's boy in Quarles' The Virgin Widow, drops Lady Albion's urine and replaces it with his own.


With Starch-hound, Tobacco-spawling, Suckland and Upshotten, Glitterbacke is a devil in Pluto's hell in Dekker's If It Be Not Good. He is summoned by Shacklesoule so that Shacklesoule can use the drops of sweat from his golden head to taint the Subprior's well and cause it to produce gold. After Scumbroth the cook plots to keep the gold for himself, Glitterbacke appears to him and promises him more if he comes to the black tree in Naples grove. Before the meeting, Glitterbacke speaks to Scumbroth from within the tree, urging him to climb it.


A "ghost character" who appears on stage only as a skull in [?]Middleton's The Revenger's Tragedy. She was Vindice's sweetheart, but she was debauched by the Duke who also poisoned her. Her skull is smeared with a vitriolic poison, and when Vindice tricks the Duke into kissing it his lips and teeth are burned off.


Daughter of Leon, senior and sister presumably of the enigmatic Leon, junior in Tatham's Love Crowns the End. Gloriana is in love with Lysander who is also in love with her. Consequently, she rebuffs Francisco's advances and tells him that she hopes never to see him again. She meets with and kisses Lysander on several occasions during the play, including on the fateful afternoon when Francisco and his villains stab Lysander and abduct Gloriana. During the attack she begs them to kill her and spare Lysander. Later, when Lysander is miraculously healed and forgives Francisco, she does so, too. As the play closes with the Latin expression "love crowns the end," she and Lysander are about to be married.




Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Glocester [sic] is in love with King Edward's daughter Joan of Acon in Peele's Edward I. He enlists the aid of Queen Elinor in winning the king's approval for the marriage. It is de Clare who explains to the pregnant queen that Edward has insisted she come to Wales so that the Welsh will have to accept his son as a native-born Welshman.


Richard, afterwards Duke of Gloucester, is the son of Richard, Duke of York in Shakespeare's 3 Henry VI. After King Henry and York have agreed that York will inherit the throne on the condition that Henry may remain king during his lifetime, Richard of Gloucester persuades his father to claim the throne straight away. After York's death the Yorkist forces succeed in placing Richard of Gloucester's brother Edward on the throne, and when Edward proposes marriage to Lady Grey Richard's ambition is revealed. As will become clear in Richard III, Richard will stop at nothing to become king. His soliloquy in III.ii of 3 Henry VI prefigures his more famous speeches in Richard III, emphasizing that his sense of his own physical deformity shapes his decision to become a villain. He assists his brothers in the brutal death of Edward, Prince of Wales. Later, when Edward's forces vanquish the Lancastrians, Richard visits the imprisoned King Henry IV and murders him.
Alternative name of Richard III in Shakespeare's Richard III. Richard is the Duke of Gloucester. See "RICHARD III."
The Duke of Gloster is Richard, one of King Edward's brothers in Thomas Heywood's 1 Edward IV.


Prince Humphrey is the Duke of Gloucester, younger brother of Hal, and a son of King Henry IV in Shakespeare's 2 Henry IV. He is urged by his father to love Prince Hal, and he is concerned with common talk of unnatural happenings that portend tragedy for King Henry IV.

Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester in Shakespeare's Henry V, is the youngest son of Henry IV, brother of the Duke of Bedford, the Duke of Clarence and Henry. Although he is in charge of the siege at Harfleur, Gower suggests that he is "altogether directed" by Macmorris.
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester is Henry IV's son in ?Dering's The History of Henry the Fourth. He attends to his dying father throughout the latter part of the play. When Henry assumes the throne, Gloucester is assured that the new king will be generous with all of his brothers, including Gloucester.
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester in Shakespeare's 1 Henry VI, uncle of Henry VI, becomes Lord Protector when Henry accedes to the throne in the first scene of the play. Gloucester's faction and the Cardinal of Winchester's are in conflict about who will control the realm now headed by the boy king Henry VI. At Henry's command, Gloucester orders his supporters to cease their stone-throwing skirmish with Winchester's faction, and he shakes hands with Winchester. Gloucester tries to make peace between the Yorkist and Lancastrian factions, to no avail.
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester is Lord Protector of the realm, the chief advisor to his nephew King Henry in Shakespeare's 2 Henry VI. In the first scene of 2 Henry VI, Gloucester declares his opposition to his nephew King Henry's treaty with France and his marriage to Margaret. Cardinal Beaufort urges the assembled nobles not to oppose the king's will, and Buckingham and Somerset ally themselves with the cardinal against Gloucester. Meanwhile, Warwick, York and Salisbury join together against the Cardinal. After Gloucester's wife Eleanor is banished for treason, Margaret and Suffolk seize the opportunity to turn Henry against him. Henry is not convinced of Gloucester's guilt, but he gives in to their united persuasions. After further plotting by the faction, Gloucester is murdered in prison.


'Fantastical' Robert or Robin, Earl of Gloster is the natural son of King Henry I in Chettle's(?) Looke About You. This makes him a brother of the old King Henry II, and explains why he calls the princes 'brothers' and 'cousins.' He is also the brother of Lady Marrian Faukenbridge, and thus brother-in-law of old Faukenbridge. Gloster supports the old King's party and openly speaks his mind when young Henry and the froward Prince John humiliate the old monarch in Parliament. Henry and John manage to commit Gloster to prison in the Fleet, but the quick-witted Gloster soon flees by disguising himself in the clothes of Redcap (worn by Skinke). Redcap, the keeper's son, has prior to this been cozened of his clothes by Skinke whilst on a mission for Gloster to obtain help from his sister. The general hunt for Gloster now starts. He is wanted
  • by John and Henry for treachery,
  • by Richard to obtain the love of Marrian, and
  • by Redcap to exchange for his father who is imprisoned for letting Gloster escape in the first place.
On reaching his sister's house Gloster is furnished with Faukenbridge's clothes. Dressed thus, he meets Richard and John. He informs them that "he" has already caught Gloster, appoints a meeting place for the exchange, and then escapes. Later he adopts the disguise of the pursuivant-messenger Winterborne, and finally, much to Skinke's dislike, doubles in the disguise of the holy Hermit of Black Heath. On the heath Gloster eventually meets with Richard. They do not recognize each other and end up fighting, but identities are revealed by the intervention of Robin Hood, and Richard promises to guard Gloster from harm. Thinking Gloster safe, Richard sets off to tell Lady Marrian the good news, but on the heath Gloster is finally intercepted by the lords Lancaster and Leycester, of the old and young King's parties respectively, who, accompanied by Redcap, escort him to Court.


The Earl of Gloucester opens the play with Kent, establishing his paternity of both Edgar and the bastard Edmund in Shakespeare's King Lear. Good at heart and loyal to Lear, Gloucester is easily swayed by the lies of Edmund, who plays upon Gloucester's belief in the stars and the gods to defame Edgar. Blinded by Cornwall for giving aid to Lear, Gloucester attempts suicide on what he thinks are the cliffs of Dover. Gloucester dies of a "burst" heart upon reunion and reconciliation with his son Edgar.


A British courtier, and father of Edwyn in William Rowley's The Birth of Merlin: or, The Child Hath Found His Father.


Devoted wife to Thomas of Woodstock in the anonymous Thomas of Woodstock. When Woodstock sends her away from their home at Plashy to wait on the sick Queen, Anne o' Beame, the Duchess is reluctant to go: she has had a warning dream in which Woodstock was murdered. While she is away, Richard II and his friends capture Woodstock by trickery and convey him secretly to Calais. The Duchess's presence at Court, however–caring for the Queen, comforting the King, innocently unaware of her husband's danger–inspires agonizing guilt in Richard, who almost calls off the assassination. She is last seen weeping for Woodstock's death.


She is the widow of Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester in Shakespeare's Richard II. She is also sister-in-law to John of Gaunt (Duke of Lancaster) and Edmund of Langley (Duke of York). She is eager for her husband's death to be avenged. Her "seven vials of [Edward's] sacred blood" speech is a showpiece although her one scene in the play (I.ii) is likely the playwright's device to allow actors time to change costumes for the grand entry of I.iii. Her death is reported in II.ii. Historically she was Eleanor de Bohun.


For the future RICHARD III, see under GLOUCESTER.


The Duke of Gloucester is Richard III's title before he assumes the throne in the anonymous True Tragedy of Richard III.


Duke of Gloucester in the anonymous Thomas of Woodstock. Hero of the play. "Plain Thomas", as he is proud to be known, is uncle to the young King Richard II and begins the play as Protector of the realm. Woodstock seems originally more sanguine than his brothers, Lancaster and York, about the King: he is confident, unlike them, that Richard was not behind the plan of the Carmelite friar to poison them, and is hopeful that the imminent marriage between Richard and Anne o'Beame will have a calming effect. He makes the gesture, costly for him, of dressing "bravely" - in expensive clothes, not his usual frieze - for the coronation; but his good humour is fragile, and when Richard teases him about his "golden metamorphosis", he soon starts on an angry, public speech about the King's extravagance. This backfires: Richard at once loads his favorites Greene and Bagot, and the lawyer Tresilian, with further honours, and soon afterwards his favorite Bushy makes the discovery that Richard is of age to rule alone. He demands Woodstock's "council staff", and Woodstock relinquishes it, announcing that he will now withdraw from Court to his country house at Plashy. There he receives news from his friend Cheney of the King's disastrous policies, including the "blank charters" of unlimited taxation; he declines Richard's "entreaty" that he should return to Court. Angered by this, and afraid of "Plain Thomas"'s popularity in the country, Richard resolves to get rid of him. Tresilian has the idea of arresting him secretly, under cover of a masque at Plashy, and conveying him to Calais, English territory abroad, where he can be privately murdered. They carry out this plan: Woodstock recognizes the King among the disguised masquers, and appeals vainly to his better nature–thus starting off, perhaps, the prolonged but useless guilt that Richard will shortly manifest. Under house arrest in Calas, Woodstock is visited by the two Ghosts, one of his brother, the Black Prince, the other of his father, Edward III: both warn him of his coming danger, but in vain. Engaged by the corrupt governor Lapoole, the two Murderers attack him from the back, and kill him by strangling and suffocation. To the last, Woodstock is confident of his integrity, and wishes to write to Richard "Not to entreat, but to admonish him". His death leaves his wife, the Duchess of Gloucester, distraught, and inspires his brothers Lancaster and York to take up arms against the King and his favorites. The play ends with their victory.


Thomas of Woodstock, a "ghost character" in Shakespeare's Richard II. Although he never appears on stage, he is the brother of John of Gaunt and the Duke of York and the uncle of King Richard and Bolingbroke. We learn that was murdered before the action of the play begins. The circumstances of his death were suspicious and during the play both Thomas Mowbray and the Duke of Aumerle are accused of being involved.


The Duke of Gloucester, also called Protector in the list of characters in Chettle and Day's Blind Beggar of Bednal Green, is in love with the Lady Ellenor. He visits her, disguised as his own servant, but she recognizes him and, after getting rid of the similarly disguised Cardinal, she agrees to marry him. Gloucester presides over the trial of Old Stoward, who is accused of killing Sir Robert. When Robert appears, Gloucester is grateful to free Stoward. He is then brought news that the Cardinal is attempting to marry Ellenor by force, and rushes off. In the final scene he comes to an uneasy peace with the Cardinal, as demanded by the King. He then provides advice to the King on how to deal with the two parties of Sir Robert and Mumford, suggesting allowing the fight, and afterwards advising banishment for the traitors.


The Earl of Gloucester is a deceitful lord who helps Codigun to usurp the throne of King Octavian in The Valiant Welshman. He sends letters to King Gederus warning him not to trust Caradoc and Morgan. After the defeat of Codigun by Caradoc, Gloucester asks the Witch to help defeat Caradoc, and the Witch obligingly conjures up a Serpent. But Gloucester is then driven mad by visions he sees in the Witch's cave, and dies. The Clown and his Neighbours find his body and bury him.


A "ghost character" in [?]Stevenson's Gammer Gurton's Needle. Lends Hodge a thong and awl to make a temporary patch for his breeches.


A gallant in Dekker and Webster's Westward Ho who attends the afternoon tavern-party and participates in the assignation at Brainford, but he and Sir Gosling become too drunk to perform. After drunkenly leading fiddlers through town, he is beaten by the locals.


A "ghost character" in the anonymous Mundus et Infans. Mundus tells Infans/Manhood that he must swear fealty to seven kings. The kings are the seven deadly sins.


Glotonye is of the vices who rules the kingdom during Old Christmas's absence in ?Skelton's Old Christmas. He forces Good Order, the regent, to flee. He does not believe in Ryot's repentance, and the two villains have a harsh quarrel, convincing the king of the impossibility of redemption. After the king's return, Glotonye, Ryot, Periury and Hasarder are banished from England on Good Order's advice. Glotonye and Ryot decide to go to "the new found land."


In Lupton's All For Money Gluttony is one of the two devils (Pride is the other) who are called in by Satan, their father, to convince Sin not to forsake him.


A mute character in ?Tarlton's Three Plays in One. One of the seven deadly sins. Appears in the first scene with the other six sins.


The fifth of the Seven Deadly Sins in Marlowe's Doctor Faustus, Gluttony tells Faustus that eats 30 meals a day and 10 snacks and that his father was bacon and his mother was wine.


A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra. The son of Pompey the Great, and older brother of Sextus Pompey. One of Cleopatra's previous lovers.
A "ghost character" in Jonson's Catiline. Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, or Pompey the Great, is a Roman general, commander of the army in Asia. Between 66 and 61 BC, the period of Catiline's conspiracy in Rome, Pompey was in the Asian provinces, waging war against Mithridates of Pontus. When Catiline incites the conspirators to rebellion against the Senate, he lists their main allies and enemies. Pompey in Asia is considered an enemy, who might annoy the conspirators.


A generic term for a parasite (derived from the Terence play Eunuchus) and hence applied occasionally to Ateukin in Greene's James IV.


Gnatto [Gnatho?] is Lelio's servant who misinterprets instructions in the anonymous Knack To Know An Honest Man. He tries to keep the guard out of Lelio's house when they come to take Lelio's possessions. He talks to Franco, Brishio's servant, about the pleasures of begging which he has been reduced to, after his master has had his goods confiscated. When Franco decides to flee to the Duke of Milan's camp where Brishio has fled, Gnatto decides to remain drunk in Venice. When Marchetto and Fortunio arrive at night to seize Annetta and Lucida, Gnatto tries to obstruct them but his attempts are useless. Later he escorts Annetta and Lucida to Servio's house.


Massino's friend in John Marston's The Insatiate Countess. Isabella falls madly in love with him when she meets him in Pavia. Passionately enamoured of Isabella, he vows to kill Massino when she is enraged by her former lover's satirical poems about her. However, Gniaca finds himself unable to murder his friend and the two men reconcile.


The play's clown character is a 'great man in the parish' in Massinger, Middleton and Rowley's The Old Law. He pays a Clerk to alter his wife Agatha's date of birth in the parish register, so as to make her seem old enough for execution under the Old Law. He also helps the servants of Creon to find elderly widows to marry. He treats Agatha with open disdain, flirting with his new young fiancée, Siren, in front of her. He plans to bury Agatha and marry Siren on the same day, and travels to Evander's court for that purpose, bringing a huge wedding-cake and accompanied by Creon's servants. But Evander reveals that the Old Law was only a fiction, and threatens to sentence Gnothos to death for his misdeeds. Gnothos laments his misfortune, but Agatha and the other characters beg for his life to be spared.


A silent character in Davenport's The City Night Cap. He takes part in the masque in Act Four.


A "ghost character" in Mountfort's The Launching of The Mary. One of the workers in the shipyard. His name is called out by the Clerk of the Check. There is a cryptic marginal annotation next to his name: "where it must be the least man with a long beard."


Old Gobbo is Lancelot's father in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. He is "sand blind", and when he enters, Lancelot teases him and makes him believe his son is dead. After Lancelot reveals himself, he tells Gobbo that he is leaving Shylock's service for that of Bassanio. Gobbo then, very confusedly, asks Bassanio to take on Lancelot, a request which is granted.


Lancelot is first the servant of Shylock in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. He quickly declares his intention to switch masters, since he believes serving a Jew is akin to serving a devil. He meets with his blind father, Gobbo, and at first teases him into thinking his son is dead. After Lancelot reveals himself, they both confusedly ask Bassanio to take Lancelot on as his man, a request Bassanio grants. Returning to Shylock's house with an invitation for dinner, Lancelot delivers a message to Jessica that her Christian lover, Lorenzo, will be coming for her that night. When most the of the main characters are en route to Antonio's trial, Lancelot teases Jessica about the state of her soul.


"Fictional characters" in Carlell's 1 Arviragus and Philicia. Adrastus claims that the Witch keeps company with Spirits and Goblins.


A proud Assyrian general in the anonymous Wars of Cyrus, Gobrias surrenders to Cyrus. He tells the Persian of the murder of his son by Prince, now King, Antiochus, and offers his services in order to gain revenge. When his daughter, Alexandra, escapes Antiochus' clutches in disguise and rejoins her father, he sets forth with Cyrus to punish the insolent tyrant.


Gobrias is an Iberian lord in Beaumont and Fletcher's A King and No King. At the beginning of the play it is learned that Gobrias foiled a plot against Arbaces's life. Gobrias implores Arbaces, to no avail, to allow Panthea to choose her own husband. When Arane is accused on stage of conspiring to kill her son Arbaces, she looks at Gobrias as she claims to have good reason for her crime. It is eventually revealed that Gobrias is Arbaces's true father. When the Iberian kingdom found itself dangerously close to a disaster involving succession, Arane faked a pregnancy and made a deal with Gobrias to raise his son Arbaces as the true heir. Once Arane had a natural child of her own in Panthea, Gobrias devoted himself to saving his son's life by foiling assassination plots and conspiring to marry Arbaces off to Panthea.


A great King in the anonymous Everyman. Noting that sin and selfish pleasure have become widespread among his people, God sends Death to call Everyman to a reckoning. Also called Adonai, Messiah, Jerusalem King, Jupiter, and Redeemer in the play.
Heavenly Father or Pater Caelestis, appears in Bale's God's Promises seven separate times, complaining about the sinfulness of man. His first complaint is about Adam, who ate the apple. God's second and third complaints are against the sinfulness of humanity in general, and his third, fourth and fifth are against the sinfulness and ungratefulness of the Israelites. In each case, after threatening to destroy humanity all together, a human comes forward to beg for mercy. In each case, God eventually grants that mercy, and establishes a new promise, or covenant. With Adam, God establishes hatred between man and the serpent, and the pain of woman in childbirth. With Noah, he establishes the rainbow as a sign he will never again destroy humanity. With Abraham, he establishes the covenant of circumcision. With Moses, David and Isaiah, God foretells the coming of Christ. Finally over his anger, God appears, now amiable, before John Baptist and tells him of the coming of Christ, and that he has chosen John to prepare the way for Christ and to baptize him.
God the Father represents the Holy Trinity in Bale's Three Laws. He describes himself as pure spirit, and sends down his three laws to teach and govern mankind: the law of Nature, the law of Moses, and the law of Christ. Each law represents a different stage in the history of mankind, the law of Nature being the first law which is embedded in men's hearts, the law of Moses which was laid down in the Old Testament and is represented by stone tablets, and finally the law of Christ which redeems mankind. As the Laws of Nature and of Moses are corrupted by the vices of Sodomy, Idolatry, Covetousness and Ambition, God the Father sends the Gospel of Christ in their stead. This cannot be destroyed like the two laws, but is dragged off-stage by the vices of Hypocrisy and False Doctrine. God the Father then sends down the Wrath of God to drive away the chief vice of Infidelity, heals the Laws of Nature and of Moses from their corruption, banishes the vices from them and installs Lex Christi, the Law of Christ, above all.


The real name of the Miller, Old Goddard, in [?]Wilson's Fair Em, the Miller's Daughter.


A fictitious character within the story of Paris and Enone which the Chorus intends to perform before the king in Rutter's The Shepherds' Holiday.

GODFREY **1607

A "ghost character" in Beaumont's Knight of the Burning Pestle. Nell's tailor who never sings and overcharged her for the gown she is wearing.


Servant to John Ashburne in Heywood's The Captives. Wanders with Ashburne in a severe storm and overhears Raphael complaining of his loss at the hands of Mildew. After Raphael and the Clown exit, Godfrey joins John Ashburne on some rocks where they witness the ship carrying Mildew, Sarleboys, and his women wrecked in the storm. They both attempt to rescue two women (Palestra and Scribonia) they have seen swimming from the wreck towards the shore. Later, Godfrey answers when Scribonia knocks at the gate seeking water. He tries to trade water for a kiss, but when Scribonia refuses him he agrees to fill her pail with water. When he returns he discovers that Scribonia has fled; initially he plans to throw away the pail but when he notices that it belongs to the monastery he decides to return it himself. After returning from the monastery he reports the state of distress in which he found Palestra and Scribonia, and is overheard by Mildew and Sarleboys. Later he is with John Ashburne when the Clown comes to them seeking assistance to rescue Palestra and Scribona from Mildew and Sarleboys; when the Clown leaves to bring Raphael back to them, Godfrey exits to raise the villagers to assist with the rescue; he returns with the villagers just as Mildew and Sarleboys enter with Palestra and Scribonia as captives. As Mildew and Sarleboys attempt to negotiate with John Ashburne and Raphael, Godfrey takes charge of the villagers. Later, after John Ashburne and his wife argue about the presence of Palestra and Scribonia in the Ashburne home, Godfrey takes Palestra and Scribonia back to the monastery for safety. As soon as he returns, Ashburne sends him to fetch the women back again. Godfrey brings the women back and witnesses the revelation of Palestra's true identity as Mirabel, John Ashburne's long lost daughter. Godfrey is then sent to fetch Ashburne's wife to participate in the reunion. After Ashburne's wife leaves with Palestra and Scribonia, Godfrey leaves with Ashburne, carrying Mildew's bag of gold. Later, after the collision of Friar John's and Friar Richard's horses, Godfrey describes the event and Friar Richard's confession of guilt. Later, Godfrey encounters Gripus the Fisherman seeking the owner of Mildew's treasure bag and leaves to tell John Ashburne. Godfrey witnesses the return of the bag to Mildew, the payment of Gripus, and Ashburne's negotiation of freedom for Scribonia. At the end of the play, after Raphael and Mirabel and Treadway and Winifred have been united, Godfrey enters hastily to call attention to Friar Richard's impending execution.


The title character in Fletcher's The Noble Gentleman. The Noble Gentleman is referred to as "Gentleman" in the play text. He resolves to become a courtier despite his steward's (Jaques) and his cousin's (Cozen/Cleremont) warnings against it. Learning from Cleremont that his wife is spending his money on lovers, he resolves to retire to the country, but is convinced by Madam Marine's gallants that the King wishes to make him a Duke. He invites his wife's gallants to be his retinue, and his Lady arranges an interview for him with Shattillion, during which the madman insists that he's the heir apparent to the throne. Alarmed, the Gentleman has him confined. He intends to travel to the country to announce his preferment to his tenants, but is interrupted when Longaville brings word that his title has been rescinded. Frightened by Shattillion's chivalric challenge on the King's behalf, he agrees to keep his Dukedom secret from all except his wife and Jaques.


Only mentioned in the anonymous Wit's Triumvirate. Godfrey of Bouillon is mentioned by Sir Conquest Shadow when, telling Doctor Clyster about his imaginary valor, he explains: "I'll tell you, Doctor, all the time of the / German War I have overthrown the Emperor I cannot tell how many times, Tilly in many a battle, Bucquoy before, Wallenstein afterward and made Pappenheim fly like atoms in the air with my great ordnance. And so methought Swede and I came to play for the empire ... won the game, and so established the Princes of the Empire then, my exchequer swelling, I thought of the Holy Land, but that I left to Godfrey of Bouillon's ghost ..." Godfrey of Bouillon (1058-1100), Duke of Lower Lorraine, was one of the leaders of the First Crusade. He mortgaged his entire property to finance the expenses of the crusade, and, with the help of his brother Baldwin, he joined the French knights leaving to Holy land.


First son to the destitute Earl of Boulogne, he is an apprentice to a mercer in Thomas Heywood's The Four Prentices of London; he abandons his vocation, however, to join the First Crusade. Shipwrecked in transit to the Holy Land, Godfrey coincidentally comes to shore at Boulogne where, conveyed through a dumb show, he helps his native citizens both free themselves from the French King's tyrannical friend and defeat an invading Spanish army. Recognizing him as the rightful heir, the citizens of Boulogne crown Godfrey as the new Earl of Boulogne. As the French crusading forces assemble, he quarrels with Guy, whom he does not recognize as his brother. In Italy he engages in single combat with Charles, whom he also does not recognize, but Robert and Tancred halt the fight. Godfrey falls in love with his own sister, Bella Franca, whom he again does not recognize. All four unwitting brothers reunite in the purpose of the crusade and Godfrey adopts the arms of the mercers. He observes Bella Franca leave the camp, follows her, is captured by the Soldan's forces, and is rescued by Eustace, disguised as the Grocer Knight. In the final scene of recognition, Godfrey rejects earthly diadems preferring, instead, a crown of thorns.


Brother-in-law to the Widow Plus in Middleton's(?) Puritan; he attempts to comfort his mourning sister-in-law. He urges her to remarry, the sooner the better. Later, after his chain is stolen by Nicholas, he bemoans its loss and agrees to help free Idle, whom he is convinced can help he retrieve it. After the show of conjuring by Pyeboard and Idle, he is directed to find his chain in his garden.


Sir Godfrey Umphrevil, Annabel's father in the anonymous The Fair Maid of Bristow, first arranges her marriage with Ned Vallenger and then, when Vallenger scorns him, joins forces with Sir Eustace Vallenger to seek revenge on the errant bridegroom.


Accompanies the English Governor in the anonymous A Larum for London. After the battle, when the Governor reminds Dalua of the pact between Spain and England, Dalua fines the Governor. He is sent by the Governor to try to raise the money.


Godly Admonition is one of the four Virtues that conclude Lupton's All For Money. She warns the audience of the dangers of dying without repenting.


A "ghost character" in the anonymous Locrine. King of Gaules, Brutus and Corineus fight against him and his brother Gathelus in Aquitain.


When, in Shakespeare's 2 Henry VI, the Lord Mayor sends word to Lord Scales asking for reinforcements to protect London from Jack Cade's rebels, Scales sends Matthew Goffe, who is slain by the rebels.


Goffo is the servant of Filenio in the anonymous Wit of a Woman. He impersonates a doctors assistant while Filenio is impersonating a doctor. He then proposes marriage to Figga, whom his master had treated as a patient.


A "ghost character" in Hawkins's Apollo Shroving. Implement claims that he "was by" when Gingle shrugged and "Signior Goffo in that action smiled, and asked if [Gringle] were not lowsie."


