(Map P5)
A. st. in Lond., running from Cannon St. to Lombard St., now cut in two by K.
William St. Named from the ch, of St. Mary A., which stands on its S.E. side.
A certain Mother Wall kept a shop there for the sale of pies. In Haughton's Englishmen
iv. I, Frisco says, "I have the scent of Lond. Stone as full in my nose as
A. L. of mother Wall's pasties." In Dekker's Northward
iv. 4, the Bawd says, "I will have . . . some of mother Wall's cakes."
(Map K6)
A st. in Lond., running from Upper Thames St. to Gt. Carter Lane. The S. tad of
it was demolished by the formation of Q. Victoria St. Here Dekker's Shoemaker's
was printed by Valentine Sims "at the foot of Adling H. near Baynards Castle at
the sign of the White Swan."
(Map N34)
A Lond. st., running N. from Gresham St., opposite the corner of Milk St, to Lond. Wall. So called from the fact that the original Guildhall stood on its E. side, to the W. of the present Hall built in 1411. In Alderman Garroway's Speech (1642), he says, "I have been Lord Mayor myself and should have some share stiff in the government; before God, I have no more authority in the City than a porter, not so much as an A. porter." Woodes' Conf. Cons. was "Printed by Richarde Bradocke dwelling in A, a little above the Conduict, 1581." The conduit was in the middle of the st., and was erected by William Eastfield in 1471, the water being brought from Tyburn. Henry Condell, joint-editor of the 1st Folio of Shakespeare, was a sidesman of the parish of St. Mary's A. Swanston, the actor, "took up the trade of a jeweller and lived in A."
(Map N5)
A very ancient ch. of St. Mary, on the S. side of Budge Row [ed note: Watling Street, which turns into Budge Row]and the E. side of Cordwainer St., now at the corner of Bow Lane and Q. Victoria St., Lond. Rebuilt early in the 16th cent., destroyed in the Gt. Fire, and rebuilt by Wren. Richd. Chaucer, vintner, gave the ch. his tenement and tavern, and was buried there in 1348. He was the grandfather of the poet Chaucer; not the father, as Stow says. There was a printing house in the churchyard, from which Mandeville's Travels were issued in the form of a chapbook: "Printed and sold in A. Ch.-Yard, Lond."
(Map L34)
One of the 4 oldest gates of Lond., lying between Cripplegate and Newgate, near the Charter House, close to the Castle and Falcon Inn, now at 62 A. St. It was rebuilt in 1618, with a figure over the central arch of James I to commemorate his entrance into Lond. in 1603. It was pulled down in 1761. Here lived John Day, the famous printer, who issued the edition of Matthew's Bible in 1549, Foxe's Actes and Monuments, and other religious works. Cartwright, in The Ordinary iii. 1, discusse's the derivation of the name: "A. Is gotten so from one that Aldrich hight; Or else, of elders, that is, ancient men; Or else of aldern trees which growden there; Or else, as Heralds say, from Aluredus." But most probably it simply means the old gate. A. St. ran S. from the gate to St. Martin's-le-Grand, and so into the W. end of Cheapside. Here was Master Francklin's house, where Arden lodged on his visit to Lond." He is now at Lond., in A. ste.," says Greene (Feversham ii. 1, The town houses of the Earls of Northumberland, Westmorland, and Thanet, and of the Marquis of Dorchester, were in this st. There was "a cook's feast in A. St. yearly upon Holy Rood Day "(Laneham's Letter, p. 39). In Deloney's Gentle Craft ii. ii, one says to the green k. of $t. Martin's, "I dwell at A. and am your near neighbour." Heywood's Witches was "Printed by Thomas Harper for Benjamin Fisher and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Talbot without A., 1624."
Dekker, in Seven Sins (1606), makes Candlelight enter Lond." at A., for though the st. be fair and spacious, yet few lights in misty evenings use there to thrust out their golden heads." John Milton lived in A. St. from 1640 to 1645. The house was on the E. side of the st., where Maidenhead Court now is.
