A tavern in the Strand, London. In Shirley's Ball
i. 1, Freshwater says, "I do lie at the sign of Donna Margeritta de Pia in the
Strand"; which Gudgeon interprets: "At the M.-a-P. in the Strand."
(Map Q6)
Ch. in Lond., at the bottom of Fish St. Hill, just at the foot of old Lond. Bdge.
It was one of the oldest churches in Lond. It was destroyed in the Gt. Fire and
rebuilt by Wren. In 1759 the footway under the steeple was made in order to widen
the approach to the Bdge. In H6 B.
iv. 8, 1, Cade cries: "Up Fish St.! down St. M. corner! kill and knock down! throw
them into Thames!" In T. Heywood's Hogsdon
ii. 2, when Sir Boniface addresses Sir Harry "Vale, vir magne," the latter, not
knowing Latin, replies: "You shall not have me at St. Magnes, my house is here
in Gracious st." Nash, in Lenten, p. 311, describes a clash of swords: "that from
Salomon's Islands to St. M. corner might cry clang again," i.e. all round
the world.
(Map N8)
A st. in Southwark, now called Park St. It ran W. from Deadman's Pl., now Red Cross St., to Gravel L., parallel to the Bankside. In the original lease of the Globe Theatre site it is said to be "upon a L. there called M. L., towards the S." It has been long supposed that the Globe was on the S. of M. L., and a bronze memorial tablet let into the wall of Barclay's Brewery declares: "Here stood the Globe Playhouse of Shakespeare." But Prof. Wallace has lately brought evidence, which seems to be conclusive, that the actual site was on the N. of M. L., between Deadman's Pl. and Rose Alley. [ed. note: the actual archaeological site was discovered S. of Park Street in October 1989.]
The sign of a tavern in Islington. Taylor, Works i. 140, says, "I stole back again
to Islington to the sign of the Maydenhead; after supper we had a play of Guy
of Warwick, played by the Earl of Darbie his men." There was a M. tavern at
the Temple end of Ram Alley, the worst of all the dens of infamy in that notorious
A tavern in Cheapside, Lond. In Middleton's Quiet Life iii. 2, Sweetball says that Franklin is "at the Man-in-the-Moon, above stairs."
(Map O4)
A ch. in Lond., in Lothbury, opposite to the N. front of the Bank of England. It was destroyed in the Gt. Fire, and rebuilt by Wren. Youth was "Imprinted in Lothbury over against St. Margaret's ch. by me, Wyllyam Copland." Jyl of Breyntford's Testament has the same imprint.
The open space in front of the Town Hall Chambers, Southwark. It got its name from the ch. of St. Margaret on the Hill, which was disused in 1539 and the site employed for the building of the Town Hall. It was the scene of the Southwark, or S. M.'s, Fair, which was .2nd only to St. Bartholomew's Fair and was established in 1550. Hogarth has immortalized it in his picture. An edition of The Merry Devil was "Printed by A. M. for Francis Falkner, and are to be sold at his shop near unto S. Margarite's-hill in Southwarke. 1626."
(Map S5)
A st. in Lond., running S. from Fenchurch St. to Gt. Tower St. At its N.E. corner was a manor called Blanch Appleton, where a market or mart was kept in old times, though it had long been discontinued, says Stow. Hence the lane was called Marte L.; this was corrupted into M. L., and even, as in the quotation, into St. M.'s L. On the E. side, between Crutched Friars and Gt. Tower St., stands the Corn Exchangethe Old Exchange opened in 1747, and the New in 1827. Hence M. L. in modem parlance means the Corn Market. In Dekker's King's Entertainment, on March 15th, 1603, the City Companies were seated on stands, "the first beginning at the upper end of St. Mark's L., and the last reaching above the Conduit in Fleetstreete." In Prodigal v. 1, Flowerdale says, "To-morrow I crave your companies in M. L."where he evidently lived.
See Marybone.
A prison in Lond., connected with the Court of the King's Marshall. It was used
as a prison for debtors, and for persons charged with contempt of the Courts of
the Marshall, the King's Palace, and the Admiralty. It stood in the Borough High
St., Southwark, on the E. side, opposite to the end of Union St. Towards the
end of the 18th cent. it was removed to the site of the Old White Lion prison
close to St. George's Ch. The Court was abolished and the prison pulled down in
1849. Skelton, in Colin Clout 1164, says of an unauthorized preacher: "The King's
Bench or Marshalsy, Have him thither by and by." In Straw ii., Newton reports:
"They [the rebels] have spoiled all Southwark, broke up the M. and the King's
bench." This was in 1381. In Bale's Johan 287, Sedition says, "Get they false
witnesses they force not of whence they be, Be they of Newgate or be they of the
M." In Poverty 340, Envy says to Poverty, "Thou art come alate out of M." In H5
v. 490, the Chamberlain says, "Go, break among the press and find a way out
To let the troop pass fairly, or I'll find A M. shall hold ye play these 2 months."
In the Puritan, i. 4 and iii. 5 take place in the M. prison. In iii. 5, the prisoners
are heard crying: "Good gentlemen over the way, send your I relief." Taylor, in
Works i. 91, says, "The ocean that i. Suretyship sails in is the spacious M."
In T. Heywood's Ed. IV B. 120, to Jane's inquiry, "What prison's this?" Jocky
replies: "The M., forsooth." In his Royal King iii. i' the Clown says, "We have
houses rent free, and goodly ones, to choose where we will: the Martialsie, the
Counter, Newgate, Bridewell; and would a man desire to dwell in stronger buildings?"
In his Fortune v. 1, the Purser says, "Set sail from the fatal Marshal seas."
Deloney, in Newberie vi., tells how Wolsey sent the clothiers to prison: "4 days
lay these men in the Marshalsey." The word is also used for a prison generally.
In Stucley 1349, the Provost of
Cadiz says of Stucley: "He's here within the palace yet ready to go unto the M."
In Greene's Alphonsus iv. 3, 1379, Amurath orders the Provost: "Go, carry Fabius
presently Unto the Marshalsie; there let him rest, Clapt sure and safe in fetters
all of steel." This is in Constantinople.
(Map K5)
A ch. in Lond., on the N. side of Ludgate Hill, E. of the Old Bailey. Its slender spire is to be seen in all views of St. Paul's taken from the W. It is said to have been founded by the British King Cadwallo; at all events, it was rebuilt in 1437, with a curious spire-steeple, destroyed in the Gt. Fire, and rebuilt by Wren. Davenport's Crowne for a Conqueror was "Printed by E. P. for Francis Constable, and are to be sold at his shop under St. Martin's Ch. at Ludgate. 1639."
(Map C4)
A ch. is Lond, now on the E. side of Trafalgar Sq., but formerly, as the name
implies, in the open country. It was built first in 1535, but the old ch., being
too small for the growing parish was pulled down in 1721 and the present fine
budding erected. Here Francis Bacon was christened; and it was a favourite place
for burials, amongst many others who were interred here being George Heriot, well
known to the readers of The Fortunes of Nigel; Sir John Davis, the poet; Mayerne,
the physician; Dobson, the painter; and, later, Nell Gwynne. It gave its name
to St. Martin's Lane, Charing Cross, which was laid out in 1613 and soon became
a fashionable residential st.. In Middleton's Quarrel
iv. 2, the Col. directs in his will "the disposure of my body in burial at St.