An Amsterdam-man in Randolph's Plutophthalmia. He comes looking for Plutus to restore his lost wealth. He speaks in the grandiloquent style of the Puritan orator. He disdains the "Popish" Never-good and, at Carion's suggestion, strips Never-good of his finery to give that to Plutus instead of his own poor cloak and shoes.


A "ghost character" in Randolph's Plutophthalmia. Goggle's father, a "holy tailor and a venerable parson."


Only mentioned in the anonymous Timon of Athens. Lollio mentions that Corineus fought with Gogmagog (Lollio, in Act III, sc. 1).
A "ghost character" in the anonymous Locrine, son to Samatheus, captain of a crew of Giants of Albion's race, defeated by Brutus and his people.


A disguise in Jordan's Money is an Ass. To gain access to Clutch's house, Featherbrain disguises himself as Gold, a kinsman to Money, and assures Money that he is married to Money's other relative, Lady Portion.


Jasper's cant nickname for the Knight of the Burning Pestle in Beaumont's Knight of the Burning Pestle.


The only character uniting the two plots of Middleton's No Wit, No Help Like a Woman's. Goldenfleece's cryptic riddle concerning the respective parentage of Jane and Grace alerts both characters as well as the audience to the likelihood of ancestral misprision, which becomes the driving force behind the rest of the play. This rich widow counts four well-to-do gentlemen among her suitors–Sir Gilbert Lambstone, Weatherwise, Pepperton, and Overdone. These four suitors, however, are rejected in favor of the youthful Kate Low-Water (disguised as a man). On their wedding night, however, Kate Low-Water refuses to go to bed with her new bride and sends Beveril in her stead. The assembled guests discover the two in flagrante delicto and Kate (still pretending to be the husband) claims she cannot remain married to Goldenfleece and demands payment. After some negotiation, she says that she will be satisfied with half the widow's fortune. In order to save face, Goldenfleece marries Beveril, instantly improving his fortunes as well. Just before Philips's scandalous marriage to his supposed sister Grace is publicly disclosed, Goldenfleece divulges the earlier riddle, revealing that Grace is, in fact, Sunset's daughter and Jane (the supposed daughter of Sunset) is actually Twilight's child.


The family name the three brothers, Ferdinand, Anthony, and Frank, in [?]Heywood's The Fair Maid of the Exchange.


Golding is Touchstone's industrious apprentice in Jonson, Marston, and Chapman's Eastward Ho!. Touchstone relies on him and leaves him in charge of the shop when he is away. Since Gertrude marries Sir Petronel to fulfill her own and her mother's ambitions of social ascent, Touchstone gives his younger daughter, Mildred, as a wife to Golding. When Touchstone presents Golding as his son-in-law to the newly married Gertrude and to Mistress Touchstone, the two women show contempt at being related to a mere apprentice. Later, Golding comes from the Guildhall with the news that he has been appointed deputy alderman, but he is modest and considers this position of little importance. When Sir Petronel and his former mate Quicksilver are brought before him for judgment, Golding asks Touchstone respectfully if he can bring charges against them. Golding gives Quicksilver the benefit of a moralizing speech about how the former apprentice has scorned all good advice from his fellows. Touchstone charges Quicksilver on suspicion of felony and the knight as being accessory in the receipt of stolen goods, and Golding orders the Constable to take the prisoners away to the Counter. Later, when Wolf brings letters from Sir Petronel and Quicksilver asking Touchstone for forgiveness, Golding is impressed and tries to convince his father-in-law to withdraw the charges. Seeing that Touchstone is adamant in letting the rascals stay in prison, Golding gives Wolf money to make the prisoners' lives easier. In an attempt to force Touchstone to see the prisoners, Golding comes to the Counter and tells Wolf to imprison him. Golding gives Wolf his ring, asking him to give it to Touchstone with the plea to come to prison for his bail. When Touchstone comes to prison, Golding enters with Quicksilver who sings his song of repentance. Touchstone is impressed with Quicksilver's penitence. Golding is happy that everything has turned out for the better.


An unnamed goldsmith in Brewer's The Lovesick King correctly identifies Thornton's supposed iron as gold.


The Goldsmith in Dekker's Wonder of A Kingdom accuses one of the servants of Iacomo Gentili's Steward of having stolen a jewel from Iacomo. He informs Iacomo that he became suspicious when the servant only asked for a fourth of the jewel's actual value. Consequently, the Goldsmith had the servant interrogated and imprisoned. Suspicious of the Goldsmith's motives, Iacomo accuses him of dishonesty, since the only reason why the Goldsmith reported the incident seems to be that the jewel belongs to Iacomo. The Goldsmith is expelled and charged to release the servant and pay his fine.


Justinian Goldstone, the cheating-Gallant (confidence-trickster) in Middleton's Your Five Gallants. One of Katherine's mercenary suitors; a predator generally, but not exclusively, on women. Obviously in league with Primero, he takes the initiative of luring the gull Bungler into the general company of the Gallants at the brothel. Swears true love to at least two of Primero's prostitutes, extorting goods and money from them. With the assistance of his servant, Fulk, he cheats the Vintner of the Mitre with an exchange of false 'beakers' for tankards made of precious metals. Runs a crooked dice game there, apparently on a weekly basis. Incautiously steals Fitsgrave's new cloak, which he immediately pawns to Frippery (who wears it in the street and is beaten by mistake by Pursenet). Goldstone is invited to dine with Mistress Newcut by Bungler; he subsequently accosts Bungler in disguise, pretending kinship with them both. He quickly makes off with Newcut's valuable salt-cellar and returns in his own person. After dinner, Newcut and Goldstone seduce each other and he receives the post-coital gift of a ring from her. He finds the chain of pearl dropped by Pursenet in his escape from Pyamont, and is threatened with arrest by Tailby for theft. General recriminations between all the Gallants lead them to hug and join forces in their pursuit of Katherine- the winner to provide a safe house in perpetuity for all. It is Goldstone who has the bright idea of presenting a masque to impress their mistress and humiliate their rival, Fitsgrave, and to commission 'Bouser' (Fitsgrave himself) to write it. After their exposure in his masque, Fitsgrave gives all the Gallants the ultimatum of marrying the Courtesans to avoid further public justice for their crimes. They all concede: having already proposed to Newcut on the death of her absent husband it remains unclear, given her disillusionment with him, whether she, or either of the Courtesans also cheated by him (and cheating on him) will take him as a husband. His final thought, that disgraceful marriage to a whore will at least furnish him with continued immoral earning, is countered by Newcut's reminder to the women that a legitimate husband provides the best cover for future promiscuity.


Goldsworth is the father of Aurelia and Chrysolina in Shirley's Changes. Though he desires his daughters to make good matches, he nonetheless does not favor Sir Gervase Simple as a suitor, for Goldsworth sees Simple as a fool.


Wife of Goldsworth and mother of Chrysolina and Aurelia in Shirley's Changes. Mistress Goldsworth is extremely anxious for one of her daughters to wed Sir Gervase Simple.


Family name of Old and Young Goldwire in Massinger's The City Madam.


  1. Family name of the deceased Goldwire, his wife and their son Gilbert in Brome's The Sparagus Garden.
  2. The elder Goldwire is a "ghost character." Father to Gilbert and friend to Samson Touchwood, he was a worthy man of the City, now sadly dead. He was known for his ongoing, bitter legal battle with Chamlet, resolved when Gilbert married Chamlet's daughter.


A "ghost character" in Brome's The Sparagus Garden. Wife to Gilbert Goldwire, daughter to the deceased Chamlet and sister to Walter Chamlet, her love for Gilbert reconciled old Chamlet to his erstwhile enemy, old Goldwire.


Only mentioned in Udall's Ralph Roister Doister. The ancient hero Goliah (i.e., Goliath) is one of the worthies Merrygreek insists women think of when they happen to see Roister Doister.


A "ghost character" in Bale's God's Promises. Mentioned by David as an example of God's aid to him.


Only mentioned in the anonymous Wit's Triumvirate. Goliath is mentioned by Master Fright when, on his second visit to Doctor Clyster to have his fears cured, referring to David's killing of Goliath, he explains: "I confess that was some cause of it, for when Goliath's head was off, it looked so strangely, and the great trunk of his body in such a posture!" In the times of King Saul, Jerusalem was at war with the Philistines, whose great armies were integrated by giants, as well as men. One of the tallest and strongest of the giants was Goliath, who challenged Saul's troops asking him to choose a man to fight against him.


Gomera is a Spanish knight, older than the other characters but still a skilled fighter in Fletcher's The Knight of Malta. He is invited to join the Knights of Malta, but refuses and, after some prodding, reveals that his refusal rests on his love for Oriana, which makes it impossible for him to promise chastity. After Oriana is accused of traitorously allying herself to the Turkish Basha, Gomera accuses Mountferrat of lying to repay Oriana for her rejection of him, and challenges Mountferrat to a duel. Gomera fights and beats an armored knight he thinks is Mountferrat, but it is revealed to be Miranda, who has taken Mountferrat's place in order to assure Gomera's victory. Valetta declares that both men have proven themselves worthy of Oriana, but gives her hand to Gomera so that Miranda may become a knight of the cross, which requires chastity. When Oriana praises Miranda to Gomera after their marriage, he becomes enraged, and accuses her of infidelity, or at least the desire to be with Miranda. Oriana faints under the attack and is declared dead by Abdella, who has secretly drugged her. Gomera is immediately heartbroken and ashamed at his outburst and declares there is no reason for living now that his wife is dead. While visiting her tomb, he finds her body gone (she has been discovered alive and removed by Miranda and Collonna), and Mountferrat, Rocca and Abdella there. When Mountferrat will not reveal where the body is, Gomera challenges him to a duel and all four remove to the open ground. Gomera badly wounds both Mountferrat and Rocca, but then is shot in the arm by Abdella. However, the sound of the pistol brings Norandine and the Watch, who arrest all but Gomera. In the final scene, Gomera continues to mourn for Oriana to the point where the other knights fear he may die of grief. Miranda appears with a veiled Oriana, and declares that she is a captive who seeks Gomera's protection. Gomera rejects her, claiming that he wishes to see no woman ever again. Miranda then declares that her child is his, and Gomera angrily demands that she unveil, which she does, revealing the truth.


A "ghost character" in Dekker's The Whore of Babylon. He leads the seventh squadron of the Babylonian Armada sent to attack Titania. Como likens him to the god of war.


Gondarino is the Woman Hater and the Duke of Milan's morose general in Beaumont and Fletcher's The Woman Hater. He hates all women because of his former wife. At his house, Oriana is announced as having sought shelter in his house because of a hailstorm. At first, he refuses to receive her, but since she is already in, Gondarino makes it clear she is not welcome in his house. Duke is announced and Gondarino believes she has especially arranged an amorous assignation in his house. Oriana pretends to court Gondarino just to challenge his hatred for women. In another room in the house, Gondarino enters flying from Oriana. Duke enters, sees her pursuing Gondarino, and blames him for having seduced the beauty of Milan, but Gondarino persists in saying that Oriana is a whore. Duke refuses to believe him and Gondarino decides to give him proof. When Oriana re-enters, Gondarino pretends to court her and invites her to a rendezvous house. Gondarino goes to the palace and then leads Duke and Valore to the brothel where Oriana allegedly entertains her lover. In a street before the brothel, Gondarino, Duke, Valore, and Arrigo enter disguised. Seeing Oriana at the window, Gondarino wants the others to believe he is the lover she is expecting and addresses her in this manner. However, Oriana explains she has been brought there by Gondarino's servants and she is summoned to come down and explain. Gondarino maintains he can prove she is a strumpet. At the palace, Gondarino enters with Valore and Arrigo, following Duke. Gondarino insists that he can demonstrate Oriana's wantonness. Irritated, Duke condemns Oriana to death and Gondarino to witness it. In a room with a gallery in the palace, Duke, Gondarino, and Valore enter above, while Oriana and Arrigo enter below. Gondarino witnesses the scene in which Oriana, under peril of death, refuses to give in her virginity to Arrigo. Though faced with irrefutable proof of Oriana's chastity, Gondarino persists in his deprecation of women. His punishment, however, comes from Oriana, who has some ladies sexually arouse Gondarino, thus proving female superiority. Gondarino is made to promise never to come in the company of women, nor seek wrongfully the disgrace of any woman.


A "ghost character" in Brome's The Novella. The gondolier waits at the back door to spirit away the lovers Francisco and Flavia while Guadagni retrieves the chest of gold that Astutta dropped from the window to distract him.


See also under BLACK KNIGHT from A Game of Chess.


A "ghost character" in Quarles' The Virgin Widow, referred to by Quibble as having been cured by Sir Walter Ralegh's ointment.


Gonorill is the eldest daughter of Leir and the wife of Cornwall in the anonymous King Leir. She, with Ragan, admits to jealousy of Cordella because of her beauty and haughty nature, and she plots with her sister to have Cordella fail the love test. Gonorill promises that she loves Leir so much that she would happily commit suicide, or let him chose her husband. When Cornwall arrives at Leir's court, Gonorill greets him with great warmth. After their marriage, Gonorill is upset that Leir lives with her and Cornwall because he constantly corrects her or changes her orders. She asks for Skalliger's help, and he advises her to cut his allowance in half so that he will learn to be grateful for what he has. When Leir suggests pregnancy to explain Gonorill's behavior to him, she is angry that he should consider it possible that she should be pregnant so quickly and tells him to find someone else to stay with. When Leir does in fact leave, Gonorill intercepts letters from Cornwall to Cambria about him and replaces those letters with forged ones claiming that Leir has insulted and defamed both her and Ragan. She also suggests to the Messenger that he be prepared to kill Leir. When the Ambassador from Gaul arrives, Gonorill pretends to misunderstand his report of Cordella so that she can speak her true feelings about her. After the Gallian army has invaded England, Gonorill promises Cordella that she will make her life a purgatory, but when Leir's side is victorious, she flees with Cornwall.
The eldest daughter of Lear, the spiteful Goneril is married to the Duke of Albany in Shakespeare's King Lear. She is the first daughter with whom Lear lodges and therefore the first to mistreat him. As enamored of Edmund as is her sister Regan, Goneril finally poisons her sister and shortly after takes her own life, arrogant and remorseless until the very last.


An officer under Promos in Whetstone's 2 Promos and Cassandra. When he hears of the royal proclamation, he worries that the King will uncover his corruption and punish him. At the public court, the King does find him guilty of corruption but grants him grace, with the understanding that if he offends again he will be severely punished.


A ‘ghost character’ in Percy’s A Country Tragedy in Vacunium. Rhodaghond recounts how Guasto, the Duke of Vacunium, called forth a ‘solemn cheer’ and his noblemen came from far and near to participate, including Camillo, Bentivole, Lepido, Collinio, Ursino, Novoli, Gonsagua, Columna, Flaminio, ‘and twenty more’. It was during this event that Florimel, who once despised Amadour, grew to love him when he earned great praise from the Duke of Vacunium for his prowess in the games.


Friend to Balthazar in Davenant's The Spanish Lovers. He accompanies Balthazar, Leonte (Balthazar's brother), and Argilo (another of Balthazar's friends) on their various adventures.


Gonzaga, Knight of Malta in Massinger's The Maid of Honor, in service to Aurelia.


A "ghost character" in Cokain's Trappolin. Gonzaga is the leader of the Mantuans, mentioned by Mattemores.


Gonzaga is Duke of Mantua and father to Matilda in Massinger's The Bashful Lover. He rejects Lorenzo's demands of territorial surrender and the enforced marriage of his daughter. He is quick to favor Hortensio, who offers his services in the coming war, but notes with disapproval that Hortensio addresses his betters with little respect. In the war itself, he again relies upon Hortensio's sword and bravery, earning the respect of Prince Uberti and Farneze. He orders Uberti and Farneze to join Manfroy in raising new forces. After the war, Gonzaga favors Lorenzo as his son-in-law, but allows his daughter to make her own choice.


A supporter of Guise in Marlowe's Massacre at Paris. He participates in the massacre of Protestants.


The name Hamlet gives to the Player King in Shakespeare's Hamlet when describing the play to Claudius and Gertrude. He states that Gonzago is a duke in Vienna. In Q1, the speech headings are "Duke" instead of "Player King" marking a more direct link to the play within the play, but a less direct link to the audience of Claudius and Gertrude.


Duke of Urbin, "a weak lord of a self-admiring wisdom" in Marston's Parasitaster, or The Fawn. Indecisive and verbose, he is worried that Dulcimel will love Tiberio and interfere with the match with Hercules. However, Dulcimel repeatedly manipulates him into repeating her messages of love to Tiberio. He similarly unwittingly reveals Dulcimel's instructions to Tiberio to climb a tree to her window and secretly marry her. Satisfied that he has protected his daughter, he enjoys Hercules/Faunus' Masque of Cupid's Council. During the Masque of Cupid's Council, Hercules/Faunus calls to the bar all who foolishly attempt to seem wise by impeding a daughter's love affair; Gonzago does not recognize himself in the description and becomes embarrassed when Hercules/Faunus reveals all the ways in which Gonzago unwittingly enabled his daughter's secret marriage. When Tiberio and Dulcimel reveal their marriage, he threatens to banish them, but is mollified by the revelation that Faunus is actually Hercules.

GONZAGO **1635

There are two characters named Gonzago in Brome's The Queen and Concubine.
  • The King of Sicily. At the play's beginning, he has been rescued from near-defeat in battle by his general, Sforza, and resents his former favorite's popularity. He also desires Sforza's daughter, Alinda, and manufactures an accusation of adultery against Sforza and his queen, Eulalia. He orders her banished, and announces his betrothal to Alinda. He accuses his son, Prince Gonzago, of disloyalty for attempting to visit Sforza in prison, and has him arrested. To placate Alinda, orders another general, Petruccio, to assassinate Sforza, and also agrees in theory to seek the deaths of Eulalia and Prince Gonzago. Petruccio brings him news that Prince Gonzago has died of grief after blessing his father and affirming his loyalty, and the King begins to feel remorse. However, he orders the army to prepare to attack Palermo, where Eulalia lives in exile. Frightened by news that his soldiers are seeking the head of Petruccio for the murder of Sforza, he welcomes the protection of a "Captain" (actually Sforza in disguise), and, when Sforza reveals himself as still loyal, Gonzago becomes confused. He begins to believe Sforza's insistence that Alinda is to blame for everything, and is further heartened to receive a letter from Lodovico delivered by Pedro. He resolves to travel to Palermo to reconcile with Eulalia and seek Alinda's cure. In Palermo, he observes Eulalia's piety and Alinda's spite, and instructs Alinda to make her three ritual requests there rather than in Nicosia. Hearing the cruel nature of Alinda's desires, he banishes her and re-embraces Eulalia as his lawful Queen. At her request, he pardons Fabio, Strozzo, the Doctor, the Midwife, and Flavello. He is overjoyed when Eulalia reveals that their son, Prince Gonzago, is alive, and even agrees to pardon Alinda after she is cured by Eulalia and begs her father's pardon.
  • King Gonzago's son. He is loyal to his mother, Eulalia, and appalled by her false trial and banishment. Although his mother counsels Gonzago to profess loyalty to his father and Alinda, the King views him with suspicion and imprisons him for attempting to visit Sforza. After Petruccio falsely reports his death to King Gonzago, the Prince is spirited away to Palermo where he is reunited with his mother. Disguised as "Queen of the Girls," he dances in the celebratory procession at the end of the play, and is unmasked before his father after Eulalia gets the King's promise to pardon Petruccio.


An elderly counselor to Alonso, the King of Naples in Shakespeare's The Tempest. When Antonio conspired with Alonso to overthrow Prospero, Gonzalo was ordered to set Prospero and his daughter adrift at sea. Out of his own kindness, Gonzalo provided them with food, clothing, and other supplies. Twelve years later, as the action of the play begins, Gonzalo has accompanied Alonso to the wedding of the King's daughter Claribel to the King of Tunis. While returning from the wedding, the ship transporting them encounters a storm conjured by Prospero, and they are stranded on Prospero's island. Alonso, thinking his son and heir Ferdinand has drowned, becomes depressed, and Gonzalo tries to console him. Ariel charms Alonso and Gonzalo into falling asleep, but he awakens Gonzalo when Antonio and Sebastian come to murder the King. In the end, It is the remembrance of Gonzalo's kindness that turns Prospero's vengeance into virtue. Prospero indicates that he will reward Gonzalo for his charity and loyalty.


A conniving Venetian in ?Ford's The Laws of Candy. Gonzalo is widely respected in Candy at the beginning for having protested against Venice's attacks against Candy in a time of peace and having funded Candy's defense against Venice's aggression. He offers to pay Fernando's ransom, however much they ask. He attempts to woo Erota by acting exaggeratedly proud; he believes that he will be able to gain the throne of Candy through Erota once his suit is successful. Gonzalo tells Fernando that, far from being victorious in war, Candy is doomed, and he explains his scheme to divide Cassilane and Antinous by urging on their animosity toward each other and to condemn the country through its law that ingratitude is a capital offense. Gonzalo, believing he has finally won over Erota, shares his plans for gaining the thrones of Candy and Venice with her, writing them down at her behest in order not to be overheard. He also cancels Cassilane's debts to him and takes Erota's money to Cassilane under the impression that Erota is helping him to defeat Cassilane by making him further indebted to them. To Gonzalo's surprise, Gaspero arrests him for treason and reveals that Paolo Michael, the Venetian ambassador, likewise accuses him of treason. Gonzalo realizes his error in having trusted Erota and having committed his plans to writing; he surrenders.


Good Angel pleads desperately with Faustus to repent and save his soul in Marlowe's Doctor Faustus, but the counter arguments of Evil Angel win out when Lucifer and Belzebub appear with threats and sinful pleasures. As "the jaws of hell are open to receive" Faustus in the last hour of his 24-year pleasure jaunt, Good Angel laments Faustus' choices and recalls the "cellestial happiness" he lost.


Name given to Youth by Humility in the anonymous Youth after Youth has embraced virtue and abandoned vice at the end of the interlude.


Enters during King Humanity's tryst with Lady Sensuality in Lindsay's Satire of the Three Estates to complain that he has been banished from Scottish courts for many years. He plans to hang around the court until he can take the opportunity to be useful. He attempts to approach the King, but is chased out by the three Vices. When Divine Correction, his master, enters the court, he greets him joyfully and pleads for the release of Verity and Chastity. King Humanity, informed that his advisors (Sapience, Discretion, and Devotion) were really the Vices in disguise, asks Good Counsel how to avoid making such mistakes in future; Good Counsel advises him to study the Chronicles and profit by the examples of other princes. In the Second Part, he mediates between John the Common-weal and the Three Estates, advising and judging. He suggests rewarding John the Common-weal with a fine suit of clothes.


The Lord Cardinal's player Luggins is scheduled to perform the role of Good Counsel in The Marriage of Wit and Wisdom in Chettle, Dekker and Munday's Sir Thomas More. When he fails to appear on time, More performs the part himself extemporaneously.


A companion and counselor to Everyman in the anonymous Everyman. Good Deeds, unlike Everyman's other friends, is willing to accompany him to make his reckoning, but Everyman's life of sin has left Good Deeds too weak to make the journey. Good Deeds suggests that Everyman consult Knowledge, Good Deeds' sister. After Everyman does penance, Good Deeds revives and accompanies Everyman on his journey, promising never to leave him and to speak on his behalf. Even as Everyman descends into the grave, Good Deeds goes with him to face God.


The disguise assumed by Counterfet Countenaunce in Skelton's Magnyfycence to mislead Magnyfycence.


A moral abstraction in Skelton's Magnyfycence. Good Hope brings the grace of God and saves Magnyfycence from suicide.

GOOD HOPE **1617

A “ghost character" in the anonymous Pathomachia. He is one of Fortitude’s two captains in the war against the Vices.


Good Order is Old Christmas's regent during his absence from the kingdom in ?Skelton's Old Christmas. He is forced to flee by an "vnthryfty company." On the king's return, he advises him to banish Glotonye, Ryot, Periury and Hasarder from the land and to have them slain if they come back to England.


One of the disguises assumed by Sedicyon in Bale's King Johan, Part 2. As Good Perfeccyon, Sedicyon listens to Nobylyte's confession and persuades him to be disloyal to King Johan.


Good Remedy is the sworn protector of Health, Wealth, and Liberty in the anonymous An Interlude of Wealth and Health. A force of righteousness in service of his sovereign (ambigiously Queen Elizabeth I or God), he is feared by Shrewd Wit and Ill-Will. He advises Health, Wealth, and Liberty to avoid "ill" and "shrewd" company; nonetheless, he must leap to their defense when the trio succumbs to the villains' plot to remove their influence from England. Good Remedy tells Shrewd Wit and Ill-Will that he is not fooled by their disguises as Wit and Will, and he promises to expose them publicly. When the villains have beaten Health, jailed Liberty, and possibly also jailed Wealth, Good Remedy arranges for the release of Wealth and Liberty and sends Shrewd Wit and Ill-Will to prison instead. He promises to restore Wealth, Health, and Liberty to their former states, if Wealth will stay in England, if Health will be of good cheer, and if Liberty will make an effort to be inoffensive. He ends the play by praising Queen Elizabeth and the Lords of the Council.


A country pedlar and customer of Hobson in Heywood's 2 If You Know Not Me. Also called Tawniecoat and Rowland. Accidentally leaving Hobson's shop without paying and returning to pay later, he is angered when the apprentices will not take his money since they are not able to find his correct name in their account books. Eventually the matter is sorted and Hobson befriends him. Later, fallen into poverty, he is assisted by Hobson.


Also known as Puck in Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream Robin Goodfellow is a fairy sprite devoted to Oberon and given to joke-playing and general naughtiness, including transforming Bottom's head into that of an ass.
Only mentioned in Mayne’s City Match. Timothy wrote a speech for “a green Robin Goodfellow" to be spoken from the Cheapside conduit for a merchant company.


Robin Goodfellow is a guise that the servant-devil Akercock assumes in Haughton's The Devil and his Dame. In this form, with the traditional leather jerkin, russet face and flail, he intervenes in the rivalry between Grim the Collier, Clack the Miller and Parson Short-hose for the love of the country maid Joan. After invisibly beating Clack and the Parson, and securing Joan for Grim, he visibly shares a meal with them before saying farewell not only to them, but to the audience. Later, as Akercock, he returns to Hell.


