James Shirley
[Chapman's association with this play probably an error]


licensed 16 November 1632

a synoptic, alphabetical character list


Initially one of Lucina's suitors, Lamount falls prey to Lucina's joke that sends three suitors running after useless marriage licenses. Failing in his suit here, Lamount then courts Honoria, claiming he had loved her long but had never spoken. Once again Lamount is duped, this time by the combined efforts of Honoria and Rosamond.


Frank Barker once refers to Jack Freshwater's servant Gudgeon by the nickname of Apple-John.


Bostock is a companion to Lord Rainbow and opens the play with his visit to Lady Lucina, the rich young widow he hopes to impress and wed. He tries to comply when that Lady claims that she wishes him half as noble as he is-indeed a hard task for Bostock, whose efforts in life most often are directed toward proving himself of noble status. Bostock is proved a liar and an unsuitable suitor by the play's end; Lady Lucina makes a fool of him indeed.


Colonel Winfield brings news that Jack Freshwater, to whom several gentlemen owe money, has returned. The Colonel finds himself one of several who court the Lady Lucina, and his efforts to woo her generally meet with no better success that those of his competitors. Winfield, though, is honest with the Lady Lucina, and most of her other suitors are not.


Another name for Honest Tom Odcomb, this name is mentioned by Frank Barker in conversing with Jack Freshwater.


A character portrayed by an unnamed player in the masque.


A character portrayed by an unnamed player in the masque.


Only mentioned. Diogenes was historically a Greek cynic philosopher. In this play, Lord Rainbow calls Frank barker-also a cynic-a Diogenes.


A "ghost character." Bostock mentions this unnamed Earl in connections with Bostock's perpetual striving to attain nobility.


Frank Barker is an admitted cynic who accompanies Lord Rainbow, answering variously to Cato and Diogenes when called same by his companion. He amuses us near the play's end when he dresses as a satyr and dances at the request of Honoria.


Gudgeon serves Jack Freshwater and is referred to by Frank Barker as Apple-John, Coriat, and Honest Tom Odcomb.


Honest Tom is one of several nicknames for Gudgeon, according to Frank Barker.


A lady and friend of Rosamond, Honoria finds that both she and Rosamond desire to wed Lord Rainbow. She and Rosamond play havoc with undesired suitors Sir Ambrose Lamount and Sir Marmaduke Travers; the ladies pass the gentlemen's loves back and forth so that neither appears a clear winner of either lady. It is Honoria who convinces Frank Barker to dance as a satyr near the play's end.


As Lord Rainbow rails at Bostock for claiming a familial relationship, "Jack" is among those common names he uses to identify both Bostock and his social standing.


Jack Freshwater returns unexpectedly from travels abroad, immediately dunning Rainbow and Winfield, who owe him money, with interest. His stories of his travels are bogus; they are also fantastic, ridiculous, and full of errors. He ends by admitting he has not traveled at all and requires now only the principal amounts that he lent.


This noble learns he is beloved of both Honoria and Rosamond, so he confronts the ladies, telling them they must decide between them who is to have Rainbow. He ends up with neither lady at the play's end, but he does manage to apologize to Lady Lucina for Bostock's behavior; there is reportedly some obscure family relationship between Lord Rainbow and Bostock.


This rich young widow enjoys jokes at the expense of her several suitors. She praises Travers for industries he does not own, urges Bostock to decrease his level of nobility, and tricks Lamount (and the others) into obtaining marriage licenses that will never be used. She does, at least, ascertain the true spirit and credibility of Winfield, for when she urges him to prove he has been chaste and honest, he plainly admits that as a soldier he can make no such claims.


Like fellow suitor Lamount, Sir Marmaduke Travers is made foolish by the tricks of Lady Lucina and sets off to court anew. Again like fellow Lamount, Travers is fooled by the joking and trickery of Rosamond and Honoria.


Monsieur Le Frisk is a dancing master, frequenting the drawing rooms of the nobility and speaking in heavily French-accented English.


A lady and friend of Honoria, Rosamond finds that both she and her friend desire to wed Lord Rainbow. She and Honoria play havoc with undesired suitors Sir Ambrose Lamount and Sir Marmaduke Travers; the ladies pass the gentlemen's love back and forth so that neither appears a clear winner of either lady.


Frank Barker dons the guise of a Satyr and dances at the request of Honoria.


This woman attends Lucina and allows Colonel Winfield to be hidden and overhear Lucina's plans to trick her suitors.


Solomon serves Lucina and delivers the messages that summon Lamount, Bostock, and Travers to the lady and to their ultimate embarrassment over her trickery.


"Tom" is one of several nicknames used by Lord Rainbow in railing at Bostock on the subject of a supposed family relationship between the two.


A character portrayed by an unnamed player in the Masque.