Martin's i' the Field." In his Five Gallants i. 1, Arthur brings in a trunk of
apparel "from St. Martin's-in-the-Fields." The Booke of Fortune, attributed to
Sir T. More, was "Imprinted by me, Robert Wyer, dwelling in Saynt Martyns parish,
in the Duke of Suffolk's rents, beside Charing Cross."
(Map L4)
A collegiate Ch. in Lond., with the right of sanctuary, founded in 750, enlarged in 1056, and chartered by William I in 1068. It stood on the E. side of St. M. Lane, now St. M.-le-g., on the site of the present Post Office. The curfew was rung from its tower, and at its sound the gates of the city closed for the night. The ch. was destroyed at the dissolution of the Monasteries in the reign of Henry VIII, but the right of sanctuary remained till 1697, and as a result St. M. Lane became the resort of all manner of criminals and debtors. Many foreign artificers also settled within the sanctuary, and it became notorious for the sale of cheap clothes and boots, sham jewellery, copper lace, known as St. M. lace, and all sorts of second-rate finery. When the ch. was pulled down a tavern was built on its site, called St. M. in the Sentree, or Sanctuary. In News Barthol. Fair, in the list of taverns, we find: "Now of late, St. Martin's in the Sentree."
In Dekker's Shoemaker's i. 1, Eyre speaks of the shoemakers as "the flower
of St. M." Deloney, 'm Craft ii. 10, says, "There dwelt in St. M. a jolly shoemaker,
he was commonly called the Green King." In Reading vi., the visitors to Lond."
viewed in St. M. shoemakers." Dekker, in Hornbook iii, advises the Gull to "fetch
thee boots out of S. Martens." Lyly, in Pappe with an Hatchet (Eliz. Pamph.),
p. 56, accuses Martin Marprelate of drawing "divinity from the Colleges of Oxford
and Cambridge to Shoemakers' Hall in Sainct Martins." In Dekker's Westward ii.
1, Justiniano says to Judith, "You must to the Pawn to buy lawn; to St. M. for
lace." So Milton, Areopagitica (Fletcher), p. 114, "our Lond. trading St. Thomas
in his vestry, and add to that St. Martin and St. Hughthat patron saint
of shoemakershave not more vendible ware, ready made." In Northward
i. 2, when Jack Hornet is to be dressed up as Doll's father, with a chain about
his neck and so forth, Doll says, "For that St. M. and we will talk." In Massinger's Madam iv. 2, young Goldwire, being assured that he is to inherit a fortune,
says to Shave'em, his mistress, "Cheapside and the Exchange Shall court thy
custom, and thou shalt forget There e'er was a St. M." In the Accounts of Revels
at Court (1572), there is an entry of "Copper silver fringe "bought of "John
Wever of St. M." St. M. rings were gilt copper rings, and St. M. stuff or ware
meant counterfeit goods. Mynshull, in Essays of a Prison (1618) 23, says, "They
are like the rings and chains bought at S. Martines, that wear fair for a little
time, but shortly after will prove Alchimy, or rather pure copper." In Dekker's
Northward ii. 1, Hornet, with
a brass chain about his neck, says, "Your right whiffler hangs himself [fits
himself with a chain] in St. M. and not in Cheapside." In Brome's Moor iii.
3, Banelass mentions amongst his conquests "the streight spiny shop-maid in
St. M." In Braithwaite's Honest Ghost (1658), we have "By this he travels to
St. M. Lane And to the shops he goes to buy a chain." Becon, in Jewel Of Joy
(1560) ii. 19, says, "Certain light brains will rather Wear a Marten chain,
the price of viiid. than they would be unchained." In Compter's Commonwealth
(16l7), p. 28, St. M.'s rings are defined as "fair to the eye, but if a man
break them asunder and looke into them, they are nothing but brasse and copper.
In Greene's Quip, p. 246, we read of "a frenchman and a millainer in S. M, and
sells shirts, bands, bracelets, jewells, and such pretty toys for gentlewomen."
In More, ii. 2 is laid in St. M.-le-g., and Lincoln says, "This is St. M.,
and yonder dwells Mutas, a wealthy Picardye, De Bard, Peter Van Hollocke, Adrian
Martine, With many more outlandish fugitives."
A variant of St. Mary Overies, q.v. Taylor, in Works ii. 163, says, "Now here I land thee at S. Mary Audries."
(Map Q4)
A st. in Lond., running N. from Leadenhall St. to Camomile St. There was a ch. dedicated to St. Mary in the street in old times, but it had been turned into a warehouse before Stow's day. A shop at the corner with the sign of The Axe gave it its specific name. Dekker, in jests, mentions "Milk St., Bread St., Lime St., and S. Mary Axe" as quarters inhabited by city merchants.
(Map L5)
A ch. in Lond., in Old Fish St. at the junction of Old Change and Knightrider St., destroyed in the Gt. Fire and rebuilt by Wren. It was much damaged by a fire in 1886, and was consequently taken down. Thomas Lodge belonged to this parish. There was another ch. of St. M. M. in Milk St., which was not rebuilt after its destruction in the Gt. Fire. In Middleton's Five Gallants i. 1.. Frippery, the broker, speaks of having customers in the parishes of St. Bride's, St. Dunstan's, and St. M. Maudlin's. It is impossible to say which of the two is meant. T. Heywood's Traveller was "Printed by Robert Raworth, dwelling in Old Fish-st., near St. M. Maudlins Ch. 1633.
(Map Q8)
Now ST. SAVIOUR'S, SOUTHWARK. An ancient ch. on the W. side of the Borough High St., Southwark, just over Lond. Bdge. Its tall square tower is almost as prominent a feature in pictures of Old Lond. as the steeple of St. Paul's. It is mythically connected with a certain Mary Audrey, the wife of a Thames ferryman, who is said to have founded a sisterhood there; at any rate, there was a priory at this place in the 12th cent, which was burnt down in 121:Z. When it was rebuilt the ch. was dedicated to St. M. Magdalene, and was probably called St. M. Overy, or O., because it was over the river from Lond. The poet Gower gave generously to its enlargement and is buried in the ch. James I of Scotland was married there in 1424. At the dissolution of the Monasteries the ch. was bought by the inhabitants as their parish ch., and, being united with the priory ch. of St. Saviour's, took that name. The Lady Chapel is part of the old ch.; the tower dates from the 16th cent., and had a fine peal of 12 bells. Edmund Shakespeare (the brother of the dramatist), John Fletcher, and Philip Massinger are buried there. It shared with St. Antholin's (q.v.) the favour of the Puritans. In Dekker's Shoemaker's iii. 1, Hodge says his coins "jingle in my pocket like St. M. Overy's bells." In the Puritan, two of the serving-men of the Puritan widow are Nicholas St. Tantlings and Simon St.-M.-O.: they are described in 1, 3 as "Puritanical scrape-shoes, Flesh a good Fridays." Dekker, in jests I o, 14, tells how "A couple of servingmen, having drunk hard in Southwarke, came to take water about 10, or ii of the clock at night at S. M.-O. Stairs." In Deloney's Reading xi., Cole says, "Methinks these instruments sound like the ring of S. M. O. bells." In verses prefixed to Coryat's Crudities (1611), Vadianus says that for joy at Coryat's return "St. Marie O. shot the Bdge." In Urquhart's Rabelais i. 27, the Friars appeal to "Our Lady on the other side of the water, St. M-Over."