Not the mischievous fairy but rather a confidence trickster and helper to Churms in the anonymous Wily Beguiled. He agrees to help Churms in his scheming by trying to convince Peter Ploddall that he has a powder that will cause Lelia to fall in love. Robin also agrees to indict Sophos for the rape "of some strumpet or other," whom they will hire, causing him to be abandoned by his friend Fortunatus (Lelia's brother) and by Lelia. He tells Peter Ploddall he will frighten off Sophos, explains how to court Lelia, and sells him the magic powder. Later he explains aloud in the woods that he will steal more money from Peter Ploddall while Churms steals Lelia from the same simple rustic. He will amuse himself by dressing up as a hob-goblin and frightening Sophos. When he tries to terrify Sophos, Fortunatus forces him to stand on a stool and makes him confess the troubles he causes great men by pretending to be their friend, and man and wife by making them fall out with each other. Fortunatus beats him and he runs away. Later he meets Ploddall and Peter, who doubt that they will get their money back and set off to the Justice to complain about Robin. Churms arrives asking Robin Goodfellow how well he has done in frightening Sophos. After hearing that he has been unsuccessful they leave to go someplace where they are unknown and there to set up their knavery afresh.


An informal disguise, or persona, or impersonation that Asotus proposes to bestow upon Thrasymachus while roaring at Ballio's house in Randolph's Jealous Lovers.


Goodgift is a Newcastle merchant in Brewer's The Lovesick King. He is involved in adventurous overseas trade deals. He subsequently dies and his widow marries Thornton.


Mistress Goodgift in Brewer's The Lovesick King is married first to Goodgift and then, after his death, to Thornton.


Goodlack is a captain and close friend of Spencer's in Thomas Heywood's The Fair Maid of the West, Part One. When Spencer is wounded at Fayal, he sends Goodlack back to England with his ring, a farewell message for Bess, and his will leaving all his fortune to her. Goodlack is charged to investigate Bess's reputation and, if she has become loose, the inheritance will fall to Goodlack himself. Hearing as he departs that a man named Spencer has just died, Goodlack returns believing that his friend has after all succumbed to his wounds. In Foy, Goodlack hears nothing but good reports about Bess, and after examining her himself and seeing her unfeigned dismay when he threatens to take away the portrait of Spencer that she cherishes, Goodlack reveals the true purpose of his visit and then offers his service to her. She accepts, has him purchase a ship for her, and then makes him captain of The Negro, the vessel she intends to use to bring what she supposes to be the corpse of Spencer back from the Azores. Later, when their ship takes the vessel upon which Spencer is sailing, Goodlack is being treated below decks for his wounds, and thus is not able to explain to his friend that the officer who reminds Spencer of his beloved is, in fact, Bess in male attire.
In Thomas Heywood's The Fair Maid of the West, Part Two. Having accompanied her to the Barbary Coast, he is approached by Mullisheg, the King of Morocco and Fez, who alternately offers bribes and threats in an attempt make Goodlack procure Bess for his lust. When he learns that Roughman has been approached by Tota, Mullisheg's queen, who desires a liaison with Spencer, Goodlack devises the "bed trick" that will bring the king and queen together under cover of darkness while the English party makes its escape. He later washes ashore in Italy, serves as champion for the Duke of Mantua, is reunited with Spencer, and joins the group in Florence where Bess and Spencer are reunited.


An old wealthy merchant, stepfather of Theophilus and uncle of Raven in Nabbes' The Bride. As the play opens, he is engaged to marry the Bride, and is reassuring Theophilus that she will bring a large portion to increase his estate. But Theophilus is secretly in love with the Bride, and when she reciprocates his feelings, the two of them run off together. As it turns out, Goodlove was aware of Theophilus's feelings, planned to turn the Bride over to him anyway, and was only pretending to marry the Bride to get a bigger portion out of her parents. He tells Raven to find the couple and bring them back, but instead Raven tells them that Goodlove is angry with them and that they should flee to the country. Much later, while searching for Theophilus, Goodlove comes upon the injured Raven and soon begins to suspect that he is not telling the truth. When Theophilus and the Bride finally arrive in the play's final scene, Raven's villainy is exposed, and Raven discloses that Theophilus is in fact Goodlove's biological son, not just his stepson.


Gawin Goodluck is a merchant affianced to Dame Christian Custance in Udall's Ralph Roister Doister. Returning from business on the continent, he learns from his servant Sim Suresby that the widow may be entertaining Ralph Roister Doister, and he decides to find out for himself. Meeting her, Goodluck is at first reserved and suspicious, but Dame Custance summons his friend Tristram Trusty who promptly bears witness to the widow's innocence. The lovers are reconciled, and Sim is forgiven because his suspicions were the result of imperfect information and his desire to protect his employer. At the play's end, Goodluck orders a feast and even invites Matthew Merrygreek and Ralph Roister Doister to attend.


A prentice in service to Hobson in Heywood's 2 If You Know Not Me. Also known as Crack.


Captain Goodman is a sea commander in Mountfort's The Launching of The Mary. He is depressed because his wife is never happy, even with the money he brings back from sea. Dorothea lectures him on constancy and upbraids him when he hints that she might love him.


A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's 2 Henry VI. When several petitioners make their cases to Margaret and Suffolk, one man complains that John Goodman, Cardinal Beaufort's man, has appropriated his house, lands, and wife.


A companion and advisor to Everyman in the anonymous Everyman. Goods represents Everyman's worldly riches and is probably the Vice of the play. He refuses to accompany Everyman on his journey to make his reckoning before God.


A dissolute gentleman, and friend of Rainsforth in Heywood and Rowley's Fortune by Land and Sea. He is present during the brawl with Frank Forrest, and the duel in which Rainsforth is killed. He acts as a witness when Old Harding plans to change his will. He is almost gulled by the Clown into lending money to Philip, but the scheme is undone by Philip's honesty. At the end of the play, Goodwin loses all his money to thieves, which Philip sees as punishment for his lack of generosity.


A "ghost character" in Jonson's The New Inn. Young Master Goose is a master of motion, a puppeteer. From a discussion between Host and Lovel, it emerges that, in his youth, Lord Frampul spent a lot of time with the motion-man, because he wanted to turn puppeteer.


A member of the audience in (?)Shipman’s Grobiana’s Nuptials. In his prologue, Grobianus insults this “gentleman in plush" and tells him to go and spend his six shillings eight pence on asparagus “for the thing in the bagge there, an let a wiser man take your place."


Sir Gyles Goosecappe is a foolish knight in Chapman's Sir Giles Goosecap. He is settled down in Essex, although his ancestors come from London. He has 20 miles of property. He is thought to be brave in battle. With Sir Rudseby, he goes to Barnet for breakfast. He is thought to be good at dancing, gardening, poetry and distinguishing perfumes. He sows in front of everybody at the end of the play to impress Eugenia but he is finally matched with Penelope. However, first, he has to recite a poem. Thus, he invokes Hymen.


One of the twenty-four Electors for the Burgomastership in Ruggle’s Club Law.


After dividing his kingdom between his sons, Ferrex and Porrex in Sackville and Norton's Gorboduc. Seeing the trouble that his decision creates, he compares his realm with the fall of Troy. He descends into despair and cannot act or take advice. He is at last butchered by the mob, angered by the murders in the royal family.
Legendary early British king in ?Tarlton's Three Plays in One. Appears in the first playlet. After consulting with his Lords, he divides his kingdom between his two sons. This spurs a civil war between them and Porrex ultimately kills Ferrex.


Colonel Gordon, Governor of Egers and initially loyal to Wallenstein in Glapthorne's Albertus Wallenstein. With Butler, he is persuaded by Lesle to assist in betraying Wallenstein to the Emperor, for the promise of a huge reward. He is entrusted by Wallenstein to host the royal wedding of Fredericke and Emilia in Egers. He expresses concern to his comrades that Wallenstein will discover their plot before they are ready to act: as Governor, he is busy preparing the ceremonial welcome that Duke is to be given. The welcome goes according to plan: Soldiers murder Wallenstein's allies, leaving Gordon and Butler, led by Lesle, to assassinate the Duke.


A “ghost character" in Killigrew’s The Princess. Olympia once new a Britain named Gorgianus who would make love to old women for charity’s sake. She wishes he were still alive.


Only mentioned in Jonson's Every Man out of His Humour. In Greek mythology, the Gorgon or Medusa was a she-monster whose eyes turned everyone looking at her into stone. When Deliro sees his beloved wife kissing Fastidious Brisk in prison, the husband is so astonished that he cannot say a word. Ironically, Macilente, who had maneuvered him into the situation, asks Deliro if the Gorgon's head has turned him into marble.


Only mentioned in the anonymous Narcissus. Clinias mentions Gorgon when he praises Narcissus's beauty, affirming that his face is "more faire than the head of Gorgon." According to Greek mythology, a Gorgon is a female monster with snakes for hair. There are three of them (Phorcys, Ceto and Medusa), and their faces are so ugly that those who see them become petrified. But Clinias may be referring here to the former state of Medusa, who was a lovely and beautiful lady before she was actually turned into a Gorgon. She was so fair that Poseidon fell in love with her and seduced her in one of the temples devoted to the cult of Athena. The goddess punished such an affront by turning Medusa into a horrible Gorgon.


Only mentioned in Jonson's Epicoene. A Gorgon (from the Greek gorgos, meaning "terrible") is a fierce or unpleasant-looking woman. In classical mythology, there were three Gorgons, with serpents on their heads instead of hair. Medusa, Stheno and Euryale had brazen claws and monstrous teeth. Their glance turned their victims into stone. At Daw's house in London, Truewit describes in vivid colors how he persuaded Morose to give up his intention of marrying a silent woman. To amplify his persuasiveness, Truewit uses a metaphor from classical mythology. He says that he described a prospective future wife in such dark colors to Morose that, if ever a Gorgon were seen in the shape of a woman, Morose has seen it in his description. The Gorgon was considered as a specimen of female ugliness and aggressiveness.

GORGON **1625

Though officially a servant to Antonio in Shirley's The School of Compliment, Gorgon is a remarkably outspoken and independent individual who seems to spend none of his time with other servants. His favorite activity is playing prank. We first see him-aided by Gasparo-convince Rufaldo that the old gent has miraculously grown younger looking. Also along with Gasparo, Gorgon larks in the Compliment School, where he assumes the Usher's role and takes the name of Curculio. Gorgon's primary duty at this "school" is to teach posturing, but his charades do not stop there. He begs alms of Gasparo disguised as a maimed soldier, and dressed as the shepherdess Mopsa, Gorgon attends the shepherd's festival and even receives a marriage proposal from a country fellow.


Priest of Jerusalem and father of Josephus in Hemminge's The Jews' Tragedy. He is pious and moderate, but elderly. He remains loyal to the High Priest and his policies, but is captured by the rebels and subjected to humiliation and abuse. Josephus, having taken Rome's side in confronting the rebels, sees his father tortured on the rack. Gorion survives to be welcomed back to freedom by Titus and adds a voice of moderation to the judgement of Miriam.


The ghost of Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall, appears at the beginning and at the end of the play's action in Hughes' The Misfortunes of Arthur. Like the ghost of Andrea in The Spanish Tragedy, he has been sent from the infernal regions to witness the final misfortunes of an enemy. In this case, Arthur's troubles and ultimate death at the hands of Mordred are presented as recompense for Uther Pendragon's having seduced Gorlois' wife Igerna and having caused his death. At the play's end, he returns to the underworld satisfied with the outcome, promising never to return to Britain, and predicting that the country would in the distant future find itself an "Angels' land" presided over by a "goddesse" (Elizabeth) possessed of all heavenly virtues.


Cimena’ father in Rutter’s The Cid. He likes both Roderigo and Sancho for Cimena but prefers Roderigo because of his noble family, but he wants Elvira to discover which way the girl’s affections tend. His hopes are disappointed when Diego is named governor for the prince when Gormas had expected and deserved the honor. He sees it as a slight for his present services. He declines Diego’s offer of marriage between Roderigo and Cimena and insults the old man with a box on the ear, earning his wrath. He privately repents his rash act, but he is too proud and refuses to beg pardon of the king. He further insults Diego’s family by refusing to duel with Roderigo. Though he admires the boy’s courage, he despairs of his rashness and will not fight so green a youth as it will bring him no glory to kill an untried boy. At Roderigo’s insistence, he goes to fight. Roderigo kills Gormas in the duel.


A merchant who shelters the disguised Duchess, Nurse, Susan, Cranwell, and Dr. Sands as they wait in England to flee to Europe in Drue's The Duchess of Suffolk. The Duchess disguised as Mistress White pretends to be Goseling's daughter to fool the Constable. After the Duchess and her party escape by ship, Goseling reports their flight to Bonner, who promises to reward Goseling. At the end of the play, Goseling, imprisoned for debt, appears before the Duchess in London; she promises to free him by paying his debts in return for his service to her while she was disguised as Mistress White.


A gallant in Dekker and Webster's Westward Ho who attends the afternoon tavern-party and participates in the assignation at Brainford, but he and Sir Gosling become too drunk to perform. After drunkenly leading fiddlers through town, he is beaten by the locals.


A gallant of London in Middleton and Dekker's Moll Cutpurse, The Roaring Girl. Goshawk is interested in having an affair with Mistress Openwork. Her husband Openwork is suspicious of Goshawk, and tests him by telling him that he keeps a whore in the suburbs. Goshawk tells Mistress Openwork this false information to alienate her from her husband and make her want to retaliate by having an affair with him. Mistress Openwork confronts her husband, who denies the story, and together they set a trap for Goshawk. When Goshawk goes to take Mistress Openwork to show her where her husband keeps his whore, intending instead to get her drunk and have sex with her, Openwork confronts them as they are about to leave. He and his wife pretend to argue over the matter, and Openwork claims that he will kill whoever told his wife about his whore. When it is revealed that Goshawk was responsible, he is chastened and forgiven.


Gosselin Denville is a local lord who helps Powesse and Sir Griffin regain their betrothed ladies in Munday's John a Kent and John a Cumber. John a Kent introduces Gosselin and Evan to Sir Griffin and Powesse as the lords that have raised an army for them. Gosselin tells Powesse and Sir Griffin that he has eighty archers ready in the nearby wood by the river Dee. Gosselin and Evan help Powesse and Sir Griffin to apprehend their ladies in an ambush in the woods and take them to Gosselin's castle. At the castle, Gosselin arrives with Sir Griffin, Powesse, and Evan. Seeing John a Cumber (disguised as John a Kent), the lords believe that he is preparing an entertainment for the weddings. Like the other lords, Gosselin is tricked into allowing the rival party enter the castle under the disguise of a pageant. When John a Cumber reveals the deceit and the opposing party has power over the castle, Gosselin leaves in the company of Evan, Sir Griffin, and Powesse. Gosselin is of the party that lures the ladies away from their guardians on their return to Chester, leading them back to his castle. In the revelation scene after the play within the play, Gosselin sees how all the disguises and misunderstandings are cleared. Gosselin and Evan stay behind at Gosselin's castle, and thus they are not present at the final set of disguises during the wedding ceremony.


A wealthy citizen-wife in Jonson's The Staple of News. She has come to attend The Staple of News. She and her gossips sit on the stage and reveal their ignorance as to the conventions and standards of stage comedy. She expresses continuing dissatisfaction with the play.


A wealthy citizen-wife in Jonson's The Staple of News. She has come to attend The Staple of News. She and her gossips sit on the stage and reveal their ignorance as to the conventions and standards of stage comedy. She comes to the play with foregone and uninformed conclusions.


A wealthy citizen-wife in Jonson's The Staple of News. She has come to attend The Staple of News. She and her gossips sit on the stage and reveal their ignorance as to the conventions and standards of stage comedy. Symbolically, she is "the Daughter of Christmas" and represents festivity; she is the most sympathetic of the spectators.


A wealthy citizen-wife in Jonson's The Staple of News. She has come to attend The Staple of News. She and her gossips sit on the stage and reveal their ignorance as to the conventions and standards of stage comedy. She compares everything in the play to what she has heard from other gossips.


Gossips (here meaning women generally rather than godparents) and the puritans (who are also gossips) meet around Mrs. Allwit's bed and pass the time after the christening in Middleton's A Chaste Maid in Cheapside. The puritans are portrayed as hypocrites. They take far too much of the free food for later consumption and drink the free liquor freely, until they can no longer stand.


Gostanzo is the father of Valerio and Bellanora in Chapman's All Fools. He is continuously involved in plots, not understanding that he is actually being gulled himself. He believes Valerio is a hard working, shy young man who only cares for profit. When Rinaldo tells him that Fortunio is secretly married, he immediately tells Marc Antonio, and tries to make his friend turn against his son for his disobedience. At the same time, however, he welcomes Fortunio and Gratiana (supposedly married) into his house and tells them he will attempt to calm Marc Antonio, while commenting that Gratiana should look on him as a second husband. Gostanzo is further gulled when Rinaldo agrees to have Valerio and Gratiana present themselves to Marc Antonio as married (which is true, but he believes it is just a trick). Gostanzo then tells Marc Antonio that this was his idea and to play along with the joke. He then pretends to first browbeat and then forgive his son, swearing he has no objection to their marriage. In the final scene, when he is confronted with the truth, he is reminded of this oath. In anger, he states that he will settle his entire estate on his daughter Bellanora, at which point Fortunio thanks him for making him wealthy, and reveals that he has married Bellanora. Caught by all the tricks, Gostanzo has no choice but to accept both matches. He then turns to Cornelio and lectures him about jealousy, stating that he knew Cornelio's father, and that gentleman not only looked the other way when Cornelio's mother had extramarital affairs, but would ring his doorbell and then stand and talk to his neighbor so that her lovers could leave by the back door. This, according to Gostanzo, ensured a quiet life.


Non-speaking role in Fletcher and Rowley's The Maid in the Mill. A friend of Julio, who watches the play-within-the-play.


A "ghost character" in Chapman's All Fools. Gostanzo, appalled by Valerio's apparent shyness around woman, reminisces about his youth, when, at twenty-five, he was able to entertain the Duchess, who was invited to the house by Gostanzo's father.


A father and (putative) son share a name in Fletcher's Beggars' Bush:
  1. Goswin is the name Florez, the true heir to the earldom of Flanders, assumes to be his, having grown up in the family of Goswin, a Flemish merchant living in England. In Bruges, Florez (as Goswin) succeeds in business, falls in love with Gertrude (actually Bertha, the heir to Brabant), and lives safely until the beggar leader Clause (actually his father Gerrard in disguise) reveals to him who he really is. Gerrard reminds Florez of his duty to his country and calls for an end to what appears a socially inappropriate union with Gertrude. When the armed merchants and beggars of Bruges rescue everyone from Wolfort, Gertrude is revealed to be Bertha, the heir to the throne of Brabant, and the way is clear for the happy union between Florez/Goswin and Bertha/Gertrude.
  2. Goswin is also a "ghost character" in the same play. This Goswin is a Flemish merchant living in England, who took in the young Florez, rightful heir to the earldom of Flanders, and reared him as his own son. In the course of the play, this same Florez adopts his foster father's name while abroad in Bruges and is himself known as Goswin.


Gotar is a courtier to Frollo in Burnell's Landgartha. He helps Hasmond to attract Landgartha. He is given 25 soldiers and also Fatima to be their leader by Frollo. He takes part in Frollo's fight against Langartha and the king of Denmark.


Gotharius is the crafty politician after whom Shirley's The Politician is named. He enjoys a position of power and favor with the king, and he has long been a lover of Marpisa, who is now the king's wife. Gotharius has been persuaded by Marpisa that her son Haraldus is the son of Gotharius and not of her deceased husband Altomarus. Gotharius has therefore been eager to advance Haraldus' standing and decrease the popularity of the king's own son Turgesius. He uses bribery, falsehood, forgery, and other treacheries in an attempt to gain his ends and to save himself. He dies, however, while hiding in a coffin intended for Turgesius; while in the coffin he has swallowed poison, which Marpisa had earlier pressed upon him and claimed was a curative.


Gothio is Octavio's country servant in Massinger's The Bashful Lover. He attends Hortensio as he enters with a faint Ascanio in his arms. Gothio tries one of Octavio's potions and feels his nobility growing within him. When he returns with Octavio to the city, he wants to become a courier and take on French manners. Octavio sends him back to the country, but with gold.


Only mentioned in Cokain's Trappolin. The Goths are former enemies of Italy, whom Mattemores would resurrect for the glory of battle.


After Lucius enters the company of the Goths in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus, one unnamed Goth acknowledges Lucius as their leader and vows the allegiance of the other Goths in taking revenge upon Tamora. A second unnamed Goth enters shortly thereafter with the captured Aaron.


Gough is More's secretary in Chettle, Dekker and Munday's Sir Thomas More. Near the end of the play, he and Catesby inform More's household servants that their master has been condemned to death and has ordered that each of them be paid twenty nobles for their loyal service.

GOUGH **1599

A servant of Herbert in Munday, Drayton, Hathaway, and Wilson's Sir John Oldcastle, he attempts to help the injured Herbert.


Family name of Frank, Master and Mistress Goursey in Porter's 1 The Two Angry Women of Abingdon.


Master Goursey is the neighbor of Master Barnes and the father of Frank in Porter's 1 The Two Angry Women of Abingdon. His wife is one of the two angry women. The play begins as he fulsomely thanks Barnes for entertaining him and his wife in his house and agrees that good neighborliness is next to wedded love. He tries to dissuade his wife from gambling so much per game when she dices with Mistress Barnes but fails. After the two women quarrel the two men lament that they, like all husbands, have such cursed wives yet they have to try to make them friendly at home. Later, Goursey receives a letter from Barnes proposing the marriage of Frank to Mall, Barnes's daughter, to heal the rift between their two wives. He approves the idea and tries to persuade Frank to agree to it, describing at length how his own father had had to act similarly when marriage was suggested to him. He tries to dissuade his wife from hating Mistress Barnes so much, but she rejects the suggestion. When she steals Barnes's letter from him he is so adamant that she not read it (since she will oppose it) that he becomes pale, and she, fearing he will have a serious attack, hands it back. That night after his wife has gone to the Barnes house to prevent Frank and Mall from meeting, Gourcey follows. There, Barnes tells him that Frank and Mall have run off together and it becomes clear that the mothers will pursue them to prevent the marriage, so Goursey gives Hodge leave to follow Mistress Goursey in the dark and hinder her by playing Blind Man's Buff. A great deal of running in and out and false identification follows, with no one able to see anything and everyone hallooing to contact the people each is seeking. As Master Goursey meets Master Barnes they comment on the hallooing and regret not being to find the people they set out to meet. One of the many wandering around is Sir Raph, a gentleman who has chosen to hunt throughout the night. He appears, mistakes them and disappears. When Frank and his boy appear Goursey and Phillip, Mall's brother, reprimand Frank for not finding Mall. Master Goursey and Master Barnes decide on a second policy to make their wives friends. When they find their wives together fighting in the dark over a torch Mistress Barnes had set on the ground, the two men appear to take offence at each other and prepare to fight. To prevent their husbands hurting each other the women kiss and make up. The marriage of Mall and Frank will go forward.


Mistress Goursey is one of the two angry women in Porter's 1 The Two Angry Women of Abingdon. She hates Mistress Barnes and tries to prevent her son Frank from marrying Mall, Mistress Barnes's daughter. When the play opens she thanks Master Barnes for entertaining her and her husband at the Barnes house and promises to return the courtesy, prompting Mistress Barnes to utter suspicions about her husband's behavior with Mistress Gursey. When the dicing tables are set up the two women agree to play for a pound a game, despite their husbands' attempts to make the purse smaller. Mistress Goursey claims they will be bad house wives just once in playing for so much, while the men are bad husbands often. She stays good humored when Mistress Barnes insults her and commends Master Barnes and her own husband for their kind-heartedness. Nevertheless, at the end of the first scene Master Goursey and Master Barnes agree that they have two cursed wives. At home Mistress Goursey admits to hating Mistress Barnes for all the scandal the latter has spread about her. She steals the letter in which Barnes proposes to Goursey the marriage of their son, Frank, to Barnes's daughter but hands it back when it looks as though Goursey is going to be seriously ill. For money, their belligerent servant Dick Coomes is persuaded to accompany her as she visits Mistress Barnes that night, and while pretending to fight Mistress Barnes's servants, to hit Mistress Barnes herself. At the Barnes house she immediately quarrels with Mistress Barnes, trying to bribe Frank to withdraw from the match with Mall, insulting Mall in doing so. She tells Coomes to strike her son. When it is clear that Frank has slipped away into the dark she and Dick follow after. After just missing him, she later appears alone. She is lost in the fields and wishes Mistress Barnes as dreadful a time as she herself is having. She takes up a torch (which Mistress Barnes has left on the ground while she hides to watch what will happen) and the two women struggle over ownership of it. Their husbands appear and as the result of what the women say (and of a policy the men have agreed earlier) they prepare to fight each other. The women are alarmed that they will hurt each other and agree to make friends if their husbands will abandon their fight. The men agree. The women also agree that the wedding of Mall and Frank should take place.


Servant to Celia in Fletcher's The Humorous Lieutenant. She is questioned by Leucippe about Celia and Demetrius's relationship. Following Leucippe's instructions, she leads Celia to believe that it is Demetrius who summons her to the court, when in fact it is the king Antigonus.


Government is the false name of Tyranny in Wilson's The Three Lords and Three Ladies of London.


Appears in scenes 2 and 5 of the anonymous plot of Frederick and Basilea, played by Mr. Dunstann (James Donstone or Tunstall), who also played the friar.


The governor is Sir William's brother who has just arrived to Sicily in Armin's The Two Maids of More–Clacke. He talks to a gentleman at his arrival. He is looking for his brother and he is told about Mary's elopement. Finding some utensils that are thought to belong to some sailors, they lift them and break them discovering Mary. He takes her to the final wedding party.


The Governor of Barcelona in Fletcher's Love's Pilgrimage arrives to put a stop to the fight caused by Mark-Antonio's attempt to see his wife, Eugenia, although the Governor does not realize this is the cause of the fight. He at first suspects Philippo and the disguised Theodosia of starting the fight because they are strangers. After the First Attendant vouches for them, the Governor invites them back to his house, and makes arrangements to have their wounded friend brought there as well, not realizing that this friend is Mark-Antonio, who started the fight. He also agrees to find the disguised Leocadia and have her brought to the house as well. Once all four are at his house, the Governor excuses himself to see to town business, leaving them with his wife, Eugenia. The Governor arrives to stop another fight, this time between Alphonso and Sanchio. He has the two old men disarmed and taken to his house, where they meet with Leonardo and Mark-Antonio. When Eugenia agrees to arrange a duel between Alphonso and Sanchio, the Governor questions her intentions, but is quickly satisfied that she has a plan. Once she forces them to reconcile, the Governor praises her and hopes that everyone is now content.


The Governor of the East India Company in Mountfort's The Launching of The Mary. The first few occurrences of this character's name were altered to "Director" by the author, but this change was not carried through. The Governor and his colleagues meet the Lord Admiral at the shipyard, who quizzes them on the claim that their business practices undermine the state. The Company members refute this claim at great length, and the Lord Admiral is convinced. There are two more of these debates at intervals throughout the play. At the end of the play, the Lord Admiral and the company members celebrate the launching of the Mary with a banquet, and watch the workmen dance.


