Benivenius, Antonio. De Abditis Nonnulis Morborum Causis (1507).

Chaucer, Geoffrey. Troylus and Criseyde (f. pr. 1483).

De Serres, Jean. A General Inventory of the History of France. Trans. Edward Grimeston (1607).

Grimeston, Edward. General History of France (1611).

(perhaps) Painter, William. The Palace of Pleasure (collection of tales, 1566-7).

Pasquier, Étienne. Les Recherches de la France (pr. 1560-5).

Petronius. Satyricon.

Piccolomini, Alessandro. L’Alessandro (Italian play, 1550).

Salernitano, Masuccio. Il Novellino (1475).

(perhaps) Sidney, Philip. The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia (1590).

Tabouret, Estienne. 'Aopophtegmes du S. Gavlard, Gentilhomme de la Franche-Comté Bourguignotte', appended to some editions of Tabouret’s Les Bigarrures du Seigneur des Accords (1583)

Terence. Adelphi.

Terence. Heautontimoroumenos.