(Map S4)
One of the principal gates of the old City of Lond., between the Tower Postern and Bishopsgate. It was granted to Chaucer in 1374, and he lived in the rooms over the gate whilst he was writing the Canterbury Tales. It was pulled down in 1606, and a new one built with figures of Peace and Charity copied from 2 Roman coins, which had been unearthed in digging for the foundations. This new Gate took 2 years to build." How long," says Truewit, "did the canvas hang afore A.? Were the people suffered to see the City's Love and Charity while they were rude stone, before they were painted and burnished?" (Jonson Epicoene i. 1, Donne, in Elegy xv. (1609), says he talked with a citizen "of new built A." This gate was removed in 1760 and re-erected by a Mr. Mussell in the grounds of his own house at Bethnal Green.
"Little Ned of A." is referred to by The Citizen in B. & F. Pestle v. 1, as
a drummer of the train-bands. Moll Bloodhound, in Rowley's Match
Mid. iv. 1, is described as "dwelling near A. and Bishop's-gate just as
between hawk and buzzard"; this last phrase is explained in Janua Linguarum
(1662) 146 as meaning between a good thing and a bad of the same kind; the reference
appears to be to the splendour of the newly erected A. as compared with the
more ancient Bishopsgate. A. being at the extreme E. and Temple Bar at the extreme
W. of the City, "as far asunder as Temple Bar and A." is used in Marmion's Companion
v. 2 to express the greatest possible remoteness. In Middleton's Quarrel i.
1, Chough lodges "at the Crow at A.", probably because his name is Chough. Possibly
the Pye Inn is intended, mentioned as the Pie at A. in Book of New Epigrams
(1659). In B. & F. Thomas iv. 1, there is a capital description of the painting
of the town red by a company of young bloods; the watchman's shoes are stolen,
signboards sent to Erebus; curs and pigs set loose in outparishes: "Oh, the
brave cry we made as high as A. I "that is, as far as A., where at last a constable
of the City takes a hand. In Lyly's Pappe With an Hatchet, p. 73, the author
says, "We hope to see him [Martin Marprelate] stride from A. to Ludgate, and
look over all the City at Lond. Bdge," i.e. be carted from end to end
of the City and his head stuck up on Lond. Bdge., after execution. In Day's
B. Beggar iii., Canby reports, "As I was passing through A. this morning, I
saw the Shreeves set towards to Newgate to fetch your father." In Heywood's
Ed. IV A. 13, the Recorder says
that the rebels will "either make assault at Lond.-Bdge. or else at A., both
which entrances were good they should be strongly fortified." In the same play,
B. 161, Mrs. Shore is condemned to walk in a white sheet "from Temple Barre
until you come to A., barefooted." Dekker, in Seven Sins (1606), makes Cruelty
enter the City "at All-gate, being drawn that way by the smell of blood abt.
the Bars." Evidently there were Shambles near A.
In W. Rowley's Match Mid. iii.
1, the Widow bids her maid, "Pray go to A., to my sempstress, for my ruff."
The famous A. Pump stood at the corner of Leadenhall St. and Fenchurch St. It
was replaced by a drinking-fountain in 1876.
The following Lond. Chs. Were dedicated to A.:- Barking, q.v.
- A., Bread St., at the corner of Watling St. Here Milton was baptized.
It was deconsecrated and destroyed in 1876.
(Map M5)
- A. the Great, or A. in the Ropery, in Upper Thames St.; destroyed in the Gt. Fire, rebuilt by Wren, and restored in 1877. Was finally removed in 1893, and its site occupied by a brewery.
(Map P6)
- Two were destroyed in the Fire (1666) and not rebuilt:
- A. Grass Ch., in Ball Alley, with its entrance in Lombard St. Rebuilt by Wren after the Fire. Thersites was "Imprinted at Lond. By John Tysdale, and are to be sold at his shop in the upper end of Lombard St., in A. Churchyard, near unto Grace Ch."
