
[adaptation of Macropedius's Rebelles]


a synoptic, alphabetical character list


A persona adopted by Iniquity when he serves the judge Daniel.


A prudent child. He is the brother of Ismael and Dalilah and the son of Xantippe. He urges them to follow his example, and to eschew sinful behavior, but to no avail. When he encounters the diseased Dalilah later, he is saddened by her plight, and offers her both spiritual and medical aid. Later, he prevents his mother from killing herself and gives her spiritual instruction.


A reckless child. She is the sister of Barnabas and Ismael and the daughter of Xantippe. Encouraged by Ismael, Dalilah renounces education in favor of indulgent pastimes. She quickly becomes the lover of the gambling, swearing Iniquity. When the two quarrel over money, and Iniquity strikes her, she leaves him in a rage. Soon after, she reappears, ravaged by disease and admits that her sickness is a just punishment for her sins. She blames her parents for not correcting her wayward behavior. Meeting Barnabas, she leaves with him to receive spiritual and medical comfort, eventually repenting sincerely before she dies.


A judge. He refuses Iniquity's bribe and sentences Ismael to death. When Ismael blames Iniquity for his corrupt state, Daniel has Iniquity arrested and sentences him to death as well.


The Epilogue reminds the audience of the importance of strict moral training for children.


A neighbour of Xantippe. She encourages Xantippe to exercise more control over Ismael and Dalilah but to no avail.


The lover of Dalilah, and friend of Ismael. He encourages both of them in a variety of immoral activities. After a fight with Dalilah, he turns up in the guise of Bailey Errand, an official in the service of the judge Daniel. He is quickly dismissed after trying to bribe the judge, though he remains to see the trial of Ismael. When Ismael denounces him as an agent of corruption, he angrily denies the charge, but is arrested and sentenced to death.


A reckless child. He is the brother of Barnabas and Dalilah and the son of Xantippe. Ismael scorns learning and encourages his sister to find pleasure elsewhere. He cavorts with Iniquity and Dalilah, and when he loses his money gambling, goes out to steal more. Later, having been arrested, he appears before the judge Daniel and is declared guilty of a variety of crimes, including theft and murder. He is sentenced to hanging, but before he is executed, he successfully accuses Iniquity of bringing him to his criminal ways.


Citing Solomon's advice not to spare the rod with children, the messenger delivers a prologue explaining the importance of strict discipline.


Citing Solomon's advice not to spare the rod with children, the messenger delivers a prologue explaining the importance of strict discipline.


The spokesperson for the jury at Ismael's trial. The jury returns the guilty verdict.


Only mentioned. The Messenger cites Solomon's advice not to spare the rod with children.


A messenger. He informs Xantippe of the deaths of her daughter Dalilah, who has contracted the pox, and her son Ismael who has been executed. Worldly Shame mockingly blames Xantippe herself for the deaths of her children and leaves her a knife with which to commit suicide.


An indulgent mother. She refuses to discipline her children Ismael and Dalilah on the grounds that they are already too strictly punished at school. When she learns that both children have died because of their sinful ways, she is stricken with grief and attempts to kill herself. Prevented from suicide by Barnabas, she accepts his spiritual guidance.