(i.e. S. MARIAE MATRI ET FILIO). An ancient ch. in Whitechapel, dating
from 1329 at least. It was originally a chapel of ease to Stepney, and was called
the White Chapel, whence the name of the parish. It stands at the W. end of the
Whitechapel Rd. on the S. side, just this side of Union St. Brandon, the supposed
executioner of Charles I, was buried here; and it was a centre of Puritan teaching
during the Commonwealth. In Cowley's Cutter
iv. 5, Cutter speaks of "our brother Zephaniah Fats, an opener of revelations
to the worthy in Mary Whitechappel."
(Map Q2)
A Priory of St. M., founded by Walter Brune, or Brewen, and his wife, Rosia, in 1197. It stood at the point where Bishopsgate St. Without becomes Norton Folgate, on the E. side of the St., between Spital Sq. and White Lion St. In the corner house of the latter one of the jambs of the old gateway may still be seen, built into the wall. It had 180 beds for the sick at the time of the dissolution of the religious houses by Henry VIII, but it had to go all the same, and the site was used for private mansions. A part of the churchyard was, however, left, with an open-air pulpit, and from this annual sermons were preached on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Easter Week, on the Resurrection. After the Gt. Fire the sermons were removed, first to St. Bridget's, Fleet St., and then to Christ Ch. in Newgate St. They were attended by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen in state. Rowley's New Wonder tells the story of the benefactions of Walter Brune: in iv., he says, "Near Norton Folgate have I bought ground, . . . to erect this house, Which I will call St. M. Hospital." In Skelton's Colin Clout i.177, the Prelates complain: "At Paul's Cross and elsewhere, Openly at Westminstere And M. Spittle they set not by us a whittle."
(Map M3)
A ch. in Lond. at the corner of Aldermanbury and Love Lane. It was destroyed in the Gt. Fire and rebuilt by Wren. John Hemminge and Henry Condell, the editors of the 1st Folio of Shakespeare, are buried here.
(or, more fully, MARYLEBONE). Lying between Oxford St. and Regent's Park. Was,
in the 16th cent. a country vill. near Lond. It took its name from a little chapel
dedicated to St. Mary-le-Bourne, i.e. on the Bourne or brook which gave
its name also to Tyburn. Others think it is a corruption of St. Mary-la-Bonne.
This chapel was replaced by a ch. on the W. side of High St., near its junction
with Marylebone Rd., which is represented in Hogarth's picture of the Rake's Wedding.
It was pulled down in 1741 and replaced by the present ch., now a chapel-of-ease
to the new ch. on the S. side of Marylebone Rd., opposite to the York Gate of
Regent's Park. M. Park and M. Park Fields corresponded to what is now Regent's
Park. In Jonson's Tub iii. 5, Hugh, having been robbed between Hampstead Heath
and Kentish Town, "went to the next Justice, One Master Bramble, here at M." In
v. 2, Scriben says, "The clock dropped 12 at M." In Middleton's R.G. ii. 3, Laxton,
entering in GraysInnFields with a coachman, says, "Prithee drive thy
coach to the hither end of M. Park, a ft place for Moll to get in." In his Quarrel
iv. 4, Trimtram gives as the reason why the pander, the bawd, and the whore were
"buried near M. Park "that they were hanged at Tyburn. In Fragmenta Regalia (1641),
we are told of a duel fought between Lord Essex and Sir Charles Blount "near M.
Park." In Brome's Northern iii. i. Fitchow surmises that her sister has come "to
invite me forth into the air of HidePark or M." In Nabbes' Totenham i. 6,
Worthgood says, "This, sure, is Marrowbone-park and he the keeper."
(Map R6)
(area only; site unmarked)
In Boss Alley, on the S. side of Thames St., Lond., there was a boss, or drinking fountain, continually running, erected by Sir Richard Whittington. On the N. side of Thames St., opposite to Boss Alley, was St. Mary's Hill, with the church of St. Mary-at-Hill upon it. The boss was in the parish of St. Mary, and would naturally enough be called M. It is close to Billingsgate, and the ferry would therefore be that from Billingsgate, at the bottom of Boss Alley, across the Thames. In Wilson's Pedler i.1101, the Pedler says, "To pass through M. F. they have chosen, In the which sea unto death they shall be frozen."
A bookseller's sign in Lond. H. Shirley's Mart. Soldier was "Printed by I. Okes, and are to be sold by Francis Eglesfield at his house in Paul's churchyard at the sign of the M."
(or, more fully, THE GRAVE M., i.e. GRAF). A house of entertainment in Hyde Park. It was named after Prince M. of Nassau, the son of William the Silent, governor of the United Provinces (15841625). He was popular in England as the champion of Protestantism against Spain. It was called the Lodge in the latter part of the 17th cent., and, later still, the Cake House. It stood about the centre of the Park, and was puffed down in 1730 when the Serpentine was constructed. The Lond. Directory records still 2 taverns with the sign of the Grave M., one in Whitechapel Rd., the other in St. Leonard's Rd. In Shirley's Hyde Park iv. 1, Fairfield says, "I'll try what sack can do; I have sent my footman to the M. for a bottle." Later the inn is called "His Excellence' Head."
Apparently some st. in the neighbourhood of Bunhill Fields, Lond I suspect a pun is intended with Magalhaen; I cannot find a M. L., but the name may have been given jestingly to City Rd., or Worship St. On further consideration I am disposed to read Magel L., i.e. Magalhaen. In B. & F. Friends i. 2, Blacksnout says that he got a wound in the groin "at the siege of Bunnil, passing the straights 'twixt M. L. and Terra del Fuego, the fiery isle." The Straits of Magalhaen lie between S. America and Terra del Fuego.
There was a M. set up annually in Lond. in Leadenhall St., opposite St. Andrew Undershaft, so called from the M. which towered above the ch. Steeple (Map R4)area only; site unmarked. In the intervals it was hung on a set of hooks let into the wall of Undershaft Alley. It was last erected on the "Evil May-Day "of 1513. It was kept on its hooks till 1549, when it was destroyed by the Puritans as an Idol. Another M., 100 ft. high, stood on the site of the ch. of St. Mary-le-Strand (Map E5area only; vicinity of Somerset House). It was destroyed by the Puritans in 1644, but another, 134 ft. high, was set up at the Restoration of Charles II. It gradually decayed and was replaced by another, a little further W., in 1713. This was removed in the time of Sir Isaac Newton and the timber used as a support for Highness' telescope in Wanstead Park. M. Alley preserves its memory. In Rowley's Match Mid. iv, Alexander threatens to strip himself "as naked as Grantham steeple or the Strand M." In Pasquin's Palinodia (1619) B. 3, we have: "Our approach Within the spacious passage of the Strand Objected to our sight a summer-broach, Ycleped a M., which in all our land No city, st., nor town can parallel, Nor can the lofty spire of Clerkenwell." In Middleton's R.G. iii. 3, Trapdoor, exhorted to stand up, says, "Like your new M."
Used humorously for Paul's Walk, the middle aisle of St. Paul's, Lond., q.v. Dekker, in Hornbook iv., says, after speaking of Paul's Walk: "Your Mediterranean Ile is then the only gallery wherein the pictures of all your true fashionate and complemental Guls are, and ought to be, hung up." (See under PAUL'S (SAINT). See also below.)