The Governor in Rawlins's The Rebellion is a Spanish regional leader who meets with Machvile and Antonio concerning the immanent invasion by France. The Governor is duped by Machvile into believing that Antonio has entered into a league with the French against the Spanish. The Governor enrages Antonio to such a degree with the accusation that antonio stabs and kills the Governor. It is for this crime that Antonio spends the rest of the play a fugitive. It is for this crime that Antonio ultimately dies.


The English Governor in the anonymous A Larum for London tries to convince Monsieur Champaigne that the defensive offer from the Prince of Orange is beneficial. He approaches Dalua after battle, is insulted, and asks that the Spanish forces observe the treaty between Spain and England as well as protect him. He says his only reason for being in Antwerp is non-political commerce and that he cannot pay the forty thousand crown ransom that Alua wants. After paying Alua five thousand crowns, he says he has only his plate and household furnishings. Alua demands those as well in satisfaction of the ransom.


Two Governors figure in the anonymous Thomas Lord Cromwell:
  • The First is the Governor of the English House in Antwerp. On learning from Bagot that Thomas has left for Italy, the Governor declares his admiration for Cromwell's honesty. He negotiates with Bagot to buy jewels that Bagot has brought from England. There is a difference of £200 but he offers to split the difference on condition that he forgives the honest Banister, waiting in jail. He rejoices when Bowser arrives with news that Bagot is to be imprisoned for buying stolen jewels and his property to be given to the ruined merchant Banister.
  • The Second is the Governor of French troops in Bononia. He gives a reward and promise of safe conduct to Cromwell for delivering (as he believes) Bedford to him. As the unwitting straight man to Hodge's clowning, he interprets the letter Hodge (disguised as the Earl of Bedford and remaining behind so that Bedford can escape) is writing to his friends in Putney, as a letter to English nobles. He releases Hodge when the messenger announces that Mantua will renege on their truce with Bononia if Hodge is not set free.


He appears on the walls in V.i, his town already breached in Marlowe's Tamburlaine the Great, Part 2. Maximus advises that they treat for peace, but the governor relies on Limnasphaltis, the Babylonian lake, to provide an impossible obstacle to Tamburlaine. He chides the citizens for cowardice in wishing to surrender. When he is captured, he blusters bravely, but when he sees that Tamburlaine means to kill him, he offers hidden gold in exchange for his life. Tamburlaine takes the gold and orders the governor away to execution. He is chained, hung from the walls, and shot full of bullets. Theridamas is given the first shot.


Welcomes Anthony and Robert Sherley to Persia in Day, Rowley and Wilkins's The Travels of the Three English Brothers. He introduces them to the Sophy.


"Late of mean condition," he has become Governor by bribes in Chapman's The Widow's Tears. He is a proud and foolish upstart who thinks he deserves his position. The Captain compares him to the ass carrying the goddess Isis, who vainly thought he, not the goddess, was the object of worship.


Governor of the besieged town in Marlowe's Tamburlaine Part 1. He first appears in V.i. Tamburlaine's colors having changed to remorseless black while the Governor awaited aid from the Soldan of Egypt, he loses heart and attempts to soften the conqueror by sending out the town's virgins to pray for clemency.


At the gates of the French town of Harfleur in Shakespeare's Henry V, Henry warns the governor to surrender or see the English army violate the town and its residents in ways Henry describes in compelling terms. The governor is persuaded to surrender, admitting that the Dauphin has not seen fit to send troops to defend the town.


The Governor of Joppa in Greene and Lodge's A Looking Glass For London And England greets the Merchant of Tharsus, the Ship's Captain, and the Sailor when they appear on his shore. From them, he learns of Jonas's action to save them from the storm and of their intention to follow the Hebrew God hereafter. The Governor then takes them all off to sacrifice in the temple.


A mute character in Shakespeare's 1 Henry VI. He is given an entrance in IV.i, which is set in a hall of state in Paris.


He accepts the surrender of Dansiker and his men, depicted in a dumbshow in Daborne's A Christian Turned Turk. Presides as French merchants insist that their formal penance is not atonement enough for their crimes, and that they must swear to return to Tunis to capture Benwash.


The governor of Segonia appears toward the end of Fletcher's The Pilgrim to order a feast-day for the King's birthday. Asked by the citizens of the town to right their injustices at the hands of the outlaws, he determines to apprehend Roderigo, although he feels some sympathy for the man and his cause. He later leads the church celebrations at which the play's main characters are reunited.


An elderly gentleman whom Aurelia's father wishes her to marry in Middleton's More Dissemblers Besides Women. The Governor and Aurelia's father imprison Aurelia in the fort, but she escapes by disguising as a gypsy. Then, when she encounters the two on the road, Aurelia distracts them by pretending to tell their fortunes, and "predicting" that Aurelia is headed for the quay.


Malicious and tyranical ruler of the island of Terna in Fletcher's The Island Princess. The Governor desires the territory of the island of Sidore and takes the King captive, imprisoning him, starving him, and keeping him in the most miserable circumstances possible. One way to "win" the island is to marry the Island Princess Quisara, but she will have nothing to do with him. When Armusia, Emanuel, and Soza rescue the captive king of Sidore and in the process burn part of Terna down, destroying and crippling his nation's economy, the governor of Terna determines to revenge himself on the island nation. He disguises himself as a Moorish (Pagan) priest and enters the court of Sidore. He convinces the king that Armusia, now in line to marry the king's sister, the Princess, is plotting to destroy Sidore by marrying Quisara, having children, and converting the nation to Christianity. In the end, and with the help of Panura, Ruy Dias, and his men, Pyniero reveals the priest's true identity and the Governor is arrested and imprisoned.


Supports Crosman's plan to tempt Ward to turn Turk–make a formal conversion to Islam–as a means of securing his service and obedience in Daborne's A Christian Turned Turk. Plays host to the formal visit where Ward is praised for his valor and flattered with promises of wealth and divine favor. Reappears to witness the murders at the house of Benwash and reports the recent execution of Francisco for crimes unspecified. Both Voada and Ward appeal to him for justice; he grants Ward's request for a private interview with his wife, during which Ward kills her and then himself. The Governor pronounces final sentence on Ward's corpse, which is to be dismembered and thrown into the sea.


King Govianus is deposed by the Tyrant who loves Govianus' sweetheart, the Lady in [?]Middleton's The Second Maiden's Tragedy. The Tyrant initially plans to banish his enemy, but when the Lady announces that she loves Govianus, the Tyrant decides that a better punishment is to imprison them in a house together, in separate rooms, to increase their misery. But Govianus and the Lady persuade their guards to let them spend time together. When the Lady' father, Helvetius, arrives to persuade her into submitting to the Tyrant, Govianus 'cures' him of his unnaturalness by shooting a pistol and upbraiding him. The Tyrant sends a group of 'Fellows' to attack the house, and so Lady asks Govianus to kill her, to prevent her capture. He tries to do the deed, but swoons instead, and she is forced to kill herself. When the Fellows fail to take her body away, Govianus buries it in his family vault. The Tyrant sets him free in the hope that he will leave the country, but Govianus visits the tomb, where the Lady's Ghost tells him that the Tyrant has necrophiliac desires for the corpse. Govianus goes to get help from his brother Anselmus, but he is dying due to events in the subplot. So Govianus disguises as a painter, hired to paint the corpse's face for the Tyrant's pleasure. Govianus paints her face with poison, and the Tyrant dies when he kisses it. As the Tyrant dies, Govianus reveals his identity, and reclaims his throne.


Govin de Grace is a French prisoner in the anonymous King Edward III who reveals to Edward III a shallow pass through the River Somme. Edward rewards him with his freedom and five hundred marks in gold.

GOWER **1597

An acquaintance of Falstaff in Shakespeare's 2 Henry IV. Gower brings word to Sir John that King Henry and Prince Hal draw near the city.


Captain Gower is an English officer in Henry's army in Shakespeare's Henry V. He spends most of the play acting as audience to Fluellen.


A chorus in Shakespeare's Pericles. The English poet Gower (presumably John Gower, who lived circa1325–1408) periodically appears throughout to narrate events and comment on the action. John Gower's Confessio Amantis provided the source for much of Pericles, and his speeches in the play are written in the same meter as was his poetry.

GOWER, JOHN **1600

Only mentioned in the anonymous 1 Return From Parnassus. One of the poets Ingenio is to imitate in writing the poem for Gullio is John Gower—the only one for whom no sample of the imitation is provided.


Only mentioned in Jonson's Catiline. In Roman history, the Gracchi brothers were grandsons of the great Scipio Africanus, who defeated Hannibal at Zama. Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus (163–133 BC) was a Roman tribune who proposed agrarian laws and other reforms for the relief of the poor. Gaius Sempronius Gracchus (153–121 BC) was a tribune of the people between 123–121 BC and carried out his brother's judicial and social reforms. Both Gracchi came forward as champions of the people. They proposed laws to redistribute the public lands and to limit the powers of the corrupt and selfish Senate. Both fell victims to their enemies, Tiberius in 133 BC and Gaius twelve years later. Hovering over Catiline's head, Sylla's Ghost invokes the evil powers to help him inoculate the germs of destruction in Catiline's mind. Sylla's Ghost makes an incursion in earlier Roman history, implying that the Gracchi were motivated by the same evil ambition that he wanted to instill into Catiline's spirit.


Graccho, a fool and servant to Mariana in Massinger's The Duke of Milan, he will also serve Francisco.


Gracculo, a slave along with Cimbrio in Massinger's The Bondman; he revolts, and runs amok through the city. He is spared at the end of the play by Timoleon, on the condition that he return to his master.


Although the dramatis personae of Machin's(?) Every Woman in Her Humour describes Graccus as a "prosecutor of vice," and while he assists Acutus in playing tricks upon Servulus, Scilicet, and Philautus, Graccus is the milder of the two. He often tries to dissuade Acutus from fighting with or teasing the dandies. Indeed, Graccus says, in reference to Servulus, "I pity the fool." His mercy, however, does not extend to Scilicet, whose malapropisms and other abuses of the English language offend Graccus.


Possibly a "ghost character" in the anonymous Temperance and Humility, also possibly a reference to the abstraction of God's grace, but more probably an actual character from the lost portion of the play. Humility wishes that grace (not capitalized) would go with and abate Audacity and Adversity.


A nickname for Sir Harry's daughter, Gratiana, in Thomas Heywood's The Wise Woman of Hogsdon.


Sunset's daughter, though she is believed to be Twilight's in Middleton's No Wit, No Help Like a Woman's. Along with Jane, Grace is moderately alarmed by Goldenfleece's riddle at the play's outset that she refuses to elaborate on. Unbeknownst to the other characters, Grace is already married to Philip Twilight, a match which portends disaster when the Dutch Merchant informs the couple that they are, in reality, brother and sister–a fact confirmed by Lady Twilight who believes Grace to be her daughter. On the verge of the public celebration of the couple's nuptials, Goldenfleece reveals the riddle hinted at earlier, and confirms that Grace is in fact Sunset's daughter and therefore free to marry Philip Twilight.

GRACE **1638

Alderman Covet’s daughter in Glapthorne’s Wit in a Constable. She has a wit more sharp and piercing than a wasp’s sting. She engages in a tart repartee with Valentine, who speaks on Sir Timothy Shallowit’s behalf, and when he gives as tartly as he receives, Grace quite fancies him. She sends him a letter and admits of her love. Together, she and Valentine plan to dress him as a woman so they can elope. Valentine is unmasked only to make Grace and Clare seem dishonest in secreting a man in their chambers. In act four, she conspires with Clare and Busie to be revenged upon both Thorowgood and Valentine. The women assure Sir Timothy and Jeremy that they will make them terrible wives. Thinking they jest, both men take them at their word and agree to be complacent cuckolds and to marry the women immediately but in such secrecy that absolutely no one will know of it. “Freewit," Jeremy, Clare, and Grace meet in the street and exchange insults bred of wounded feelings until the men realize that the women still love them. They offer marriage, but the women scorn them. Nevertheless, she marries Valentine mistakenly believing he is Jeremy. She is much relieved by the match.


Grace Seldom is the wife of Seldom, a citizen, and assists him in his shop in Field's Amends for Ladies. She is sent a propositioning letter by the Husband via Moll Cutpurse, which she rejects. She also rejects the advances of Lord Proudly, who tries to woo her in her husband's shop. Seldom is confident in his wife's chastity, and hopes to gain by her conversation with men such as Lord Proudly. Seldom and Grace attend the eventual marriages of Lady Honour to Ingen and Lady Bright to Bold.


Grace Wellborn is Adam Overdo's ward, soon to be married to Bartholomew Cokes in Jonson's Bartholomew Fair. Grace is not enthusiastic about the marriage because Cokes is a fool, but her uncle has got her into a legal situation in which she must either marry Cokes or relinquish her lands. Grace accompanies Cokes and his sister to Littlewit's house so Cokes may retrieve their marriage certificate. Though unwilling, Grace agrees to go with her foolish fiancé and his sister to the Fair. At the Fair, Grace is in the Cokes party when Edgworth pinches Cokes' first and second purse. When Grace explains the reason why she needs to be in possession of the marriage certificate, Quarlous proposes that Edgworth steal the box containing the it from Wasp. Grace's guardian, Justice Overdo wanted to marry her off to his brother-in-law, or else she was obliged to pay value of her land. The legal situation is such that Grace must either marry Cokes or forfeit her land unless, as Quarlous suggests, she can prove that Cokes is her inferior and that marriage to him would be a "disparagement." Quarlous and Winwife become Grace's suitors, and they quarrel over her hand. Grace devises a game in which each suitor should write a code name on a writing-tablet, and let the first person passing by choose between them. Trouble-all makes the random choice, and Winwife is chosen. Grace and Winwife enter the puppet-theatre of the Fair and attend the puppet play. In the final revelation scene, Grace hears that Quarlous has won her by a warrant from Justice Overdo, yet she must refuse the marriage because Winwife is the winner of the fortune game. Therefore, she must give away her land to Quarlous. Hearing that she is to be married to an impecunious but lucky man, Grace remains speechless. Grace and Winwife are among the guests invited to Overdo's house for supper.


One of judge All For Money's suitors in Lupton's All For Money. Gregory Graceless is a ruffian who is in trouble for having robbed and murdered. He is ready to divide his booty with All For Money if the judge accepts to help him.


The Graces are the Charities in the anonymous Maid's Metamorphosis. The playwright confuses the Charities and the Muses, because when Ascanio and Eurymine are advised by Aramanthus to go and see the Graces for them to intercede with Apollo, he calls them Muses, instead of Charities as he had previously done.

GRACES **1624

Of the characters in Evanthe's and Valerio's wedding masque in Fletcher's A Wife for a Month, only Cupid speaks. Cupid's attendants include not only Fancy, Desire, Delight, Hope, but also Fear, Distrust, Jealousy, Care, Ire, and Despair, suggesting that in the lovers' marriage, misery will outweigh happiness. They enter as "Cupid and Graces." Valerio finds this to be the case when shortly after the wedding the king forbids him from consummating his marriage.


Fictitious characters within the story of Paris and Enone which the Chorus intends to perform before the king in Rutter's The Shepherds' Holiday.


A servant to Bacheus in (?)Goffe’s Careless Shepherdess. He tells Arismena that Bacheus has been possessed. He is later dragged into the satyr’s dance by one of the satyrs. They threaten and frighten him into bringing them Arismena. He sings to Arismena “I am in love an cannot woo" as he leads her to the satyrs. He comes upon the wounded satyr and glories over him, threatening to take the wretch home and have him beaten daily. He is surprised, however, when the wounded creature picks him up and carries him away to be hanged. At play’s end, he is released from his close cell and, not realizing that the satyrs are really Peromett and his men, has a few comic moments of fear until Cleobulus and the others reckon he’s been punished sufficiently for his willingness to yield up Arismena to her fate.


Family name of Sir John and Peggie in J.W.'s The Valiant Scot.


Officer under Brennoralt in Suckling's Brennoralt. Grainevert and his friends Marinell, Stratheman, and Villanor are cavaliers, who provide the comic interest of the play by their cheerful reminiscences, fantasies, and singing-matches about women.


A "ghost character" in Sampson's The Vow-Breaker. Second son to the Earl of Monteith, he is one of the Scottish lords taken hostage to the English at the Battle of Dunbar.


Grammar accompanies Peace in Marston's Histrio-Mastix.


Grammaticus is a rule bound schoolteacher who eventually marries Rhetorica in Holiday's Technogamia. After a fight with Poeta, he sends a challenge to Poeta through Choler, but the fight never takes place.


Granato is a farmer, affiliated with Malingua and Mureto in the anonymous Two Wise Men and All the Rest Fools; he deplores the prosperity of both lawyers and merchants at the expense of the farmers who depend on them, and contends that farmers are more meritorious than the others are. The two wise men observe that all three callings are mutually interdependent.


A Frenchman played with a broad stage-French accent in Ruggle’s Club Law. He tells Puff that he will go to the Burgomaster’s feast. Once there he becomes the butt of jokes. Henceforth, he decides to go to the “Academics" where the food is better anyway. He is amongst the group to assist Musonius in stealing the arsenal of staves and poles from Cobly’s storehouse where he boasts of breaking the townsmen’s pates. He takes offense at Cricket’s suggestion that he will be the first to run away. In the fight, Rumford bests him. When the fight is over, he crawls out from under a stall to swagger and taunt Puff, one of the beaten townsmen. He boasts to Musonius that he has killed five.


Probably Peromett, though never made clear in (?)Goffe’s Careless Shepherdess. He observes the bringing in of the captive Philaritus, Lariscus, Cleobulus, and Bachus. He also delivers the Epilogue.


Only mentioned in the anonymous Wit's Triumvirate. Grand Signior is mentioned by Master Silence when, after he has cozened Master Fright, he says: "If thou hast but faith to believe and patience to endure what I have enjoined thee, thou mayst make a shift to live under the Grand Signior." The Grand Signior was the title given to the Sultan of Turkey.


Only mentioned in Randolph's Plutophthalmia. Chremylus tells Clodpole, Lackland, and Stiff that they will have wealth enough to confront Prester-John and the Grand Signior.


A "ghost character" in S.S's Honest Lawyer. Nice remembers his Grandam telling him that a cat sitting on a hatch was an ill sign.


A "ghost character" in Cokain's The Obstinate Lady. Discussion between Carionil and Falorus reveals that Carionil's grandfather killed Lucora's grandfather in a duel. Although she doesn't hold it against him, her father does.


A "ghost character" in Cokain's The Obstinate Lady. Discussion between Carionil and Falorus reveals that Carionil's grandfather killed Lucora's grandfather in a duel. Although she doesn't hold it against him, her father does.


A "ghost character" in Day's Isle of Gulls. Manasses claims that 'My great Graundfather was a Rat-catcher, my Grandsier a Hangman, my Father a Promooter, and my selfe an Informer', but he has rejected informing for his profitable career with Dametas.


Gertrude's grandmother is a "ghost character" in Jonson, Marston, and Chapman's Eastward Ho!. She has bequeathed some land on Gertrude, which makes the young lady a ready prey for the fortune hunter Sir Petronel.


A "ghost character" in Jonson's The Alchemist. When Face introduces Dapper to Subtle, he wants to show that Dapper is a person of character. Besides mentioning his financial assets, Face says Dapper is the only hope of his old grandmother. Face alludes to some possible inheritance for the Dapper from his old grandmother.


A "ghost character" in Davenant's News From Plymouth. Lady Loveright's Grandmother has left her an estate of four thousand pounds.


Grandpré is a noble in the French army in Shakespeare's Henry V. As the battle of Agincourt is about to begin, Grandpré follows the Constable's call to arms with his own speech mocking the ragged English army. He is killed in battle.


Captain of Rollo’s faction in Fletcher’s Bloody Brother. He calls his faction the Rollians and claims they are as brave as Romans. He refers to the other faction as Ottoes. He relishes the dissent between Rollo and Otto and hopes it lasts forever as war keeps him in business. He vows to kill Gisbert, who once placed him in prison for brawling. He taunts Baldwin that he shall have the tutor’s daughter for his entertainment. He claims he carries Charlemagne’s sword when he trades boasting insults with Trevile. When Rollo and Otto pledge mutual amity, Grandpree, Verdon, Trevile, and Duprete realize that their own ambitions will falter and form an unholy alliance to undo the union. Grandpree is especially keen to keep the factions active because Gisbert has promised to hang him if Justice is allowed its power. He does not appear again after the first act.


A "ghost character" in P. Fletcher's Sicelides. The drunken Cancrone writes "an Epitaph" for his "grandsire" who was "eate[n] [. . .] up crust and crum" by the Cyclops (Rimbombo) and expresses his fear over the rumour that "deflouring goes in a blood." Cancrone makes an unsuccessful attempt (along with Conchylio, who is disguised as Cosma) to kill Rimbombo in revenge of his grandfather's death, and later claims that he "care[s] not much" if Rimbombo eats him, since he "might have some hope to see the good old man once againe before [he] die[s]."


A "ghost character" in Day's Isle of Gulls. Manasses claims that 'My great Graundfather was a Rat-catcher, my Grandsier a Hangman, my Father a Promooter, and my selfe an Informer', but he has rejected informing for his profitable career with Dametas.


A "ghost character" in Hawkins's Apollo Shroving. Slugge informs Drudo that he has "the gout [. . .] in foot, and hand too." He also claims that his "father and grandsire had so."


A “ghost character" in (?)Shipman’s Grobiana’s Nuptials. He got wind by eating a “craddock" at a football game and, ever since then, his posterity is troubled with pain in the crupper.


Only mentioned in Carlell's 1 Arviragus and Philicia. 2 Pageant-maker claims that Artemia will bear "warlike Princes" for the "noble grandsire."


Granicus is Plato's servant in Lyly's Campaspe.


Granius is a supporter of Marius in Lodge's The Wounds of Civil War. In the initial debate over who should be general, Granius calls Marius honorable and wishes him to fight for Rome. He does not leave with Marius or Scilla, but instead stays behind in a conversation with Merula and Anthony. He regrets that ambition drives men to fight for rule, and states that gods and cities both are in thrall to Fortune because of ambition. After Scilla takes Rome, Granius openly supports Marius, and compares Scilla and Marius to two gladiators, Spectacus and Crassus. Granius says that although Spectacus seemed the most powerful fighter in Rome, Crassus subdued him, just as Marius will subdue Scilla. Scilla has soldiers seize Granius and take him away to execution.


Only mentioned in Davenport's New Trick to Cheat the Devil. Slightall mentions Grannam Eve when he realizes Mistriss Changeable intends to marry her daughter to Lord Skales just because of his titles. He then calls Anne's mother: "Grannam Eve." According to the Bible, Eve, the first woman, was responsible for the original sin, thus, for the damnation of human kind. In the same way, Master Slightall, by calling Anne's mother like that, is blaming her for his and his daughter subsequent unhappiness.


"A silent lord" in Marston's Parasitaster, or The Fawn. His name could be a play on "granfo," or fool. He is Gonzago's closest advisor but never speaks, the joke being that Gonzago always consults him but only asks rhetorical questions that he answers himself. He is accused of pretending to be wise and of courting women silently and falsely during the Masque of Cupid's Council, and speaks his only two lines accepting his sentence.


Gratiana is the daughter of Marc Antonio and is secretly married to Valerio in Chapman's All Fools. Like Bellanora, she is unable to be with her husband because of his father, and she complains about her separation to Gazetta. However, after seeing the way Cornelio treats Gazetta, Bellanora and Gratiana agree that they would rather have no love than suffer jealousy like his. She agrees to play along with Rinaldo's scheme, and pretends to be Fortunio's wife so that they can seek refuge in Gostanzo's house. This allows Fortunio to see Bellanora regularly, and for Valerio and Gratiana to meet regularly. After Gostanzo sees Valerio kissing and complimenting Gratiana, he becomes worried that Gratiana is deceiving Fortunio. Following Rinaldo's suggestion, Valerio and Gratiana now pretend to be married and go to Marc Antonio's house, where Gostanzo pretends first to be angry and then to forgive them (not realizing that they are, in fact, married). Gratiana is present when Cornelio has divorce papers drawn up, but does not say anything. Nor does she speak in the final scene, when all is revealed.


The beautiful and marriageable daughter of Sir Harry in Thomas Heywood's The Wise Woman of Hogsdon. Gratiana is sometimes referred to as "Grace" in the play. She is the love interest of Sencer, who woos her inappropriately by asking her father's blessing before securing hers, and she rebuffs him, initially preferring his friend and companion Haringfield. Young Chartley spies her in the street and, overcome by her beauty, determines to woo her even though he believes himself already married to Luce. Young Chartley presents a forged letter from his father Old Chartley to his friend Sir Harry indicating his wish to have their children marry. Sir Harry is pleased, and Gratiana acquiesces to her father's wishes. The night before the wedding Gratiana is lured to the Wise-Woman of Hogsdon's lodgings under the pretext of being presented with a gift of needlework and being told her fortunes in love. While there she learns firsthand of Young Chartley's double-dealing and is one of the party that confronts him about his wrongdoings. Sencer's involvement in revealing Young Chartley's misdeeds wins the loving approval of both Gratiana and her father, and Gratiana is happily paired with Sencer at the end of the play.


Mother to Vindice, Hippolito, and Castiza in [?]Middleton's The Revenger's Tragedy. She is willing to prostitute Castiza to Lussurioso, but under threat from Vindice relents. Castiza tests her newfound moral fibre by pretended to be willing to go to Lussurioso, but Gratiana forbids it.


Gratiana is the daughter of Sir John Belfare and is engaged to wed Beauford in James Shirley's The Wedding. Accused of infidelity with Beauford's friend Marwood, Gratiana engages the help of Captain Landby in clearing her good name. She leads everyone, including her father, to believe she plans suicide. She arranges to have herself carried to Beauford in a chest. Presumably she is dead. Her innocence is proven when Cardona confesses it was her daughter Lucibel and not Gratiana who had lain with Marwood. The reconciliation of Gratiana and Beauford results in the wedding for which the play is named.


Gratiano, or Graziano, is a friend of Bassanio's in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. When Bassanio decides to go to Belmont, Gratiano asks to go with him and, after cautioning him not to be too wild, Bassanio agrees. There, Gratiano falls in love with Nerissa and when Bassanio picks the right casket, Gratiano announces that they wish to marry as well. He returns to Venice with Bassanio when they receive Antonio's letter, where he is most vocal in attacking Shylock and, when Portia finds a loophole in the bond, in taunting him. After the trial, Portia asks for Bassanio's ring. Bassaino at first refuses, but is persuaded by Antonio and Gratiano runs after the disguised Portia with it. Nerissa then promises Portia that she will get Gratiano's ring as well, which she does. Back at Belmont, Gratiano and Bassanio both swear that they gave their rings to men and are shocked when their wives admit to sleeping with those men. They are relieved to find out that the "men" were their wives in disguise.


