

a synoptic, alphabetical character list


An Angel, "shaped like a patriarch," appears before Cyprian to prophesy that he will renounce magic and become a Christian. When Cyprian does indeed convert to Christianity, the Angel reappears to banish the Devils that Cyprian conjured, and to prophesy the martyrdom of Cyprian and Justina.


A "ghost character." Archander was the King of Antioch, and true father of Lysander.


A "ghost character." The Soldan's father; he found the child Eugenius and brought him up as Lysander.


The male disguise taken on by Miranda when she seeks to escape her father.


Barebones is a poor scholar who flees the sacking of Antioch. He decides to help his friend Sinew win the love of Mistress Caro, and persuades Cyprian to lend him a demon, Cantharides. With the help of Cantharides, Caro is made to fall in love with Sinew. But by this time, Barebones is smitten by Caro, so Cantharides makes her fall in love with him. This demonically inspired love is only temporary, so, on Barebones's orders, Cantharides makes a fool out of Blood and Sinew by biting them. However, the devil then turns on Barebones and bites him, too. Barebones exits in agony, and draws the conclusion that all lovers are asses.


A servant of Colatus, Blood is a "proud, boasting courtier," whom Mistress Caro loves. The invisible demon Cantharides makes Caro fall in love with the common soldier Sinew, to Blood's fury. However, Blood laughs when she swiftly rejects Sinew in favor of Barebones. Caro soon recovers and returns to Blood. But Cantharides bites him, and he "runs up and down, hollering"; Caro thinks he is running away from her.


The Caliph's city is being attacked by the Egyptians, and he is angry when his son, Clitophon, refuses to fight until he is permitted to marry the Christian Justina. The Caliph pretends to agree, but secretly orders Justina to be drowned. When he finds out, Clitophon releases the captured Soldan and leaves, taking many of the soldiers with him. The Caliph agrees to settle the war in a single combat between Lysander and Armidan. But when 'Armidan' is revealed to be Lysander's lover, Miranda, the Caliph is furious. Before the Babylonians and the Egyptians can kill the couple, the Romans burst in and force the Caliph and the Soldan to submit to Rome. In the conclusion, the Caliph agrees that Clitophon may marry Justina and invites everyone to Babylon for a party.


A spirit, conjured by Cyprian; visible to him and Barebones. At the command of Barebones, Cantharides causes Mistress Caro to fall in love with Sinew, and then with Barebones. But the magic lasts only a short while. Cantharides then makes fools out of Blood, Sinew, Barebones and Caro by biting them and forcing them to run up and down making various silly noises. Later, Cyprian orders Cantharides to inflame Justina with carnal desire, but the devilish magic fails against her faith. Cantharides is then banished by the Angel.


Mistress Caro loves the courtier Blood, but she is the object of Sinew's affections. Cantharides the demon makes Caro fall in love with Sinew, then with Barebones. But the magic does not last long, and she soon returns to Blood. Then, Cantharides bites Blood on the arm; he "runs up and down hollering" and Caro thinks that he is running away from her. She laughs as Cantharides makes fools of all her suitors, but the demon then punishes her by biting her and making her laugh uncontrollably.


A Roman general who leads an army against Egypt to prevent its empire building. He joins with Clitophon on the way. He forces the Caliph and the Soldan to submit to Rome and orders that Lysander be made King of Antioch.


Son of the Caliph of Babylon. He intercedes when he finds Miranda protecting Justina from the Babylonian Soldiers who are threatening her and subsequently falls in love with Justina. He refuses to help his father fight the Egyptians until he is permitted to marry her. Having been granted permission, he fights valiantly against the Egyptians, but when the Caliph reveals that has had Justina drowned, Clitophon releases the captured Soldan of Egypt and leaves Babylon with an army. But he then regrets his actions, and joins with the Romans against the Soldan. After the Romans subdue the rival armies, Clitophon is reunited with Justina. The Caliph permits him to marry her, but she decides to remain a virgin; Clitophon is not displeased, and is so moved by her faith that he converts to Christianity.


A flattering Egyptian lord whom the Soldan makes Lieutenant of Damascus. Colactus supports the Soldan in his bid to marry Miranda, and persuades him that Lysander aided Miranda's escape. He is wounded by Miranda/Armidan during the battle with the Babylonians.


One of the three title characters. Cyprian is a powerful conjurer of Antioch. When the Egyptians invade, Cyprian takes pity on Miranda and Lysander and decides to help them. He rescues Lysander from the Soldan and his Guards by paralyzing them with a magic spell. He conjures a Spirit who reveals Lysander's true parentage. An Angel then appears, and prophecies that Cyprian will renounce magic and turn Christian. Cyprian rescues Justina by raising a freak tide to wash away the Soldiers who are drowning her. But he lusts after her; when she refuses his offers of worldly pleasures, Cyprian summons the demon Cantharides to provoke her into carnal desire. But when Justina's faith defeats his devilish magic, Cyprian is converted to Christianity, and throws his wand and magic books into the fire.


Non-speaking roles. The Devils lurk around Justina's bed, trying to fill her mind with carnal longings. But they are terrified of her prayer-book, and when the Angel enters, they "sink, roaring; a flame of fire riseth after them."


A nobleman of Antioch. He helps Justina escape the sacking of the city. Grievously wounded when rescuing her, he is killed by Babylonian soldiers.


The true name of Lysander, lost when he was brought up as an Egyptian.


Two Egyptian Eunuchs inform the Soldan that Miranda has escaped. The angry Soldan orders them to be tortured to death for their negligence.


The Soldan's guards are ordered to arrest Lysander, but Cyprian casts a spell to paralyze them, "their eyes rolling from the King to Cyprian, and so to and fro."


