Zaareth is apparently the name of one of the three Jews who visits Barabas in
the first scene of Marlowe's The Jew of Malta. Barabas uses this name, along with that of Termainte, to bid farewell to the Jews, but neither name is linked with a specific character.
Zabeta is the alternative name Diana, goddess of chastity and hunting, gives to her follower Eliza in Peele's The Arraignment of Paris. Both names indicate Peele's effort to engage the historical monarch Elizabeth I in his pastoral play and his design to flatter her as being nearly godlike.
Empress of the Turks, wife of Bajazeth in Marlowe's Tamburlaine Part 1. Bajazeth places her on his throne, his crown upon her head, and tells her to wait here while he goes to defeat Tamburlaine. The show is to impress Tamburlaine, and he boasts of her glory as wife and mother of their three magnificent sons. Tamburlaine places Zenocrate beside her, and the two women quarrel as the two armies clash. When the Turks are defeated, she curses Mahomet and is led away in Zenocrate's charge. She become slave to Zenocrate's handmaid, Anippe, but continues to curse Tamburlaine until Anippe threatens to have her whipped. She is made to feed Bajazeth, who is confined to a cage, from the scraps of Tamburlaine's table. Outside Damascus, she joins with Bajazeth in cursing Tamburlaine as he prepares to meet the combined forces of Egypt and Arabia. They both despair, and she doubts Mahomet's power. She goes to fetch water for her caged husband, but upon returning finds that he has dashed out his brains upon the bars of his cage. She runs mad at the sight and runs against the cage, braining herself as well. At play's end, Tamburlaine promises to give her an honorable burial.
A Jew, in charge of Hippolyta's household, and her intimate confidante in Fletcher and Massinger's Custom of the Country. He is unscrupulous and vicious in her service, extremely efficient, and remarkably lucky in his several escapes from the law for crimes committed in her service. He regards Sulpitia's brothel as his home, however, whatever the nature of his relationship to the latter. He acts specifically as Hippolyta's procurer, whether of sexual partners, useful experts in violent crime, or black magic. He approaches the destitute Arnoldo with money and an invitation to her house, gently reproves Rutillio for his offhand anti-Semitic remarks, and entices Arnoldo to Hippolyta's intended seduction. He is equally willing to frame Arnoldo on a capital charge when he rejects her, and is only spared punishment because of his mistress's protection. He also provides a Bravo for Leopold's planned attack on Arnoldo. Zabulon's skill as a spy enables him to inform Hippolyta of Arnoldo and Zenocia's relationship; he provides stranglers to murder Zenocia when his mistress desires it. When Hippolyta is thwarted by the couple's rescue, it is Zabulon who persists in scheming to satisfy her: he first suggests the recourse to murderous black magic which he knows Sulpitia can provide, again on condition that his mistress protect him from the law. The extent of Hippolyta's corrupt dealings with necromancy remains secret at the end of the play, she makes a point of offering to provide financially for both Sulpitia and Zabulon to enable them to live honestly hereafter. This may be seen as an attempt to forestall blackmail, as the couple are largely defined by their unscrupulous cupidity, or it may be an honest gesture resulting from Hippolyta's genuine repentance. Their acceptance of her condition to go straight may be equally sincere, but would be inconsistent with their cynical and successful partnership as previously seen.
A "ghost character" in Bale's God's Promises. Mentioned by John Baptist as an example of a prophet.
A Moorish soldier who reports on the battle to Muly Mumen in William Rowley's
All's Lost by Lust.
A "ghost character" in the anonymous Wisdom of Doctor Dodypoll. A servant of Dodypoll.
The word is used generically to mean an officer of the law in Brome's The Novella.- One is outside Guadagni's window when Flavia's chest of jewelry is thrown out, and he attempts to steal it.
