(perhaps) Adam of Cobsam. The Wright's Chaste Wife (MS. poem, wr. 1460).

Aleman, Mateo. Segunda Parte de la Vida de Guzman de Alfarache (1604).

Biddulph, William. The Travels of Certain Englishmen into Africa, Asia and the Black Sea . Ed. T. Lavender (1609).

Boccaccio, Giovanni. Philocopo [orig. Filocolo]. Trans. H.G. (1566-7).

Bodin, Jean. The Six Books of a Commonweal . Trans. Richard Knolles (1606).

Caussin, Nicholas. The Holy Court. Trans. Thomas Hawkins (1626).

Cayet, P.V.P. Chronologie Septenaire de l'Histoire de la Paix Entre les Roys de France et d'Espagne (1605).

(perhaps) Cervantes, Miguel de. Don Quixote (1605-15).

(perhaps) Cervantes, Miguel de. El Trato de Argel (narrative for a commedia, unpub. until 1784).

(perhaps) Cervantes, Miguel de. Novelas Exemplares (1613).

Cervantes, Miguel de. Ocho Comedias y Ocho Entremeres Nuevos (1615).

[Cervantes, Miguel de.] The Travels of Persiles and Sigismunda. Anon. trans. (1619)

Cespedes y Meneses, Gonzalo de. Gerardo the Unfortunate Spaniard. Trans. Leonard Digges (collection of tales, 1622)

(perhaps) Daborne, Robert. The Poor Man’s Comfort (perf. 1617)

D’Audiguier, Vital. A Tragi-Comical History of Our Times, Under the Borrowed Names of Lisander and Calista. Trans. W.D. (1627)

D’Auvergne, Martial. Les Arrêts d’Amour (wr. 1460-66).

De Castro y Bellris, Guillén. La Fuerza de la Costumbre (1625).

De Commines, Philip. The History of Philip de Commines. Trans. Thomas Dannett (1596).

Epitome de Caesaribus.

Dio Cassius. Roman History.

Diodorus Sicilius. The Library of History.

Dorn, Gérard, ed. Dictionarium Theophrasti Paracelsicae (f. pr. 1584).

Favyn, André, The Theatre of Honour and Knighthood. Trans. anon (1623).

(perhaps) Flaccus, Marcus Verrius. De Verborum Significatione. Abr. Sextus Pompeius Festus.

Foxe, John. Acts and Monuments (f. pr. 1563).

Historia Septum Sapientum. Trans. Jean de Hauteseille (c.1200).

Guicciardini, Francesco. The History of Guicciardin. Trans. Geoffrey Fenton (1599).

(authorship question) (perhaps) Heywood, Thomas. Gunaikeion (1624).

Hakluyt, Richard. The Principal Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries of the English Nation (1598).

Horace. Sermones [i.e. Satires].

Jonson, Ben. Catiline (perf. 1611).

Jonson, Ben. Sejanus His Fall (perf. 1603).

Josephus. The Famous and Memorable Works of Josephus. Trans. Thomas Lodge (1602).

Justin. Historiarum Philippicarum.

Juvenal. Saturae.

Knack to Know a Knave, A (Anon. play, perf. 1594).

Knolles, Richard. The General History of the Turks (1603).

Livy. Ab Urbe Condita, [i.e. The History of Rome].

Lucan. De Bello Civili, a.k.a Pharsalia.

(perhaps) Marston, John. Parasitaster, or, The Fawn (perf. 1605).

Middleton, Thomas (?). The Second Maiden’s Tragedy (perf. 1611).

Middleton, Thomas. A Trick to Catch the Old One (perf. 1605).

Munster, Sebastian, aug. François de Belleforest. La Cosmographie Universelle de Tout le Monde (1575).

Ovid. Amores.

Ovid. Metamorphoses.

Painter, William. The Palace of Pleasure, Tomes 1 and 2 (collection of tales, 1566-7).

Plutarch. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans. Trans. Thomas North (1595).

Puteanus, Erycius. Eryci Puteani Comus, sive Phagesiposia Cimmeria Somnium (1606).

Quintilian. Declamationes.

Raleigh, Walter. The History of the World (1614).

Riche, Barnabe. Riche his Farewell to the Military Profession (1581).

(perhaps) Rowley, William, and John Webster.A Cure for a Cuckold (perf. 1624).

Sandys, George. Relation of a Journey Begun Anno Domini 1610 (1615).

Seneca the Elder. Controversiae.

Shakespeare, William. Antony and Cleopatra (perf. 1607).

Shakespeare, William. Cymbeline (perf. 1609).

Shakespeare, William. Othello (perf. 1604).

Shakespeare, William. Richard II (perf. 1595).

Shakespeare, William. The Tempest (perf. 1611).

Sidney, Philip. The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia (1590).

(perhaps) Spenser, Edmund. The Faerie Queene (1590).

Suetonius. De Vita Caesarum .

(perhaps) Surius, Laurentius. De Probatis Sanctorum Historiis (1570).

Tacitus. Agricola.

Tacitus. Annales.

Teixeira, José. A Continuation of the Lamentable and Admirable Adventures of Dom Sebastian, King of Portugal. Trans. Anthony Munday (?) (1602).

Teixeira, José. The Strangest Adventure that Ever Happened. Trans. Anthony Munday (1601).

Teixeira, José. The True History of the Late and Lamentable Adventures of Don Sebastian, King of Portugal. Trans. anon (1602).

Thevet, André. The New Found World or Antarctik. Anon. Trans. (1568).

(perhaps) Thomas, William. The History of Italy (1549).

Villegas, Alonso de. The Lives of Saints (f. pr. 1609).

Voraigne, Jacobus de. The Golden Legend. Trans. William Caxton [?] ( 1483).

(perhaps) Virgil. Aeneid.

Warner, William. Pan His Syrinx (1584).

(perhaps) Whetstone, George. The Rock of Regard (collection of tales, 1576).