(Map P4)
The M. T. of Lond. received their 1st Charter in 1327. Their 1st Hall was behind the Red Lion in Basing Lane, Cheapside; but in 1331 one Edmund Crepin sold his house in Threadneedle St., between Fish Lane and Bishopsgate St., to John of Yakley, on behalf of the Company. There they built a Hall with a ground floor and 3 upper stories, and attached to it were 7 almshouses. It was destroyed in the Gt. Fire and rebuilt in 1671. In Dekker's Hornbook i., he says of the Golden Age: "T. then were none of the 12 Companies; their H., that now is larger than some dorpes among the Netherlands, was then no bigger than a Dutch botcher's shop." James I and Prince Henry dined in the H. on June 7, 1607, and Ben Jonson wrote the entertainment. In the Song of Four Famous Feasts (1606), we have: "The M. T. Company, the fellowship of fame, To Lond.'s lasting dignity, lives, honoured with the same." In Jonson's Magnetic v. 5, Sir Moth says, "We met at M.-T.-H. at dinner in Thread-needle-st." John Webster, the dramatist, was a ember of the Company, and wrote his Monuments in its praise. In it he says that "Worthy John Yeacksley purchased first their Hall." In Skelton's Magnificence, fol. xvi., Magnificence says to Liberty, "What, will ye waste wind and prate thus in vain? Ye have eaten sauce, I trow, at t. h."
(Map P6)
Lond., in Suffolk Lane, in the parish of St. Lawrence Poultney. It was founded by the Company in 1561, and part of the old Manor of the Rose (q.v.) was bought for its accommodation. The 1st headmaster was Richard Mulcaster, under whom the boys appeared at Court in 1573 in a Latin play, and frequently afterwards. When the Charterhouse School was removed to Godalming in 1873 the Company bought the site and transferred their school thither. Amongst the pupils at the School were Nathanael Field, James Shirley, Thomas Lodge, and Edmund Spenser.
(Map M5)
A famous Lond. tavern, in Bread St., with passage entrances from Cheapside and Friday St.. Its tokens are inscribed "Ye M. tavern, Cheapside." Jonson [ed. note: in his work, "On the Famous Voyage"] calls it Bread St.'s M.; and Aubrey says it was in Friday St. A certain Haberdasher, W. R., whose shop was between Wood St. and Milk St., describes it as "over against the M. tavern, in Cheapside." It was a favourite inn of Ben Jonson; and though the story of Sir Walter Raleigh's M. Club is probably mythical, Beaumont, in his verses to Ben Jonson." What things have we seen done at the M.!"is a sufficient witness to those convivial meetings of the poets, which inspired Keats' Lines on the M. Tavern. The host in 1603 was one Johnson, as appears from the will of Albian Butler, of Clifford's Inn, who owed him 17/-. The inn was destroyed in the Gt. Fire.
In Jonson's Barthol. i. 1, Littlewit says, "A pox on these pretenders to wit!
your Three Cranes, Mitre, and M.-men: not a corn of true salt, not a grain of
right mustard amongst them all. They may pay 2d. in a quart more for their Canary
than other men. But give me the man can start up a Justice of wit out of 6/-
beer and give the law to all the poets and poetsuckers in town." In Devil iii.
1, Meercraft taunts Everill for "haunting the Globes and Ms., wedging in with
lords stiff at the table." In Epigrams xi., he says, "That which most doth take
my Muse and me Is a pure cup of rich Canary wine Which is the M.'s now, but
shall be mine." In Epigrams cxxxiii. (The Famous Voyage), he says that the 2
Knights "At Bread-st.'s M. having dined, and merry, Proposed to go to Holborn
in a wherry." In Middleton's Five Gallants ii. 1, Pursenet suggests that the
company should sup "at the M.," but Goldstone says, "The Mitre for neat attendance,
diligent boys, andpush! excells far." In B. & F. Wit
Money ii. 4, Valentine says, "Draw me a map from the M.; I mean a midnight
map to 'scape the watches." Later he says, "Meet at the M." In Mayne's s Match
iii. 3, Timothy rejoices that he has escaped shipwreck, for then he might have
been "converted into some pike and made an ordinary, perchance, at the M." Dekker,
in Armourers, says, "Neither the M. nor the Dolphin, nor he at Mile-end-green,
can when he list be in good temper when he lacks his mistress, that is to say,
Money." Tom Coryat sent a letter from the Mogul's Court in 1615 to "The worshipful
Fraternity of Sireniacal [i.e. Cyrenaical, from the Cyrenaics, an offshoot
of the Epicureans] gentlemen that meet the i 1st Friday of every month at the
sign of the M. in Bread St. in London," and mentions among them Ben Jonson and
John Donne. In the quarto of Jonson's Ev. Man I., the M. is the inn which in
the later edition of 1616 is called the Windmill. In Middleton's Hubburd, p.
77, the young gallant is advised that "his eating must be in some famous tavern,
as the Horn, the Mitre, or the M." In Dekker's Satiromastix
iv. 2, 76, Tucca says to Horace (Jonson), "A gentleman shall not . . . sneak
into a tavern with his m. but he shall be satyred and epigram'd upon." M. here
means a mistress, but the reference to Jonson's connection with the M. tavern
is obvious. There was another M. in Cornhill mentioned in the list of taverns
in News Barthol. Fair, another at the S. side of Charing Cross, and yet another
on the S. side of Gt. Carter St., near Addle Hill. Suckling, in Sad One iv.
4, has a M. Inn in Sicily. Miss Wotton has recently called attention to another
M. Tavern at the corner of Aldersgate and Gresham St. It is now the Lord Raglan,
and there is evidence that it was there in early Plantagenet times. The landlord
in Shakespeare's time was William Goodyeare, who was connected with the Warwickshire
family of the Gooderes, one of whom adopted Michael Drayton. Miss Wotton argues
that Drayton must have visited this tavern, and that probably Shakespeare often
spent an evening with him there.
A common house-sign in Lond. In Beguiled, Dods, ix. 304, Cricket says, "He looks like a tankard-bearer that dwells in Petticoat Lane at the sign of the M." The Hundred Merry Tales was printed by Johannes Rastell, the brother-in-law of Sir T. More, "at the sign of the M. at Powlys Gate, next to Chepe syde. 1526."
There were several churches in Lond. dedicated to St. Michael: 1. A fine ch. with a noble tower on the S. side of Cornhill, E. of St. M. Alley (Map P4). It was destroyed, all but the Tower, in the Gt. Fire and rebuilt by Wren. The tower, which is an imitation of the Magdalen Tower at Oxford, has been since restored; and the whole ch. was elaborately repaired and enlarged by Sir Gilbert Scott in 1858. It had a fine peal of bells. In Three Ladies ii., Simplicity says, "The parsonage of St. M.! by'r Lady, if you have nothing else, You shall be sure of a living besides a good ring of bells." In Pride and Lowliness (1570), we have the couplet: "Higher, as they suppose, than any steeple In all this town, St. M. or the Bow." 2. A ch. in Wood St. at the corner of Huggin Lane (Map M4), destroyed in the Fire and rebuilt by Wren. Liberality was "Printed by Simon Stafford for George Vincent, and are to be sold at the sign of the Hand-in-Hand in Wood st., over against St. M. Ch." 3. A ch. in Crooked Lane (Map P6), which abutted on the Boar's Head Tavern. It was taken down in 1831 in making the approach to Lond. Bdge. 4. Other churches destroyed in the Fire and rebuilt by Wren were St. M. Bassishaw, on the W. side of Basinghall st. (Map N3); St. M. Paternoster Royal (Map N6), in Tower Royal, where Whittington was buried; St. M. Queenhythe (Map M6), in Upper Thames St., pulled down in 1876. 5. St. M. le Querne, or ad Bladum (Map L4), at the corner of Cheapside and Paternoster Row, was destroyed in the Fire and not rebuilt. It is not clear which is intended in the following: In World Child, p. 182, Folly says, "I swear by the church of St. Michael I would we were at stews." In B. & F. Thomas v. 9, Hylas says, "Did not I marry you last night in St. M. chapel?"
