


a synoptic, alphabetical character list


Brother to Humility. Delivers prologue, emphasizing importance of the virtue charity for achieving salvation. Meets Youth and tries to persuade him to think about heaven and salvation. When Youth threatens Charity with violence, Charity leaves to take counsel with his brother Humility. Charity returns as Youth, Riot, Pride, and Lechery are on their way to the tavern and again tries to persuade Youth to follow virtue. Charity is put in the stocks by Youth, Riot, and Pride, who then leave him alone on stage. Charity tells the audience to note and lament how Youth freely chooses vice and evil over virtue and good. Charity is discovered and released by Humility and they join together to continue persuading Youth to forsake sin. Charity tells Youth that God through Christ's sacrifice has saved Youth's soul. After Youth's sudden change of heart, Charity tells him to abandon Pride and Riot; he then gives the contrite Youth new clothes. At the end of the interlude, Charity thanks the audience for their attention.


Name given to Youth by Humility after Youth has embraced virtue and abandoned vice at the end of the interlude.


Brother to Charity. Enters searching for Charity, whom he finds in the stocks. Releases Charity from the stocks and agrees to join Charity in persuading Youth to forsake sin. After Youth abandons vice and embraces virtue, Humility instructs Youth to pray to God for mercy. He then tells Youth that he should call himself Good Contrition and gives him a set of beads for prayer. At the end of the interlude, Humility blesses the audience.


Name given to Charity by Pride, meaning peeping John.


Sister to Pride. Brought in by Pride to serve as Youth's mistress, and agrees to go along with Youth, Riot, and Pride to the tavern.


Brother to Lechery. Brought in by Riot. Agrees to serve Youth and bring him to high degree; advises Youth to act and dress like a gentleman and to scorn the poor. When Pride suggests Youth take a wife, Riot suggests instead that Pride's sister Lechery serve as his mistress. Pride brings in Lechery for Youth and goes along to the tavern. When Charity intercepts them, Pride joins Youth and Riot and puts Charity in the stocks; they exit. Returns with Youth and Riot and begins to threaten Charity and Humility while they attempt to persuade Youth to forsake vice. Pride promises Youth that he will become mighty if he follows the counsel of Riot and Pride. When Youth suddenly embraces the counsel of Charity and Humility, he rejects Pride, who exits.


Charity delivers the prologue, emphasizing importance of the virtue charity for achieving salvation.


Enters thinking Youth has called on him, and invites Youth to go drinking with him, using money Riot has just stolen. When Youth asks Riot to help him find a servant, Riot brings in Pride. Disagrees when Pride suggests Youth marry, suggesting instead that Youth take Pride's sister Lechery as his mistress. Riot welcomes Lechery and begins to flatter her as they head for the tavern. When Charity intercepts them, Riot joins Youth and Pride and puts Charity in the stocks; they exit. Returns with Youth and Pride and begins to threaten Charity and Humility while they attempt to persuade Youth to forsake vice. Riot promises to stay with Youth and to teach him to play dice and cards. When Youth suddenly embraces the counsel of Charity and Humility, Riot curses him and exits.


Name given to Charity by Riot.


Enters boasting of his health and beauty and his dedication to pleasure. Meets Charity, who tells him to think about heaven and salvation; Youth dismisses Charity's counsel as useless, since, amongst other things, Charity cannot tell him why men eat mustard with saltfish. Youth threatens to beat and stab Charity when Charity continues to persuade him. Charity exits and Youth is joined by Riot. Youth asks Riot to help him find a servant, and Riot recommends Pride. Youth agrees to Pride's suggestion that he dress and act like a gentleman and scorn the poor, and also agrees to take Pride's sister Lechery as his mistress. He then suggests they all go to the tavern for drink and good cheer, and to avoid Charity. When Charity intercepts them, Youth joins with Riot and Pride and puts Charity in the stocks; they exit. Youth returns with Riot and Pride, boasting of his greatness; when Charity and Humility begin to persuade him to abandon vice, he again rejects their counsel, and vows to make merry as long as he is able. When Charity tells Youth about God's salvation of his soul, Youth suddenly abandons vice and embraces virtue. Following Humility's instructions he begs for mercy and dismisses Pride and Riot; he then promises to mourn his sins and also to teach others to avoid sin.