- It is also a disguise adopted by Nicolo. Pantaloni instructs him to disguise himself as a Zaffi and bribe the loathed hangman Rastrofico to converse with the Novella. Instead, he reveals this plan to Fabritio. Dressed as a Zaffi, he encounters a real Zaffi outside Guadagni's house when Flavia's chest of jewelry is thrown out. The two conspire to split the contents. He returns at the end of the play dressed as a Zaffi to identify Fabritio as the hangman, prompting Fabritio to remove his disguise and marry Victoria/the Novella.
A "ghost character" in ?Clavell's The Soddered Citizen. Hodge mentions Mister Zam when he arrives, claiming the latter is his master, and the one who has sent him with the letter stating that Brainsicke's father has passed away.
Zanche is servant to Vittoria in Webster's The White Devil. She is a Moor. Flamineo lusts after her. She in turn is in love with Francisco (who is disguised as a Moor). She tells the disguised Francisco that she had a hand in helping Brachiano and Vittoria murder Isabella and Camillo. She plans to steal her mistress' jewels and run away with Francisco. She is murdered by Lodovico and his co-conspirators after she and Vittoria attempt to kill Flamineo with pistols that turn out to contain blanks.
Mentioned once in the stage direction of Fletcher's The Knight of Malta, this appears to be a misspelling for "Zanthia."
A "ghost character" in Mountfort's The Launching of The Mary. One of the underlings of Harman van Speult, listed by Sheathing-Nail.
ZANTHIA **1605
Zanthia, Sophonisba's maid in Marston's Sophonisba, first advises her to submit to Syphax. She then tells Syphax how Sophonisba escaped. When Sophonisba discovers her treachery, she persuades Syphax to have Zanthia arrested.
ZANTHIA **1618
Zanthia is an alternate name for Abdella, which is used in the stage directions and by Mountferrat for the first act of Fletcher's The Knight of Malta. There is no stated reason for the change. See "ABDELLA" for the entire note referring to this character.
ZANTHIA **1623
Zanthia, slave to Corisca in Massinger's The Bondman. She revolts and is able to exact revenge on her mistress by wearing Corsica's clothes and forcing Corsica to be her slave.
ZANTHIA **1631
Zanthia, a Moorish waiting-woman in Massinger's Believe As You List. She is a servant to Marcellus and Cornelia. She is recognized by Antiochus.
Zantippa is the beautiful but shrewish daughter of Lampriscus in Peele's The Old Wives' Tale. She rejects the request made by the Head from the Well of Life to have his beard combed and thus misses out on the reward of gold that is tied to this act of kindness. She finally marries the deaf braggart knight Huanebango.
The Zany in Dekker's If It Be Not Good is brought to the priory by the devil Shacklesoule with the Courtesans to tempt the Subprior with lusty songs and dances.
The Moors Baltazar and Zarack are Eleazar's loyal servants in the Anonymous Lust's Dominion. Zarack is both a character and a disguise assumed by Hortenzo.
- Baltazar and Zarack ought to kill Cardinal Mendoza and Prince Philip when the Court is in Eleazar's castle, but they do not succeed. Their victims flee with the help of two Friars, Cole and Crab. Eleazar then tells Baltazar and Zarack to kill Cole and Crab, which they do in Sevilla: Baltazar kills Crab and Zarack kills Cole. In V they have to put the Queen Mother, Prince Philip and the Cardinal in iron chains under a yoke. When Hortenzo comes and shows them Eleazar's ring to free the Queen Mother and Philip, they arrest him, too. Bribed by Isabella, Zarack sets Philip and Hortenzo free and kills his colleague Baltazar. Philip then kills Zarack, Philip and Hortenzo paint their faces black and assume the roles of Baltazar and Zarack.
- In V Hortenzo, acting upon Isabella's plan, paints his face black and assumes the role of Zarack. Thus disguised, he is able to trick and trap Eleazor and kill him.