- A. in the Wall, in Lond. Wall. It escaped the Fire, but was removed and a new ch. Built in 1767.
- A. Staining, in Mark Lane; it escaped the Fire, but fell down in 1761. It was removed, all but the tower, in 1870, and the site bought by the Clothworkers Company.
In T. Heywood's Ed. IV A. 63,
one Cheapside Prentice asks another, "What is't aclock?" and is answered, "6 by
Allhallowes": either the Bread St. or Honey Lane ch. is meant.
Nash, in his Burlesque on Gabriel Harvey's Encomium Lauri in Hexameters, has the lines: "O thou weathercock, that stands on the top of All Hallows, Come thy ways down if thou darst for thy crown, and take the walls on us."
(Map S6)
Ch. in Lond. on N. side of Gt. Tower St., near Seething Lane. The ch. derives its name from its having been originally connected with the Abbey of B., in Essex. It escaped the Gt. Fire. From its proximity to the Tower it was used as a temporary place of interment for many persons executed there, notably the Earl of Surrey, Bp. Fisher, and Archbp. Laud. In Dekker's Edmonton iii. 1, Cuddy, who has been attended by the Witch's dog, says to him, "If ever we be married, it shall be at B. Ch., 'm memory of thee; now come behind, sweet cur." Ile Ch. had a fine peal of bells. In Fair Women ii. 209, Old John says, "I dreamed that I heard the bells of B. as plain to our town of Woolwich as if I had lain in the steeple."
The almshouses for poor men and women respectively, erected by Henry VII and his mother, the Lady Margaret. They were W. of Westminster Abbey, the great A. being in 2 parallel parts running E. and W. with the entrance from Dean's Yard; and the little A. at its E. end, running S. It was in the great A. that Caxton set up the first printing press in England, from which he issued in 1474 The Game and Playe of Chesse. His house was on the N. side of the A., in Little Dean St., close to the present Westminster Palace Hotel. It was a narrow 3-storey building with a gable and attic, and was in existence till 1845, when it was removed along with the other buildings of the A. Here Caxton died in1490, and was buried in the neighbouring ch. of St. Margaret. The word was, and is, popularly pronounced Ambry. Jonson, in Staple, makes gossip Mirth say that she knows "all the news of Tuttle-st., and both the Alm'ries, the 2 Sanctuaries, long and round Woolstaple, with King's st. and Canon-row to boot "(iii. 2).
(Map H5)
(Cant term. Area only; site unmarked)
A name applied to the sanctuary of Whitefriars, q.v. The 1st example of this use of the word is in 1623 in Thomas Powell's Wheresoe'er you See Me, Trust unto yourself; but it did not come into common use till the end of the 17th cent. A. was a kind of no-man's land between France and Germany; and consequently the laws of either country were inoperative there, as the laws of England were inoperative in Whitefriars.
There were 3 churches dedicated to this saint in old Lond.: - one on the S. side of Holborn Hill, now Holborn Viaduct, next door to the City Templecompletely rebuilt by Wren in 1687;
(Map H4)
- another, known as St. A.'s Wardrobe from its proximity to the Royal. Wardrobe, on the E. side of Puddledock Hill, now St. A.'s Hill;
(Map K6)
- the 3rd, and most interesting, St. A.'s Undershaft, at the corner of Leadenhall St. and St. Mary Axe.
(Map R4)
Here the May Pole used to be set up every year until the riot of 1517 caused its abolition. The Pole, which was higher than the ch. steeple, was stored for 52 years afterwards on hooks in front of the houses of Shaft Alley, and was then destroyed as an idol by the Puritans. The ch. fortunately escaped the Gt. Fire, and contains a monument to that prince of antiquarians John Stow, who was buried there in 1605.
It is to one of the 2 latter churches that reference is made in Middleton's Michaelmas i. 1, "Against St A.'s, at a painter's house, there's a fair chamber ready furnished to be let." John Webster, the dramatist, is said to have been for a time the clerk of St. A.'s, Holborn. But this is a late and unsupported statement.