The smallest county but one in England in area, and the largest but one in population owing to the fact that Lond., N. of the Thames, is within its boundaries. In Liberality v. 5, the clerk of the court says to Prodigality, "Thou art indicted that thou at Highgate in the county of M. didst take from one Tenacity, of the parish of Pancridge, £1000." In T. Heywood's Traveller iii. 4, the Clown says to Geraldine, "Oh, Sir, you are the needle, and if the whole county of M. had been turned to a mere bottle of hay, I had been enjoined to have found you out." In Brome, Ct. Beggar ii. 1, Citywit says, "I am M. indeed, born 1, th' City." In Jonson's Ev. Man I. i. 1, Stephen affirms that his uncle, old Knowell, "is a man of a thousand a year, M. land," which was reckoned uncommonly fertile. Lond. was strongly Puritan, and the Players had constant conflicts with the M. justices and juries, who were opposed to the drama; indeed, it was through their dismantling the Theatre and Curtain that the Burbages went over to the Bankside, which, being in Surrey, was out of their jurisdiction. The juries were disposed to be severe in their verdicts, especially in cases of alleged witchcraft. In Jonson's Devil i. 1, Satan accuses Pug of souring the citizen's cream that some old woman "may be accused of it and condemned by a M. jury, to the satisfaction of the Londoners' wives." Habington, in Epilogue to Arragon, says, "Though a M. jury on this play should go, They cannot find the murder wilful." In Middleton's Trick to Catch iv. 5, Dampit says to Gulf, "Thou inconscionable rascal! thou that goest upon M. juries and wilt make haste to give up thy verdict, because thou wilt not lose thy dinner." In Brome's Northern iv. 1, Squelch, the Justice, says, "As I am in my right mind and M., I will shew my justice on thee." The sub-title of Brome's Covent G. is The M. Justice of Peace. In Nabbes' Totenham i. 4, Cicely says, "Let but an honest jury (which is a kind of wonder in M.) find you not guilty." In Middleton's Chaste Maid ii. 2, Allwit inveighs against "ravenous creditors that will not suffer The bodies of their poor departed debtors To go to the grave, but e'en in death do vex And stay the corps with bills of M.," i.e. bills issued from the M. courts. In Cooke's Greene's Quoque, p. 560, Rash says, "Love. runs through the Isle of Man in a minute, but never is quiet till he comes into M." The play on the words is odvious. According to Old Meg, p. 1, M. men were famous "for tricks above ground," i.e. for rope-dancing.
(Map G5)
One of the 4, Inns of Court is Lond. It lay on the S. side of Fleet St. between the Outer and the Inner Temples (see under Inns of Court and Temple). The Hall (an =rivalled example of Elizabethan architecture) still remains, in which Shakespeare's Twelfth Night was acted in February 1602. John Marston and John Ford were members of the M. T. Chapman wrote a Masque for the M. T. and Lincoln's Inn on the occasion of the marriage of the Princess Elizabeth and the Elector Palatine in 16l3.
(Map O4)
A ch. in Lond., on the N. side of the Poultry, at the corner of St. M. Court. It was destroyed in the Gt. Fire, rebuilt by Wren, and finally taken down in 1872. In Middleton's Quiet Life iv. 2, Knavesby says, "I'll bring you [to Lombard St.] through Bearbinder Lane." Mrs. Water-Camlet replies, "Bearbinder Lane cannot hold me; I'll the nearest way over St. M. ch." An early edition of Colin Clout was "Imprinted by me Rycharde Kele dwelling in the powltry at the long shop under saynt Myldredes chyrche." Like was "Imprinted at the long shop adjoining unto St. M. Ch. in the Pultrie by John Allde. 1568." Middleton's Blurt was "Printed for Henry Rockytt, and are to be sold at the long shop under St. M. ch. in the Poultry. 1602." There was another St. M. ch. in Bread St., on the E. side at the corner of Cannon St., destroyed in the Gt. Fire and rebuilt by Wren.
A hamlet in Lond., E. of Whitechapel, beginning exactly a mile from Aldgate along the Whitechapel Rd. M. E. Green was S. of the M. E. Rd., where Stepney Green now is. It was used as the training ground for the citizen forces of Lond., as well as for fairs and shows of various kinds. The vill. was still in the country, and citizens used to go out there of an afternoon to eat cakes and drink cream. Criminals were also hung in chains at M. E. Green. Kemp, in Nine Days' Wonder (i (1600), tells how, when he had started on his famous dance to Norwich, "Multitudes of Londoners left not me, either to keep a custom which many hold, that M. E. is no walk without a recreation at Stratford Bow with cream and cakes, or else for love they bear towards me." In Contention, Haz., p. 502, Cade orders the rebels: "Go to Milende-greene to Sir James Cromer, and cut off his head too." In Look About v., Slink, trying to escape from arrest, complains, "M. E.'s covered with 'Who goes there?" In S. Rowley's When You, D. 4, Black Will complains that "for a venture of 5 pound he must commit such petty robberies at M. E." In Dekker's Shoemaker's i. 2, Lacy reports that in preparation for the French expedition "The men of Hertfordshire lie at M.-e."
In All's Well iv. 3, 302, Parolles says that Capt. Dumain, when in England, "had the honour to be the officer at a place there called M: E., to instruct for the doubling of files." In B. & F. Pestle v. t, the citizen's Wife exhorts Ralph: "I would have thee call all the youths together in battle-ray and march to M. E. in pompous fashion." In Three Lords, Dods., vi. 451, Policy says, "Myself will muster upon M.-E,Green That John the Spaniard will in rage run mad." In Shirley's Riches ii, the Soldier says, "Some fellows have beaten you into belief that they have seen the wars, that perhaps mustered at M.-E. or Finsbury." In Jonson's Ev. Man I. ii. 3, Brainworm, having deceived Knowell in the disguise of an old soldier, says, "He will hate the musters at M.-e. for it to his dying day." In iv. 4, Formal says of Brainworm's stories of his wars: "They be very strange, and not like those a man reads in the Roman histories or sees at M.-e." In Middleton's R.G. i. 2, Laxton says of Moll: "Methinks a brave captain might get all his soldiers upon her, and ne'er be beholding to a company of M.-e. milk sops." In T. Heywood's Ed. IV A. i. the Lord Mayor says to the rebels that the way to Bow shall be safe, "Although thou le encamped at M.-E.-Green," and that they will not dare to molest the travellers. Indeed, M.-E. Green had some reputation for highway robberies. In T. Heywood's F. M. Exch., Act I opens with an attempted robbery there, which is frustrated by the opportune arrival of the Cripple of Fenchurch. Milton, in Sonn. on the Detraction 7, says of the title of his Tetrachordon: "Cries the stall-reader, 'Bless us! what a word on A title-page is this!' and some in file Stand spelling false, while one might walk to M.-E. Green," i.e. about a mile.