A poor Jew in Hemminge's The Jews' Tragedy. He is the Machiavellian villain of the play. Zareck first appears as a ragged malcontent and is employed by Jehochanan as go-between for the Seditious Captains. He betrays the city by giving admittance to Skimeon's rebel army during a thunderstorm that drives the watch away. He incites civil disobedience by winning over the Captain of the Mechanicks and reading out Skimeon's anarchic proclamation to the mob. His loyalty to the Captains is revealed to be a pretense, as he secretly seeks revenge for his father's previous ruin at their hands. He delights in their growing rivalry and seeks to exploit it. He murders the High Priest Ananias for his son Eleazer, and gloats when guilt over the act drives Eleazer insane. To torment Eleazer further, he forces Peter, in disguise, to confront him as a figure from his nightmares. He is captured and brought to Titus for trial. Josephus blames him for the play's atrocities: the Captains' mutiny, the murder of Ananias, the destruction of the Temple and persecution of Miriam. He denies nothing and is condemned to torture and death, unrepentant and gloating to the last.
A "ghost character" in Hemminge's The Jews' Tragedy. His ruin before the play opens prompts Zarek, the Machiavellian villain of the play, to pretend loyalty to the seditious Captains while seeking their demise.
A Jewish usurer of Venice, who rails against Christians because they spurn him in Day, Rowley and Wilkins's The Travels of the Three English Brothers. He takes great delight in imprisoning Anthony Sherley (q.v.), who is unable to pay for a jewel thanks to Halibeck's plotting.
An informer used by Trifle in Davenant's News From Plymouth to disseminate fallacious news.
ZEAL **1617
A “ghost character" in the anonymous Pathomachia. One of the fifteen affections and the subject of the play. Love gives his queen Disdain and Clemency as her guard while taking Reverence, Zeal, Desire, Pity, Justice, Charity, and Affability for himself.
Zeal-of-the-Land Busy is a Banbury Puritan, suitor to Dame Purecraft in Jonson's Bartholomew Fair. Littlewit describes him as a former baker who had visions, has given over his trade AND become a zealous Puritan. Quarlous calls him a hypocrite and reports that he had debts and is a dull and arrogant fellow. It seems that Busy preaches renunciation of the pleasures of life while he secretly enjoys those pleasures in private. Busy is at Littlewit's house when Mistress Littlewit faints and says she wants to go to the Fair to eat pig. Busy follows the Littlewit party to the Fair, claiming that he will protect them from temptation. At the Fair, Busy is with the Littlewit party and enters Ursula's booth with the others to eat pig. After having ingested a huge quantity of pig, Busy rails against the vanities of the Fair. Littlewit pays Leatherhead to fetch the officers and charge Busy with disturbing the business, and the officers take the vociferous Puritan away. The officers intend to put Busy and Overdo/Madman in the stocks, but Haggis comes up with the idea of taking them before Justice Overdo. Since Justice Overdo cannot be found, they place Busy in the stocks with Overdo/Madman but do not lock them in. When Trouble-all diverts the officers' attention, Busy and Overdo/Madman run away. Busy exclaims they have been delivered by miracle. Busy enters the puppet-theatre and starts ranting against the vanity of the show. He launches into a dogmatic confutation with Puppet Dionysius and finally admits defeat only upon seeing under the puppet's costume and realizing that it is genderless. He accepts this and allows the play to go on. However, the puppet play remains unfinished, and a less zealous Busy is in the party invited to Overdo's house, where the play is expected to continue.
A box-maker and suitor to Mistress Ursely for the parsonage’s sake in Hausted’s Rival Friends. He is identified as the ringleader of the suitors and says he went to both universities. He speaks through his nose when he woos. He has not taken orders but gave a sermon to a female audience and has seventeen letters of commendation from amongst their neighbors. When Bully Lively pretends to die, he and the other suitors begin pulling at Ursely as on a rope to win her quickly. When Anteros receives the parsonage deed and Sacrilege Hook drives Zealous off, he and the other suitors flock to Anteros and call him patron. He is driven off by Anteros as unworthy to marry his sister.