The sign of many taverns in Lond. - At No. 1 High St., Islington, was a famous house where travellers lodged on their 1st night out of Lond. The old inn was pulled down in 1819.
- On the S. side of St. Giles St, now 61 High St., next St. Giles' Ch.; the half-way house on the rd. to Tyburn, where the convicts had a parting draught on their way to execution.
- In the Strand, behind St. Clement's.[ed note: St. Clement Danes] (Map F5) (area only; site unmarked)
A common booksellers' sign in Lond.- Of Andrew Wise's bookshop in Paul's Churchyard, where the 1st and 2nd quartos of H4 A. and R3 were published.
- Of a bookshop without Newgate. Alimony was "Printed by Tho. Vere and William Gilbertson and are to be sold at the A. without New-gate 1659."
- Of another bookshop in Popes-Head-Alley. T. Heywood's Fortune was, "Printed for John Sweeting at the A. in Popes-head-Alley 1655."
(Map K5)
There was a ch. of St. Anne within the precinct of Blackfriars, near the theatre, to the N. of Glasshouse Yard, which was new-built and enlarged in 1597. It was destroyed in the Fire and not rebuilt. It is possible that this is the ch. by which the Clown's house stood (Tw. N. iii. 1, 7), and that it was therefore natural for him to swear by St. Anne, as he does ii. 3, 125.
A cross in the city of Julio, the scene of Whetstone's Promos. Whetstone transfers many Lond. sts. to Julio; and by St. A. C. I think he means the Cheapside Cross, q.v. (Map M4)
The name was suggested by St. A. Ch. and St. A. Lane, which are close to the Cross. In the same play, B. i. 4, Phallax, arranging for a city pageant, directs; "Let pour man at. Saynt A. C., out oŁ hand, Erect a stage that the Wayghts in sight may stand."
(Map L4)
Lond., named after the Ch. of St. Anne-in-the-Willows [ed note: St. Anne and St. Agnes], which stood at the corner of it. It ran from Gresham St. to Falcon St., between St. Martin's and Noble St. [ed. note: The Agas map seems to have this lane running into Noble Street from Pope Lane: Gresham and Falcon are not identified] The ch. was destroyed in the Gt. Fire and rebuilt by Wren. It contained a monument to Peter Heywood, the man who apprehended Guy Fawkes. It is now the Ch. of St. Anne and St. Agnes. "Faith Harrie," says Robin in More ii. 1, "the head drawer at the Miter by the great Conduit called me up and we went to breakfast into St. A. L." The Mitre was in Bread St., close to Cheapside, where the great Conduit stood, and therefore only a few steps from St. A. L.
(Map Q12)
(area only; site unmarked)
A spring in Hoxton, near Shoreditch, afterwards made into an open-air bathing pool. In Nichols' Discourse of Marriage (1615), the origin of the name is given. "An Alderman's wife of Lond. . . . being deserted by her 2nd husband, "went into a spring near Shoreditch, and there ended her days and sorrows by drowning; which font to this day is christened by her name . . . and called by her name Dame A. a Clare." In Greene's Thieves Falling Out (1637), Kate, a woman of the town, defends her profession thus: "The suburbs should have a great miss of us; and Shoreditch would complain to Dame Anne a C. if we of the sisterhood should not uphold her jollity." In Brome's M. Beggars ii. 3, Patrico speaks of his wife as having "a throat as clear as was dame Annisses of the name." In Tarlton's News out of Purgatory, we have, "Upon Whitson Monday last I would needs to the Theatre to a play, where when I came I found such a concourse of unruly people that I thought it better solitary to walk in the fields. Feeding my humour I stepped by dame Anne of Cleeres well, and went by the backside of Hogsdon." In Dekker's Satiro. iii. 1, 2481, Tucca says to Miniver, "Thou shalt, my sweet dame A. a cleere, thou shalt, for I'll drown myself in thee." In Wilkins' Enforced Marriage ii. 2, the Clown, who is weeping, says, "O mistress, if ever you have seen Demoniceaclear, look into mine eyes," where Dame A. a C. is meant. In Jonson's Barthol. iii. 1, Whit, the Irish Bawd, promises Mrs. Littlewit, "Tou shalt ha' de clean side o' de tableclot, and di glass vashed with phatersh of Dame Annesh C."
