licensed 12 June 1624
full synopsis available, click here
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I.i White Queen's Pawn and Black Queen's Pawn meet in an opening gambit. The Black Bishop's Pawn enters. He is a Jesuit. We learn that Black Queen's Pawn is a "secular" Jesuit, as women could become and proselytize in the world. There is a conspiracy between Black Queen's Pawn and Black Bishop's Pawn to try to convert White Queen's Pawn. White Queen's Pawn relates how she was in love with the White Bishop's Pawn, but he was castrated by the Black Knight's Pawn. Black Bishop's Pawn swears he could never grant absolution for such a crime. The more they converse, the more convinced Black Bishop's Pawn becomes that White Queen's Pawn cannot be won over. White Bishop's Pawn enters and sees Black Bishop's Pawn with White Queen's Pawn, but he believes in White Queen's Pawn's virtue. At the same time Black Knight's Pawn enters, sees White Queen's Pawn with the Jesuit Black Bishop's Pawn and believes she is already seduced. Nevertheless he approaches her. She rebuffs him as the monster that castrated her love.
The Black Knight enters, the Machiavel. He is plotting for the "universal monarchy" of the Catholic forces. Black Bishop's Pawn tells Black Knight that his working upon White Queen's Pawn is part of the quest for the universal monarchythe fall of one betokens the collapse of all.
The White King's Pawn enters, and we learn he is a spy for the Black House. He swears to confound the White House with his council and allow the Black House to defeat the White House and establish the universal monarchy.
In Act II White Queen's Pawn meets again with Black Bishop's Pawn. She believes him to be a holy counselor. He tries her obedience by ordering a kiss, she rebukes him. She swears to reveal him as an arch-hypocrite after he swears to take both her life and honor if she will not willingly give her honor up to him.
As Black Bishop's Pawn attempts to take White Queen's Pawn by force, a noise comes from within (made by Black Queen's Pawn) and Black Bishop's Pawn, fearful of discovery, lets White Queen's Pawn escape. Black Bishop's Pawn returns to Black Bishop and Black Knight carrying the news that he will be revealed by White Queen's Pawn. Black Bishop tells Black Bishop's Pawn to ride thirty leagues away, antedate letters back ten days, and Black Bishop will swear that Black Bishop's Pawn has been gone all during the time that White Queen's Pawn swears he tried to rape her. He will use the antedated letters for proof. Black Queen's Pawn leads Black Bishop's Pawn away into the "underground" passageway (into the trap?)
Black Queen's Pawn then goes to get Black Bishop's Pawn's letters. They might reveal his true nature. She intends to destroy them. Along the way she meets Black Knight's Pawn, who is lamenting his deed of castrating White Bishop's Pawn.
II.ii finds the Fat Bishop and his pawn (Fat Bishop's Pawn) awaiting the return of Fat Bishop's books from the printer. Fat Bishop is a turncoat and has switched to the White House from the Black. He now writes defamatory tracts against the Black House even though he is dissatisfied with the reward he receives in the White House. He hopes for advancement. Black Knight enters and, aside, says that he has a personal animosity toward the Fat Bishop. Fat Bishop once told him to cure his anal fistula by having himself hanged at Holborn. Fat Bishop is also repugnant to Black Knight because his writings hurt his cause for the universal monarchy. Black Knight plots with Black Bishop to lure Fat Bishop back onto the side of the Black House and then damn him "into the bag forever."
White Queen's Pawn tells the royalty of the White House of her near rape at the hands of Black Bishop's Pawn. Black Bishop and Black Knight produce the antedated letters from Black Bishop's Pawn "proving" that White Queen's Pawn is lying. White King and White Queen leave White Queen's Pawn to the penance of the Black House. White Knight and White Bishop suspect the truth and determine to free White Queen's Pawn. Black King punishes White Queen's Pawnshe is ordered to fast for three days. Black Queen raises it to four days. Black Bishop sentences White Queen's Pawn to twelve hours of kneeling all at once. Black Knight adds that the kneeling must be done in a room full of nude pictures. After this, there will be worse penance, they promise.
III.i finds Fat Bishop (played by Rowley) wondering why he has not received quicker advancement in the White House. Black Knight enters with a letter purporting to be from the Pope that seems to promise Fat Bishop that he will be next in line to the Papal throne if he'll only come back to the Black House. Fat Bishop immediately converts to the Black House.
Black Knight's Pawn enters with the news that White Knight and White Bishop have discovered the antedated letter trick. White Knight and White Bishop enter and demand the return of White Queen's Pawn. White King and White Queen are glad. Black Knight pretends he knew nothing about the forged papers. Black Queen's Pawn enters ahead of the White Queen's Pawn and announces that she saw all, that Black Bishop's Pawn is guilty and White Queen's Pawn is stainless. With this, Black Queen's Pawn wins the admiration of White Queen's Pawn. She also arouses the disbelief of the Black House. She confides secretly to the Black House that all this is a ploy to damn White Queen's Pawn after all.
We learn that Black King lusts after White Queen. We also learn that Black Knight has a vendetta against White Knight. Black Knight seizes White King's Pawn and strips off his white garment to reveal his Blackness in a ploy to disrupt the White House. Fat Bishop also reveals that he has rejoined the Black House. The White House leaves. Most of the Black House leaves. White King's Pawn turns to Black Knight for his advancement. Black Knight says pawns cannot be advanced and puts White King's Pawn into the bag.
