(Map S5)
An old Lond. ch. near the Tower, at the corner of Hart St. and Seething Lane. Its graveyard was much used during the visitations of the Plague. The registers contain a long list of names with the letter "P" added, to indicate that they died of the Plague. Dekker, in Wonderful Year, says in reference to the Plague: "The 3 bald sextons of limping St. Gyles, St. Sepulchres, and St. O. ruled the roast more hotly than ever did the Triumviri of Rome." Other churches dedicated to St. Olave were located in
(Map K45)
The central criminal court of Lond., so called from the Latin "Ballium," the outer
or base court of a feudal castle, because it lay behind the ancient Bailey of
the city wall between Lud Gate and New Gate. It was next door to Newgate prison.
The St. running S. from the corner of Newgate and the Holborn viaduct retains
the name. In the True Report of the Arraignment of a seminary Priest (1607), it
is stated that the trial was conducted "at the Sessions House in the O. B.," and
again: "My Lord Mayor, maister recorder, and other of his Majesty's Justices of
the Peace, sitting at the Sessions House in the O. B., by virtue of his Highness
commission of Oyer and Terminer, for gaol delivery, for Lond. and the county of
Middlesex." In the Nursery Rhyme of Oranges and Lemons, one distich runs: "When
will you pay me, Say the bells of O. B." Probably the bells of St. Sepulchre just
opposite were intended, which were well known because they rang the passing knell
for all executed felons. In Look about
xxiii, the Sheriff says, "The gibbet was set up by noon in the O. B." In
Peele's Jests, we read of an old gentleman who sojourned in "the O. B." who played
a trick on George. Dekker, in Jests, speaks of thieves being "indighted for it
at the black bar in the old bayly." In Bellman, he advises those who want to learn
more of the ways of robbers to "step into the O. Baily at any Sessions." Middleton,
in Hubburd, speaks of "the best hand that ever old Peter Bales hung out in the
O. B." This Peter Bales was a famous chirographist who kept a school at the upper
end of O. B. Davenant's U. Lovers
was "Printed by R. H. and are to be sold by Francis Coles at his shop in the O.
Bayley anno dom. 1643."
(Map L45)
A St. in Lond., running S. from the W. end of Cheapside to Knightrider St. It
was so called because the King's Exchange for bullion and for the changing of
foreign coins was here. In Dekker's Shoemaker's
iii. 3, Hammond says, "There is a wench keeps shop in the O. C.; To her will
I." In Brome's City Wit i. 1, Josina
applies to "Mrs. Collifloore, the herb-woman in the O.C.," to find her a young
man as secretary. In Deloney's Reading vi., when the clothiers' wives came up
to Lond., they viewed "at the end of the o.C., the fishmongers." This may mean
the S. end, which was at the junction of Knightrider St. and Fish St., or perhaps
the Cheapside end, which was not far W. of Friday St., where the fishmongers had
their stalls.
(Map O4)
A st. in Lond., running N. from the Poultry to Gresham (formerly Cateaton) st.
It was made a Jews' quarter by William I, but when the Jews were expelled from
England in 1291 it became a st. for merchants. Here were the Windmill and the
Maidenhead Taverns. In Jonson's Ev. Man
I. i. 1, Wellbred writes to young Knowell from the Windmill, and asks him,
"Hast thou forsworn all thy friends i' the O. J.? or dost thou think us all Jews
that inhabit there yet?" The servant has just told old Knowell that Master Kitely,
"the rich merchant in the O. J.." married Wellbred's sister. The scene of iv.
4 is laid in the O. J. In Mayne's Match
i. 4, when young Plotwell's uncle makes him a merchant, Bright says, "What,
to take thee from the Temple to make thee an O. Juryman, a Whittington?" In Deloney's
Reading vi., the clothiers' wives, visiting Lond., "came into the Jewes st., where
all the Jewes did inhabit." Fuller, in Church History (1656) iii. 13, 33, says
of the Jews: "Their principal abode was in Lond., where they had their arch-synagogue
at the N. corner of the O. J., as opening into Lothbury." This synagogue afterwards
became the Windmill Tavern, q.v.
(Map LM2)
Lond., running W. from the corner of Shoreditch, opposite the ch., to Goswell Rd. Here lived Samuel Daniel, the poet and dramatist. Dekker, in Rod for Runaways (1625), tells of a country fellow that "fell sick in some lodging he had in O.-st., and being thrust out of doors, lay upon straw under Sutton's Hospital wall and there miserably died."
A cant name for the Temple in Lond., q.v. Specially used in reference to the Temple
Ch. (q.v. under TEMPLE). In Brome's Damoiselle
ii. 1, the Attorney says, "I must up to the o. S., there shall I be fitted."
In his Mad Couple i. 1, Careless
says, "I will rather walk down to the Temple and lay myself down alive in the
o. S. cross-legged among the monumental knights till I turn marble with them."
The famous miniature painter, Isaac Oliver, who died in 1617, lived in Blackfriars.
His studio was doubtless the resort of ladies of fashion. The reference, however,
may be to some Ordinary, or Tavern In. B.&F. Wit
Money ii. 5, Humphrey says, "Tomorrow night at O.! Who shall be there, boys?
Who shall meet the wenches?"
Another name for Jonson's club-room at the Devil Tavern, called the Apollo,
q.v. In Shirley's Fair One iii.
4, Fowler says, "To the O., boys! Come, we'll have thy story in Apollo; come,
to the O.!"