Brother to Brabantio in Shakespeare's Othello. Along with Montano he answers Emilia's calls for help and discovers the murdered Desdemona.


A lord, husband of Charmia and twin to Fulvio in Rider’s The Twins. When Fulvio tells him of an anonymous woman who would to lie with him or else perish in a life of sin, Gratiano, not realizing that the woman is his wife, asks if Fulvio lusts after the woman. When Fulvio admits he’d lie with her only to forestall her future sins, Gratiano advises him to lie with the woman. It is not done in mutual lust and is therefore venial and easily absolved by the priest. He later asks who the woman is, and Fulvio admits it is Charmia. They fight. He enters later dressed in Fulvio’s clothes and confessing that he has made short work of his brother and now intends to test his wife. When Gratiano comes to Charmia disguised as Fulvio, however, she has an attack of conscience and sends him away saying she cannot be unfaithful after all. He determines to try her again to ensure her loyalty. She again refuses him. He comes to her room, and when she speaks of incest he says, ‘you harp too much upon that string.’ When she threatens to kill herself rather than yield, he unmasks. She has lain with her own husband, believing it to be Fulvio. Rather than extenuating the forehand sin, Gratiano makes her realize that she has been unfaithful in intention if not in fact. When a letter arrives from Gratiano at lord Fidelio’s, Charmia is confused. Though this Gratiano says it was a ruse of his to have it sent, Charmia believes he is in fact Fulvio trying to trick her into bed. She will go to the shepherd’s festival with him but will call him brother, not husband. At the shepherd’s festival, Fulvio appears and it is revealed that Charmia never lay with anyone but her husband. Gratiano forgives her lust because it is the common ailment of Italy and not a fault peculiar to her.


Gratianus is one of three eunuchs of the emperor's chamber in Massinger's The Emperor of the East. The others are Chrysapius and Timantus. They are at first suspicious of Pulcheria and her motives but change their minds when they realize she is only attempting to protect her brother. Chrysapius becomes a conspirator with Pulcheria as they scheme to curb Theodosius' generosity. Pulcheria tricks Theodosius into signing his own wife into slavery.


A "ghost character" in Jonson's Every Man out of His Humour. Fastidious Brisk follows Sogliardo's advice in pretending that he has relatives in high places to show off as a grand gentleman. When he is introduced to Puntavorlo, Fastidious Brisk pretends to be well acquainted with Count Gratiato at court, commending him as a gentleman who treats him with respect and love.


A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's All's Well. A commander in the Florentine army.


Millecert gives his inheritance to Aramant in Wilson's The Inconstant Lady and disguises himself so successfully as Gratus that neither his wife, Emilia, nor his brother, Aramant, recognize him when they see him at the palace. The Duke of Burgundy employs Gratus to guard Cloris and to sweet talk her into becoming the Duke's wife. Instead, Gratus helps his brother, Aramant, free Cloris from captivity. Meanwhile, Emilia contacts Gratus for assistance in her quest to woo the Duke for herself. When Emilia, disguised as Cloris, meets the Duke in Cloris' cell, Gratus interrupts with the revelation that the woman in bed is really Emilia. After Emilia confides in Gratus that Cloris was adopted, and Busario confesses that he abandoned the Duke's infant daughter, Gratus concludes that Cloris is the Duke's daughter, long thought to be dead, and explains this to the Duke. In the concluding scene Gratus reveals himself as Millecert, and, at the Duke's urging, takes back his inconstant wife, Emilia.


Grausis in Ford's The Broken Heart is an interesting treatment of the old bawd working on behalf of the young lovers. She can be readily compared to Maquerelle in this regard. Here, however, she is employed to further Bassanes' insane jealousy when she is set to spy on her own mistress, the honorable Penthea. Her name means "old bedlam."


Title shared by brothers Maurice and Henry, and their cousin William in Fletcher and Massinger's Sir John Van Olden Barnavelt. Modern spelling "Graf" indicates nobility equivalent to an English earl or French count.


The First Clown in Shakespeare's Hamlet, often called the Gravedigger after his profession, discusses the merits of Ophelia's Christian burial, makes several jokes based on class, and then sends the Second Clown for some drink. He sings and throws up old skulls while digging the grave, causing Hamlet to wonder at his treatment of the dead. When Hamlet speaks to him, the Clown jokes with him about graves and then shows him Yorick's skull.


Family name of Queen Elizabeth and her brothers, Lords Gray and Rivers in the anonymous True Tragedy of Richard III and also Shakespeare's Richard III.


Son of Elizabeth, Edward IV's queen, from her previous marriage to Lord Gray in Shakespeare's Richard III. Through Elizabeth's influence, Gray is able to inherit his father's title and estate, which had been forfeited to Edward because Lord Gray supported Henry VI. Gray is therefore an enemy of the Yorks. He tries to comfort his mother while Edward is on his deathbed because she is afraid that her own life and her family's lives will be in danger after Edward dies. Richard III arrests Gray along with his uncle, Rivers, and Vaughan, and they are executed in Pomfret Castle, where Richard II was murdered. His ghost visits Richard and Richmond the night before the Battle of Bosworth, cursing Richard and blessing Richmond.

GRAY **1604

He brings in the French ambassadors to meet Henry in Rowley’s When You See Me. Dudley, Gray, and Seymour think Wolsey has grown too great and dangerous and begrudge his attempt to gain the papal crown


Alternative name of Elizabeth, Edward IV's queen in Shakespeare's Richard III. Elizabeth was previously married to Lord Gray, who opposed the house of York and was killed in battle with them.

GRAY, LORD**1591

Lord Gray is the Queen's brother in the anonymous True Tragedy of Richard III. Unlike in Shakespeare's play, he is unrelated to Mrs. Shore. He is charged with attending young Edward V. Gray agrees with his sister that Edward should quit his stronghold of Northampton, against the advice of his brother Earl Rivers. Gray particularly doubts that the Duke of Buckingham poses a threat to Edward's rule. Gray is arrested by Richard and charged with high treason. Richard accuses Gray of ruling Edward V without authority and of making illegal payments to the enemy Scots. Gray argues that the Queen Mother had given him the power to act on Edward's behalf. He also claims that the payments to the Scots had been approved by the entire Court. The arguments do not persuade Richard and Gray is condemned to death. Even when Edward V personally pleads for Gray to be granted bail, Richard refuses.

GRAY, LORD**1593

A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's Richard III. Previous husband of Elizabeth, Edward IV's queen. Lord Gray opposed the house of York and was killed in battle against them.


Agrees with Cambridge in his claim to the throne, and vows to help execute the King in Munday, Drayton, Hathaway, and Wilson's Sir John Oldcastle.


Henry VIII’s disguise name and the watchword as he passes through London at night in Rowley’s When You See Me.


A poulterer in The Grocer's Honour portion of Beaumont's Knight of the Burning Pestle. He is one of Rafe's men at the Mile End muster. He carries a firearm referred to as a "piece," and his sequence is filled with bawdy double entendre.

GRIEF **1617

One of the fifteen affections and the subject of the play in the anonymous Pathomachia. One of the ringleaders in the battle who have never loved Love. Like water, Grief is moist and cold. She brings a list of grievances before King Love towards the end of the play against the Stoics, Peripatetics, and that some seat the Affections in prudence or the brain rather than the heart or that the spirits or humors rule the Affections or say the Affections are mortal and die with the body or are seen in beasts and therefore are not unique to man. King Love answers each grievance with a logical bit of pedantry.


Griffin is a lawyer and school friend of Benjamin in S.S's Honest Lawyer. He attempts to bring Bromley and Sagar to a peaceable solution over the question of the mortgage, but fails, and then is robbed with them by Vaster, Valentine and Curfew. He realizes from Bromley's behavior that the latter has killed Sagar and tries to blackmail him. Bromley accuses him in turn of forgery, and the two agree to keep each other's secrets. At the trial, however, Bromley implicates Griffin after he himself has confessed.


A hangman and tavern keeper in the anonymous The Wasp. He welcomes Howlet, who is disguised as a brother hangman. He agrees along with Dampit and Huntit to assist Kenwell in wooing the "lusty widow" of "walltamstowe" Countess Claridon. He disguises himself as a soldier–Alexander Hannibal Caesar Dangerfield, captain of the garrison in Gunpowder Alley. He courts the widow in this guise but fails to impress her. He is frightened away by "Constable Fallbridge" who supposedly has a warrant against him for taking bribes as a hangman and burning hands with cold irons.


Only mentioned in Randolph's Plutophthalmia. A cat, identified as having nine lives.

GRIMES **1638

A mute character in Glapthorne’s Wit in a Constable. He accompanies Busie in act four and is possibly one of the watch. Jeremy Hold–fast and Sir Timothy send him to fetch the marriage licenses for them to marry Clare and Grace. He accompanies Sir Timothy and Jeremy through nighttime London on their way to marry.


Gripe is a usurer in S.S's Honest Lawyer intent on claiming the mortgage on Vaster's property, despite his son's protestations. He threatens to disown his son if he marries Anne Vaster and when Anne and Robin appeal to him for aid he rejects them utterly. He is also suffering from several illnesses, and is gullible enough to believe Valentine is a physician who can cure him, even protecting him after Valentine is involved in a bar fight. Gripe is robbed by Vaster, Valentine and Curfew twice, once on the road and once when they appear to him in his house disguised as fairies. The first time, he is rescued by Vaster's wife and rather than being grateful, Gripe attempts to seduce her. He becomes convinced that she is one of the thieves who robbed his house and decides to poison her, but Benjamin substitutes a harmless drink in its place. He is arrested for her murder and tries to gain help from Sir Bare Notwithstanding, but is refused. Finally, he confesses his crimes and turns over the mortgage to Vaster's wife and children, at which point Vaster reveals that he is still alive.


Benjamin is the "honest lawyer" of S.S's Honest Lawyer. He is son of a sickly usurer who is sent by his father to claim Vaster's lands. When Vaster insults his father, they duel and Benjamin believes he has killed Vaster. He promises to look after Vaster's wife and children and spends the rest of the play attempting to do just that. He removes Vaster's wife from the brothel where Vaster has placed her and provides shelter for Vaster's children, Robin and Anne. He also immediately falls in love with Anne and offers to marry her twice. The first time, they are interrupted by the entrance of Gripe, who threatens to disown Benjamin, so Anne will not stay with him. The second time she accepts him. Benjamin also helps Sagar, warning him that Bromley intends to harm him, and disguising him so that he can confront Bromley in the final scene. When Gripe tries to poison Vaster's wife, Benjamin substitutes a harmless concoction and then helps her hide until the final scene. Finally, he admits to killing Vaster in the duel, and is ready to be hanged when Vaster reveals himself. Benjamin speaks the epilogue, offering the standard thanks and asking for applause.


The modest daughter of Janicola in Chettle, Dekker and Haughton's Patient Grissil. She is unwilling to believe that Gwalter, the Marquess of Salucia has any dishonourable intentions towards her as her father fears. When Gwalter proposes marriage, though, she is shocked but when her father allows the match, she agrees. The two are married and Grissil becomes pregnant. Then, though Gwalter suddenly seems to change his temperament and acts harshly to her, she remains loyal to him, enduring verbal abuse and the banishment of her family from court. She is delivered of twins, a boy and a girl but is immediately forced out of Gwalter's court and has to return to live with her father. There, despite her unfair treatment, she refuses to speak ill of her husband. Even when Furio comes to take the children away and the Marquess is denounced as a tyrant, Grissil defends him and allows Furio to take the babies. Later she dutifully returns to court and hearing that her husband has decided to remarry, wishes him happiness. When it is finally revealed to her that her children are still alive and well and that the Marquess has always loved her, she is overjoyed.


The daughter of Gwalter and Grissil in Chettle, Dekker and Haughton's Patient Grissil. She is initially said to be the daughter of the Duke of Brandenburgh, supposedly a new bride for Gwalter.


The Grazier is petitioner used by Vortiger to vex Constantius in Middleton's Hengist.


A "ghost character" in Marlowe's The Jew of Malta. The Great Cham is the ruler of China, who is mentioned by Barabas as having given him the gift of a hat.


Only mentioned in the anonymous Wit's Triumvirate. The Great Deceiver is mentioned by Master Fright when he is describing one of the visions provoked by his disease to Doctor Clyster: "A sleight, I fear, of the old Juggler, the Great Deceiver." The Great Deceiver is another name for the Devil, as well as Lucifer, the Old Juggler, Satanas or Satan.


The great traveler is an Antipodean, a character in the inset play of Brome's The Antipodes. He is being instructed by the puritan tradesman in lying.


The leader of the Turks in Day, Rowley and Wilkins's The Travels of the Three English Brothers. When the captured Thomas Sherley Jr refuses to reveal his identity, the Turk orders him to be tortured. He refuses Robert Sherley's offer to return twenty Turkish prisoners in exchange for Thomas. When the King of England requests Thomas's return, the Great Turk accepts, but insists that he is giving the King a present, rather than obeying an order.


A great man with a great voice in Wilson's The Cobbler's Prophecy calls offstage for Charon's boat.


The three Grecians along with a Persian make up the Chorus in Daniel's Philotas.


Mainly referred to by the name "Greedy" in Massinger's A New Way to Pay Old Debts. Greedy is his apparent surname–although he claims, as a joke, that his full name is Greedy Woodcock. He is a corrupt Justice of the Peace, "and coram too." He is commanded by Overreach, who cares little about his well being and continually "bribes his belly" for legal favors–such as in the cases of a poor farmer and Master Frugal. Although he has an insatiable appetite and an inexhaustible passion for food cooked to perfection, his appearance is gaunt, earning him the contempt of Furnace. When given full charge of food preparation for the dinner in honour of Lord Lovell's arrival at Overreach's home he becomes caught in a battle with Overreach's "rebellious" cook and, after all of his hard work in the kitchen, is informed that he cannot attend the dinner due to the arrival of unexpected guests. When supervising the petitioners who approach Welborne for debt payments he is successfully bribed in the suit of Froth and Tapwell until Welborne makes a superior offer for his verdict, causing Greedy to revoke the tapping and drawing license of Tapwell and Froth. Greedy is generally thought to be a satirical figuring of the monopolist Sir Giles Mompesson (1584–?1651), who, from 1617, licensed alehouses and inns (for heavy fees and fines) and became the surveyor of profits of the New River Company at the rate of £200 annually. Mompesson is also likely the butt of the satirical character Antonio in the anonymous Two Wise Men and All the Rest Fools.


A disguise adopted by Lodowick in Chettle's Hoffman. Adopting a Greek disguise provided by Hoffman, he runs away with Lucybel. His brother Mathias, thinking that a Greek lover has run off with his brother's bride, kills him.


A strong supporter of King Richard, along with Bushy and Bagot in Shakespeare's Richard II. Bushy and Green attempt to take refuge at Bristol Castle but are captured by Bolingbroke and condemned to death for treason along with the Earl of Wiltshire.


Two performers in the King's welcome pageants in Whetstone's 2 Promos and Cassandra. They are dressed as green men and carry sticks of fireworks. Their job is to keep a passage clear in the street so that the King and his retinue can get through.


Only mentioned in Randolph's Praeludium. When the Gentleman complains of the paucity of comedies and new words of wit lately, due to the closing of the theatres because of the plague, he suggests that the alternative entertainment would be reading books. Thus, the Gentleman says, people must either study Euphues or return to Greene's Arcadia.




Leading "minion", or favorite, of Richard II in the anonymous Thomas of Woodstock. With the others favorites, Bagot, Bushy, and Scroop, and the lawyer Tresilian, Greene encourages the King to resist his uncles, especially Woodstock, and to hand over power to the favorites instead. At the coronation, Richard, stung by Woodstock's reproaches, makes Greene his Lord Chancellor. When Richard divides up the country for his favorites to run, he gives Greene the best bit: the south-eastern area including London, Oxford, and Cambridge. With Scroop, Greene prevents the King from reprieving Woodstock at the last minute. In the final battle, he is killed by Arundel and bitterly mourned by the King.


He has been dispossessed of his rents owing to Arden's letters patent on the Abbey land in the anonymous Arden of Feversham. Alice tells him that Arden is a monster who beats her. She gives Greene money to hire murderers to kill Arden. In return for Greene's help Alice promises to give him twenty pounds above the ten she has already given and return his Feversham lands. After the murder, he and Mosbie carry Arden's body to the Abbey to hide it. Franklin tells us that Greene was hanged at Osbridge in Kent.


Only mentioned in Jonson's Every Man out of His Humour. Robert Greene (1560?–1592) was an Elizabethan dramatist and poet. He is remembered for a few charming lyrics and a derisive reference to William Shakespeare in his "Groatsworth of Wit Bought with a Million of Repentance." When Fastidious Brisk wants to make a good impression on Puntavorlo as a gentleman, he boasts about his high connections at court. When Puntavorlo mentions the court lady Saviolina, Fastidious Brisk says she is an excellent lady with a talent for music. According to Fastidious Brisk, her phrases are elegant and her choice of figures rivals Sidney's Arcadia or Greene's poems.


A low-ranking army officer, whose principal occupation is pressing men into the service in The London Prodigal. He is a suitor of Luce, but her father will not allow the match because Sir Arthur is unlikely to become a rich man, on account of his honesty. Despite this snub, Sir Arthur generously gives a diamond to Luce and Flowerdale in the conclusion.


Luke Greenshield has been courting Mrs. Maybery without success for almost two years in Dekker and Webster's Northward Ho. He now wants to revenge himself for her "puritanical coyness". He has stolen her ring, and he now tells Maybery that he had got it from her, but lost it in her bed, where Featherstone had found it immediately afterwards. Maybery believes this story first, but his friend Bellamont convinces him that it is pure slander. As he is short of money, Greenshield accepts Maybery's invitation to stay at his place. Greenshield's father-in-law, an innkeeper at Doncaster, has found out where he lives, and has sent his wife Kate back to him. He does not know that she had an affair with his friend Featherstone because has not seen her for some time, since he left her when she was pregnant. Greenshield gives her out as his sister, so that she may stay at Maybery's garden house, together with him and Featherstone. While they stay at Maybery's house, Kate pretends to be sleepwalking to get into Featherstone's bedroom. Her acting is so convincing that Greenshield even thanks Featherstone for not waking her up. Featherstone counterfeits a letter from her father, the innkeeper of Doncaster, that Kate should go to Enfield to get some money. Greenshield, who is unable to accompany her because of some pills that Featherstone has given him, asks his friend to accompany Kate to Enfield, but the two lovers then run off to Ware instead. Maybery, who has been informed about this by his servant Squirrel, tells Greenshield that Mrs Maybery has gone to Ware to meet a gentleman from the court. Greenshield is now convinced that he can prove Mrs Maybery's infidelity there, and he wants to go there with Maybery to catch them in the act. Maybery wants as many people as possible present when Greenshield discovers his own wife Kate together with Featherstone, so asks Bellamont, Philip, Leverpool and Chartley to accompany them. At Ware they cannot find Mrs Maybery, because Bellamont has told her to hide. Greenshield gets told that she is in Puckridge, and he wants to go there immediately, but Maybery pretends to be tired and melancholy and does not want to go any further. Greenshield should provide a prostitute for him to make him happy. During a short absence of Featherstone, Greenshield, disguised as a fawkner, goes to his inn to look for a suitable prostitute for Maybery. He does not recognize his own wife because she is wearing a mask, and she follows the "stranger" willingly to be presented to Maybery. When all comes out, Greenshield has been cuckolded by his friend Featherstone, but he has now also cuckolded himself. As Featherstone finds himself also cuckolded by Kate, he agrees to marry Doll Hornet, whom he thinks to be Maybery's niece, and Greenshield and Kate remain together.


A "ghost character" in Mountfort's The Launching of The Mary. One of the workers in the shipyard. His name is called out by the Clerk of the Check.


A gallant of London in Middleton and Dekker's Moll Cutpurse, The Roaring Girl. Greenwit's name signifies youth and lust. A friend of Goshawk and Laxton, he joins them in smoking tobacco at Gallipot's apothecary shop. Greenwit later aids Laxton in an attempt to extort money from Gallipot by pretending to be a court officer serving a citation upon him.


The family name of Miller Greety, Miller Greety's wife, and Young Greety in Heywood and Brome's The Late Lancashire Witches.


A member of the crowd that watches Volpone disguised as Scoto of Mantua–or possibly a name applied to the entire crowd in Jonson's Volpone.


A "ghost character" in Peele's The Battle of Alcazar. The Pope sent the Bishop and others to Ireland to conquer the land and restore it to the Roman faith.


A servant to the Capulets in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. He provokes Abraham and Balthasar into a brawl.


A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's Henry VIII. De Cassado is a nobleman of Ferrara. Without the king's knowledge or permission, Wolsey established an alliance between Ferrara and the King of England.


Mister Gregory is a country gentleman that courts Lady Mosely in ?Brewer's The Country Girl. He always remembers to mention the fact that his father will die one day soon in his waiting. Mr. Gregory is to fight with Mr. Rash in a duel to show his bravery in front of Lady Mosely, but at the end they do not fight. He meets Barbara in the lower end of Lymestreet. He confesses that he wants to be the only one to have the lady. When he loses his chance, he courts the Old Gentlewoman to be his wife.


A "ghost character" in ?Brewer's The Country Girl. His son remembers his future death all along the play.


Sir Gregory Fop is a rich fool, whom Sir Perfidious hopes will marry his Niece in Middleton and Rowley's Wit at Several Weapons. The Niece, however, prefers Sir Gregory's parasite, Cunningham. Along with Sir Perfidious, Gregory is gulled by Wittypate and the false 'beggars'. Sir Gregory attempts to woo the Niece by serenading her. But the Niece confuses him by hurling abuse whenever they are alone together, while speaking lovingly whenever Sir Perfidious is present. Sir Perfidious is thus irritated when Gregory complains of the Niece's indifference. While pretending to love him, the Niece drops her scarf as a favour. Gregory is angered further when Cunningham takes the scarf, claiming it was intended for Pompey. Gregory is then tricked twice by Cunningham: first, into delivering his love-letter to the Niece, and then into vowing marriage to Mirabell, while he thinks he is talking to the Niece. When he realises that he has been tricked, Gregory decides to marry Mirabell anyway, since she is less abusive than the Niece, and at the end of the play he tells Sir Perfidious that he has married Mirabell to spite him.


One of judge All For Money's suitors in Lupton's All For Money. Gregory Graceless is a ruffian who is in trouble for having robbed and murdered. He is ready to divide his booty with All For Money if the judge accepts to help him.


A "ghost character" in Mountfort's The Launching of The Mary. One of the workers in the shipyard. His name is called out by the Clerk of the Check.


A young gallant in Middleton's The Family of Love. Gudgeon competes with his friend Lipsalve for the affections of Mistress Purge. Like Lipsalve, Gudgeon asks Glister for means to win Mistress Purge, but is tricked by Glister into fighting with Lipsalve. Realizing he and his friend have been gulled, he and Lipsalve plan to revenge their humiliation by cuckolding Glister. Still harboring designs on Mistress Purge, however, Gudgeon and Lipsalve also join The Family of Love. Later, when Mistress Glister is angry with her husband, Gudgeon and Lipsalve attempt to seduce her but are prevented by a purgative administered to them by Glister.


A "ghost character" in Sharpham's Cupid's Whirligig. Young Lord Nonsuch disguises himself as Captain Woodly and encounters the courtier Nucome, who asks if Gregorie Pipe is Woodly's commanding officer. Woodly replies he is under the command of Captain Tobacco Pipe.


The son of Old Seely and Joan Seely, and brother of Winny Seely in Heywood and Brome's The Late Lancashire Witches. Gregory is one of the victims of the witchcraft that upsets the Seely household. In an inversion of normal family dynamics, Gregory rules over his father, treating him like a badly behaved child. In turn, Gregory is deferential to Lawrence, Old Seely's manservant. Their neighbor Doughty is appalled by Gregory's behavior and attempts to chasten him, but as Gregory is bewitched he will not hear reason. During the wedding celebration of Lawrence and Parnell, the witches' mischief causes the family's relationships to undergo abrupt changes; Gregory becomes a contrite and penitent son and Old Seely forgives him, then Old Seely becomes tyrannical and refuses to forgive Gregory's abuses of him, and finally Gregory unreasonably dominates his father again. In the final scene normal, happy family relations are restored, and it is revealed that the family is no longer bewitched because the witches responsible have been arrested.


A "ghost character" in Davenant's News From Plymouth. Gregory Thimble is one of the creditors who send letters to Cable.


A wealthy old man of Padua, Gremio is one of Bianca's suitors in Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew. When Baptista declares that Bianca may not marry before Katherine, Gremio supports Petruchio's suit to marry the elder sister, for with Katherine married Gremio will be free to pursue Bianca. He is gulled when he hires the disguised Lucentio (as Camio) to become Bianca's tutor. Gremio's plan is to make "Camio" his go between, but the young man woos for himself instead. He describes Petruchio and Katherine's wedding to the others.


An officer of the watch in Whetstone's 2 Promos and Cassandra. On the orders of the mayor (who has been chastised by the King for his disorderly city), Gresco assists in a round-up of knaves. Among those he arrests is Lamia.


Gresham is King Philip's Agent in Heywood's 1 If You Know Not Me. He informs Philip that Elizabeth's death warrant is among papers awaiting the king's signature.
Family name of Thomas and his nephew John in Heywood's 2 If You Know Not Me.


A "ghost character" in Brome's The New Academy. Wife to Sir Swithin Whimlby. Her death prior to the action of the play set off her husband's continual crying and poetic musings.


This 'character' is listed in the dramatis personae of Percy’s Cuckqueans and Cuckolds Errants, but is in fact his word for the Epilogue, delivered by both Lacy and Pigot before the company sings the closing song.


A "ghost character" in Sampson's The Vow-Breaker, son to Lord Grey of Wilton and mentioned by him. With Sir George Howard and Sir James Croft, he is charged by Lord Grey to show Queen Elizabeth's grievances to the Queen Regent of Scotland. At the Battle of Leith, he assaults the stone walls of the town.


The daughter of the Duke of Suffolk and beloved of Guildford Dudley in Dekker and Webster's Sir Thomas Wyatt, Lady Jane Grey is named in the dying Edward VI's will to succeed to the throne. A pawn in an ambitious game being played by her father and the Duke of Northumberland, she nonetheless is willing to assume the throne if that is her duty. When the royal council that had briefly supported Edward's will reverses itself and proclaims Mary to be queen, Lady Jane finds herself under arrest in the Tower along with Guildford Dudley. Denied mercy by the Bishop of Winchester, she goes to her execution with dignity and expressions of joy that soon she and Guildford will find themselves united in eternity.


