Christopher Marlowe

The Second Part of


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A "ghost character." A former conqueror of Babylon to whom Tamburlaine compares himself.


Callapine's keeper. He accepts a kingly bribe to help Callapine escape from Tamburlaine. He attends Callapine when the latter is reinstated to his throne. Callapine affirms his promise to make Almeda a king. Almeda then accompanies Callapine to Aleppo to fight Tamburlaine. At the parley before the battle, Callapine makes Almeda King of Ariadan near Mecca mainly to pique Tamburlaine, who is present. Still fearful of his former lord, Almeda foolishly asks Tamburlaine's permission to accept the crown from Callapine. Tamburlaine likens Almeda to Mycetes, who cowardly hid his crown during battle. Almeda disappears from the play, unpunished, after III.v.


Tamburlaine's middle son. He resents Tamburlaine's pleasure over Celebinus and asserts his own valor. He later places a streamer where his mother died to signify she was a princess born. When Tamburlaine wounds his own arm to show his boys how to be a soldier, Amyras and Cerebinus plead to be cut as well. Though Tamburlaine is pleased, he says the boys will shed no blood until they taste battle against the Turks. In Aleppo Amyras helps bring in the conquered Turks and suggests that they let them go so they might have future sport in defeating them again. When Tamburlaine becomes enraged that Calyphas failed to enter the battle, Amyras begs for his brother's pardon. Later, when Tamburlaine enters his chariot drawn by Trebizon and Soria, Amyras wants a chariot too so Orcanes and Jerusalem might draw him. When Tamburlaine later falls ill, Amyras is crowned at his father's behest. He and Celebinus are bequeathed all the unconquered world. He reluctantly mounts his father's chariot with Tamburlaine's encouragement. He has the final lines of the play, speaking immediately after his father's death.


A "ghost character." Father of Callapine. Callapine swears to avenge his father's death.


Lord of Buda and Bohemia. He is present but does not speak at the initial meeting between Orcanes and Sigismund. Later, when Frederick advises Sigismund to sneak up treacherously on Orcanes' flank, Baldwin affirms that oaths by Christ need not be honored if they were made to infidels such as Orcanes.


A "ghost character." A former conqueror of Babylon to whom Tamburlaine compares himself.


Bajazeth's son and Tamburlaine's prisoner. His full name is Callapinus Cyricelibes, and Orcanes says his nickname is Cybelius, but everyone including Callapine usually uses the form Callapine in the play. Callapine offers his keeper, Almeda, a thousand galleys, gold, virgins, chariot and slaves if he helps him escape from Tamburlaine. He offers him a kingship, which he swears by Mahomet to deliver. He escapes with the aid of Almeda and vows to avenge his father's death. He is reinstated as emperor in III.i before a host including Orcanes and the kings of Trebizon, Soria, and Jerusalem. He promises again to make Almeda a king. They march to Aleppo to meet Tamburlaine. At the parley, he flouts Tamburlaine by making Almeda king of Ariadan before Tamburlaine's eyes. In the battle that follows, Tamburlaine defeats Callapine's united forces, but Callapine escapes capture. He rallies more troops, allies himself to the King of Amasia, and marches to meet Tamburlaine outside the fallen Babylon. The army arrives believing that Tamburlaine is on his deathbed, but when Tamburlaine rises and appears on the field they all run away for fear of him.


Tamburlaine's eldest son. He is content to let his brothers conquer and wishes merely to follow his mother and manage his father's conquests once those lands have been subdued. He earns his father's displeasure. He later sets a pillar warning all never to rebuild the city where Zenocrate died. When Tamburlaine tells his boys how to be soldiers, Calyphas shrinks from the descriptions of hardship. When Tamburlaine wounds his own arm to show them how a soldier wears his wounds, Calyphas pities it while his brothers beg to be wounded too. At Aleppo, Calyphas sleeps while his brothers encourage him to enter the battle with the Turks. When the battle begins, he calls Perdicas to come play cards with him, betting for who gets to kiss the Turkish concubines. When Tamburlaine returns victorious he drags Calyphas from his tent and, despite the pleas of Theridamas, Techelles, Usumcasane, and Amyras, Tamburlaine stabs the boy to death. Calyphas's corpse is carried from the stage by common soldiers, but Tamburlaine orders that Calyphas be buried by the Turkish concubines as he is too base to warrant the honor of burial at the hands of soldiers.