(Map N5)
An ancient ch. in Watling St, on N. side of Budge Row, Lond. Destroyed in the
Gt. Fire and rebuilt by Wren with a curious composite column at the top of the
spire. It was pulled down in 1874, but the site is marked by a memorial. A number
of clergymen of Puritan views established a morning lecture here in 1599, the
bell for which began to ring at 5 a.m. and was a great nuisance to the neighbourhood.
Dugdale says, "it was the grand nursery whence most of the seditious preachers
were after sent abroad throughout all England to poyson the people with their
antimonarchical principles." Baneswright, in Mayne's s Match iv. 5, describes Madam
Aurelia: "She will outpray a preacher at St. Ant'lin's and divides the day in
exercises." Mrs. Flowerdew, a Puritan lady who has come to criticize the play
at the Salisbury Court Theatre, says, "This foppishness is wearisome; I could
at our St. Andins, sleeping and all, sit 20 times as long" (Randolph, Muses
ii. 4). In Mayne's s Match i. 5, Seathrift, the brother of the virtuous Dorcas,
says, "Do you think I'll all days of my life frequent St. Andins, like my sister?"
Openwork, in Middleton's R.G. ii. 1, complains that his wife has a tongue "will
be heard further in a still morning than St. Antling's bell." In the Puritan the
2 servants of Lady Plus, the widow of Wading St., are named Nicholas St. Antlings
and Simon St. Mary-Overies., They enter (i. 3) "in black scurvy mourning coats,
with books at their girdles, as coming from ch."; and are addressed by Corporal
Oath as "Puritanical scrape shoes, flesh-o'good-Fridays." In Cartwright's Ordinary
i. 5, Hearsay hopes to have "all sorts repair as duly to us as the barren wives
of aged citizens do to St. A." Davenant, in Plymouth i. 1, speaks of "these 2
disciples of St. Tantlins that rise to long exercise before day." John, in Heywood's
I.K.M. B. 255, says, "Instead of tennis court my morning exercise shall be at
St. Andins." Quomodo, in Middleton's Michaelmas v. 1, knew "a widow about St.
Antling's so forgetful of her first husband that she married again within the
12 months." In Brome's Damoiselle iii. 2, Magdalen, the wife of Bumpsey, says,
"we'll find Lecture-tmes [to take lessons in dancing] or baulk St. Antlin's for
't the while."
(Map P4)
(area only; site unmarked)
Almshouse and free school in Lond., founded in the reign of Henry III on the site of a Jewish synagogue on N. side of Threadneedle St. Originally a cell of St. A. in Vienna, but in the reign of Edward IV was annexed to St. George's, Windsor. The proctors, remembering that St. A. was the special protector of pigs, used to rescue starved or diseased pigs from the markets, tie a bell round their necks, and let them feed about the place; and "if the pig grew to be fat . . . the Proctor would take him up to the use of the Hospital." So Stow testifies from personal observation. In his time, however, the hospital was dissolved and the chapel assigned to the use of the French Protestants of Lond. It was pulled down about 1840.
In Bale's Laws viii. 6, Infidelity says, "Good Christen people, I am come
hither verily as a true Proctor of the house of S. A."; and amongst the charms
he boasts of possessing is "a bell to hang upon your hog, and save your cattle
from the biting of a dog." In Bale's Johan 262, Sedition says, "Let S. A. hog
be had in some regard." In Chapman's Usher
iv. 2, Poggio says to Vincentio, "I have followed you up and down like a Tantalus
pig": a curious perversion of St. A. pig. The school was a famous one, and had
among its pupils Sir Thomas More and Archbp. Whitgift. It was the rival of St.
Paul's, and there were many fights between the "A. pigs "and the "Paul's pigeons,"
as the boys nicknamed one another. The Bank of England now occupies its site.