When Elizabeth, Lady Grey's husband is killed fighting on the Yorkist side in Shakespeare's 3 Henry VI, she visits the newly crowned King Edward IV to seek the return of their confiscated lands. She leaves the meeting with more than she had sought, withstanding Edward's sexual advances but finally agreeing to his proposal of marriage. The union is potentially disastrous for Edward, since he has already sent Warwick to seek the French king's consent to a marriage between Edward and the French queen's sister, Lady Bona. After Warwick captures Edward and arranges his imprisonment, Elizabeth reveals that she is pregnant. Later she gives birth to a son. See also "QUEEN ELIZABETH."


Sir Thomas Grey is a traitor to England in Shakespeare's Henry V. Along with Cambridge and Scroop, Grey works to promote French interests. After asking the men for their advice regarding the punishment of a petty traitor, Henry reveals that he has discovered their plot, and that he plans to punish them with as little mercy as they have shown to the petty traitor. After he is arrested, Grey claims to be glad to have been detected before he had done any harm. The three traitors are executed on Henry's orders. In history he was the second son of Sir Thomas Grey of Berwick.


Lieutenant-General of the English forces in the war against Scotland in Sampson's The Vow-Breaker. His Christian name is John. He orders his Scottish prisoners to be sent to Queen Elizabeth, welcomes Sir Jarvis Clifton to Scotland, and has just begun a parley with the Queen Regent of Scotland's men when her French forces launch a surprise attack on his army outside Leith. After the English army repels the French, he rewards Young Bateman's gallantry with forty angels and the promise of an ancient's commission. In a lull between battles, he saves Joshua's cat from hanging by declaring a pardon for her crimes. He greets Monlucke, Mary Stuart's French legate, courteously and sees him conducted to Edinburgh to negotiate peace, but declares that if the negotiations fail he is prepared to raze Leith. He besieges the town successfully, but the battle is interrupted by the arrival of Cross and Monlucke, who bid hostilities cease until the conclusion of peace talks. Grey then accompanies Monlucke back to Edinburgh to see the issue of the negotiations. The peace concluded, he meets Queen Elizabeth in Nottingham and receives her thanks. She makes him Governor of Berwick after the recall of the Duke of Norfolk.


A young soldier, son to Sciolto in Davenant's The Platonic Lovers. In order to preserve him from fashionable corruption, his father sent him away in his childhood to an army camp to be brought up illiterate and without the company of women. Sent by his colonel to Sicily, Gridonell disconcerts Sciolto's friends but pleases Sciolto with his rough, simple manners. Trouble begins when he meets his first woman, the elderly maidservant, Amandine. He responds strongly to her, without understanding his own emotions, and his father decides it is time to find him a wife. Amandine and her brother, Castraganio, however, like the idea of securing him as Amandine's husband. To that end they feed him an aphrodisiac drug provided by Buonateste . Tricked by the wicked old courtier Fredeline, Amandine believes for a while that Gridonell, now extremely agitated, will marry her. Instead, Fredeline treacherously imprisons her. Meanwhile the aphrodisiac wears off, leaving Gridonell gravely aware of his own new sophistication. Sciolto, impressed by the useful skill Buonateste has shown, now promises his son that he will not only find him a wife but pay for his education too.


Sir Evan Griff is a local lord who helps Powesse and Sir Griffin to regain their betrothed ladies in Munday's John a Kent and John a Cumber. John a Kent introduces Evan and Gosselin to Sir Griffin and Powesse as the lords that have raised an army for them. Evan informs the lords he has thirty-six men ready with hooks and slings, men who are so brave they could face a hundred soldiers. Evan and Gosselin help Powesse and Sir Griffin to apprehend their ladies in an ambush in the woods and take them to Gosselin's castle. At the castle, Evan arrives with Sir Griffin, Powesse, and Gosselin. Seeing John a Cumber (disguised as John a Kent), the lords believe he is preparing an entertainment for the weddings. Like the other lords, Evan is tricked and he lets the enemy party enter the castle under the guise of a pageant. When John a Cumber reveals the deceit and the opposing party has power over the castle, Evan leaves in the company of Gosselin, Sir Griffin, and Powesse. Evan is of the party that lures the ladies away from their guardians on their way to Chester, leading them back to Gosselin's castle. In the revelation scene after the play within the play, Evan sees how all the disguises and misunderstandings are cleared. Evan and Gosselin stay behind at Gosselin's castle and thus are not present at the final set of disguises during the wedding ceremony.


Sir Griffin Merridock Prince of South Wales is a Welsh nobleman betrothed to Sydanen in Munday's John a Kent and John a Cumber. Near Chester, Sir Griffin and Powesse debate the crisis created by the imminent marriages of their ladies. Marian, Powesse's sweetheart, has been promised to Pembrooke and Sydanen, Sir Griffin's lady, has been promised to Moorton. Sir Griffin suggests they should use force to abduct the ladies from Chester castle. Sir Griffin and Powesse engage the help of Gosselin and Evan, who have a small army of men ready for them in the woods. John a Kent promises to help Sir Griffin and Powesse by luring the ladies outside Chester castle. In the woods outside the castle, Sir Griffin and Powesse meet Sydanen and Marian and confess their marital intentions to them. When the ladies consent to follow their lovers, the party retires to Gosselin's castle. At dawn in Gosselin's castle, Sir Griffin and Powesse are up very early, eager for their upcoming weddings to Sydanen and Marian. The lords know that John a Kent is preparing an entertainment for the ladies, so they are not suspicious when John a Cumber (disguised as John a Kent) introduces a pageant of Antiques. Only when they see that the rival party is already in the castle do Sir Griffin and Powesse realize that they have been tricked. Because the ladies have been sent to Chester, Sir Griffin and Powesse lure them away from their guardians on the way through the woods while their guardians are put to sleep with hypnotic chimes. During the performance on the lawn before Gosselin's castle, Sir Griffin acts as himself and tells Llwellen how he resents being rejected in his suit for Sydanen. Thus, Sir Griffin makes Llwellen see his side of the story. At Chester Abbey, Sir Griffin and Powesse enter disguised as Moorton and Pembrooke, the expected bridegrooms. John a Cumber is deceived and lets them inside the church, where they are married to Sydanen and Marian.


Griffith serves as usher for Katherine after her divorce in Shakespeare's Henry VIII; he brings her news of Wolsey's death.


Cuculus' servant in Ford's The Lover's Melancholy, 'she' is in fact a boy disguised as a girl by Pelias and other courtiers in order to gull her foolish master. Grilla keeps up a front of apparently modest and sycophantic obedience to Cuculus, but mocks him in a number of satirical asides. When he bids 'her' imitate Kala, Cleophila and Thamasta in order to keep him in practice for his courtship of them, the page takes the opportunity to spoof him in these ladies' personae. In the Masque of Melancholy, Grilla appears in a huge farthingale and ruff and a coxcomb to impersonate a lady driven mad by pride, an ailment Corax describes as 'phrenitis.' At the end of the play, the boy impersonating Grilla gets drunk and reveals his true identity to Cuculus, getting into a fight with his erstwhile master and giving him a bloody nose. On being promised a courtly promotion by Thamasta, Cuculus forgives Grilla and all those who have gulled him.


Grimme is a collier who brings coals to King Dionisius' court in Edwards's Damon and Pithias. Unaware that Wyll and Iacke are eavesdropping, Grimme complains that the porters seem to be drunk because they have not yet opened the gates. Pretending to be the porters, Iacke and Wyll mock Grimme's homespun philosophy and education. When Iacke brings in wine, Grimme's tongue begins to loosen up, and his foggy logic takes him to the subject of better days at court, when there were not so many prisoners as there are now. He tells the story of one Damon, who was accused of being a spy and condemned to death. He justifies his choice of work by saying that colliers always get cash money in their pockets, while courtiers have only caps and bells. The collier comes home content at night to sit with his wife Alison, while the courtiers have no friends and are ruled by hypocrisy. Grimme inquires about the veracity of the reports regarding the fact that King Dionisius turned his daughters into his personal barbers, adding lewdly that he would give one sack of coals to be washed by their hands and be able to steal them a kiss. Grimme falls into the trap laid out for him by Iacke and Wyll, who intend to rob him, and agrees to be shaved by them. While Iacke and Wyll pretend to shave Grimme, they take the collier's money. Satisfied with his shave, Grimme promises to repay his would-be barbers at the tavern and leaves to sell his coal. After Iacke and Wyll leave to share the spoil, Grimme re-enters and bemoans the loss of his money. Snap the officer, on hearing Grimme's complaint, inquires whether he could recognize his assailants. Grimme describes them as "porters" who shaved him, but Snap concludes from his description that they are foxy lackeys. Grimme exits with Snap, going to the court in the hope of finding the two knaves.
Grim, the Collier of Croydon, is a recurring stage character who appears in at least two earlier plays: Richard Edwardes' Damon and Pithias (c1565) and Ulpian Fulwell's Like Will to Like (offered for acting, c. 1562-68). In Haughton's The Devil and his Dame, he is the eponymous hero of the subplot, a friendly simpleton of direct emotions who humorously mistakes words. This subplot, which consists of just four scenes, mirrors the main action in several respects
  1. Belphagor is a "devil who is like a man" while Grim is a "man who is like a devil" (in that he is "black," that is, sooty);
  2. in both there is competition, complicated by deception, for the hand of a woman;
  3. the question of female virtue is raised–but the only direct connection the Grim plot has with The Devil and his Dame plot is the appearance of Akercock/Robin Goodfellow in each.
When we first meet Grim he confides to his local clergyman, Parson Short-hose, that he is so in love with Joan, a country maid, that he cannot do his job properly–he distractedly drove his cart into a ditch, and he neglected to completely fill his coal sacks, which got him into trouble with his customers. Parson Short-hose promises to help Grim woo Joan and frustrate his rival, Clack the Miller, but in an aside confesses that he really plans to win Joan for himself. Later Grim and the Parson encounter Clack wooing Joan. Grim reiterates his distress while the Parson repeats his promise, but Joan in an aside reveals that is it really Grim that she loves. Still later Grim, Clack, Joan and the Parson all go nut-gathering, and when Grim and Clack fall to fighting, the Parson tries to steal Joan away, but he is foiled by Akercock (as the invisible Robin Goodfellow) who beats both Clack and the Parson and chases them away so that Grim may successfully woo Joan. Akercock the russet-faced devil feels a kinship with the sooty-faced Grim, as enshrined in the proverb, "Like unto like, quoth the devil to the collier." In the final scene of the subplot, Grim and Joan, now betrothed, invite the repentant Parson Short-hose to have a meal, a "mess of cream" with them, and they are startled to find Robin Goodfellow, a "merry devil" sharing it with them. However, Grim and Robin become friends, and so part.
Grim the Collier is Randolph's overseer in Brewer's The Lovesick King. He is taken into Thornton's confidence about the gold and becomes rich by buying the sweepings of the supposed iron from the blacksmith. Grim eventually leads the Newcastle colliers to clinch Alured's victory, and secures favorable trading conditions for them as a reward.


Antonio Grimaldi, the Renegado, kidnaps Paulina and delivers her as a prisoner to Asambeg in Massinger's The Renegado. He is exiled by Asambeg for his impertinence and begins to go mad. With the help of Francisco's medical arts, he does not commit suicide. In the end, he steals the ship that will take Paulina, Vitelli and Donusa to safety.


Grimaldi, Annabella's suitor from Rome, is almost wholly undeveloped in Ford's 'Tis Pity She's a Whore. The interesting tension between him and his rival, Soranzo, fizzles quickly with his mistaken murder of Bergetto. He flees the play as quickly as he does the mob.


One of the Witches' familiars, an attendant evil spirit in animal form in Shakespeare's Macbeth. Grimalkin is generally believed to take the form of a gray cat.


A would be suitor to Dalia in Whetstone's 1 Promos and Cassandra. He tries to woo Dalia, but she refuses to kiss him unless he produces money. He comes back with a full purse, but Rowke intercepts him. Rowke leads him to Rosko for barbering and, while his eyes are closed, Rowke steals his purse.


Grime is the father of Beatrice in Greene's George a Greene. He is appalled at her choice of George a Greene, and willingly agrees to Bonfield's request to keep her locked up until George is dead. When Wily arrives, disguised as a serving maid, Grimes is fooled to the extent that he begins to consider marrying "her" although he hesitates because she has no dowry. When King Edward commands that Grimes withdraw his objection to Beatrice marrying George, Grimes agrees on the condition that he be allowed to marry the serving maid. It is agreed, at which point Wiley throws off his disguise.


Grimes is Thorowgood's servant in ?Glapthorne's The Lady Mother. He offers much of the humor in the play, as his descriptions and characterizations of others serves to establish their identities. He begins with the description of Lovell as a man who pretends to greater wealth and social quality than he actually possesses. Timothy, Grimes, Crackby and Suckett find Lovell passed out in a drunken stupor, and apply plasters and a bloodied handkerchief to his head. When he awakens, Grimes concocts a far-fetched tale, that he had seen Lovell emerge in a drunken stupor from a bawdy house where Lovell had beaten the whores, refused to pay them, and torn up the interior. Grimes concludes that Lovell left the whorehouse and assaulted a Captain who beat him roundly, after which Grimes treated the wayward Steward and brought him secretly home to sleep off his intoxication. At the end of the trial of Young Marlove for the murder of Thurston, Grimes, Timothy, Clariana, and Thurston enter in disguise and offer to perform a masque to instruct the condemned Lady Marlove. They perform a dance, then reveal themselves to her, explaining that Thurston and Young Marlove had concocted the plot to reveal Lady Marlove's error to her.




A low-ranking but noble English lord who quarrels with the illustrious Percy in J.W.'s The Valiant Scot. Although they make friends, Grimsby desires revenge. He is sent by King Edward to capture Wallace. When Wallace gives himself up to the English commissioners, Grimsby offers to take him to Queen Elinor's camp. But instead, fact he releases Wallace and fights alongside him. In the battle, Grimsby and the General are captured by the English. The text then says he dies alongside the General, this is an error as he reappears later, still supporting Wallace.


A "ghost character" in Greene's James IV. Alice, daughter of Goodman Grimshave, is mentioned by Slipper as one of the two possible wives he considers but rejects.


Grimundo, as a lord of Savoy and tutor of the duke's brother Lodwick in Shirley's Grateful Servant, is just as disappointed as the duke in the profligate ways of Lodwick. He devises a final ploy to urge Lodwick's reform. Pretending to be licentious himself, he promises Lodwick a wild experience with a lady. He brings Lodwick into a grove where supposed satyrs play, and he arranges for his own wife Belinda to play the part of a seductive, richly-dressed shape-changing devil. In addition to finally reforming Lodwick, Grimundo is also aware that Foscari is not truly dead, and that the duke has designs upon Foscari's mistress Cleona.


Edmund Grindal, English reformer jailed during Queen Mary's rule and Bishop of London under Queen Elizabeth. At the end of Drue's The Duchess of Suffolk after Queen Elizabeth has assumed the English throne, Grindall, along with Cox and Scory, are released from prison just as Bonner arrives for imprisonment; they refuse to celebrate his fall from power.


A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet mentioned by Peter as one to be let into the Capulet house.


An informer for Phallax in Whetstone's 1 Promos and Cassandra. He and his fellow Rapax tease each other constantly and acerbically. They arrest Lamia on suspicion of her prostitution and present her to Phallax.
An informer for Phallax in Whetstone's 2 Promos and Cassandra. He and Rapax bring John Adroins in to stand trial for various offenses. The three get into a brawl, eventually broken up by Phallax. With Phallax's encouragement, Gripax and Rapax let John go in exchange for a bribe.


Gripe is a rich moneylender in the anonymous Wily Beguiled. His son, Fortunatus, is off at the wars. He has a daughter, Lelia, whom he wishes to marry to the rustic son of the rich neighbouring farmer, Ploddall. He trusts his lawyer Churms to write a letter proposing the match between Peter Ploddall and Lelia. Having confirmed his suspicions about Lelia's love for Sophos, Gripe forbids Sophos to enter his property again. Gripe announces he will lock Lelia away and places all his trust in Churms to make her marry Ploddall. Throughout the play, unknown to Gripe, Churms acts on his own behalf. With Churms as witness Gripe calls in Lelia to hold Peter Ploddall's hand as a sign of their intended marriage. When she refuses, Gripe locks her away, much to Churms's delight. At the end of the play, Gripe suffers two calamities. The nurse first tells him that Lelia has run off with Churms and then Wil Cricket enters and reveals that Churms has forgiven all Gripe's debtors in exchange for a small proportion from each, which Churms has kept for himself. Gripe is in despair until Fortunatus arrives to tell his father that he will bring Lelia back if only he will allow her to marry Sophos. Gripe agrees. When Fortunatus returns with Lelia and Sophos (who have been waiting for him) their marriage is arranged for the next day.

GRIPE **1606

Gripe is a usurer in Wilkins's The Miseries of Enforced Marriage to whom Ilford is in debt for 500 pounds (secured by William Scarborrow when the usurer demands payment).


One of the two Fishermen in Heywood's The Captives who work for John Ashburne. Gripus catches Mildew's bag, containing his gold, in his net. As the Clown attempts to get a portion of the gold for himself by arguing that he knows the bag's owner, the Fisherman counters by arguing that he has the right to anything he fishes from the sea. They hear the argument between John Ashburne and his wife and agree to suspend their argument and hide for the moment. When Ashburne is free, the Clown and the Fisherman both state their claims to the bag; when Palestra and Scribonia return with Godfrey and the bag is found to conceal the secret of Palestra's identity, Ashburne takes the bag himself and defers his judgment to a later date. Gripus, however, does not trust Ashburne and publicly seeks the bag's true owner. He finds Mildew and Sarleboys, and Mildew negotiates the return of the bag in exchange for a thousand crowns. Gripus exits and returns with Godfrey and John Ashburne, who brings Mildew's bag with him. When Mildew receives his bag, he refuses to give Gripus the agreed 1000 crowns, so Gripus complains to Ashburne: Ashburne orders Mildew to pay Gripus or return to court. Mildew pays Gripus the thousand crowns, but Ashburne takes half of the sum to pay Mildew to free Scribonia. When John Ashburne's fortune is restored, Gripus receives all of Ashburne's fishing equipment, which he considers fair compensation for the loss of the money in Mildew's bag.


One of Audrey Turfe's bridesmaids in Jonson's A Tale of A Tub.


A lord in Webster's The Duchess of Malfi. He sees Silvio off for Milan. He learns from the servants that the Duchess is ill and that all lords are to be locked into their chambers. Grisolan, Malateste, Pescara, and Roderigo are the lords whom the Cardinal orders not to enter his chambers even if he should cry out. Their observance of his orders leads to the Cardinal's death.


A "ghost character" in Davenant's The Just Italian. Gritalin, the rich Pirracco, is one of the merchants or bankers that Alteza orders Niente to ask for credit, after she finds that she cannot buy jewels from the Millanoise Jeweler because of Altamont's orders.


In (?)Shipman’s Grobiana’s Nuptials, she has no teeth and, by her own account, resembles a Lord mayor’s pageant with men underneath her. She fancies Tantoblin at the feast, especially his aroma of the jakes. She catches him in her arms, and kisses him passionately. When Ursin tries to kiss her, she cries for Tantoblin, who knocks Ursin down with his staff. Grobiana is sickened and thrilled by his action and goes with Ungartred to have her head held until she can fart. She married Tantoblin.


A "ghost character" in Hawkins's Apollo Shroving. He is "the Captaine of [Complement's] Complementall Schoole," Implement includes Grobiano in a plan which he presents to Complement in order to cure the Captaine's "griefe & anger" over Sir Orgolio's acceptance of his dinner invitation. Implement advises Complement to tell Orgolio "that this day upon Apollos call, the whole Academy of vertuous students arriving here, Count [. . .] Grobiano, takes up the chiefe Inne in Parnassus [. . .] and there makes his probation feast with a Maske, that must last till midnight." Furthermore, Implement advises Complement to tell Orgolio that the "Don hath overintreated" Complement "to be the Herald and Earle Marshall to set every guest in's place, and every dish in's ranke." Thus, Implement concludes, Orgolio will not be able to come for dinner. Furthermore, Siren later encourages Ludio to seek out Grobiano to play with him, but Ludio explains that he must study "an oration" if he hopes "to save [his] head from a blow, which Apollos visitation may now bring upon [him]."


He delivers the prologue in (?)Shipman’s Grobiana’s Nuptials. He is looking for a son-in-law like himself: a man who respects no manners, wears old fashioned clothes, employs a cook for necessity rather than riot, and who would rather doff his head than hat. He insults the fops in the audience and embraces those who are solid, unaffected human beings. He goes to the feast and is pleased when Grobiana likes Tantoblin. When the two go to be wed, he delivers the epilogue–not to ask for applause but to tell the audience to go away now.


The grocer in London is a "ghost character" in Jonson's Bartholomew Fair. When Quarlous hears from Littlewit a description of Busy's over-zealous religious personality, he says that Busy is a hypocrite. Quarlous gives an example of a grocer in Newgate market, cheated by Busy, then a baker. According to Quarlous, the grocer trusted Busy with some currants, but then broke with him, probably because Busy failed to pay for the order.


Groneas, "the tavern haunter," is a courtier in Ford's The Broken Heart. He along with Lemophil is rebuked by the maids of honour.


Gronno is the hangman in Syracuse in Edwards's Damon and Pithias. King Dionisius orders him to execute Damon. When Damon is granted a two months' respite and Pithias becomes a hostage in his place, Gronno must guard Pithias carefully. Admitting to be impressed with their friendship, the hangman confesses that he has a wife whom he loves well but not enough to die for her. Taking Pithias to prison, Gronno declares that he fears the young man will repent his trust in his friend. When the unwilling Eubulus comes, at the king's command, to see that everything is prepared for Pithias' execution, Gronno shows him the scaffold and his sword and tells Eubulus to report to the king that all is ready. Gronno muses on the executioners' fate, hated and despised by all. The hangman lives in the worst part of the city and is never popular. Gronno argues that someone must do this unpleasant job in order to enforce the law, and feels he is hated without just cause. He intens to deal with Pithias' head mercifully, with one blow.


Groom takes care of Dog while Puntavorlo and his party is at court in Jonson's Every Man out of His Humour. On the palace stairs, Puntavorlo says he must look for someone to take care of Dog while he is inside the palace. Since he says the animal's value is well known, Puntavorlo decides to leave him with a Groom, who was just passing by carrying a basket, and who is unlikely to know of the large sum of money placed on Dog's head. Groom accepts to take care of Dog. However, when Puntavorlo exits with Fastidious Brisk and Fungoso, Groom says the gentleman is mad to leave his Dog with him, because he does not care for the animal and would give him for two pence to whoever asks for him. When Macilente and Sogliardo enter, Groom tells them he wished the gentleman returned to retrieve his Dog, or else he would leave him there. Groom neglects Dog, and so Macilente takes the opportunity of poisoning Dog, kicking him out into the yard.


This unnamed Groom is employed at an Inn where the disguised Phoenix and Fidelio lodge in Middleton's The Phoenix; he identifies for them the crafty lawyer Tangle.

GROOM **1604

A “ghost character" in Rowley’s When You See Me. Henry sends a groom to fetch Will Sommers from Dr. Skelton.


A servant in the stables of Duke Earnest of Saxony in ?Cumber's Two Merry Milkmaids.


A non-speaking role in Fletcher's The Noble Gentleman: an attendant on the Gentleman (Godfrey Marine).


A drunken Groom helps Bufo to abuse Velasco in ?Ford's The Queen, kicking the onetime general when Bufo's foot gets tired. He seems thoroughly to enjoy his work.

GROOM **1631

Employed by Clariana and Bellamente in Shirley's Love's Cruelty. This unnamed Groom and Hippolito's Page speculate about whether or not Clariana is a "wench."


The Groom in Strode's The Floating Island tells everyone to leave so that Prudentius can sleep.


The groom is a beggar in Brome's A Jovial Crew. He is eighty-seven years old, lame, and plans to marry the eighty-year-old, blind bride. The other beggars plan a masque to celebrate the nuptials.


These Grooms strew rushes along the path to honor the coronation of Hal as King Henry V in Shakespeare's 2 Henry IV.


The groom-porter is the royal official in charge of gaming at court and a "fictional character" in Jonson's The Alchemist. When Face wants to introduce to Kastril the magician's infallible methods of helping one gain at games, he gives the example of a fictional young gentleman. Face says that this young man, who is comparatively poor, will have gained so much at games that all the gambling authorities in town will treat him with respect. According to Face's sophisticated fiction, the groom-porter, who kept a free table at Christmas, will offer him the place of honor.


A “ghost character” in [?]Middleton's The Revenger's Tragedy. Spurio speculates that the Duke’s stable groom could just as easily be his father as the Duke. He is described as a tall man who rode well.


Servants of Tub Hall in Jonson's A Tale of A Tub. They help seat the guests for the wedding-masque.


Pensionary of Rotterdam and faithful supporter of Barnavelt in Fletcher and Massinger's Sir John Van Olden Barnavelt. [Grotius, or Hugo de Groot, the great Dutch jurist, was an Arminian like Barnavelt and hated by Maurice, who sentenced him to life imprisonment shortly after Barnavelt's death; he escaped in 1621.]


A “ghost character" in (?)Shipman’s Grobiana’s Nuptials. A chaplain and Grobian. He is on the list of invitees Oyestus is sent to cry into the Grobian feast.


One of the four gallants at the wedding of Annabel and Bonvile in Webster and Rowley's A Cure for a Cuckold. Grover refuses Lessingham's plea to duel with him, claiming he has never used a rapier before. He becomes a sharer in Woodroff's shipping venture. Grover and the other gallants are present at Compass' wedding.


Family name of Sir Andrew (a.k.a. Lethe), Walter, and "Old Mother" Gruel in Middleton's Michaelmas Term. See "ANDREW LETHE."


A fury in the anonymous Wisest Have Their Fools whom, along with Medaea, Mennippa, and Sill, Edentula summons to pinch Silly when he foolishly woos Urina. The name (at line 926) is not well written and so difficult to decipher.


Another name for Lurchall, one of Pluto's devils in Dekker's If It Be Not Good.


Petruchio's chief servant in Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew. A clownish character, Grumio accompanies his master to Padua to find a wife for Petruchio. When Petruchio goes to wed Katherine, he and Grumio dress in outlandish attire and disrupt the wedding ceremony; immediately afterward, they carry Katherine off to Verona against her will.


A ‘ghost character’ in Percy’s A Country Tragedy in Vacunium. Clodio uses a conflict between himself and one Grunio to explain why he has been long away in Padua, apparently pursuing a suit between them.


A servant of Philargurus in the anonymous Timon of Athens. Obba calls him "transparent" and a ghost. His master Philargurus is so mean that Grunnio has to live on breadcrusts, he drinks vinegar and lodges in straw. In IV.4. he begs for food, but Obba throws him out.


