(perhaps) Bale, John. The Acts of English Votaries (1546).

Drayton, Michael. Matilda: The Fair and Chaste Daughter of the Lord Robert Fitzwater (verse narrative, 1594).

Foxe, John. Acts and Monuments (f. pr. 1563).

Grafton, Richard. A Chronicle at Large (1568).

(perhaps) Harington, John. The Metamorphosis of Ajax (1596).

Harpsfield, Nicholas. Life of Sir Thomas More (MS, wr. 1553-8).

Holinshed, Raphael. The Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (1577).

Ingeland, Thomas. The Disobedient Child. (Interlude, pr. c.1570).

The Marriage of Wit and Science, The (interlude, pr. 1570).

Merry Jest of Robin Hood and of his Life, A (pr. 1560?).

(authorship question) Pasqualigo, Luigi. Il Fedele (Italian play, 1576).

(perhaps) Robin Hood and Queen Katherine (ballad, date unknown).

Robin Hood Rescuing Three Squires (ballad, var. versions, date unknown).

Robin Hood Rescuing Will Stutley (ballad, date unknown).

(perhaps) Robin Hood’s Chase (ballad, date unknown).

Shakespeare, William. Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2 (perf. 1597).

(perhaps) Shakespeare, William. King John (perf. 1596).

Stapleton, Thomas. Vita Thomae Mori (1588).

Trial of Treasure, The (interlude, pr. 1567).

(perhaps) The Troublesome Reign of John, King of England, Parts 1 and 2 (perf. 1588).

Weever, John. The Mirror of Martyrs, or, The Life and Death of Sir John Oldcastle (1601).

Wever, R. Lusty Juventus (interlude, pr. 1550).