He is in league with Callapine and the King of Amasia. He asserts that God and Mahomet could not stand in the way of Callapine's vengeance. He is presumably among the army that flies at the sight of Tamburlaine in Aleppo.


He appears on the wall of Balsera with his son and wife, Olympia, when Theridamas sounds parley outside his besieged town. He bids Theridamas to 'do your worst.' During the siege, he is struck by a stray bullet and dies while Olympia attempts to help him escape through a cave. She burns his body along with their son's, whom she stabs to death.


Tamburlaine's youngest son. Zenocrate praises his skill at tilting from a Scythian steed. He promises to be as valiant as his father. He later sets a tablet where his mother died that lists her virtues and perfections. When Tamburlaine wounds his own arm to show his boys how a soldier should bear his wounds, Celebinus and Amyras plead to be cut as well. Tamburlaine is pleased, but tells the boys they must shed no blood until they taste battle against the Turks. In Aleppo, Calyphas calls Celebinus a "tall stripling." When Tamburlaine falls fatally ill, Celebinus and Amyras are bequeathed all the unconquered world. He is present at his father's death.


"Ghost characters." They are a group within the walls of Babylon. The first citizen says that Tamburlaine has always pitied and relieved them and for their sake he might spare Babylon if they surrender.


Two Babylonian citizens figure in the play:
  • The first citizen begs the governor to set out the flags of truce even though Tamburlaine wears his colors that pronounce 'no quarter.'
  • The second citizen says he will leap from a wall rather than fall under Tamburlaine's sword.


Tamburlaine orders that they should bury the cowardly Calyphas, who is too base to deserve burial at any soldier's hands. They are then brought on stage and given away to the soldiers, who are told to divide them and their jewels amongst themselves. Though the captured Turkish kings demand that their honor be spared, Tamburlaine derides them and says the women have no honor.


Lord of Buda and Bohemia. He comes with Sigismund to treat for peace with Orcanes. Once peace is settled, he advises Sigismund to attack Orcanes' flank as he goes to battle Tamburlaine. He likens the strategy to that of Saul and Balaam, who did the like at God's behest.


Viceroy of Byron and contributory of Callapine. He advises Orcanes to treat for peace with Sigismund and address his powers to meeting Tamburlaine in Turkey. When Orcanes and Sigismund bluster at one another, Gazellus chides them into concluding a truce. He marches with Orcanes to meet Tamburlaine and is present at the defeat of the treacherous Sigismund. He disappears from the play after II.iii.


He appears on the walls in V.i, his town already breached. Maximus advises that they treat for peace, but the governor relies on Limnasphaltis, the Babylonian lake, to provide an impossible obstacle to Tamburlaine. He chides the citizens for cowardice in wishing to surrender. When he is captured, he blusters bravely, but when he sees that Tamburlaine means to kill him, he offers hidden gold in exchange for his life. Tamburlaine takes the gold and orders the governor away to execution. He is chained, hung from the walls, and shot full of bullets. Theridamas is given the first shot.


A "ghost character." A mighty Christian priest of Machda on the Nile. He was defeated by Techelles.


A late-appearing ally of Callapine. He joins Callapine to march against Tamburlaine outside of the fallen Babylon. His troops run away when Tamburlaine appears on the battlefield.


A "ghost character." Techelles defeated him and bore him in chains to Damasco.


A contributory of Callapine. He carries the imperial crown before his returning emperor. He promises to aid in the fight against Tamburlaine. He marches with Callapine to Aleppo where Tamburlaine defeats them. He is led in with Orcanes and held in reserve to draw Tamburlaine's chariot after Trebizon and Soria are exhausted. When Trebizon and Soria are hanged at Babylon, he is harnessed to the chariot along with Orcanes. He is present but muted by his bridle and bit at Tamburlaine's death.


A contributory of Callapine. He carries the scepter before his returning emperor. He promises to aid in the fight against Tamburlaine. He marches with Callapine to Aleppo where Tamburlaine defeats them. He is made to draw Tamburlaine's chariot with Trebizon and is thus one of the "pampered jades of Asia." Exhausted before the walls of Babylon, Tamburlaine has he and Trebizon unharnessed and hanged.


A contributory of Callapine. He carries the sword before his returning emperor. He promises to aid in the fight against Tamburlaine. He marches with Callapine to Aleppo where Tamburlaine defeats them. He is made to draw Tamburlaine's chariot with Soria and is thus one of the "pampered jades of Asia." Exhausted before the walls of Babylon, Tamburlaine has he and Soria unharnessed and hanged.