Black Queen's Pawn tells White Queen's Pawn that she foresaw White Queen's Pawn's marriage in her magic mirror. For proof of the magic mirror, Black Queen's Pawn takes White Queen's Pawn to see it.
III.i finds a Black Jesting Pawn meeting a White Pawn. A Black Pawn enters and sandwiches the White Pawn between the two black pawns. Black Pawn kicks White Pawn who kicks Black Jesting Pawn. The effect is comic.
III.iii is the "magic mirror" scene. Black Queen's Pawn has set up a trick whereby White Queen's Pawn, a supreme gull, sees the reflection of the disguised Black Bishop's Pawn when she speaks her own name and asks to see her husband.
IV.i Goes outside. White Queen's Pawn and Black Queen's Pawn "happen" to spot the disguised Black Bishop's Pawn (who had, just before, been recognized by Black Knight's Pawn, who sued to him for absolution over having castrated White Bishop's Pawn, but who was sent away unsatisfied). White Queen's Pawn doesn't recognize him as Black Bishop's Pawn but as the husband she saw in the mirror. Black Bishop's Pawn feigns ignorance of the affair. Black Queen's Pawn, in order to prove the validity of the mirror to White Queen's Pawn, takes Black Bishop's Pawn in to see it.
When Black Queen's Pawn and Black Bishop's Pawn return to White Queen's Pawn, Black Bishop's Pawn swears he saw White Queen's Pawn in the mirror when he asked to see his wife. This convinces the gullible White Queen's Pawn. Black Bishop's Pawn suggests he and White Queen's Pawn go to bed since they are destined to marry anyway. White Queen's Pawn refuses to do so until they are married in fact. The refusal causes Black Bishop's Pawn trouble because, as a cleric, he cannot marry. Black Queen's Pawn advises him merely to contract the marriage to her. A contract is recognized as marriage in the secular world, but not in the religious world. Black Bishop's Pawn might convince White Queen's Pawn to bed with him while not technically breaking his vows to the church. The ploy works, they are contracted, Black Bishop's Pawn and White Queen's Pawn, and the assignation is arranged.
In IV.ii Black Knight has arranged for Fat Bishop to absolve Black Knight's Pawn of the sin of castrating White Bishop's Pawn. Unfortunately Fat Bishop cannot find any charge in his book regarding the absolution fee for castration. He finds fees only for murder, rape, simony, sodomy, and the like. Black Knight's Pawn determines to murder White Bishop's Pawn in order to be absolved for the murder as there is a fee for that absolution.
IV.iii is a dumb show. Black Queen's Pawn leads White Queen's Pawn into a chamber. Black Queen's Pawn then leads Black Bishop's Pawn into another chamber, turns off the light, and follows Black Bishop's Pawn into that chamber under cover of dark.
IV.iv finds White Bishop and White Knight determined to dissemble their way into the confidence of Black Knight and Black Bishop, whom they suspect of treachery. Black Knight and Black Bishop enter and invite them to the Black House. White Queen is left alone and is threatened with capture by Fat Bishop. White King rescues her, and Fat Bishop is put into the bag.
In V.i Black Bishop's Pawn, above, and Black Knight, riding in his litter, discuss the state of affairs in the game and predict victory. White Bishop and White Knight are brought in and entertained by the Black House.
V.ii finds White Queen's Pawn confronted by Black Bishop's Pawn now out of his disguise. Black Bishop's Pawn tries to gloat over having tricked White Queen's Pawn into bed, but he is confounded when Black Queen's Pawn enters to say it was she, not White Queen's Pawn, who slept with him. White Bishop's Pawn and White Queen enter and capture Black Bishop's Pawn. Black Knight's Pawn enters to kill White Bishop's Pawn, but White Queen's Pawn captures him instead.
V.iii finds White Knight and White Bishop in the Black House. Black Knight and Black Bishop try to seduce them over to their side, enticing them with promises of gourmandizing, whoring, ambitious advancement, and thievery to their hearts' content. That is the way of the Black House behind its pious facade. When Black Knight is tricked into admitting that the Black House is the master of dissembling, White Knight and White Bishop capture Black King "by discovery."
They win the game.
The White House enters and Black Bishop's Pawn, Fat Bishop, and Black Jesting Pawn are put into the bag (or are already in the bag from previously). They contend with one another in the "hell" of the bag. Next go in Black King, Black Queen, Black Knight, and Black Duke (Duke = Rook). All ends with the triumph of the White House.
Notes of Interest:
Middleton was guilty of breaking at least one law: it was illegal to present any modern Christian king onstage, and here was Philip IV and James I.
Plays to be compared:
The Induction features Ignatius Loyola talking to the recently awakened Error. Error has had a dream of a chess game. The personified chess pieces enter the stage and perform the dream.
This play was first presented on August 6, 1624 just after James I left the country. Knowing the play would be controversial, the King's Men waited until the King was away in order to play it. It ran only nine days before James returned, ordered the play closed, forbade the company from playing, and had Middleton arrested. It is nevertheless the most successful play of the Renaissance.
Measure for Measure and The Changeling, inter alia (for the bed trick).