A "ghost character" in Bale's God's Promises. Mentioned by Isaiah as an example of a good king.
An amazon in Shirley's The Arcadia, actually Pyrocles in disguise.
ZELMANE **1606
Zelmane is the name used by Lisander in his disguise as an Amazon in Day's Isle of Gulls.
ZELMANE **1638
Only mentioned in Glapthorne's Argalus and Parthenia. Mentioned as part of the on-going complications of the greater romantic plot of Sidney's 'Arcadia'. Philarchus notes that her death, along with the continuing imprisonment of his daughters, is causing the King such grief that he may relent and allow Amphialus the hand of Philoclea.
Zelota is the shrewish wife of Raph Cobbler in Wilson's The Cobbler's Prophecy. Mercury punishes her by driving her insane, although this makes matters worse for Raph, so Mercury sends her to sleep. Later, Zelota runs on stage, still mad, just in time to stab Emnius to death as he tries to kill Raph. She then recovers her sanity. The Duke sends Raph and Zelota to prison for murder. But in the conclusion, the Duke pardons them.
Astioche's husband in Heywood's Love's Mistress, he accompanies Admetus and his daughters to Delphi.
ZEMES **1618
Baiazet's younger brother in Goffe's Raging Turk, Zemes is equally ambitious, and resolves to challenge Baiazaet's power. He recruits the King of Armenia as an ally. When they meet Achmetes and the sons of Baiazet in battle, Armenia flees. Zemes and Achmetes fight; Achmetes prevails, and leaves the field believing he has killed the younger man. Zemes survives, however, and goes to Rome to seek help from the Pope. There he is courteously received, but his request for military aid against his brother is denied. His host, in order to avoid war with the Turks, poisons him.
In Act One of T.D.'s The Bloody Banquet, he urges his Father, Armatrites, not to usurp the Lydian
throne. He hopes that his Sister, Amphrodite, will accept the amorous
advances of Tymethes, the son of Lydia's King. He pays his respects to his
jealously-guarded Mother. In Act Two, he facilitates communication between
Tymethes and the disguised Roxona. In Act Four, he is bewildered by the
stories related to him by Tymethes of the elaborate banquet attended by the
mysterious, veiled lady (who is actually Zenarchus' Mother, the Queen of
Cicilia). In Act Five, he mourns Tymethes, getting some solace when he
convinces his Father that Mazeres is worthy of death. In revenge for this,
his Sister poisons his wine, killing him for precipitating the downfall of
her new paramour, Mazeres.
Daughter of Charino, chaste and constant wife to Arnoldo in Fletcher and Massinger's Custom of the Country. Although modest, she is fiercely outspoken: firstly, in defense of her decision to marry an Italian stranger, despite her father's misgivings. She resists his attempt, under compulsion, to give herself entirely to the lustful Count Clodio, who is intending to ruin her honor and happiness with the 'custom' of droit de seigneur. Between the wedding and the customary rape, she flees the country with her husband and brother-in-law. Their small boat is attacked by pirates, and the two men fail to defend her from capture. Alone and defenseless, she is enslaved by Leopold, who cannot persuade her to reveal her identity or nationality. In Lisbon (where her husband is also a refugee) Leopold gives her to his beloved but indifferent mistress, Hippolyta, persuading Zenocia to use all opportunities to plead for his love. Hippolyta's attempted seduction of Arnoldo failing, he is framed as a thief and sentenced to death. Zenocia accompanies her mistress to the abortive execution, sees Arnoldo apparently reconciled with Hippolyta and fears for his fidelity to her, as he, seeing her, fears for her chastity in such a sexually promiscuous house. Their happy reunion is prolonged by mutual suspicions of unchastity: Zenocia is the bolder in offering to give her own husband to her mistress, if that would make him happier, but on condition that they never meet again. His refusal confirms to her that his love for her is true. Hippolyta, having overheard all, sends stranglers to murder Zenocia- again she speaks out for honour above her life, when Arnoldo offers himself to Hippolyta to save her from a violent death. This threat is averted by the arrival of the Governor, her father and the now-repentant Count, who have pursued them. Seemingly reunited at last, Zenocia is struck down with a fatal charm worked on Hippolyta's orders, and seems likely to die of a lingering illness. Arnoldo falls equally ill in perfect sympathy, and to save him, Hippolyta recants. Their true love is so moving that she also gives the couple a huge dowry to start their happy married life together at last.