Advisor to the governor of Babylon. After the wall is breached, he advises that they treat for peace with Tamburlaine.


Two messengers figure in the play:
  • The first messenger delivers the warning to Orcanes that Sigismund is treacherously attacking from behind.
  • The second messenger informs Callapine that Tamburlaine is at Aleppo with a mighty force.


A "ghost character." A former conqueror of Babylon to whom Tamburlaine compares himself.


She is the captain of Balsera's wife. She appears on the walls of her besieged town with her husband and son when Theridamas sounds parley. As the city falls, she tries to lead her husband and son into a cave to escape, but her husband is killed by a stray bullet. Her son begs her to kill him before she commits suicide. She stabs the boy and burns his body along with her husband's. She tries to kill herself but is stopped by the entrance of Techelles, who is impressed by her resolve. Theridamas is also on hand and falls immediately in love with her. They take her against her will to Tamburlaine, promising that she will be married to a king at least. She can only grieve for her lost husband and son. After the defeat of the Turks at Aleppo, she begs Theridamas to kill her. He refuses. When she will not relent, he decides to rape her, but she promises him an unguent that will make flesh impervious. To prove her claim, she anoints her throat and bids him strike. He does and kills her, as it was all a trick to that end. Stricken with remorse, he promises to entomb her with all the pomp his kingdom can afford.


King of Natolia. He meets Callapine's contributory kings, Gazellus and Urbassa, at the Danube. While lamenting that Callapine is Tamburlaine's prisoner, he plans to meet Sigismund and wonders if he should parley or fight with the Christian. He chooses peace with Sigismund in order to save his arms to encounter Tamburlaine. He vows peace with Sigismund in the name of Mahomet. When Sigismund proves treacherous, Orcanes calls on Sigismund's God, Christ, to avenge the blasphemy and destroy Sigismund using Orcanes' insubstantial flank guards. This defeat of Sigismund comes to pass, and Orcanes determines to honor Christ from then on while doing no injury to Mahomet. He greets the returning Callapine as his emperor. He promises his aid in the fight against Tamburlaine and marches with Callapine's armies to Aleppo. There he is defeated and, seeing Tamburlaine kill Calyphas, his own son, calls Tamburlaine barbarous. Orcanes is later led in as captive and made a reserve to draw Tamburlaine's chariot should Trebizon and Soria ever tire. When Trebizon and Soria are hanged at Babylon, Orcanes is harnessed to the chariot with the king of Jerusalem. He is present but muted by his bridle and bit at Tamburlaine's death.


In Aleppo, Caliphas calls Perdicas to play cards with him while his father and brothers fight the Turks. They play for who will first get to kiss the Turkish concubines.


He is first seen tending the dying Zenocrate. He tells Tamburlaine that if she can survive her present fit that she will recover. Later, when Tamburlaine falls ill he says that if Tamburlaine can survive the day he will recover. In neither case do they recover.


The Pioners [sic] raise an earthen siege tower around Balsera at Theridamas's command.


The Prologue attests the popularity of the first part of Tamburlaine. He foretells the death of Tamburlaine and Zenocrate and the fall of Tamburlaine's triumphs.


King of Hungary. He crosses the Danube to meet Orcanes and offers him war or peace at his discretion. He swears a truce in the name of Christ. Frederick and Baldwin shortly after convince him that such an oath has no power when made to an infidel such as Orcanes. Sigismund is thus persuaded to attack Orcanes treacherously as Orcanes goes to fight Tamburlaine. Sigismund is killed in the attack and dies pleading for absolution for his perjury. Orcanes orders Sigismund's body be left on the field to be eaten by birds and beasts.


Soldiers of Theridamas and Techelles. Outside Balsera in Soria, the soldiers express their zeal at besieging the stronghold and treasury of Soria. After the battle at Aleppo, soldiers are ordered to carry the slain Calyphas away. They are later given the Turkish concubines and their jewels to divide among themselves.


He appears with his father and mother, Olympia, on the walls of the besieged town when Theridamas sounds parley. As the city falls, he begs his mother to kill him. She stabs him and burns his body along with his father's.


Celebinus's horse from which he tilted at a glove, curvetted, frightened Zenocrate, and pleased Tamburlaine.