In B. & F. Thomas iii. 3, amongst the Fiddler's ballads is one entitled "The
Landing of the Spaniards at Bow, with the Bloody Battle at M.-e." The same incident
seems to be referred to in the 3 following passages. In their Pestle ii. 2,
Michael asks his mother, "Is not all the world M.-e., mother t". to which Mrs.
Merrythought replies, "No, Michael, not all the world, boy; but I can assure
thee, Michael, M.-e. is a goodly matter; there has been a pitch-feld, my child,
between the naughty Spaniels and the Englishmen, and the Spaniels ran away,
Michael, and the Englishmen followed." In T. Heywood's F. M. Exch., vol. ii.,
p. 45, Frank says, "Cripple, thou once didst promise me thy love When I did
rescue thee on M.-e. Green." In B. & F. Wife Epi., "the action at M.-e." is
mentioned. In Shirley's Pleasure i. 2, Celestina, dissatisfied with her new
coach, says, "To market with't; 'Twill hackney out to M.-e." In H4
B. iii. 2, 298, Shallow says, "I remember at M.-e. Green, I was then Sir
Dagonet in Arthur's show." This was an exhibition of shooting given by a society
called "The Fellowship of Prince Arthur's Knights." There were 58 of them. In
Yarington's Two Trag. v. 2, the Officer directs: "Let his body be conveyed hence
to M.-e.-green And there be hanged in chains." In Middleton's Black Book, p.
2,5, we read of "two men in chains between M.-e. and Hackney." M.-E. was apparently
a fashionable quarter for residence. was B. & F. Wit
Money iii. 2, Valentine says, "Why should madam at M.-e. be daily visited,
and your poorer neighbours neglected "In Day's B. Beggar ii., Old Strowd says,
"Come along with me to M.-e. to my lodging." Dekker, in Armourers, says, "Neither
the Mermaid nor the Dolphin nor he at M.-e.-green can when he list be in a good
temper when he lacks his mistress, that is to say, Money." The reference is
to some well-known tavern.
(Map F5)
A lane in Lond., running S. from the Strand, opposite St. Clement Danes, between Essex St. and Arundel St. It was a narrow st., inhabited by poor people for the most part, and having a bad reputation. It is now mostly occupied by printing offices. In Brome's Couple ii. 1, Careless, having got hold of some money, exclaims, "I need no more insconsing now in Ram Alley, nor the sanctuary of White-fryers, the forts of Fullers-rents, and M.-l., whose walls are daily battered with the curses of bawling creditors." In Brome's Damoiselle i. 2, Bumpsey taunts the impecunious knight, Sir Humfrey Dryground, with the wretched pittance "which now maintains you where you live confined in M. L. or Fuller's Rents, or who knows where."
(Map M4)
Lond., running N. from Cheapside to Gresham St., between Wood St. and Lawrence
Lane. It was originally the part of the market where milk and butter were sold.,
The Ch. of St. Mary Magdalene, destroyed in the Gt. Fire and not rebuilt, was
in this street. Here Sir T. More was born. Taylor, in Merrycome-twang, tells of
a friend who invited him "to go dine at the Half-Moone in M. St." In Jonson's
Christmas' Carol asks, "Shall John Butter of M. St. come in?" and Gambol replies,
"Yes, he may slip in for a torch-bearer, so he melt not too fast." In B. & F.
Pestle iii. 4, Ralph says, "O faint not, heart I Susan, my lady dear, The cobbler's
maid in M. St. for whose sake I take these arms, O let the thought of thee Carry
thy knight through all adventurous deeds." Dekker, in jests, mentions "M. st.,
Bread St., Lime St., and S. Mary Axe "as places where the respectable citizens
used to have their dwellings. Mayberry, in Dekker's Northward,
lived there, for in v. 2 he says, "Let's once stand to it for the credit of M.-st."
A dist. running along the N., or rather the W., bank of the Thames from Old Palace
Yd. to Peterborough House, between the positions now occupied by the Westminster
and Vauxhall Bdges. Towards its S. end, the M. Penitentiary was built in 1821;
it has since been pulled down, and its site is occupied by the Tate Art Gallery.
M. St. preserves the name. In Cowley's Cutter i. 5, jolly says that Cutter and Worm are always changing their residence: "To-day
at Wapping, and to-morrow you appear again at M., like a duck that dives at this
end of the pond and rises unexpectedly at the other," Wapping is in the extreme
E., M. in the extreme W. of Lond.
(Map T4)
An abbey of the Nuns of the order of St. Clare, founded in 1293 by Edmund of Lancaster.
It was surrendered to Henry VIII in 1539. Its site is indicated by the st. called
the M., running from Aldgate High St. to Tower Hill. It was formerly almost entirely
occupied by gunsmiths. In Bale's Laws iii., Infidelity says to Mosei Lex, "I would
ye had been at the M., Sir, late yester-night, at Compline." Lex replies, "At
the M.1 Why? What was there ado?" Infidelity answers, "For such another would
I to Southampton go." I suppose the reference is to the papistical character of
the service, which pleases Infidelity. In Davenport's New
Trick i. 2, Slightall, who is looking out for an impudent lass, sends Roger
to seek for one "in Turnball, the Banke side, or the M." Evidently the st. had
gained an evil reputation.
The M. in Lond. was in the Tower until 1811, when the present building on Tower
Hill was erected for the purpose. A M. was also established by Henry VIII in Suffolk
House opposite St. George's Ch., Southwark, which gave the name to the dist. round.
The inhabitants claimed for it the privilege of sanctuary, and it became a refuge
for all sorts of swindlers and vagabonds, until the privilege was definitely abrogated
by Act of Parliament in the reign of George I. In B. & F. Wit
Money ii. 4, when Francisco asks him for £100, Valentine replies: "There's
no such sum in nature; forty shillings There may be now in the M., and that's
a treasure." In T. Heywood's Ed. IV A. 26, Falconbridge, encouraging his rebels,
says, "The M. is ours, Cheape, Lombard St., our own." In Jonson's Devil iii. 5,
Fitz-Dottrel says, "There's not so much gold in all the Row, he says, Till it
come from the M."
A Lond. tavern sign. There were 2 famous M. Taverns: one in Bread St, Cheapside, the other is Fleet St.
- The M. in Bread St. (Map M4)area only; site unmarked was either at the corner of Bread St. and Cheapside or had an entrance from the latter thoroughfare, as it is sometimes called the M. in Cheap. It is mentioned in the vestry books of St. Michael's before 1475. It was burnt down in the Gt. Fire, and not rebuilt. In More ii. 1, Robin says, "The head-drawer at the Miter by the Great Conduit called me up, and we went to breakfast into St. Anne's Lane." In News Barthol. Fair, "The Miter is Cheape" is in the list of Lond. taverns. In Wilkins' Enforced Marriage iii. 1, Ilford says, "I, Frank Ilford, was inforced from the M. in Bread-st. to the Compter in the Poultry." In. iii. 3, Scarborow says, "We'll meet at the M., where we'll sup down sorrow." In W. Rowley's Match Mid. ii. 2, Capt. Carvegut proposes: "Come, we'll pay at bar, and to the M. in Bread-st., we'll make a mad night on't." In Jonson's Ev. Man I. iv. 1 (1st edition), the M. takes the place of the Star of the later editions. In The pleadings of RastelI v. Walton (1530), Nicholas Sayer deposed that "he and William Knight were desired by the said Rastell and Walton, being at the M. in Cheap, to view such costs, etc." In Dekker's Westward iv. 1, Lucy, guessing who has put his hands over her eyes, says, "O, you are George, the drawer at the M."