Daughter of the Soldan of Egypt and beloved of Tamburlaine in Marlowe's Tamburlaine Part 1. Tamburlaine captured her as she traveled with safe conduct from Media to meet her betrothed love, the King of Arabia. Though pleading for her safety, she recognizes Tamburlaine's lordly bearing from the first. When the Median retinue are awestruck and agree to join Tamburlaine, she reluctantly agrees to remain as well. Later, we learn that Tamburlaine has raped her, and, after a period of despising him, she falls in love with her captor. When Bajazeth seats his wife, Zabina, on his throne, his crown upon her head, and bids her await his victorious return, Tamburlaine places Zenocrate beside the Turkish empress, his crown upon her head, and promises to bring the defeated Turks back to lay at her feet. In this scene we learn that she is betrothed to Tamburlaine. As the battle takes place offstage, the two women quarrel. When the Turks fall, she gives Zabina as a slave to her handmaid, Anippe. Outside Damascus, she asks Tamburlaine to show mercy on her people, the Egyptians, but he denies her. He later promises to spare her father and friends. She grieves the deaths in Damascus and comes upon the suicides of Bajazeth and Zabina. She fears for Tamburlaine that Fortune will bring him low as she did the Turkish emperor. As the battle between Tamburlaine and the Egyptian and Arabian forces engages, she likens herself to Lavinia from Virgil's Aeneid, caught between Turnus (represented by her father and former love) and Æneus (Tamburlaine). The king of Arabia is wounded and, having fought his way to her, dies in her arms professing his love. She rejoices, however, to see her father alive and both freed and enriched. The play ends with her coronation and the promise that Tamburlaine will perform a marriage rite with her.
Tamburlaine's wife and queen in Marlowe's Tamburlaine the Great, Part 2. She wants her husband to retire from dangerous warring but accepts his determination to fight forever. She defends the boldness of her sons when Tamburlaine suggests that they are too pretty and feminine to be good soldiers. She falls ill in II.iv. She affirms her everlasting love for Tamburlaine, takes leave of her sons, and begs Tamburlaine to live even though she die. Tamburlaine embalms her with cassia, ambergris, and myrrh and sheaths her body in gold rather than lead. Her body is taken along on campaign. Her hearse is brought out in the final scene, and Tamburlaine dies upon it.
ZENON **1635
Alias Pelius in Killigrew’s The Prisoners. A disguised lord of Sardinia in love with Zenonia. On the battlefield, he unmasks to show Eumenes that he is Pelius. He insists that Eumenes make good his wooing of the fair Zenonia, but when he will not they fight and Eumenes falls. He next goes to act the part of Eucratia’s body guard in hopes that she may speak well of him to Zenonia. He is next seen defending Leucanthe in her flight to Gillippus’ galley. He is willing to fight past Hipparchus but discovers he need not when Hipparchus honors him for killing Eumenes and allows him to pass. During the act four storm, he intentionally interrupts Gillippus’ attempted rape to Leucanthe to remind him to tend his foundering ship. Though much is made of his love for Zenonia, his plot line remains unresolved by play’s end. He is last mentioned when Gillippus in soliloquy mentions that he had Zenon bind Leucanthe to him before the ship sank. We do not learn what became of Zenon/Pelius in the storm.
ZENONIA **1635
A “ghost character" in Killigrew’s The Prisoners. Eucratias’ lady, abused by Eumenes and defended by Pelius disguised as Zenon.