King of Persia. He first appears in I.iv on the Larissa plains with Zenocrate and their sons Calyphas, Amyras, and Celebinus. In II.iv as Zenocrate lies mortally ill, he calls on all the good of heaven and repeats the refrain that they are "to entertain divine Zenocrate." He restates his love to his dying wife and prays that her death might kill him, too. When she dies, he rages at the underworld and heavens. He orders her embalmed and taken along on campaign. He orders the city where she died burned and never rebuilt. When Calyphas shrinks from soldiering, Tamburlaine wounds his own arm to demonstrate how to look like a soldier. At Aleppo, he challenges the Turks and their contributory kings to single combat but is refused. After the battle, he learns that Calyphas did not fight and, ignoring the pleas of Theridamas, Techelle, Usumcasane, and Amyras, Tamburlaine stabs him to death. In IV.i before his defeated enemies he styles himself the Scourge of God. His concept of god often fluctuates between references to Mahomet and to Jove, Apollo, and the classical Greek pantheon. He has Trebizon and Soria draw his chariot while Orcanes and Jerusalem are held in reserve and led by common soldiers. He calls Trebizon and Soria "ye pampered jades of Asia." At Babylon he breaches the wall and orders a bridge be built across lake Limnasphaltis that surrounds the city. He orders the governor and all the people killed. He rejects Mahomet and has all copies of the Alcoran (Koran) burned, vowing to worship only God, whose scourge he is. He falls ills almost immediately after. Close to death, he learns that Callapine's new army has come. He rises from his deathbed and appears on the field, frightening the enemy into retreat by his very presence. He calls for a map and, lamenting what he has not conquered, bequeaths the unconquered world to his sons. He then calls on Amyras to be crowned. As he dies, he calls for Zenocrates' hearse. He bids farewell to all and dies.


King of Fez. He meets Tamburlaine at Larissa plains to join forces with him against the Turk. He gives up his crown to Tamburlaine, promises his support, and receives his crown again. He and Theridamas besiege Balsera. When the town falls, he finds Olympia about to commit suicide. He stops her, impressed by her resolve, and takes her to Tamburlaine. Once the Turks are defeated at Aleppo and Tamburlaine is incensed against Calyphas, Techelles begs for the boy's pardon. He later accompanies Tamburlaine to Babylon, and, in its defeat, Tamburlaine orders Techelles to drown every man, woman, and child and leave no Babylonian behind. When Tamburlaine falls ill, Techelles laments. He is present at Tamburlaine's death and assists in crowning Amyras.


King of Argier. He meets Tamburlaine at Larissa plains to join forces with him against the Turk. He gives up his crown to Tamburlaine, promises his support, and receives his crown again. When Zenocrate dies, it is Theridamas who restores Tamburlaine to his senses. He and Techelles besiege Balsera. He parleys with Balsera's captain and orders his pioneers to raise earthen walls around the city as a siege weapon. As the city falls, he and Techelles find Olympia trying to commit suicide. Theridamas falls in love at once and takes her to Tamburlaine. After the Turks are routed at Aleppo and Tamburlaine is incensed against Calyphas, Theridamas begs for the boy's pardon. Later, he begs Olympia to love him and when she refuses threatens to rape her. Instead, she tricks him into murdering her. Grief stricken, he promises to entomb her royally. He accompanies Tamburlaine to Babylon where they defeat the governor and hang him on the wall. Theridamas is given the first shot at him and wounds him. When Tamburlaine falls ill, Theridamas is first to lament. He is present at Tamburlaine's death and assists in the coronation of Amyras.


An eastern viceroy and contributory of Callapine. He advises Orcanes not to hazard his army against Sigismund, who is reinforced by Sclavonians, Almains, Rutters, Muffs, and Danes. After the truce with Sigismund, he gloats that the Christians are afraid of them. When the treacherous Sigismund is slain, Orcanes puts Uribassa in charge of seeing that Sigismund's corpse lies unburied on the field.


King of Morocco. Tamburlaine refers to him as Casane. He meets Tamburlaine at Larissa plains to join forces with him against the Turk. He gives up his crown to Tamburlaine, promises his support, and receives his crown again. He is particularly eager to find and punish the traitor Almeda (though he never does). Once the Turks are defeated at Aleppo and Tamburlaine is incensed against Calyphas, Usumcasane begs for the boy's pardon. He later accompanies Tamburlaine to Babylon and, at its fall, helps Tamburlaine to burn all copies of the Alcoran (Koran). When Tamburlaine falls ill, Usumcasane laments. He is present at Tamburlaine's death and assists in the coronation of Amyras.