Laneham, in Letter 61, says, "I went to school forsooth both at Pollez and also
at St. Antoniez."
An eating-house in Lond. See ANTONY'S. In B. & F. Wit S. W. iv. 1, Gregory says to Cunningham, "I have been seeking for you i' the bowling green; Enquired at Nettleton's and A. o."
(Map E4)
(area only; site unmarked)
Another name for the Rose Tavern in Russell St., Lond., close to Drury Lane, Antony
being apparently the name of the host. A room in the Rose is depicted in the 3rd
plate of Hogarth's Rake's Progress. It had an evil reputation as a gambling hell
and a haunt of women of the town. In Barry's Ram,
Capt. Puff declares it to be his ambition, if he can get hold of a rich wife,
to eat at Clare's Ordinary and dice at A. (iii. 1). In Shirley's Hyde Park iii.
1, when Venture and Bonavent begin to quarrel and draw their swords, Lord Bonvile
comforts the agitated ladies by assuring them that "A cup of sack, and A. at the
Rose Will reconcile their furies." In B.'& F. Wit S. W. iv. 1, Gregory says to
Cunningham, "I have been seeking for you 1, the bowling green; Enquired at Nettleton's
and A. ordinary."
The name of the room where Jonson's Tavern Academy used to meet, in the Devil Tavern in Fleet St., next to Temple Bar.
(Map G5) (area only; site unmarked)
It was on the 1st floor at the back.
The Latin rules of the Academy are given in full in Gifford's edition of Jonson.
Marmion, in Companion, puts a bit of his own experience into the mouth of Careless,
who, in ii. 4, enters drunk and says, "I am full of oracles; I am come from
A. . .. From the heaven Of my delight where the boon Delphic God Drinks sack
and keeps his Bacchanalias, And has his incense and his altars smoking, And
speaks in sparkling prophecies: "thence do I come." In Shirley's Love Maze i.
2, Caperwit says, "If I meet you in A., a pottle of the best ambrosia in the
house shall wait upon you." In his Fair
One iii. 4, Fowler says, "To the Oracle, boys, Come, we'll have thy story
in A." In Brome's Moor ii. 1, the Boy cries: "Jerome! draw a quart of the best
Canary into the A." In Jonson's Staple ii. 5, Pennyboy Canter advises his nephew,
"Dine in A. with Pecunia, At brave D. Wadloos"; and he replies, "Content, i'
faith . . . . Simon the K. Will bid us welcome." Simon Wadloe was the Host of
the Devil Tavern, q.v. Accordingly, Act IV, Sc. I is laid "In the Devil
Tavern, The A." The bust of A. which adorned the room is still preserved in
Child's Bank. In Herbert's Travels (1639), the word is used in the sense of
a Banqueting Hall: the sultan was ushered into his A. where upon rich carpets
was placed a neat and costly banquet."
In B. & F. Prize ii. 6, Livia, says to Moroso, "There is no other use of thee now extant But to be hung up, cassock, cap and all, For some strange monster at A." The A. H. in Water Lane, Blackfriars, was not erected till 1670; up to that time the a. were connected with the Grocers' Company. I suspect that in this passage the Barber-Surgeons' Hall is intended, where certainly "anatomies," or skeletons, were preserved and exhibited. See under BARBERSURGEONS' HALL, for instances.
(Map R2)
(marked "Artillery Yard")
In Teasel Close, now A. Lane, Bishopsgate St. Without, Lond. The City Trainband,
established in 1585 to resist the Spanish invasion, met here to practise; and
here the Tower gunners came to do their exercises, firing their brass pieces of
great artillery at earthen butts. When Stephen, in Jonson's Ev.