A "ghost character" in Bale's God's
Promises. Mentioned by John Baptist as an example of a prophet.
Zepherius (also Zepheron, Zepheronus, Zepheronio) is one of Brishio's two sons in the anonymous Knack To Know An Honest Man. The two brothers ask the senators for help after their father has been banished, but they are rejected. Sempronio gives them jewels and talks to them about the selfishness of the age. He also tells them that their niece and sister will be attacked that night and that they should stand watch to protect them. In the ensuing fight they wound Fortunio as he attempts to knock down the doors of the house to seize Lucida and are arrested by Marchetto. He passes them to Servio who passes them to his daughter Phillida for her to guard. She offers to let the brothers free if, when Orphinio, the other brother, returns to Venice, he marries her. The sons accept the offer and Phillida gives them Servio's signet ring, which they are to show to the porter as a mark of Servio's permission. Having escaped, the two brothers meet Lelio and, with swords drawn, try to persuade him to return to Venice to face his punishment, an action that would cause the order exiling their father, Brishio, to be withdrawn. Brishio however reprimands them for their unkindness and they humbly apologise to their father and to Lelio, explaining that their actions were governed by love. Lelio voluntarily leaves for Venice, which Brishio assumes is the result of his sons' behavior. He tells the brothers to go to Venice to rescue Lelio even if it means they have to die themselves. They obey. They arrive in Venice as Lelio is being condemned to death and, blaming themselves for his fate, and despite Lelio's insistence that his surrender was voluntary, they offer themselves for the death penalty.
At Cupid's request in Heywood's Love's Mistress, and to earn from the latter a beautiful new robe, the god of the west wind agrees to transport Psiche from the hilltop to Cupid's bower.
A "ghost character" in Bale's God's
Promises. Mentioned by John Baptist as an example of a virtuous man.
A "ghost character" in Peele's David and Bethsabe. Zeruia is David's sister and the mother of Joab and Abisai.
Zethar is a neighbor of Isaac in ?Udall's Jacob and Esau. He stresses the importance of bringing up children properly, blaming Isaac for failing to get Esau to control himself.
A "ghost character" in Bale's God's
Promises. Mentioned by Isaiah as an example of a wicked king.
A "ghost character" in Bale's God's
Promises. Mentioned by Moses as an example of God's mercy and guidance.
Zorannes' name throughout most of Suckling's Aglaura (first version) and also Aglaura (second version) when he is in disguise.
Mahomet's sister in ?Greene's Selimus I. She is captured when Acomat and his forces attack Natolia. She begs for her life but Acomat has her strangled. After being murdered by Acomat, Mahomet's and Zonara's coffins are brought before Bajazet by the wounded Belierbey and two soldiers.
A lord in Cynthia's court in Lyly's Endymion. Cynthia sends him to Greece in search of a remedy for Endymion's curse. We learn through him and Panelion that Bagoa betrayed Dipsas' curse, so now the court knows why Endymion had slept.
Aglaura's brother in Suckling's Aglaura (first version) and still in love with Orbella, the Queen, he has disguised himself as "Ziriff" and returned to the Persian court in order to get revenge upon the King who killed his father. He pretends to be in the plot with Ariaspes so that he can have the King killed, but he really plans to kill Ariaspes, too. He warns Thersamnes about the dangers to him several times. It is Zorannes who tells the King to meet Aglaura in the cave, and drops a covert hint to her that she takes to mean that she ought to stab the man she will meet in the cave. However, Zorannes has already killed the King before she arriveshe has also killed Jolas and Ariaspesand so she mistakenly kills Thersamnes instead. He tells her not to blame herself, but she dies of a broken heart anyway. He has witnessed for himself Orbella's amorous passages with Ariaspes, but is persuaded to forgive her, and he is poisoned when he inhales the contents of the box she opens.