Grutti is a courtier and a fop in Shirley's The Bird in a Cage. Along with Morello and Dondolo, he seeks access to the women locked and guarded in the castle/prison with Eugenia. When Bonamico as Altomaro offers to make them invisible, they see this as the means by which they will elude the guards. When they perceive that they have been tricked, Grutti and Dondolo plot Bonamico/Altomaro's downfall.


Grutti is an innkeeper and the father of Ascanio in Shirley's The Opportunity. Originally fooled by Pimponio's masquerade as a Spanish prince, Grutti eventually helps his son turn the tables on Pimponio and show up the servant for what he truly is.


A "ghost character" in Peele's Edward I. Gryffyth, Lluellen's father, died while attempting to escape from the Tower of London.


A non-speaking character in P. Fletcher's Sicelides. Grypus is Tyrinthus's "man" who is sent by his master to their "shippe" in order to "fetch [. . .] the vestments vowd to Neptune, and the chest" in which Tyrinthus has "lockt [his] other offerings."


Father to Flavia in Brome's The Novella. He is a greedy senator and originally agreed to his daughter's marriage to Francisco until Pantaloni offered his son and a sizable jointure. He is short-tempered with his daughter and keeps her confined and guarded by the dwarf Nanulo to ensure that she goes through with the marriage to Fabritio. When he returns from the marriage negotiations, he almost discovers Francisco in the house, but Astutta manages to trick him into chasing after a chest of jewelry that she drops into the street so that she can lock him out and allow the lovers to escape. The Peddler leads him to the Novella's lodging, where he is forced to acknowledge the legality of Flavia and Francisco's marriage.


Edward II's Guard in Marlowe's Edward II blocks Mortimer and Lancaster from seeing the king when the two seek Edward's help in ransoming Mortimer's uncle who was captured in Edward's war with the Scots.


When Fortunio and Marchetto go to Lelio's house to take Lelio's possessions and try to seduce Lelio's wife and daughter in the anonymous Knack To Know An Honest Man, the guard accompanies them.


Appear in scenes 3, 9 and 11 of the anonymous plot of Frederick and Basilea; played by Black Dick (Jones) and Thomas Hunt, two actors who played minor roles.


The Guard serves Alexander in Daniel's Philotas. He brings Philotas to the trial and later asks to be allowed to tear him to pieces.


Ushers in the Governor in Chapman's The Widow's Tears and commands silence when he speaks.


Syphax's guard in Marston's Sophonisba escorts Sophonisba to the palace and seizes Zanthia when Syphax, to secure Sophonisba's good opinion, reveals her falsehood.


Guard attending the two Intelligencers when they arrest Lazarillo is a mute character in Beaumont and Fletcher's The Woman Hater. In a street before the brothel, Guard enters following Intelligencers to arrest Lazarillo. Guard attends the scene in which Lazarillo proposes marriage to Julia if she keeps the fish-head for him. Guard leads Lazarillo to Lucio and later before the Duke to be judged. When Lazarillo is set free, it is understood that Guard exits with Intelligencers.


The fairy guard in Dekker's The Whore of Babylon is called in to take Ropus to his death after Titania and her counselors discover his treason, and later is ordered to escort Paridel to a similar fate. It does its duty on both occasions.


A guard leads Osbert to his death in Brewer's The Lovesick King.


A guard apprehends Theanor and his confederates in Fletcher's Queen of Corinth when his apparent rape of Beliza is disclosed, and appears again around him at his trial.


A mute character attending John Earnest, the Duke of Saxony, in ?Cumber's Two Merry Milkmaids.


A mute character in Fletcher's The Island Princess. A guard in the service of the Governor who is attacked by Armusia and his men during the rescue operation.


There is a non-speaking guard in Act Two of Davenport's The City Night Cap. He attends the trial but keeps silent.


A non-speaking character in Carlell's 1 Arviragus and Philicia. The Guard "assault[s]" Eugenius and Sinatus as they are "passing downe into the Court" after the King's murder and hands them over, "bound," to Guiderius.


A "ghost character" in Carlell's 2 Arviragus and Philicia. Cartandes calls upon a Guard to "seise" Arviragus when she discovers him asleep on the floor of Philicia's "chamber."

GUARD **1636

The king in Killigrew’s Claricilla orders a guard to seize Seleucus after Appius reveals his plots early in the play.


Unnamed guard in Shirley's The Doubtful Heir. The Guard brings news to the newly-confirmed king Ferdinand that Leonario, prince of Arragon, has brought troops and seized the city.


Clovis appoints guards to trap his mother and Landrey, her lover, in Hemming's Fatal Contract. The unnamed second guard, garrulous with drunken bravado, succeeds, where his sober colleagues fail. He captures Landrey, who has adopted the discarded disguise Clovis used to impersonate his father's ghost. Clovis rewards him with two hundred crowns.


A guard in the Queen's employ appears in ?Ford's The Queen in attendance at her court when she welcomes Alphonso to his new, kingly throne.


A guard helps to seize Petruchi and the Queen in ?Ford's The Queen when Alphonso accuses them of adultery. He may be the same guard to the Queen who appears earlier in the play; he is almost certainly the same guard who keeps watch over the Queen at her trial.


The guardianess of the Niece is an elderly lady in Middleton and Rowley's Wit at Several Weapons. Cunningham woos her in order to conceal his love for the Niece. The Guardianess believes his wooing is for real, but lets slip that the Niece also loves him. The Niece, angered at the Guardianess for flirting with Cunningham, tells her that her own niece, Mirabell, is in love with Cunningham, but when Mirabell denies this, the Guardianess encourages her to 'tantalise' Cunningham in revenge. The Guardianess is distressed when she observes Cunningham and the Niece eloping, but she is happy to learn that Sir Gregory has married Mirabell, as she is now the aunt of an aristocrat.


Guardiano has no scruples about "buying" Ward a bride in Middleton's Women Beware Women. All his conversation with Fabritio indicates that he fully realizes Ward is a fool, but he dismisses that aspect of the match by couching the negotiations in mercantile terms. He is not above committing murder in the name of abstract honor. When he realizes Ward has been betrayed he immediately (within thirty lines, perhaps less) plots with Livia to murder Hippolito.

GUARDS **1604

Several guards figure in Rowley’s When You See Me.
  1. An unspecified number of guards accompany Henry and Prince Edward when they meet. The guards are set to keep anyone from approaching. One guard informs the king that Wolsey seeks admission and is told to keep him out. Soon after two guards, possibly the same, attend Bonner and Gardner in their attempt to arrest Queen Catherine as she is walking with Henry.
  2. An undisclosed number of guards escort Prince Edward to meet the Holy Roman Emperor at play’s end. They exit to usher in King Henry’s retinue afterwards.

GUARDS **1608

Present during the Queen's revels in Markham and Machin's The Dumb Knight. The guards include the King and Epire who have disguised themselves in an effort to uncover the Queen's supposed infidelity. The real guards arrest the Queen and Philocles at the King's order.


The guards of Govianus and the Lady befriend their captives in [?]Middleton's The Second Maiden's Tragedy, and allow them to spend time together.


Two guards in the anonymous Swetnam are charged with the task of ensuring that Lisandro leaves Sicily under sentence of banishment. He manages to convince them to allow him to see the 'executed' Leonida's body alone. At the sight, he is maddened with grief and attempts suicide. Convinced that he has succeeded in killing himself, the two guards flee for their own lives to Holland, hoping to join in the Spanish wars there.

GUARDS **1619

Several Guards figure in Fletcher’s Bloody Brother.
  • One attends the banquet of Rollo and Otto.
  • Possibly another later takes Gisbert and then Baldwin off to their executions.
  • Two guards conduct the kitchen staff to their executions.
  • Another guards Allan as Hamond pleads for his life with Rollo.
  • Other guards accompany Hamond when he comes in act five to accost Rollo. One of them arrests Latorch and leads him to execution. The others arrest the five rascally “mathematicians" and lead them to their whipping.

GUARDS **1620

The corrupt guardians of the tyrant Ferrand and of the mock-king Castruchio in Fletcher and Massinger's The Double Marriage. The Guards are offered the use of a group of ladies designated for the king's pleasure, and are allowed to ransom the women back to their own husbands. When Ferrand announces he will forestall assassination attempts by prohibiting meetings or communication between his citizens, the guards imagine how profitable this law will be to them. When Ferrand's fool Castruchio, disguised as the king, is attacked, the guards defend him. Several of the guards return Juliana to her home after she is tortured and released by Ferrand; they receive a gratuity from Juliana's father-in-law Pandulpho. When Sesse and his crew, disguised as Switzers, invade Castruchio's royal banquet, the guards cry treason and flee.


The Soldan's guards are ordered to arrest Lysander in the anonymous Two Noble Ladies and the Converted Conjurer, but Cyprian casts a spell to paralyze them, "their eyes rolling from the King to Cyprian, and so to and fro."

GUARDS **1622

Three guards are stationed at the covered litter holding the emperor Numerianus' corpse in Fletcher and Massinger's The Prophetess. The guards, like most Romans, believe Aper's assertion that the emperor is alive but unable to come into the sunlight because of his sensitive eyes. The guards watch Diocles kill Camurius and hear his defense. When Diocles reveals the emperor's corpse, the guards shift their loyalty to him, and confirm their loyalty once he is named co-emperor. In the dumb show, the guards are unable to prevent Aurelia, Cassana, Charinus, and Maximinian from being captured by the Persians, primarily because Delphia raises a mist to hide the Persian soldiers. The guards remain loyal to Diocles after the attack and support his plans to counterattack the Persians. When Geta proposes to desert the army, the guards encourage him to stay, resorting to force when Geta tries to flee the battlefield.


Antharis has guards accompany him to the garden grove to prevent a duel in Wilson's The Swisser. There they arrest Alcidonus.


Three or four guards watch the castle/prison of Eugenia in Shirley's The Bird in a Cage. They inform Rollyardo of Perenotto's corruption and detect Morello's disguise as Madame Thorne.


Two guards in Richards' Messalina clear the way for the Senate to attend the wedding celebrations.


A group of four guards arrest Clindor for helping Agenor in Carlell's 1 The Passionate Lovers.


Silent group of characters in Carlell's 2 Passionate Lovers that arrest Cleander in Act Five obeying the Prince of Aquitain's orders.


Marianus' guards in the anonymous The Wasp. They escort Archibald's wife and son to work in the laundry and kitchen.


At least three guards figure in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra. The First Guard is one of those who finds Antony after he tries to commit suicide. With the others, he dramatically laments the end of his General, and refuses to help kill Antony. After Cleopatra's death, the First Guard also tells Caesar that a countryman brought her figs, and points out the marks of the asp, although this may be another character with the same name. The Second Guard is also one of those who finds Antony after the suicide attempt; he also laments his General and refuses suicide assistance. After Cleopatra's death, the Second Guard also tells Dolabella that all the women are dead. The Third Guard accompanies the First and Second.

GUARDS, TWO **1635

Two guards and their captain attempt to stop Pallantus killing the usurping king in Killigrew’s The Conspiracy. The mortally wounded king forbids them from taking vengeance upon Pallantus and, when Pallantus escapes them, they go to Timeus. When Timeus prepares to commit suicide, he is prevented by the captain and two guards, who bid him to take up the crown. Later, one of these guards bursts into the tent of Polyander, Menetius, and Comastes with the news that the usurper and the prince are both dead. The rumor of Timeus’ death proves untrue, however.


Guardsman is the speech heading used to identify the man who tells Cleopatra that the Clown has arrived with a present of figs in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra. He appears to be the same character as the First Guard since the First Guard is the one who knows that the Clown was last with her.


A ‘ghost character’ in Percy’s A Country Tragedy in Vacunium. Rhodaghond then recounts how Florimel, who once despised Amadour, grew to love him after he earned great praise at Guasto, the Duke of Vacunium’s games.


An angel in Percy's Arabia Sitiens. Guavequir and Mongir take custody of Epimenide, Maroth and Haroth while Mahomet decides what to do with them.


Family name of Old and Young Gudgen in Carlell's The Fool Would Be A Favorite.


Gudgeon is one of the many identities that Cockledemoy assumes in Marston's Dutch Courtesan in order to swindle Mulligrub, a sneaky vintner. Cockledemoy goes by the name of Gudgeon during his conversation with Holifernes Reinscure, an apprentice barber-surgeon, in which Cockledemoy successfully persuades Holifernes to lend him his shaving equipment so that he can play a joke on Mulligrub. A Gudgeon is a small fish that is easily caught and came to be used to describe a person easily deceived.

GUDGEON **1632

Gudgeon serves Jack Freshwater in Shirley's The Ball and is referred to by Frank Barker as Apple-John, Coriat, and Honest Tom Odcomb.


A young gallant in Middleton's The Family of Love. Gudgeon competes with his friend Lipsalve for the affections of Mistress Purge. Like Lipsalve, Gudgeon asks Glister for means to win Mistress Purge, but is tricked by Glister into fighting with Lipsalve. Realizing he and his friend have been gulled, he and Lipsalve plan to revenge their humiliation by cuckolding Glister. Still harboring designs on Mistress Purge, however, Gudgeon and Lipsalve also join The Family of Love. Later, when Mistress Glister is angry with her husband, Gudgeon and Lipsalve attempt to seduce her but are prevented by a purgative administered to them by Glister.


Friend of Erastus in Kyd's Soliman and Perseda. In II, he participates in the mummers game with Erastus, Piston, and Iulio, in which they regain from Lucina the chain Perseda had given Erastus. He is captured during the Turkish assault on Rhodes then killed when he refuses to convert.


Alternate spelling for Gwendoline in the anonymous Locrine.


Alternate spelling for Gwendoline in the anonymous Locrine.


Only mentioned in Jonson's Every Man out of His Humour. When Puntavorlo starts a rehearsed game of chivalric courtship to his wife before his country house, he pretends to be an errant-knight who seeks refuge in the castle, while she pretends to receive him gallantly. Carlo Buffone, Sogliardo, and Fastidious Brisk are watching the scene, making caustic comments. Carlo Buffone says this is a tedious chapter of courtship, in the manner of Sir Lancelot and Queen "Guenever." The irony addresses the medieval chivalric romances.


Gueneuora, daughter of Duke Cador of Cornwall, is Arthur's wife in Hughes' The Misfortunes of Arthur. During the king's long absence from Britain, she engages in an affair with Arthur's son Mordred, and upon learning of her husband's impending return, she is forced to confront the reality of her position. Her first response is to plan Arthur's assassination, but her lady-in-waiting Fronia dissuades her from that course. Her next decision is to commit suicide, but her sister Angharat convinces her that what has happened is the work of fate and urges her to stop contemplating suicide. Gueneuora is finally convinced, but she determines that the only acceptable course of action is to retire from active life, so she enters the cloistered world of a convent.


Guennith, a Welsh country girl, is the disguise Maria takes in Fletcher's The Night Walker to conceal herself after her apparent death.


One of Lluellen's Welsh supporters in Peele's Edward I. Guenther brings the prince letters from Sir David of Brecknock informing him of Edward's return from Palestine and recounting the capture of Elinor de Montfort and her brother Emerick by Edward's forces.


Guenthian is Friar Hugh ap David's mistress in Peele's Edward I.


Guerrino is a courtier in Genoa in Marston's Malcontent.


King of Ordouicia (Ordovicke) in Fisher's Fuimus Troes. Follower of Cassibelane.


At Candido's wedding celebration in Dekker's 2 Honest Whore, there are a number of guests, but the one designated as First Guest wears a cap of which he is especially proud. When the hat becomes a topic of conversation among the gentlemen present (Lodovico, Carolo, and Astolfo), Candido delivers a speech in praise of headgear, and while acknowledging the First Guest's hat as special, he heaps praise on the low, round caps generally associated with citizens.


Acts the part of chorus throughout Barnes's The Devil's Charter. The chorus speaks six times, once at the beginning of the play and again at the end of each of the five acts.


Only mentioned in the anonymous Wit's Triumvirate. Guicciardini is mentioned by Doctor Clyster when he is giving Sir Cupid Phantsy a possible cure for his disease: "and when you read, read Guicciardini or our Speed's chronicle." Lodovico Guicciardini (1521-1589) was a Florentine historian, author of–among other historical works–Storia d'Italia (1561), translated by George Fenton as The Historiae of Guicciardini (1579).


A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's Henry V Great Master of France. He is reported among the French dead on the Agincourt battlefield. Henry refers to him as brave.


Guid-Antonio is a non-speaking role in Webster's The White Devil.


A British guide leads Judas and his soldiers back to the Roman camp in Fletcher's Bonduca. He may or may not be the same Guide who leads Junius, Decius and Petillius to Caratach's hideout.


Guiderius is Cymbeline's long-lost son, kidnapped with his brother (Arviragus) by Belarius and Euriphile twenty years before Shakespeare's Cymbeline begins. He believes himself to be Polydore, son of Morgan, who is really Belarius. Guiderius befriends Imogen without knowing that she is his sister, and beheads Cloten without knowing that they are stepbrothers. Cymbeline's two sons, with Belarius, help vanquish the Roman army when Cymbeline's forces seems likely to lose. At the end of the play, Belarius reveals that Polydore and Cadwal are really Cymbeline's sons, Guiderius and Arviragus, and Cymbeline's family is thus reunited.


Eugenius's son as well as Arviragus's "Cosen" and "best friend" in Carlell's 1 Arviragus and Philicia. Guiderius is Philicia's and Arviragus's "go-between" whose motives are questioned by Arviragus at the play's beginning due to his "last nights dream When [he] so oft made mention of th'Princesse." After convincing his friend not to worry where his loyalties lie he assists Arviragus in countering the attack of the murderers, killing Murder 2. After being named as Arviragus's "heire to all [he] can pretend to" and convinced by his friend as well as his father to play the part of Arviragus's messenger and not take part in the battle, Guiderius is brought over by Eugenius to the side of the King who promises to wed Guiderius and Philicia. He is chided for his falseness by Philicia, whose love for Arviragus will not falter, and confesses to her that he "never did, nor ever shall love any [. . .] like Prince Arviragus."
The son of Eugenius and brother of Artemia in Carlell's 2 Arviragus and Philicia. Guiderius is "feare[d]" dead at the play's beginning by Philicia and Artemia but is presented (along with Arviragus) as a prisoner to Cartandes by Aldred and 1 Captain. Because the Queen has vowed that "the first prisoner [. . .] take[n] upon the Ile" will be "offer[ed] up to Mars, by way of Sacrifice" there is much confusion over the fact that, while attempting to save Arviragus's life, Guiderius and his "Cosen" were taken "both at once." After Guiderius discusses his previous "disloyalties" with Arviragus, each sues to the Queen for the other's life until she decides that they will both be sent to prison and, later in the play, that neither man will be sacrificed. Guiderius commits himself to the Queen's "service," is questioned by Cartandes concerning "Arviragus faith," and expresses his love for her (which she denies). Although Cartandes claims to have set up a "combat" between Arviragus and Oswald (which the former must win in order to gain his and Philicia's freedom), the Queen actually matches him with Guiderius in the intention of bringing about Arviragus's "destruction." However, Cartandes puts an early end to the fight and confesses her love for the overjoyed Guiderius. The warrior is present at the arrival of his father, sister, and the King, and participates in the matching of Guimantes and Artemia at the play's end.


Father to Bernard in ?Cumber's Two Merry Milkmaids, he pleads justice from the Duke for his son's mistreatment by Landoffe, the alleged Faustian "President of Wittenberg." His anger turns to happiness when he realizes that Landoffe has not misused his son, but rather educated him in the dangers and follies of the black arts.


Guido is one of Montalto's cohorts and a court attendant in Shirley's Royal Master. He informs Simphorosa and her daughter Domitilla that the king plans to dine at their country home after hunting. Guido also works with Alexio and Aloisio in carrying out Montalto's plots. He is banished at the play's end.


Count Roberto's friend in John Marston's The Insatiate Countess. He embodies the principle of forethought and moderation and provides a rational commentary on the action both in the main plot and subplot. On hearing that Isabella has accepted Roberto's proposal, he voices doubts about her chastity, and thus anticipates her later disgrace. He steps between the quarrelling Claridiana and Rogero during their wedding day animosities and comments on Roberto's decision to become a monk.


Sister to Manuel, Governor of Lisbon, and mother to Duarte in Fletcher and Massinger's Custom of the Country. A respected and honorable widow, despairing of her son's arrogance and obsession with pointless dueling. Both she and her brother exert themselves to reform him, without success. Duarte is believed killed in his latest fight. Guiomar's sleepless night waiting for him to come home is interrupted by Rutillio, seeking refuge from the law. She responds in charitable hospitality to the hunted stranger, knowing only that he has killed an unnamed aggressor in a fair fight. She would have helped any man in the same predicament, even a Castilian, as fearing that her own son could easily need the same compassion from a stranger. Realizing that her protégé is indeed her son's assailant, she keeps her promise to conceal him, holding her oath even more highly than her mother's grief and desire for revenge. She commands the stranger to hide his face from her, so she will not be forced to identify him and gives him money with which to make good his escape. Rutillio expresses his complete devotion to her, which, during his time in bondage in Sulpitia's brothel, develops into a plan to woo her when he is enabled to escape, thanks to the still-living and disguised Duarte. Her son doubting Guiomar's true grief for him, he delivers to her Rutillio's presumptuous love-letter where she is found showing all the signs of deep mourning: in darkness and solitude, sitting on the ground and weeping over his portrait. Guiomar, not recognizing her messenger and needing to send messages of encouragement back to her suitor, reveals only her delight in the letter, to the extent of preparing to send for a priest to marry them immediately. Duarte is devastated by his mother's seemingly lecherous connivance with his assailant. It emerges that her delight is in the chance, absolved form her earlier promise, to denounce Rutillio to the Governor and see him executed for the murder. Inwardly, she is incensed and offended by Rutillio's advances; she now first sees Rutillio by daylight and instantly admires both his looks and noble character. Her delight that her son fell to an honorable opponent turns to regret when Rutillio's frank confession to the Governor, together with his sympathy for her grief, movers her to love and admire his willing surrender to justice. Duarte reveals himself, still alive, and Guiomar is able to marry Rutillio to her heart's content, and with the blessing of her reconciled son.


Guildenstern, with Rosencrantz, are the pair of school friends that Claudius sends to spy on Hamlet, a duty they accept with obsequious haste in Shakespeare's Hamlet. They first suggest to Hamlet that he is melancholy because of thwarted ambition, but Hamlet reveals nothing, although he is pleased when they tell him about the coming of the players. They report this immediately to Claudius and are present at the play. After the play is broken up, they again appeal to Hamlet, asking him to tell them what is upsetting him. He is more openly scornful of them and again refuses to tell them anything. In Q2 only, they enter with Claudius immediately after Polonius' murder, only to be asked to withdraw by Gertrude. They return a moment later, and are told to find and arrest Hamlet, which they do. They are given the task of escorting Hamlet to England (although this has been decided earlier since both Hamlet and Gertrude mention it in the closet scene). They continue on to England after Hamlet is taken aboard the pirate ship, unaware that he has changed their commission to ensure their deaths. The Ambassador arrives in the closing moments to announce that they have been put to death as the letter instructed. His name is spelled Guyldensterne and occasionally Guyldersterne (Q2–4 and F1). In Q1 it is spelled Gilderstone.


Guildford Dudley is the eldest son of the Duke of Northumberland and the beloved of Lady Jane Grey in Dekker and Webster's Sir Thomas Wyatt. Although his father would have him marry the lady to be in a position to rise with her if she is proclaimed queen, the early exchanges between the two young people indicate that neither is much interested in political status, preferring to concentrate upon their shared love. After the death of Edward VI, Guildford and Jane are sent to London, ominously to the Tower, there to await her coronation, but when the royal council reverses itself and supports Mary's claim, they find themselves arrested for treason. While in captivity, Guildford is informed by the Lieutenant of the Tower that his father has been beheaded, and he assumes it is only a matter of time before Jane and he suffer the same fate. As he and his beloved wait for execution, they exchange fervent promises to meet in the afterlife. When the Bishop of Winchester orders the execution to go forward, Guildford asks to be beheaded first (which historically he was), but the churchman refuses, saying that the queen has ordered Jane to be put to death first. Waiting for the Headsman, he calls upon the bystanders to witness Winchester's cruelty and then goes to his death eager to join Lady Jane in the afterlife.


A "ghost character" in Heywood's 1 If You Know Not Me. Guilford is mentioned by Beningfield as a rebel who, along with wife Lady Jane Gray, was executed.


Henry Guilford, along with Lord Chamberlain, is to be master of ceremonies at Wolsey's dinner in Shakespeare's Henry VIII. He is also more familiarly called Sir Harry.


A "ghost character" in Shakespeare's All's Well. A commander in the Florentine army.


The son of the King and one of Arviragus's chief enemies in Carlell's 1 Arviragus and Philicia. The Prince works throughout the play to kill Arviragus and gain the favour and power of his father. When the King "grants [him] the title of [. . .] Generall" Guimantes attempts to have Sinatus "put [. . .] to death," and when the Prince is taken prisoner by Arviragus and committed to Sinatus's charge the Lord orders him to disguise himself "in th'habit of one of [Sinatus's] Servants" and "escape to Stamfoard." He is promised in marriage to Artemia by the King as part of his father's strategy to "withdraw Eugenius" from the side of Arviragus and, in part because Eugenius's daughter claims that her love will have "sufficient tryall" and she will not become his wife for one year, he attempts to "ravish" her. When Guimantes discovers that the King has been murdered he is prepared to take action against the "traytors" identified by Adrastus and, although Adrastus identifies himself as the King's killer at the play's end, Guimantes decides to take his advice, breaking the truce that his father has made with Arviragus's army and "charg[ing] th'enemy."
Son of the former King in Carlell's 2 Arviragus and Philicia. Guimantes is Philicia's brother and the present King who is in love with Artemia. At the play's beginning Guimantes discusses the Pictish army's recent victory with Adrastus and agrees to Philicia's and Artemia's request that he "hear" the "cause" of the imprisoned Eugenius and Sinatus. He charges 1 Souldier and 2 Souldier with the duty of "seiz[ing]" Adrastus for "questioning" and "tortures" which are meant to garner his confession to the former King's murder and, in order to "remove all possibility of doubt how much [he] love[s] [Artemia]," Guimantes agrees to set Eugenius and Sinatus free from prison (although he does not do so until later in the play when Artemia begs again for "justice to [her] father and Sinatus"). He admits to the audience that his "thirst for Arviragus blood, is [. . .] quencht" and offers to kill himself over his love of Artemia. Furthermore, the King sends "Adrastus head" to Arviragus "as witnesse of his love, and reconcilement withall" and charges Sinatus to "invite" the warrior "to leave Cartandes, and joyning with Guimantes, and the Princes of the Ile, chase hence the Danes." By also offering Arviragus "possess[ion]" of Philicia which, the Princess claims, is "not in his power to give," he gains his sister's mistrust and she warns her lover not to "yeeld unto the Kings desires." The King informs Sinatus of Philicia's flight from the kingdom, appoints Eugenius as his "substitute [. . .] touching the Government and safety of the City," and is plotted against by Artemia's father (who warns his daughter not to trust Guimantes). He is informed about Eugenius's and Artemia's planned "escape" by Sinatus and the Lord and, disguised, accompanies them on their journey to Arviragus. Revealing himself at the play's end, the King asserts his love for Artemia, reconciles with Eugenius, and is instructed by Arviragus to "receive" Eugenius's daughter.


