Sources beginning with the letter H

Hakluyt, Richard. The Principal Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries of the English Nation (1598).

Hall, Edward. The Union of the Two Noble and Illustrate Families of Lancaster and York (1548).

Harington, John. The Metamorphosis of Ajax (1596).

Harman, Thomas. A Caveat or Warning for Common Cursitors (1567).

Harpsfield, Nicholas. Life of Sir Thomas More (MS, wr. 1553-8).

Harsnett, Samuel. A Declaration of Egregious Popish Impostures (1603).

Hausted, Peter. The Rival Friends (play, perf. 1632).

Heliodorus. An Ethiopian History. Trans. Thomas Underdowne (c.1569).

Henry the Minstrel [aka ‘Blind Harry’]. The Actis and Deidis of Schir W. Wallace, Knicht of Ellerslie (f. pr. 1508).

Henryson, Robert [attrib.]. ‘The Testament of Cresseid’, pr. in The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer (1532).

Herbert, Thomas. A Relation of Some Year’s Travel, Begun Anno 1626, into Afrique and the Greater Asia (1634).

Heuterus. De Rebus Burgundicus a.k.a. Rerum Burgundicum Libri Sex (1584).

Heywood, John. The Pardoner and the Friar (perf. 1519).

Heywood, Thomas. The Golden Age (perf. 1601).

Heywood, Thomas. Gunaikeion (1624).

Heywood, Thomas. The Iron Age, Parts 1 and 2 (perf. 1612).

Heywood, Thomas. The Royal King and Loyal Subject (perf. 1602).

Heywood, Thomas. The Silver Age (perf. 1611).

Heywood, Thomas. A Woman Killed with Kindness (perf. 1603).

Hick Scorner (perf. 1513).

Higgins, John. The Mirror for Magistrates (1574).

Hippolito and Isabella, Neapolitans, The True History of the Tragic Loves of. Trans. anon (1628).

Historia Septum Sapientum. Trans. Jean de Hauteseille (c.1200).

Holinshed, Raphael. The Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (1577).

Homer. The Iliad.

Horace. Carmina [i.e. Odes].

Horace. Sermones [i.e. Satires].

[Hotman, François]. A True and Plain Report of the Furious Outrages of France. Trans. anon. (1573).

Hughes, Thomas, et al. The Misfortunes of Arthur (perf. 1588).

Huon of Bordeaux. Trans. Lord Berners (pr. c. 1515).