Man I. iii. 3, hesitates to swear, "as I am a soldier," Wellbred reminds him
that his name "is entered in the A. G.," which gives him that privilege. The dramatists
are never tired of poking fun at the city soldiers, though, when the Civil War
came, the Lond. Trainbands showed that they were not to be despised. Thus Fowler,
in Shirley's Fair One v. 1, describes
"a spruce capt. that never saw service beyond Finsbury or the A. G." In Webster's
White Devil v. 6, Flamineo, mocking Vittoria and Zanche, who have shot at and
failed to kill him, says, "How cunning you were to discharge! do you practise
at the A.-yard?" Jonson, in Underwoods 62, pays the grounds a well-deserved compliment:
"Well, I say, thrive, thrive, brave A.-yard! Thou seed plot of the war; that hast
not spared Powder or paper to bring up the youth Of Lond. in the military truth."
In Shirley's Doubtful i. 1, a citizen says, "War is no A. G. where you come off
with 'As you were.'" In Middleton's Quiet
Life i. 1, Water-Camlet says, "Being at the A. G., one of my neighbours with
his musket set afire my breeches." In Lady
Mother iii. 1, Suckett says, "Here are men that has seen service," and Bunch
adds: "At a mustering or i' th' A. G." In Marmion's Leaguer iii. 4, Capritio disclaims
the character of a soldier: "I'll hardly trust myself," he says, "in the a.-yard,
for fear of mischief." In B. & F. Cure iii. 2, Piorato says, "I gave him then
3 sweats In the a.-yard, 3 drilling days." The scene is in Seville, but the authors
are thinking of Lond.
(Map R2)
(area only; site unmarked)
A row of houses in Lond. along a passage which led by the side of the A. Grounds, towards Bunhill Fields. Here Milton lived from 1664 to 1674, completed P. L., wrote P. R. and S. A., and died at the age of 66.
(Map H7)
(area only; site unmarked)
A pleasure resort in Upper Ground St., Southwark. In Massinger's Madam iii. ii, Shav'em complains that she is starved in her pleasures; "the heat-house for musk-melons and the gs. where we traffic for a. are to me in the other world." In Shirley's Hyde Park, Mrs. Carol stipulates with her lover, "I'll not be bound from Spring-Garden and the 'Sparagus "(ii. 4). Brome has a play entitled Sparagus Garden, where, in i. 31 Striker says to Moneylacks, "I heard you had put in for a share at the A. G.; or that at least you have a pension thence to be their gather-guest and bring 'em custom." Pepys confides to his diary of April 1668 that he went "over to the Sparagus G." In St. Hilary's Tears (1642), we read of ladies "who had wont to be hurried in coaches to the taverns and a. gs., where 10 or 20 pounds suppers were but trifles with them." In Alimony iv. 2, Madam Caveare says, "Let us imagine ourselves now to be planted in the Sparagus G., where, if we want anything, it is our own fault."
(Map P4)
In Old Broad St., Lond., close to the corner of Throgmorton St. The priory of the A. F. was founded by Humphrey Bohun in 1243. At the dissolution of the monasteries the house and grounds were granted to Sir William Paulet, who built his town house on the site, but spared the old ch. It was granted by Edward VI to the Dutchmen of Lond. for their services, and is still used by them. It survived the Gt. Fire, and the old nave is one of the few buildings in the city which were there in Shakespeare's lifetime. Here are buried the barons who fell in the Battle of Barnet, Hubert de Burgh, the beheaded Earls of Arundel and Oxford, and the equally unfortunate D. of Buckingham of Henry VIII's time.
(Map L5)
( marked "St. Augustine's Gate")
On the S.E. of St. Paul's Churchyard, Lond., leading to the Ch. of St. Augustine at the corner of Watling St. and Old Change. Near here was the Fox bookshop at which several of the Shakespeare Qq. were published. See Fox. Chivalry was "Printed by Simon Stafford for Nathaniel Butter and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Churchyard near St. Austens gate. 1605."
A tavern in Lond. Part I of Oldcastle ii. 1 is laid in a room in the A. I., without Bishop-gate. There was an A. I. in Aldermanbury, next to the ch., in 1700, which is still there in Nuns Court, but I have failed to find any trace of an A. I. in Bishopsgate.