In the "happy ending" second version, the character engages in much the same action. Aglaura's brother in Suckling's Aglaura (second version) and still in love with Orbella, the Queen, he has disguised himself as "Ziriff" and returned to the Persian court in order to get revenge upon the King who killed his father. He pretends to be in the plot with Ariaspes so that he can have the King killed, but really plans to kill Ariaspes, too. He warns Thersamnes about the dangers to him several times. It is Zorannes who tells the King to meet Aglaura in the cave, and drops a covert hint to her that she takes to mean that she ought to stab the man she will meet in the cave. However, Zorannes has already captured the King before she arrivesalong with Jolas and Ariaspesand so she mistakenly stabs Thersamnes instead. Zorannes tells her not to blame herself. He has witnessed for himself Orbella's amorous passages with Ariaspes, but is persuaded to forgive her. His forgiveness does not extend to a kiss, however, and so he is not poisoned. Zorannes places Thersamnes on the throne and is able to accuse all the guilty parties. He decides not to condemn the king, however, and is fully accepted back into the court at play's end.
Zorastes is a Muslim sorcerer in service to Sultan Shamurath of Babylon in the anonymous Guy Earl of Warwick. He promises to conjure spirits and fiends to defeat Guy; however, Guy fights through the Muslim forces. Zorastes attempts and fails to hurl Guy into the sea. As the Muslims fall to the Christians, Zorastes flees, never to be seen again.
Only mentioned in Tomkis’ Albumazar. Son of Oromasus. Albumazar’s magical cant includes this allusion.
Wife to Don Zuccone, "a virtuous, fair, witty lady" in Marston's Parasitaster, or The Fawn. "Zoya" is a variant of "gioia," meaning a precious or joyful thing. She invents a rumor that she's pregnant to torment her husband for neglecting his marital duties, and pretends in his sight to offer herself to Nymphadoro, Hercules, Herod, and Sir Amoroso. She pretends to protest when he publicly repudiates her, and, when Don Zuccone's groundless denunciation of her is exposed, is embraced by the court for her honor and wit. When Don Zuccone begs her to take him back she refuses him, echoing his own words of repudiation. In the Masque of Cupid's Council, however, he begs pardon again and, after forcing him to promise her to be a perfect husband and to give her complete freedom, Donna Zoya grants it.
Zoylus is a court dwarf to Leucippus in Beaumont & Fletcher's Cupid's Revenge. He is described as 'the most deformed fellow i'the Land'. Cupid makes Hidaspes fall in love with Zoylus, and she asks permission of her father, Leontius, to be allowed to marry him. Leontius refuses, and orders that Zoylus be executed despite his protestations of his innocence.
"A causelessly jealous lord" in Marston's Parasitaster, or The Fawn. "Zuccone" means a shaved or knobby skull. He becomes enraged on hearing the rumor that his wife, Donna Zoya, with whom he has not slept in four years, is pregnant. He publicly repudiates her, despite her pleas; Hercules/Faunus manipulates him into loudly vowing never to take her back. Distraught at both the loss of Donna Zoya and the fact that he has become the laughingstock of the court, Don Zuccone vows to humbly beg her pardon and does so, but she refuses him, echoing his own words of repudiation. He is accused of slander during the Masque of Cupid's Council, and begs Donna Zoya once again to take him back, receiving her assent after promising her to be a perfect husband and to grant her complete freedom.
Alternate spelling for Soliman in Kyd's Soliman
and Perseda as well as being the alternate title for the play.
Zweno is the King of Denmark in [?]Wilson's Fair Em, the Miller's Daughter. He is furious when King William steals Mariana from his court, and is even angrier when he learns that it was Blanch, not Mariana, that William stole. He blames Lubeck and Mariana, and imprisons them. Then he takes an army to England to demand Blanch's return. When William realizes that he has stolen the wrong woman, he apologizes. Zweno offers to let him marry Blanch anyway and is offended when William refuses her. But in the conclusion William, instructed by witnessing Em's constancy, changes his mind and decides to marry Blanch, so all is well.