The Babylonian Herald brings the challenge from the Caliph to the Soldan and reads the articles of the single combat between Lysander and 'Armidan.'


One of the three title characters. Justina is a virgin princess who escapes the sacking of Antioch and is the sole survivor of the royal family. She is helped away by Doron, but he is killed outside the gates of Babylon. There, Prince Clitophon falls in love with her, and refuses to fight the Egyptians until his father, the Caliph, grants permission for them to marry. The Caliph pretends to agree, but secretly orders Justina drowned as a witch. Cyprian rescues her by raising a freak tide to wash away her executioners. Cyprian introduces her to Lysander, who has been revealed as the long-lost heir to Antioch's throne; they realize that they are cousins. Cyprian lusts after Justina and summons the demon Cantharides to provoke her into carnal desire, but Justina's faith defeats his devilish magic and Cyprian is converted to Christianity. When the Romans subdue the rival armies, Clitophon is reunited with Justina. The Caliph permits them to marry, but Justina decides to remain a virgin; Clitophon is so moved by her faith that he converts to Christianity.


Fails to persuade Clitophon to join the battle against the Egyptians. He may be the same Lord who utters a comment while watching the 'fight' between Miranda and Lysander.


A "ghost character." One of Miranda's eunuchs. It is reported that she makes him "change attire in seeming mirth" and then kills him, so that she can escape, disguised as a man.


Lysander is an Egyptian lord who secretly loves Miranda, and is disgusted when her father, the Soldan, decides to marry her. When Miranda escapes, Colactus persuades the Soldan that Lysander helped her. The Soldan tries to kill him, but Cyprian rescues him by paralyzing his attackers with a magic spell. He and Cyprian leave the Egyptians, and Cyprian then reveals that although Lysander was brought up an Egyptian, he is really the heir of Antioch, and when he meets Justina, they realize they are cousins. When the Caliph of Babylon challenges the Soldan to settle the war in single combat, Lysander becomes the Soldan's champion against Babylon's Armidan. But when the champions meet, 'Armidan' turns out to be Miranda, and the couple announce that they love each other. The Babylonians and the Egyptians are about to kill them both when the Romans invade; they restore Lysander to the throne of Antioch, and Miranda becomes his queen.


A "ghost character." The brother of the King of Antioch, and father of Justina, reported dead in the opening scene.


A disguise adopted by Sinew. After his trick to lure Caro to him fails and she returns to Blood, Sinew, in disguise, brings a fake letter to Blood saying he has been sent for by his master. The trick angers Caro, but Cantharides then makes a fool out of Sinew by biting him so that "he runs up and down crying sa sa sa tarararara."


One of the three title characters. The Egyptian princess Miranda, daughter of the Soldan is an Amazonian warrior-woman. She secretly loves Lysander and is horrified when her incestuous father decides to marry her. She kills her eunuch after exchanging clothes with him, and, dressed as a man called 'Armidan,' Miranda rescues Justina from some Soldiers. She then helps the Babylonians fight the Egyptians. During the battle she wounds Colactus. But when her father is captured, she cannot bear to see him humbled by the Caliph and accuses the latter of tyranny. When Clitophon deserts the Caliph, Miranda suggests to the Caliph that he settle the war in a single combat between herself and Lysander. On the appointed day, she amazes everyone by entering in her own attire, and she and Lysander announce that they love each other. The Babylonians and the Egyptians are about to kill them when the Romans invade. Lysander is revealed as their heir of Antioch and Miranda becomes his queen.


Sinew is an Egyptian soldier. He loves Mistress Caro but she loves the courtier Blood. Sinew pays Barebones to help him win Caro's love. Barebones summons the demon Cantharides, who makes Caro fall in love with Sinew, but then makes her transfer her affections to Barebones. When the demon's magic wears off, Caro returns to Blood. Sinew, in disguise, brings a fake letter to Blood saying he has been sent for by his master. The trick angers Caro, but Cantharides then makes a fool out of Sinew by biting him so that "he runs up and down crying sa sa sa tarararara."


The Soldan of Egypt is an empire-builder and conquers the city of Antioch. He lusts after his daughter, Miranda, and decides to marry her. He is angered when she escapes, and Colactus persuades the Soldan that Lysander helped her. The Soldan tries to kill Lysander, but Cyprian paralyses him with a magic spell. The furious Soldan decides to vent his spleen by declaring war on Babylon, but he is captured by the Babylonians. Prince Clitophon of Babylon releases the Soldan to gain revenge on his father for drowning his lover. The Soldan agrees to settle the war with a single combat between Lysander and 'Armidan,' but when the latter is revealed to be Miranda in disguise, he is furious. The Babylonians and the Egyptians are about to kill the couple when the Romans burst in. He and the Caliph submit to Rome. The Soldan apologizes to Miranda for his incestuous lust, and all is well.


Three Babylonian soldiers kill Doron and threaten Justina with rape, but they are beaten by Miranda, and called off by Clitophon. Later, two Babylonian soldiers (perhaps different ones) take Justina to the river to be drowned, but they are washed away by a freak tide raised by Cyprian. These two are dragged from the stage by two "Tritons" representing the flood. When Clitophon leaves Babylon, other Soldiers desert the Caliph and join him.


Non-speaking role. Conjured by Cyprian, the Spirit appears in armor with a shield on which is written the parentage of Lysander.


A "ghost character." Blood claims to be descended from "Tomiris, the valiant conquering Queen of Scythia."


Non-speaking roles. Two Tritons are raised by Cyprian and drag the Soldiers away. It is not clear whether the Tritons are intended as real creatures, or whether they are merely a symbolic representation of the freak tide raised by Cyprian to save Justina.