Tamburlaine's wife and queen. She wants her husband to retire from dangerous warring but accepts his determination to fight forever. She defends the boldness of her sons when Tamburlaine suggests that they are too pretty and feminine to be good soldiers. She falls ill in II.iv. She affirms her everlasting love for Tamburlaine, takes leave of her sons, and begs Tamburlaine to live even though she die. Tamburlaine embalms her with cassia, ambergris, and myrrh and sheaths her body in gold rather than lead. Her body is taken along on campaign. Her hearse is brought out in the final scene, and Tamburlaine dies upon it.


The Prologue refers to "The general welcomes Tamburlaine reciev'd, / When he arrived last upon our stage," indicating that the second part was written by popular demand. It promises to see the rest of Tamburlaine's history played out.

I.i: The Turks, led by Orcanes, are preparing an attack against Hungary. Tamburlaine, however, is causing problems for them. The Turks decide to parley with the Hungarians and return to fight Tamburlaine rather than waste their effort on tiny Hungary.

I.ii: Sigismund of Hungary is willing to fight the Turks, but he is convinced to accept the peace terms offered. Orcanes has Sigismund swear by Christ to keep true to his vow of peace with the Turks and in turn swears the same by Mohamet. Orcanes then pulls out to meet Tamburlaine. He leaves a small detachment to ward Hungary.

I.iii: Tamburlaine is holding Callapine, son of Bajazeth (who dashed his brains out in I Tam). Callapine entreats his jailer Almeda to help him escape and, in Tamburlaine's idiom, promises Almeda a kingdom if he aids in the escape. Almeda agrees.

I.iv: Zenocrate asks Tamburlaine when he will stop warring. Tamburlaine responds, "When heaven shall cease to move on both the poles." We meet Tamburlaine's three sons—Celebinus, the youngest; Amyras, the middle boy (both of whom, like their father, thirst for war); and the eldest, Calyphas (who is cowardly). Tamburlaine means to march on Turkey.

I.v: Tamburlaine meets his king, Theridamas of Argier, who offers his services in the war and gives his crown to impawn his loyalty. Tamburlaine returns the crown in good faith of Theridamas's loyalty. Tamburlaine's other two kings—Usumcasane of Moroccus and Techelles of Fez ("Fesse")—enter. They likewise offer and receive back their crowns. The three kings report on the pillage and plunder they have enjoyed since leaving the Sultan's court (at the end of I Tam).

II.i: Frederick advises Sigismund to fall upon the scanty Turkish troops and revenge their murder of Christians. When Sigismund reminds himself of his vow by Christ to remain true to the peace accord, though, Frederick says that such vows cannot hold force when made to a heathen who does not believe in Christ. Convinced, Sigismund calls for his troops to attack the Turks.

II.ii: Orcanes, surprised that Sigismund would recant his vow to his God, asks that Christ and Mohamet side with the Turks in putting down the perjured Sigismund.

II.iii: Sigismund is killed. Orcanes gives Christ a due share of the credit though "Not doing Mahomet an injury, / Whose power had share in this our victory."

II.iv: The arras is drawn to discover Zenocrate on her deathbed, gripped by disease. She begs Tamburlaine's leave to die. A poignant scene follows and she dies. Tamburlaine swears to burn the town where he lost Zenocrate and raise a grand tomb for her on the ashes with "one epitaph / Writ in as many several languages / As I have conquer'd kingdoms with my sword."

III.i: Callapine meets Orcanes and the Turks and is declared Emperor of Turkey. He swears to avenge his father (Bajazeth's) treatment by Tamburlaine. Alameda is promised the kingship, but it is not yet given.

III.ii: Tamburlaine has the town burnt, a hearse bearing Zenocrate is brought in. He decides not to bury his wife but only to raise a monument to her on the ashes. He forbids a town ever to be built there again. Zenocrate's body will go with them until he himself dies and can be buried with his wife. The boys are admonished to cease their lamentations and think on war. When Calyphas balks at the thought of bloodshed, Tamburlaine demonstrates the warrior's lust for honor by cutting open his own arm and having his sons wash their hands in his blood, the scar, he says, will speak of his honor. Celebinus and Amyras beg their father to slash open their arms as well. Tamburlaine says, "It shall suffice that thou dar'st abide a wound." They again set out to meet the Turks. Usumcasane longs to pierce the bowels of the traitor Almeda.

III.iii: Theridamas is besieging Balsera. The captain of Balsera appears on the wall and refuses to yield the town. Theridamas entrenches for the siege.