- The M. in Fleet St. (Map G5) was on the S. side of the st. at No. 39, now occupied by Hoare's Bank. It had a passage into M. Court, and a back way into Ram Alley. It was certainly is existence in i 603; it was kept by the widow Sutton in 1629 and by one Alsop 10 years later. The wooden balcony was set alight in the Gt. Fire, but the tavern itself escaped. It was Dr. Johnson's favourite inn, and was the dining-place of the Royal Society and the Society of Antiquaries. It was closed in 1788, and the present M. Tavern in M. Court took over the name, together with the Johnson tradition, which does not, however, really belong to it, in spite of the cast of Nollekens' bust which it displays. The old Tavern was reincarnated as Saunders' Auction Room, and was finally demolished in 1829 to make more room for Hoare's Bank. In Barry's Ram ii. 4, Throate says, "Know what news and meet me straight at the M. door in Fleet-st." A little before, Smallshanks says to Frances, "We will be married to-night, we'll sup at the M., and from thence will to the Savoy." In T. Heywood's Witches ii., Generous says, "It comes short of that pure liquor we drunk last term in Lond. at the Myter in Fleet-st.," and later, Robert says of Generous, "Since he was last in Lond. and tasted the divinity of the Miter, scarce any liquor in Lancashire will go down with him; sure he will never be a Puritan, he holds so well with the Miter"; and again, in Act III, Generous says, "I durst swear that this was Myter wine." In Middleton's Hubburd, p. 77, the young gallant is advised that "his eating must be in some famous tavern, as the Horn, the M., or the Mermaid."
In the following passages it is not certain which of the Ms. is intended,
though in most of them I think the Bread St. tavern is meant. In Jonson's Ev. Man O. iii. 1, when Sogliardo asks which is the best house to dine at, Puntarvolo
says, "Your M. is your best house." In iv. 4, Puntarvolo commissions Carlo to
"bespeak supper at the M. against we come back." In v. 9, Macilente says, "Our
supper at the M. must of necessity hold to-night, 'and the next scene is laid
there. In Barthol. i. 2, Littlewit says, "A pox o' these pretenders to wit!
your Three Cranes, M, and Mermaidmen!" In Middleton's Five Gallants ii. 1,
there is a discussion as to the relative merits of the Mermaid and the M., and
Goldstone says, "The M. for neat attendance, diligent boys, andpush!excells
far"; ii. 3 is "in a room at the M." In his Mad World v. 2, Sir Bounteous says,
"This will be a right M. supper, a play and all." In T. Heywood's Hogsdon
ii. 2, Sencer says, "Being somewhat late at supper at the M ., the doors were
shut at my lodging." In his Lucrece ii. 5, in the list of Roman (London) taverns,
Valerius says, "The churchman to the M."
(Map Q8)
area only; site unmarked
A st. in Southwark, running round St. Saviour's Cathedral on the N. and W. sides, on the site of the old cloisters. It took its name from a mansion built there by Viscount Montague after the dissolution of the monasteries. It was here that Monteagle was living when he received the mysterious letter which gave the clue to the Gunpowder Plot of 1605; and in consequence of this persons residing in M. C. were exempted from actions for debt or trespass, so that it became a sanctuary, with the usual result that it grew to be the resort of bad characters and had to be suppressed. In Brome's Couple v. 1, Saleware gets a letter: "Come with this bearer over into M. c., where you shall find your wife with a private friend at a private lodging."
(Map O3)
area only; site unmarked
The part of the old city moat of Lond. lying between Bishopsgate and Moorgate. It was kept full of water by the drainage into it of the adjoining fen of Moorfields, and was the depository for all kinds of filth and rubbish. Stow records efforts to cleanse it an 1540 and 1549; and in 1595 it was thoroughly cleansed and made a little broader. In 1638 it was covered in with brick arches; and is the course of the next 20 years buildings began to be erected on it.
In More iii. 2, Faulkner, who has had his hair cropped by the order of More, says, "More had bin better a scoured Moreditch than a notched me thus." In Nobody 754, Nobody promises: "I'll empty Mooreditch at my own charge and build up Paules-steeple without a collection." Nash, in Lenten, p. 326, speaks of the astonishment of the "common people about Lond., some few years since, at the bubbling of M." Possibly the bubbling was due to some putrefactive action, and it may have been this that led to the cleansing of 1595. Dekker, in Hornbook i., says that to purge the world "will be a sorer labour than the cleansing of Augeaes stable, or the scouring of Mooreditch." In his News from Hell, he says, "Look how Moor-ditch shows, when the water is three-quarters out, and by reason the stomach of it is overladen, is ready to fall to casting."
It seems to have been used for the ducking of scolding women.
W. Rowley, in New Wonder ii., says, "'Twill be at Moorgate, beldam; where I
shall see thee in the Ditch, dancing in a cucking stool." In H4
A. i. 2, 86, when Falstaff says, "I am as melancholy as a gib cat or a lugged
bear," the Prince suggests, "What sayest thou to a hare, or the melancholy of
M.?" Taylor, in Penniless, says, "M mind is attired with moody, muddy, M. melancholy."
The old Bedlam hospital was close by, on the E. side of Moorfields, and the
reference may be to some wretched Bedlam who haunted the neighbourhood.
(Map O3)
A low-lying, marshy piece of ground immediately N. of the old city wall of Lond., between Bishopsgate and Cripplegate. In Norden's Map (1593) it is shown as an oblong, measuring about 320 yards from E. to W., and 200 from N. to S. Finsbury Circus occupies a part of it. In 1415 a postern, called Moorgate, was broken through the wall to give access to it; in 1527 it was drained, but continued to be a "noisome and offensive place, being a general lay-staff, a rotten morish ground, crossed with deep stinking ditches" (Howes, Continuation of Stow's Annals, 1631). In 1606 it was laid out in walks and became a popular summer resort for the citizens. It was also used as a training ground for the citizen forces and as a place for the bleaching of linen. It was a favourite haunt of beggars, especially of the poor lunatics from Bedlam, which lay on its E. side; and duels were frequently fought there. The concourse of citizens drew thither fortune-tellers, ballad-singers, and pick-pockets. A few summer-houses began to be erected on it, but it was not built over till after the Gt. Fireindeed, it remained partly open ground till the end of the 18th cent. In Jonson's Ev. Man I. ii. 2, Brainworm says, "My old master intends to follow my young master, dry-foot, over M. to Lond. this morning"; and this scene is laid there. In iv. 4, Knowell tells how he engaged the disguised Brainworm "this morning, as I came over M." The next scene is laid in M., where Matthew and the rest have gone out for a stroll. In Barthol. i. 1, Littlewit, praising his wife's dress, says, "I challenge all Cheapside to show such another; M., Pimlicopath, or the Exchange, in a summer evening." In Jonson's Underwoods lx., he says, "O what strange Variety of silks were on the Exchange, Or in M., this other night." In Braithwaite's Whimsies (1631), we read of "the flourishing city-walks of M." In Mayne's s Match iii. 3, Bright says that his father "would commend the wholesomeness of the air in M." In H8 v. 4, 33, the Porter, annoyed by the crowd, asks indignantly, "Is this M. to muster in?" In B. & F. Pestle v. 3, Ralph says, "Then took I up my bow and shaft in hand, And walked into M. to cool myself; But there grim, cruel Death met me again, And shot this forked arrow through my head."