A "ghost character" in Carlell's 2 Arviragus and Philicia. The former King's deeds and murder are mentioned and discussed by various characters throughout the play.


Guinever is daughter of King Octavian in The Valiant Welshman. She is given to Caradoc in marriage. When Caradoc leaves to fight the Romans, Codigun and his allies kill Octavian and imprison Guinever. She is rescued when Caradoc defeats Codigun. She is crowned Queen of Wales alongside him. Then, Cornwall betrays Guinever and her daughter to the Romans. They are taken to Rome with Caradoc, but are freed when Claudius Caesar recognizes Caradoc.


A "ghost character" in Wilson's The Cobbler's Prophecy. Zelota claims that Raph has an appointment to mend Queen Guinever's shoes, despite the fact that the story is set in Ancient Greece. Zelota is mad when she says this, but the anachronism remains unaccountable.


The Duke of Guise in Marlowe's Massacre at Paris. Brother of Dumaine and the Cardinal. Angered by the marriage of the Protestant Navarre into the French royal family, he plans a massacre of French Protestants. The massacre that ensues took place in history over 24 August, 1572 and came to be called the Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day. In many cases he kills his enemies himself; other times he orders minions such as Anjou, Dumaine, and Gonzago to carry out the murders. Once the massacre is complete, and with the aid of Spain and Rome, he raises an army in the hopes of destroying Navarre and the Bourbons altogether. The insolence of Guise angers King Henry III, who has Guise murdered.


The Duke of Guise in Chapman's Bussy D'Ambois. His first conversation is on the subject of the English queen and her court. Henry, Guise and Montsurry agree that the English court is infinitely superior in virtue to the French court. The French lords are amazed that the English are so adamant upon imitating the superfluous fashions of France. Guise and Bussy get off on the wrong foot the first time they meet. The Duke tells Bussy to quit the Duchess' company because Bussy is apparently too "saucy" in his conversation. When Bussy refuses to stop conversing with Elenor, Guise threatens to cut Bussy's throat. Bussy ignores the first threat, so the Duke promises to have Bussy whipped out of the court. Monsieur finally breaks up the confrontation. After Barrisor, L'Anou and Pyrhot, men loyal to guise, are slain by Bussy in a street fight, the Duke is certain that Henry will condemn the recent addition to the court. Guise is furious when Henry pardons Bussy. When Guise next sees Bussy, the Duke again insults D'Ambois by calling him a bastard son of Cardinal D'Ambois. It is a charge Bussy denies. When Monsieur is unable to separate Bussy and Guise, the king orders the men to end hostilities. Henry then invites both men to a feast. The Friar's spirits show Guise coercing Montsurry to force Tamyra to write a love letter to Bussy as a trap. He hides just off stage with Monsieur as Bussy is murdered.
A Duke in Chapman's The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois. Friend of Clermont D'Ambois, and leader of a political faction within the court that the King considers a threat. He supports Clermont's plan to revenge his brother's death, and persuades the King to release Clermont after the King's guards capture him. He meets Clermont after the release. During their conversation, Clermont sees his brother's ghost urging revenge. Guise sends Clermont off to pursue his revenge and returns to court to find what employment the King has for him. A messenger in the palace leads him to his death at the hands of the King's guards and by the King's order.


The ghost of the Cardinal (murdered by Henry's guards) appears in a dramatic tableau in V of Chapman's The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois along with the ghosts of his brother Guise, Bussy D'Ambois, Monsieur (the King's brother and designated heir), and Chatillon (the Huguenot leader Coligny), following Clermont's murder of Montsurry.


Wife of Guise, but in love with Mugeroun in Marlowe's Massacre at Paris. She is turned out by Guise when he discovers a letter she has written to her beloved.


Count Palurine is enamored of Gismond in Wilmot's Gismond of Salerne. Gismond sends him a message hidden in a cane revealing the existence of a forgotten vault that leads to her chamber. They begin a secret relationship. When Tancred discovers the affair, he confronts Guishard, who knows that he will be killed and who hopes that his demise will not traumatize Gismond. Imprisoned, he expresses his love for Gismond and faces death with equanimity, putting the bonds used to strangle him around his own neck and requesting his executioners to make speed. His body is disemboweled and his heart cut out; impaled on a sword, it is carried to Tancred and then sent in a golden cup to Gismond.


Guiszard, Count Palurine in Wilmot's Tancred and Gismunda. He leaves the palace in the company of Tancred, Julio, and Renuchio as they prepare for a hunt. In a dumb show Guiszard walks hand in hand with Gismunda, accompanied by Julio and Lucrece, Renuchio and a maiden of honor; all of them follow Cupid in a procession. In this dumb show Gismunda gives Guiszard a cane. Exiting the palace with Julio and Renuchio, he tells them he wants to walk alone. When they depart, he breaks the cane and finds inside a message directing him to Gismunda's chamber by a hidden vault. In another dumb show we see Guiszard and Gismunda enter her chamber through the secret entrance and amorously embrace on her bed. At Tancred's orders Guiszard is apprehended and confronted over his affair. He responds stoically to Tancred's order that he be put to death, saying that he is at fault only for having fallen in love. In still another dumb show, Guiszard is strangled. His heart is then impaled on a sword and carried to Tancred, then conveyed in a golden cup to Gismunda.


A country squire in the anonymous Two Wise Men and All the Rest Fools. He scorns the venereal pastimes of his neighbors Sperato and Spurco in favor of the bottle and thereby earns the scorn of the two wise men.


Gulch is one of Sir Oliver Owlet's Men in Marston's Histrio-Mastix.


Gulch is part of the watch and a mute character in the anonymous Blurt, Master Constable. During their midnight watch, Blurt sees Curvetto climbing a rope ladder to Imperia's window. When Frisco calls for help against the pretended "thief," the constable orders Gulch and the others to take Curvetto away to prison. On the second round of the watch, Blurt orders his men to take the half-naked urine stinking Lazarillo to prison. In the street before Imperia's house, Blurt and his guards enter with the Duke to enforce the law when the incensed Venetian gentlemen want to kill Fontinel. When Camillo calls Blurt a peasant, the members of the watch jump with their swords to retaliate.


Described as a "caterpillar" in Middleton's A Trick to Catch the Old One because of his obsequiousness and usury, Gulf is the compatriot of the usurer Harry Dampit and acts as the mediator between his master and Witgood.


Page to Jack Dapper in Middleton and Dekker's Moll Cutpurse, The Roaring Girl. Gull's name implies foolishness; however, Gull seems to be a fool in the other sense, as a jester who speaks bluntly and with good sense. When Jack meets his companions Laxton, Goshawk, and Greenwit while on his way to Tiltyard's feather shop, he sends Gull to an eating-house to pass the time. He gives Gull three halfpence, and Gull complains that his master wastes money on his friends and is cheap to him. Later, Jack's father Sir Davy Dapper files a false arrest warrant on his son, thinking that time in jail will tame his spirits; Moll Cutpurse saves Jack from being arrested, and Gull flees with his master.

GULLIO **1600

As his name indicates, Gullio is a gull, a self-important fool in the anonymous 1 Return From Parnassus. He boasts to Ingenioso about his lady love, Lesbia, his valor, his elegant clothing, his own learning, and his patronage of the learned. He asks Ingenioso to write an encomium on his mistress. He finds fault with the work, and announces his intention to improve it, but when Ingenioso presents the revised version to the lady, she is contemptuous of Gullio and his so-called learning; enraged, the gull withdraws his patronage from Ingenioso.


A"ghost character" in Tomkis’ Lingua. Phantastes has promised to help him carve a new fashion of his suit.


A bawd, and mother to Flavia in Daborne's Poor Man's Comfort. She seeks to assist Urania (disguised) in reclaiming her rightful husband Lucius, despite his amorous suit for her daughter. When she realizes that Lucius is already married to Urania, she seeks to have the adulterer arrested and subsequently executed. Lucius kills her daughter and is sentenced to death by the newly-appointed Senator Gisbert but the sentence is commuted by King Ferdinand.


She is a well–known woman about town in Middleton's A Mad World, My Masters. Occasionally referred to as Frank Gullman, she is employed by the wealthy Sir Bounteous Progress who, paradoxically, seems more interested in feasting than women. She is employed briefly by Penitent Brothel to corrupt Master Harebrain and arouse suspicion in his wife, a ploy that eventually serves to solidify that marriage and erase Harebrain's paranoid jealousy. Pretending to be pregnant with Sir Bounteous' child, she is able to extort money from her erstwhile employer who is obliged to pay her medical bills. At the urging of her mother who facilitates the match, Gullman clandestinely marries Follywit, and is again rewarded by Bounteous' munificence when the marriage is revealed.

GULONO **1607

A “ghost character" in Tomkis’ Lingua. A gouty sergeant. Appetitus initially mistakes Mendacio for Gulono.


A "ghost character" in Middleton's Michaelmas Term. Gum is a creditor who is unable to extend credit to Blastfield and Easy. He is likely an invention to fool Easy into believing that Blastfield (Shortyard) has actually tried to raise the loan.


A "ghost character" in the anonymous Work For Cutlers. The weapon consisting of a metal cylinder through which bullets are discharged with the aid of gunpowder. Gun does not appear onstage in the play, but Dagger refers to him as a "bouncing fellow," alluding to Gun's ungainly and loud movements (the other weapons in the play are comparatively silent when used in dueling). Rapier calls Gun a "nobody" and sneers that any child can "make him roar." Anyone can fire a gun, but the other weapons require skill to use properly.


Spanish master of arms in the anonymous A Larum for London. He has prepared a "Faulcon" and two "Harguebuz of Crocke" (a falcon is a small cannon; a Harguebuz [Arquebus or Hackbut] was the first gun fired from the shoulder) and assures Danila that his work will be effective.


A gunner on Thomas Sherley Jr's ship in Day, Rowley and Wilkins's The Travels of the Three English Brothers. He protests when the mutineers abandon Thomas.


A gunner on Purser and Clinton's ship who fires the guns during attacks in Heywood and Rowley's Fortune by Land and Sea.

GUNNER **1620

A loyal and admiring member of the pirate the Duke of Sesse's crew in Fletcher and Massinger's The Double Marriage. The gunner fires weapons during the battle with Virolet and again when Martia makes her escape with Virolet and Ascanio. He assists Sesse and his crew in their effort to assassinate the tyrant Ferrand.


A number of Fairy gunners in Dekker's The Whore of Babylon follow Florimell in the battle against the Babylonian Armada.


Gunophilus is a servant to Pandora in Lyly's The Woman in the Moon. When the shepherds court Pandora, Gunophilus acts as a go-between. However, he also falls in love with Pandora and eventually runs away with her. Pandora, under the influence of Luna, becomes deranged. When Stesias, Pandora's husband, captures them, Gunophilus persuades him that he was only chasing after his mistress.


A neighbour of Hobson in Heywood's 2 If You Know Not Me.


One of Emma's guards in the anonymous Edmond Ironside. He takes her sons Alphred and Edward to her brother Richard, Duke of Normandy.


Servant to Sir Bounteous Progress in Middleton's A Mad World, My Masters. Like the other servants employed by Sir Bounteous, Gunwater is frequently engaged in cooking an arranging his master's multiple and extravagant daily meals. Because his master is so absent-minded, Gunwater essentially has the run of the house and assists Follywit in the numerous tricks played on his grandfather. He, for instance, admits Follywit into the chamber that houses the casket containing his master's valuable gems. Later, believing the disguised Follywit to be the courtesan Gullman, he gives the young rascal his valuable gold chain and makes and assignation.


Gurney and Matrevis are commanded by Mortimer in Marlowe's Edward II. They take charge of the deposed Edward II from Berkeley, treat the king poorly, and move him constantly to foil rescue attempts. While confining the former king in Berkeley Castle's sewer, they surrender Edward on Mortimer's orders to the assassin Lightborn and hold the royal down while Lightborn murder him. Shaken, Gurney stabs Lightborn, and together he and Matrevis throw Lightborn's lifeless body into Berkeley's moat. Gurney and Matrevis bring Edward's corpse to Mortimer in court, after which Gurney flees to save his own life.


Gurney is an attendant on Lady Falconbridge in Shakespeare's King John. He enters with her, but is dismissed almost immediately by the Bastard so the latter can question his mother about his parentage.


A Spanish grandee of Cadiz, advisor to the king and father of Manuel and Henrico in the anonymous Dick of Devonshire. At the opening of the play he leaves on an embassage to France, postponing the marriage of Henrico and Eleanora until his return. Her letter accusing Henrico of rape devastates him, and he decides to return to Cadiz. He sends Manuel ahead with instructions to cover up the rape by an immediate marriage. He returns, disguised as a friar, just when both sons have been condemned to die, but reveals himself in time to save their lives.


Only mentioned in Glapthorne's Albertus Wallenstein. He is named by Lesle, along with Saxon-Waymar, as a potential ally in Wallenstein's league against the Emperor.

GUSTUS **1607

One of the five senses in Tomkis’ Lingua. Taste. All that Common Sense may learn through taste he learns through Gustus. Lingua complains that the five senses have a monopoly and have barred the way to Common Sense. He wears a garland of bays mixed with white and red roses, a light colored taffeta mantle striped and fringed upon silk bases and buskins. Upon learning that Tactus has the plague, he reluctantly leaves him. Soon, Mendatio lies to Gustus and Visus telling them that Mercury left the robe and crown that in truth Lingua left to trap them, and they realize Tactus lied to them about having plague. He fights with the other senses over ownership of the crown, believing himself the best of the five. Auditus joins forces with Visus against Tactus and Gustus, each team agreeing that, should they win, the better fighter shall wear the crown whilst the other wears the robe. His army consists of apes, monkeys, and marmosets. He comes when called before Common Sense to show his quality accompanied by an ape, Bacchus, and Ceres. He carries a cornucopia. He fails to win, and Visus is awarded the crown while Tactus gets the robe. Gustus is named taster to Queen Psyche and purveyor to her dominion. He invites the other senses to a banquet where, drinking Lingua’s wine, all fall to fighting. Somnus puts him to sleep and he is thus cured. When Common Sense learns of Lingua’s perfidy, he sentences her to be imprisoned in Gustus’s house behind two great gates and thirty guards (the teeth) until she be eighty.


Gutt is an out of work fiddle-string maker in Marston's Histrio-Mastix. During the reign of Plenty, he becomes an actor in Sir Oliver Owlet's Company.


Second son to the destitute Earl of Boulogne, he is an apprentice to a goldsmith in Thomas Heywood's The Four Prentices of London; he abandons his vocation, however, to join the First Crusade. Shipwrecked in transit to the Holy Land, Guy comes to shore in France where, conveyed through a dumb show, he is discovered by the King of France and his daughter. Concealing his true identity, he is entertained in the royal household. He resists, or fails to notice, the ardent advances of the French King's daughter, declaring himself wed to Dame War herself. As the French crusading forces assemble, he quarrels with Godfrey, whom he does not recognize as his brother. Upon arrival in Italy, he engages in single combat with Eustace, whom he also does not recognize, but Robert and Tancred halt the fight. Guy falls in love with his own sister, Bella Franca, whom he again does not recognize. All four brothers reunite in the purpose of the crusade. Guy fights Eustace for the privilege of single combat with Turnus; he is banished for his breach of the crusader's vow to engage in violence against the pagans alone. He remains in the Holy Land, however, disguised as a Knight of the Goldsmiths guild. Guy discovers Eustace asleep, but, scorning a dishonorable murder, he exchanges shields, leaving a verse that promises a future encounter. Guy takes the Sophy's ensigns from the wall of Jerusalem and leaves, in their place, his—or, rather, Eustace's—shield. In victory, the crusaders reconvene and there is general confusion about who, precisely, did what. All sibling identities are finally discovered and Guy is invested as the King of Jerusalem. The French King's Daughter, who has followed in disguise, reveals herself and the two are betrothed.


Guy, Earl of Warwick, stands with Lancaster and Mortimer in demanding the exile of Gaveston in Marlowe's Edward II. Older than the other barons, he speaks alternately with wisdom and with defiance. When the barons capture Gaveston and reluctantly agree to allow Edward II to see him one last time, Warwick defies his peers as well as his king by capturing and executing Gaveston. Years later Warwick is defeated on the battlefield along with Lancaster and Mortimer, captured by the Edward II's men, and executed on the king's orders.


With Bartervile, Ravillac, and the Prodigal, Guy Fawkes is doomed by the infernal judges to suffer torments in hell in Dekker's If It Be Not Good.


Father of Mary Fitzallard in Middleton and Dekker's Moll Cutpurse, The Roaring Girl. Sir Guy and Sir Alexander Fitzallard had a disagreement, and Sir Alexander forbade his son Sebastian to marry Mary. In the end, Sir Guy and Sir Alexander are reconciled, and their children are happily wed.

GUY of WARWICK**1551

Only mentioned in Udall's Ralph Roister Doister. Guy of Warwick is the main character of a famous medieval romance and the type of hero Merrygreek asserts all women think of when they see Roister Doister.

GUY of WARWICK**1593

Guy of Warwick serves the English King Athelstone of Winchester in the anonymous Guy Earl of Warwick. The audience learns that before the play begins Guy had earned a glorious reputation by defeating both the savage Bore [sic] of Called and the wild cow of Dunmore Heath. After seven years of wooing, Guy finally wins his true love Phillis' hand in marriage. After marrying and impregnating Phillis, Guy decides to repent for the sins of his life by leaving England in search of the Lord's Sepulcher. Even after Phillis informs Guy of her pregnancy, he remains determined to leave. Before he leaves, Guy takes Phillis' golden ring and tells her that if she ever sees the ring off his hand, it will be because he is dead. Guy takes the clown Sparrow with him. While traveling, Guy comes upon a hermit who had not spoken in forty years. The hermit blesses Guy's mission. At the Tower of Donather, Guy is trapped by an enchanter's spell. Oberon, King of the Fairies, rescues Guy and directs him to Jerusalem. Guy then saves the King of Jerusalem from an onslaught of Muslim warriors led by the Sultan Shamurath. Guy defeats the Muslims in spite of the sorcerer Zorastes' best efforts. Guy refuses the throne of Jerusalem; he instead forswears battle altogether. He puts on a palmer's weeds and becomes a hermit. He promises God that he will not see his family or friends for twenty-seven years. With seven years left on his self-imposed exile, Guy returns to England. Although he is now an elderly man, Guy is chosen by King Athelstone, thanks to the intervention of an angel, as the English champion against the Danish giant Colbron. Guy easily slays Colbron, but refuses any reward. He divulges his identity to his king, but he asks Athelstone to keep his return to England a secret. Athelstone agrees. Athelstone informs Guy that his father-in-law Rohon is dead, his son Rainborn is grown and his faithful wife Phillis is still alive. Guy builds a shelter within a cave a mile away from Phillis' house. He travels to see Phillis with a pair of palmers and is overcome with love when he sees her offer food to all palmers in the name of her husband Guy. Guy considers ending his exile early, but recommits to his obligation. One week before his twenty-seven year self-banishment ends, an angel comes to Guy and informs him that, ironically, Guy is going to die in seven days and that there is nothing to be done about it. Guy commits one final time to his mission and waits in his cave to die. As he lay dying, Guy's son Rainborn comes upon the cave. Rainborn comforts the dying man and agrees to take a gold ring to his mother Phillis. Guy dies before Phillis can arrive. His body is identified on account of the gold ring as well as a wart under his ear. King Athelstone honors his most extraordinary knight by swearing to build a hermitage in Guy's cave.


Guyamara, also known as Eugenia in ?Middleton and ?Rowley's Spanish Gypsy, is the sister of Fernando and wife of Alvarez. With Fernando's daughter Constanza, she follows her husband into banishment and with him assumes the identity of a gypsy. In the end she reveals herself and Constanza to Fernando.


A "ghost character" in Dekker's Wonder of A Kingdom. He is mentioned as the author of a letter to Iacomo Gentili. Guydanes is amongst Iacomo Gentili's "bosome friends." In his letter, he asks Iacomo to employ the foolish gentlemen Asinius Buzardo.


A "braggadocchio Spaniard" in Ford's The Lady's Trial. Like Fulgoso, Futelli and Piero trick him into courting Amoretta. Also like Fulgoso, he ends by seeking the patronage of Auria.


The Marquess of Salucia in Chettle, Dekker and Haughton's Patient Grissil. He is urged to take a wife and has promised to do so, but delays his choice, saying he prefers to pursue a woman rather than choose from the daughters of eager fathers. Noticing the beauty of Grissil, he elects, to the astonishment of all, to marry her. Once married, he cannot resist testing her loyalty to him and confides to Furio that he will mistreat her to see how she reacts. When his initial abuse is met with absolute submission and obedience he is delighted, but orders Mario and Lepido to insult her and mistreat her as well. Additionally, at their suggestion, Gwalter resolves, on the pretext of public discontent, to banish the newly elevated Janicola and Laurio from court - all to further dismay Grissil. When she still remains loyal, Gwalter spreads the rumour that once her pregnancy is over, Grissil will herself be banished from court. When her children, twins, are born, Gwalter takes them away from her. He is touched to see how Grissil suffers over the loss of her children, but still insists of continuing his tests. He feigns anger that she has been allowed to be with her children despite his order and banishes Grissil, along with the twins, sending them back to live with Janicola. Then he orders Furio to take the children from her altogether and place them with Gwalter's brother Pavia. But going along after Furio, he poses as a basket maker and intervenes just as Furio and Laurio are about to fight. In this disguise he pretends to defend the children and berates the Marquess as tyrant. When Grissil and Furio both obey his commands, Gwalter is once again overwhelmed by their loyalty. His appreciation for his wife only grows when he sees the chaos in the home of Sir Owen and Gwenthyan. In the end, he summons Grissil and her family back to the court. There he announces that he will marry the infant daughter of the Duke of Brandenburgh. Seeing that after all, Grissil is still loyal to him, he finally declares her unparalleled virtue and denounces the flatterers Mario and Lepido. He also advises Sir Owen that a man must tame his wife before she becomes too willful.


The son of Gwalter and Grissil in Chettle, Dekker and Haughton's Patient Grissil. He is initially said to be the son of the Duke of Brandenburgh.


Duke of Cumberland in Sackville and Norton's Gorboduc. He is incensed against the tyrants who have committed or attempted fratricide (Ferrex and Porrex(q.q.v.)) and murder(Videna). Still, he is shocked that the people have arisen and killed the "guiltless king" and the queen. He expresses the need to stay loyal to the kingship and accept the horror of bad governance as any good subject should. He helps to put down the rebellion, but must then take arms against Fergus, Duke of Albany, who means to take over the kingdom.


Corineus' daughter and Thrasimacus' sister in the anonymous Locrine. She marries her cousin Locrine because this is the wish of her father Corineus and of her uncle Brutus. Together with Locrine she has a son, Madan. But then Locrine falls in love with Estrild and builds her a hidden palace in a cave. He does not dare to divorce or leave Gwendoline as long as her father still lives. When Corineus finally dies, Guendoline goes to his funeral in Cornwall, and Locrine takes Estrild and their daughter Sabren to his palace. Gwendoline and her brother Thrasimacus swear revenge and attack Locrine with their army. Locrine loses the battle and commits suicide, Estrild follows him. Gwendoline then wants to revenge herself on Sabren, but Sabren drowns herself in the river. Gwendoline decides that the river shall henceforth carry Sabren's name (Severn), and that Locrine should be buried honorably in a tomb next to his father's, but Estrild should remain unburied.


A Welsh widow related to Gwalter through a previous marriage in Chettle, Dekker and Haughton's Patient Grissil. She marries Sir Owen but proves to be a trying wife for him as the two quarrel violently. Apparently to spite her husband, Gwenthyan deliberately ruins a dinner to which the Marquess has been invited by dressing in mean clothes and inviting a group of beggars to eat all the food. In the end, she reveals that just as Gwalter had been testing Grissil, so had she been testing Owen. She resolves to be obedient in the future.


Gammer's cat in [?]Stevenson's Gammer Gurton's Needle. Gyb is seen drinking milk, and Gammer loses her needle when she throws Hodge's breeches down to chase Gyb. In the house, Hodge mistakes Gyb's glowing eyes for fairy lights that might catch the thatch alight.


Only mentioned in Tomkis’ Albumazar. Albumazar’s magical cant includes this allusion.


Wife of Basilius, mother of Pamela and Philoclea in Shirley's The Arcadia. Disenchanted with her marriage, Gynecia pursues Pyrocles when she sees through his disguise and finds that he is a man, though she knows he is in love with Philoclea. She blackmails Pyrocles with the wrath of Basilius and her own threat to kill Philoclea, so that he agrees to meet with her secretly in the cave. After meeting Basilius in the cave instead, she thinks she has killed him after giving him an aphrodisiac potion, which puts him to sleep. Sentenced by Euarchus to be buried alive with the corpse of Basilius.


Gynetia is the wife of Basilius and the mother of Hippolita and Violetta in Day's Isle of Gulls. She perceives that Lisander is a man, despite his disguise as the Amazon Zelmane. Thinking that Lisander is a woman, Basilius sees an opportunity to humiliate his wife, and he arranges for Gynetia to woo Lisander as he watches. Lisander agrees to submit to her advances if she will allow him contact with Violetta. Later, Basilius, Gynetia, Lisander and Violetta play bowls, and Lisander takes the opportunity to woo Violetta under her parents' noses. Lisander arranges to meet both Gynetia and Basilius at Adonis' Bower, but this turns out to be a ruse: Manasses appears in the clothes of Zelmane, distracting Gynetia and Basilius, and Lisander and Demetrius make off with the princesses.

GYNIMEG **1636

A “ghost character" in Glapthorne’s Hollander. One of the sisters of the order of the Twibill Knights.


A band of gypsies in Middleton's More Dissemblers Besides Women amongst whom Aurelia and Dondolo hide.


One of the condemned prisoners in Whetstone's 1 Promos and Cassandra. Recites a prayer for mercy with the other prisoners. The hangman expresses his pleasure at the opportunity to execute the gypsy and the catchpole goads him on the way to execution.


Another name for the Moor in Carlell's The Fool Would Be A Favorite.


An Egyptian Soothsayer in Lyly's Endymion. He comes to the aid of Endymion, but finds that his distress is beyond the pale of Nature. When he finds Corsites pinched black and blue by fairies, he gives the captain an unguent to wipe away the bruises. He learns to follow Cynthia, abjuring his philosophies as vain pursuits.