III.iv: The town falls. The captain is mortally wounded. His wife Olympia, not wishing to live without him, prepares to kill herself. But first her son begs to be dispatched so not to fall into the enemy's hands. She kills the boy and burns the bodies of her husband and son. Before she can kill herself, though, Theridamas enters. He is at once smitten by her beauty and refuses to allow her to die, taking her with him instead. She protests as she is led away that she wants only to die with her family.

III.v: Callapine is informed of Tamburlaine's might. His kings reassure him that their might is equal to Tamburlaine's. Tamburlaine and his sons with Usumcasane parley with Callapine. Callapine promises to avenge Bajazeth. Tamburlaine promises death to Almeda, the traitor. To spite Tamburlaine, Callapine makes Almeda a king on the spot—king of Ariadan. Tamburlaine flouts the petty king and retires from the parley.

IV.i: The boys are preparing for war. Calyphas sleeps. When the two younger brothers wake him he swears he will not fight. Instead he calls his servant in and plays cards for who will first kiss the captured concubines.

The battle is over, and Tamburlaine is once again victorious. He catches Calyphas playing at cards. He roars his disapproval. The younger boys beg for leniency towards Calyphas, but Tamburlaine will not abide a coward from his loins and stabs Calyphas to death.

The captured kings call Tamburlaine a barbarian for killing his own son. Tamburlaine replies that the captured concubines will bury Calyphas. His cowardly corpse is not to sully the hands of the meanest soldier who has proved his manhood. Tamburlaine swears, "till by vision or by speech I hear / Immortal Jove say 'Cease, my Tamburlaine,' / I will persist a terror to the world."

IV.ii: Olympia—the captured wife of the captain—still seeks death. She tricks Theridamas into believing that she has an ointment that will render him impervious to sword, bullet, or arrow. To prove her claim she spreads it on her throat and entreats Theridamas to strike. He, of course, kills her as she had hoped. He has her taken to be grandly entombed.

IV.iii: Tamburlaine enters in a chariot being drawn by the kings of Trebizon and Soria. The kings of Natolia (Orcanes) and Jerusalem are brought on behind as extra horses. The kings curse Tamburlaine, who laughs at them. Amyras wants a coach to be drawn by Orcanes and Jerusalem, but Tamburlaine says they are his steeds to draw when the present horses give out. Tamburlaine gives the captured concubines to the lust of his soldiers. Tamburlaine sets out for Babylon.

V.i: Babylon is besieged. Tamburlaine is in black. The Governor of Babylon trusts that the lake surrounding the city—"our famous lake of Limnasphaltis"—will keep them safe from invasion even though the wall is breeched.

The Governor refuses to surrender. Tamburlaine is drawn on in his chariot having conquered Babylon. The Governor insists that he cannot be frightened. Tamburlaine orders the Governor chained, dragged up the wall, and shot at. The Governor weakens and offers to give Tamburlaine hidden treasure in exchange for his life. Tamburlaine takes the treasure and orders the execution to proceed.

The Governor is trussed, hoisted, and shot to death on stage. The kings of Soria and Trebizon have grown weary pulling the chariot. Tamburlaine orders them unharnessed and hanged. The kings of Jerusalem and Natolia (Orcanes) are harnessed over their great protest. Tamburlaine abjures Mohamet, who has not aided his followers but rather allowed Tamburlaine to slaughter them. Tamburlaine orders all of the Islamic holy works in Babylon burned. The books, etc., are burned on stage. Tamburlaine vows allegiance to God alone—"The God that sits in heaven." He falls sick.

V.ii: Callapine and his train are sneaking up on Babylon hoping to surprise Tamburlaine's war-wearied troops. They will wait until Tamburlaine is not available to spur on his troops and then attack. Callapine still seeks to avenge his parents' wrongs.

V.iii: Tamburlaine's kings beweep the great man's illness. Tamburlaine enters on his chariot. He defies the slave Death and calls on his men to wage war on that heaven that will let Tamburlaine grow ill. The Physician says if he can last the day he will live. A messenger enters with news of Callapine's poised forces.

Tamburlaine recovers and says that he will show himself to the enemy and his presence alone will drive them away. The ruse works: "Thus are the villains, cowards fled for fear, Like summer's vapors vanish'd by the sun." A map is brought out and Tamburlaine laments the vast areas of the world he has left unconquered. These areas he leaves for his sons to conquer. Amyras, the oldest surviving son, is crowned. Tamburlaine has him mount the chariot. Zenocrate's hearse is brought in and Tamburlaine dies upon it.

Amyras eulogizes his father.

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