In Ret. Pernass iii. 1, Sir Raderick says, "I am going to M. to speak with
an unthrift." In Mayne's s Match ii. 6, Plotwell says, "We have brought you a
gentleman of valour, who has been in M. often; marry, it has been to squire
his sisters and demolish custards at Pimlico." Peacham, in Worth of a Penny
(1641), says, "Go among the Usurers in their walk in Moor Fields." In Massinger's Madam iv. 4, Anne says of Hebe and Iris: "They were sure some chandler's daughters,
Bleaching linen in M." In Davenant's Rutland, p. 221, the Parisian says of M.:
"Because the place was meant for public pleasure and to shew the munificence
of your,city, I shall desire you to banish the laundresses and bleachers, whose
acres of old linen make a shew like the fields of Carthagena, when the 5 months'
shifts of the whole fleet are washed and spread." In Shirley's Riches iii.,
Gettings swears by "our Royal Change, and by M." In The Great Frost (1608),
the Countryman commends "your new, beautiful walks in M." Donne, Elegy xv. (1609)
27, refers to "New-built Aldgate and the Moorfield crosses." In Raleigh's Ghost
(1626), mention is made of "our new Moorfield walks." W. Rowley, in Search Intro.,
says to his readers, "There hath been many of you seen measuring the longitude
and latitude of Morefields any time this 2 years." In Field's Weathercock iv.
2, Pouts says, "Zoons! I see myself in M. upon a wooden leg, begging three-pence."
In Jonson's Alchemist i. 1, Subtle pictures Mammon, after he has got the philosopher's
stone, "dispensing for the pox, Walking M. for lepers." The Author of Penn.
Parl. opens by, enacting that anyone who does not laugh at his book "shall be
condemned of melancholy, and to be adjudged to walk over M. twice a week, in
a foul shirt and a pair of boots, but no stockings." In More ii. 2, Kit says
to Marry, "If thou beest angry, I'll fight with thee at sharp in M.; I have
a sword to serve my turn." In Massinger's Madam i. 2, Plenty says to Lacy, "How
big you look! Walk into M., I dare look on your Toledo." In Jonson's Barthol.
i. 2, Mrs. Littlewit quotes" the t'other man of M." as having told her mother's
fortune. In Dekker's Northward
ii. 2, Mayberry says, "Your sister shall lodge at a garden-house of mine in
(Map O3)
A gate in the wall of Lond., made in 1415 to admit the citizens to Moorfields. It was restored in 1472 and rebuilt in 1672 in noble style. It was pulled down in 1762, and the stones sunk in the Thames to protect the central arches of Lond. Bdge. It stood at the junction of M. St. and Lond. Wall. In W. Rowley's New Wonder ii. 1, Stephen says, "At AL, beldam, I shall see thee in the ditch [i.e. Moorditch] dancing in a cucking stool." In Jonson's Ev. Man I. i. 2, Edward Knowell says, "I am sent for this morning by a friend in the Old Jewry, to come to him (from Hogsdon]; it's but crossing over the fields to M." Dekker, in Seven Sins, says of Lying: "Espying certain colliers with carts most sinfully loaden for the City, he mingled his footmen carelessly amongst these, and by this stratagem of coals bravely through Moore-gate got within the walls." There is a pun on the meaning of Moor, viz., a negro.
A famous tavern which still is to be found on its old site, though it has been
pulled down and rebuilt at least twice. It stands in High St., Camden Town, at
the corner where it is joined by Camden Rd. and Kentish Town Rd. It is said to
have been the favourite resort of Moll Cutpurse, the heroine of Middleton's R.G. In Bacchus, one of the characters is Tom Typsay, "wellnear choked with a marvellous
dry heat, which he of late had got by lifting overlong at old M. R.'s." In T.
Heywood's Hogsdon iv. 3, Sencer says,
"This, over against M. R.'s, is her house; I'll knock." In Randolph's Muses iii.
1, Micropepes says, "I have seen in M. R.'s hall, in painted cloth, the story
of the Prodigal." A lost play by Drayton and Munday, produced in 1597, was entitled
M. R., and dealt with the story of the old witch whose name survived in this tavern.
In Dekker's Satiromastix iii. 1,
263, Tucca says to Mrs. Miniver, "I'll name thee no more, M. R., upon pain of
death. In v. 2, 316, Tucca says, "Run, R., ware horns there." The allusion is
probably to the play by Drayton and Munday mentioned above. There is another old
tavern. with the same sign in Holloway Rd., at the corner of Whitley Rd.: it is
hard to say which of the 2 is intended in the above quotations. M. R. is said
to have been a witch who was carried off by the Devil during the time of the Commonwealth.
The name was used for a variety of cap. In W. Rowley's Search 31, the feltmakers
complain that their trade is destroyed by the popularity of caps: "that was Monmouth-caps,
Wantige caps, round caps, Mother-red-caps."
A Lond. tavern. probably the Bull and M. close to Aldersgate St. at the N. end
of Butchers' Hall Lane, which led up to it from Newgate St. The Post Office buildings
on the W. side of St. Martin's-le-grand have absorbed the site. The original name
is said to have been "The Boulogne M." In T. Heywood's Lucrece ii. 5, Valerius,
in his list of Roman (Lond.) taverns, says, "Unto the M. the oyster wife." There
was also a M. Tavern in Bishopsgate St. Without. In T. Heywood's Ed. IV A. 21,
Spicing says, "There's hot drinking at the M. of Bishopsgate, for our soldiers
are all mouth." In his I.K.M., B.
270, John says to Timothy, "A man might find you quartered betwixt the M. at Bishopsgate
and the preaching place in the Spittle." In Dekker's Satiromastix
iii. 1, 245, Tucca says to Mrs. Miniver, "I'll dam thee up, my wide M. at Bishopsgate."
In his Lanthorn, he speaks of "the Father of Hell looking very terribly with a
pair of eyes that stared as wide as the M. gapes at Bishopsgate."
(Map M3 "Monkswell Street")
(=MUGWELL, or MONKWELL, ST.). Lond., running S. from the front of St. Giles Cripplegate to Silver St. A hermitage with a well stood at the N. end of the st., from which it is said to have derived its name. William Lambe bought the hermitage in the reign of Edward VI and erected on its site a set of almshouses called after him. Barber Surgeons' Hall is in M. St. In Brome's Moor iii. 1, Phillis says, "I have an old aunt in M.-st., a midwife that knows what's what as well's another woman."
A hill in Hornsey, some 51/2 m. N. of the Lond. Post Office. On the top of the hill was a famous spring, the M., under the protection of our Lady of M., the waters of which performed miraculous cures. One of the patients was an unnamed K. of Scotland. It was frequented by pilgrims in the Middle Ages. The site is now occupied by the Alexandra Palace. In J. Heywood's Four PP i., the Palmer mentions "Muswel "as one of the shrines which he has visited.
(Map J2)
area only; site unmarked
Lond., between Vine St. and Clerkenwell Green. It shared the bad reputation of
the district. In Davenport's New Trick
i. 2, Slightall wanting a loose woman, sends Roger to search, amongst other places,
"White Fryers, St. Peters st., and M. L."